Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 36: Incredible

Chapter 36: Incredible

When the boys and girls jumped in front of Qin Yan, they grabbed Qin Yan's arms from left to right, and pulled him into the boundless darkness.

A sedan chair came speeding up in the distance, and the sedan chair was carried by four bearers.

The four bearers had dull eyes and expressionless faces, just like puppets.

When the sedan chair was carried in front of Qin Yan, the curtain of the sedan chair would automatically swing without wind, and it would be thrown onto the roof of the sedan chair by itself.

Boys and girls bent down at the same time to ask Qin Yan to get on the sedan chair.

At this moment, Qin Yan felt like a puppet being manipulated by someone. He clearly knew that he could not get on the sedan chair, but for some reason, his legs seemed to be tied by a rope, and he lifted up and slowly walked into the sedan chair. go.

Just when Qin Yan raised his right foot, a shocking voice sounded from mid-air: "Looking for death!"

The word courting death rang in Qin Yan's ears like thunder, and Qin Yan couldn't help shivering.

The boys and girls screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

The four bearers raised their heads at the same time and looked into the dark mid-air. Their eyes were no longer dull, but became sharp and fierce.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, a stream of black blood spewed out from the necks of the four bearers at the same time, and their heads rolled off their necks like watermelons, fell to the ground with a "bang bang bang", and rolled to Qin Yan. feet.

Qin Yan couldn't help but took a step back, looking at the four heads with some fear.

The eyes of these four heads were still staring at Qin Yan closely, making Qin Yan shudder.

The four heads looked at each other, then suddenly bared their teeth and bit Qin Yan like a mad dog.

I go!Qin Yan cursed in his heart, turned around and ran away.

He never thought that these four ghost heads would dare to bite people after they were cut off.

But then Qin Yan discovered something that made him shudder. He was obviously running for his life crazily, but his feet felt like he was stepping on cotton, and he couldn't run very far.

Usually, I run out in one step, and there is a meter and a half if there is no two meters, but this time it is like dancing a ghost dance.

The range of motion is particularly large, but the distance to go can only be described as hehe.

"Master, don't panic! I'll teach you ghost skills now!" Murong Xuehan's voice suddenly came from Qin Yan's ear.

Hearing Murong Xuehan's voice, Qin Yan's heart that was so frantic that he wanted to go crazy calmed down instantly.

Like a drowning man suddenly hugging a floating log.

Before Qin Yan could speak, Murong Xuehan's voice rang in Qin Yan's ear again: "Heaven and Earth asked, Yin and Yang use the law, the three souls are immortal, the seven souls are immortal, kill!"

Qin Yan followed suit.

But after chanting the incantation, Qin Yan found that Mao's effect hadn't worked either, and the four ferocious ghost heads were still biting at him like mad dogs.

"Master! This is Yin-Yang Ghost Art, not Yin-Yang Dao Art. You have to leave your three souls to perform it!" Murong Xuehan said speechlessly.

In Murong Xuehan's heart, although Qin Yan is a little better, at least he is also a high-ranking apprentice of the Ma family, so he should know some basic knowledge!

Who would have thought that Qin Yan was actually a rookie among rookies, and a cute and ignorant one.

While dodging the attacks of the four ghost heads, Qin Yan said with a mournful face, "I don't know how to separate three souls!"

Murong Xuehan sent a voice transmission to Qin Yan: "Master, then I will teach you!"

"Laws rise, yin and yang open, and the three souls of heaven and earth respond; heaven and earth are connected, two poles are smooth, and the seven spirits of mystical magic and illusion are released!"

Murong Xuehan's voice sounded in Qin Yan's ear.

Qin Yan didn't bother to ask, and began to chant loudly.

After Qin Yan finished chanting the mantra, he immediately felt his body light and floating, and he was still slowly floating into the air.

Qin Yan lowered his head and saw that his body was standing on the ground like a wooden stake, while his soul was suspended a foot above the ground.

Let me go, this is the three souls separated from the body?Mamma Mia!So tall!

At this moment, Qin Yan felt pain in his feet and couldn't help screaming "ah".

Only then did Qin Yan realize that one of the heads had bitten his fleshy ankle, and jet-black blood splashed onto the teeth of that head like a fountain.

I say your old mother, dare to bite me, and see how I deal with you.

Qin Yan jumped into a rage, and immediately chanted the mantra loudly: "Heaven and Earth ask, Yin and Yang use the law, the three souls are immortal, the seven souls are immortal, kill!"

As the word "kill" was yelled, the four heads seemed to be crushed by an invisible forging machine, and there were four bursts of "bang bang bang" one after another.

But these four beeps sounded almost at the same time, so it sounded like one.

The four crushed heads were like watermelons, blood and brains were everywhere.

But soon, the plasma and brain matter disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the four heads turned into four thin sheets of paper.

Immediately afterwards, with a "boom", the four heads spontaneously ignited, and their bodies also ignited raging fire, and they were burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

When the wind blew, the ashes disappeared, leaving only a sedan chair quietly placed in front of Qin Yan.

Seeing that the four bearers were taken care of by himself, Qin Yan's heart sank, and he was relieved.

It was only at this moment that Qin Yan realized that a fine layer of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Qin Yan stretched out his hand and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

Halfway through wiping, Qin Yan suddenly realized that he couldn't wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead because his three souls had left his body now.

Mamma Mia!I actually forgot that I haven't returned to the body with three souls yet!

But how do you recite the incantation of the three souls returning to the body?

Qin Yan raised his head and looked into the air: "Murong Xuehan, how do you recite the incantation of the three souls returning to the body!"

"Master, follow me to read! Qian Yuan is cloudy, mysteries are boundless, the punishment of heaven is the most, and the three souls are all destroyed!" Murong Xuehan's voice came from midair.

Just as Qin Yan was about to chant along, Murong Xuehan's voice came again: "Master, don't chant, it's the soul-killing curse! You're committing suicide by chant!"

After hearing Murong Xuehan's words, Qin Yan was stunned.

what's the situation?Let me read it for a while, and not let me read it for a while, what happened?
etc!Murong Xuehan will definitely not harm me. Could it be that the voice just now was not Murong Xuehan's?
But that tone of voice, that tone, is clearly Murong Xuehan!
Just thinking of this, a cold and proud laugh came from all directions.

Obviously only one person is laughing, but it feels like there are countless people standing in different places laughing.

Qin Yan had heard this voice more than once, it was Huang Xiangu's voice.

"Hahaha! Murong Xuehan, you really deserve to be a ghost, yet you broke another formation of mine so quickly!"

"Weasel, you are not my opponent, I advise you to surrender obediently! My master thinks that it is not easy for you to practice, maybe he will spare your life!"

Murong Xuehan said in a cold tone, without the slightest emotion.

"Hahaha! Murong Xuehan, although you are a ghost, I already knew about it before you came, so I specially set up four formations to wait for you! You just wait to become me with your bullshit master Let's have some appetizers!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Xiangu laughed unscrupulously again.

 Two more chapters tonight!At the same time, I would like to ask, who knows the story of the nursery rhyme in chapter 36.Can speak out!If no one talks about it, I will talk about it in the book review tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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