Chapter 234 Powerful
Seeing that Yulin Che's aura was getting weaker and weaker, they could only be in a hurry and could do nothing.

Yulin Che had been unconscious for a long time, so naturally he couldn't give them any answer.

At this time, we can only think about ourselves first.

Re-use spells to warm up your body, and keep it in this state all the time.

After doing this, they looked up and found that there was still a long distance from the top, and they couldn't fly over, so they had to find another way.

Turning around this big rock, Yulin Tan found that there was a black hard lump doped on one corner.

He took a closer look and found that the black lump was connected to a long vine.

This vine is also black, not an ordinary resinous vine.

This thing is not used much in life, even very rare, because it is very flexible and extremely hard, it is a rare good material.

They didn't expect them to see such a thing here. If possible, find a way to use this iron vine to make an iron cable, and then find a way to connect it to the other side of the cliff, and they will be able to survive this crisis.

"Xiao Lang, come and take a look at this!"

He quickly called Yulin Lang.

Yulin Lang was also very surprised when he saw Tie Teng.

Unexpectedly, they survived a desperate situation. It seems that God doesn't want them to die.

"Now we're saved!"

A long-lost smile appeared on Yulin Lang's face.

The two of them looked at each other.

Although stones can be regarded as hard objects, they are cultivators no matter what, so it is still very easy to break them.

Breaking off the stone finally revealed what was inside.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of black vines, as long as they pull out this black vine, it will be fine.

Black vines grow out of stones, just like the weeds in the hanging gaps.

Because of its tenacious vitality, Shi Shan couldn't stop it at all.

Because the black vine squeezed out of the stone, his relationship with the stone is still relatively close, and it is not so easy to pull it out.

If you want to pull it out, you must use his special method.

Fortunately, Yulin Lang had some oil on him.

These oils can't make Heivine burn, but they can lubricate him very well.

He carefully dripped the oil into the gap.

With the help of oil, Hei Teng stretched out a little unconsciously.

At this time, Yulin Tan quickly grabbed Hei Teng and pulled it out vigorously.

The elasticity of the black vine is very good, it feels slippery just by grasping it, and it can be extended infinitely.

The two of them worked together and kept pumping out until they felt that they could almost connect to another cliff.

Next, it's time to think about how to connect this vine to another cliff.

Since neither of them can fly, this is a big problem.

"Xiao Tan, why don't I tie this vine to my body and jump off to have a look.

"Although there is a chance of falling, I feel that with my bouncing ability, I can jump tens of meters. Maybe there is a place where I can land in the middle of the two cliffs."

This time Yulin Lang didn't shirk, and took the initiative to invite Ying.

Objectively speaking, Yulin Lang did beat Yulin Di by more than 01:30 in jumping, but his proposal was too dangerous.

Let alone whether there is a foothold between the two cliffs, even if there is, he may not be able to find it.

"No, Xiao Lang, although I admit that your jumping ability is amazing, but I can't let you die like this."

"This place is really dangerous, and I just took a look, and there doesn't seem to be any place to stay between the two cliffs."

"Even if you jump down with a vine tomb, you will only be frozen by the cold."

"You should know that the place we are in is already very cold. If we go any further, even if we use our power, we will not be able to expel the cold air from our bodies."

"If I had to choose, I'd rather stay here with you and figure out a way, than let you take risks alone."

"What if something happens to me?"

For Yulin Tan's worries, Yulin Lang actually understood very well, but at this moment, if he didn't think of a way, the two of them, including the Yulin car lying on the ground, might be frozen to death.

Their mana is also limited, and in another half an hour, they might lose their lives due to the severe cold even if they don't need to kill the tomb guards.

So no matter how dangerous the front is, they must make a breakthrough.

"Stop talking, Xiao Tan, I understand what you mean, but I've made up my mind, trust me, I'll be fine."

"You remember to take care of the car!"

After saying this, he didn't wait for Yulin Tan to refuse again, he quickly tied the black vine and jumped far away
There is no way to fly over this place, but I didn't say that I can't jump over it!
While jumping out, he desperately used his power to protect his heart veins to prevent it from being frozen.

Although his body was shivering from the cold, his life was safe anyway.

Yulin Tan also really watched Yulin Lang jump down, and he immediately made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted down.

At the same time, I was almost moved to tears.

He never knew before that his two good friends would do such a thing for him.

Fortunately, the three of them are still alive so far, otherwise, he would regret that he didn't cherish them well.

No matter what happens in the future, he will treat his two friends well. After less than a day in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, he seems to have grown up a lot.

Yulin Lang didn't reply, because he couldn't speak at this time, so he could only devote himself to finding the foothold around him.

His eyes looked everywhere, afraid of missing a place where he could settle down.

At the same time, when the body is rushing forward, it is also falling rapidly. If he can't find a foothold, he may fall with the black vine.

Even if he had black vines tied to his body, he wouldn't fall to his death, but he was frozen to death by Kuang Leng.

Now he already felt fatigued, and the warmth that was added to his body gradually disappeared.

"It's cold, it's cold!"

His mouth was trembling, but he didn't dare to stop.

Succeed or benevolent!
At this moment, he suddenly saw a green thing, which seemed to be a big stone.

And that stone is right in the middle of the two cliffs.

Although the location is a bit low, fortunately, it can be connected to two cliffs.

If he managed to land on that rock, he would be able to touch the cliff on the other side by jumping again.

At that time, he will find a way to climb up and fix the rattan tomb on the cliff
In this way, Yulin Tan can carry the Yulin chariot on his back.

Thinking of this, he desperately adjusted his body, trying to fall onto the green stone.

But the impact force was almost gone, and now he had no other way to move forward except to descend.

He knew that this was impossible, so he slapped down forcibly, and used the momentum to take another step forward.

This time it successfully landed on the green stone.

Below is a vast expanse of whiteness, because of a little bit of green beans.

In fact, it is impossible to tell whether this piece is a stone or something else, but it can be stepped on anyway.

After Yulin Lang landed on the ground, he rubbed his hands quickly so that he could recover a little bit of warmth, then he breathed out towards his hands and continued to rub them.

When it feels about the same, he is ready to take off again.

The next target is naturally the cliff on the other side.

As long as you can touch it with your hands, you can throw it away.

I tried my best to jump, but this time I felt weak all over, and couldn't jump at all.

It's like ordinary people are affected by the gravity of the earth, even hundreds of times stronger than the gravity of the earth.

It is as heavy as the legs filled with thousands of tons of lead.

He doesn't know how he suddenly behaved like this

He lifted his feet up and down, but there was nothing strange about it.

He tried several times, with the same result.

Yulin Tan couldn't see the situation on Yulin Lang's side, so he could only yell over there.

"Xiao Lang, how are you? Have you found your foothold? If not, come back quickly. Yulin Lang wanted to tell him that he was fine, but when he opened his mouth, he found that his voice could not be heard at all.
Obviously his vocal cords were not damaged, so he replied that Tian Huo had come.

He had no choice but to set his sights on the opposite cliff again.

"Try again, I don't believe I can't jump over at all."

He thought silently in his heart, and then jumped up again.

But this time, there seemed to be an invisible hand holding his legs tightly.

He looked down and saw a green eye.

Since the stone and the eyes are the same color, he didn't realize that he was really taken aback at this time. He almost screamed out, but because he couldn't make a sound, he could only watch on the spot. As he spoke, his pupils widened.

What kind of stone is this? This is simply a monster!
"how so?"

"Under this cliff, would you like to see such a monster?"

"I've lived for so many years, but I've never heard of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and it's true that trespassing is not allowed!"

He stared blankly at the things under his feet, and suddenly realized that he had actually risen.

Naturally, it's not that he grew taller, but that the things on the soles of his feet moved!
That thing slowly emerged from the deep white mist, and it turned out to be an extremely huge toad.

But there are still many differences between him and Toad.

And this thing doesn't have four legs, but six!
I don't know what kind of monster it is, but it jumped up directly with Yulin Lang.

Toad's jumping ability is naturally incomparable.

And the most important thing is that this toad is not affected by the cliff, and it can jump tens of meters, or even nearly a hundred meters.

Seeing that Toad led him out of the abortion, he quickly jumped down and fixed the black vines on his body to the cliff.

Because they jumped too high, Yulin Tan, who was on the rock on the other side, also saw it.

Although he didn't know where the toad came from, but at least he took Yulin Lang to the other side of the cliff, so he felt that at least the toad didn't come to harm the two of them.

the other side.

"Xiao Tan, I've fixed the black vines, you can quickly crawl over with the car."

With the black vine as a bridge connecting the two cut-offs, it would be much easier for them to cross over.

As practitioners, they can effectively get rid of the shackles of gravity, making themselves as light as swallows in many cases.

So even if there was only a pool of rotten meat left on the Yulin cart, Yulin Tan would not feel how lightly he was stepping on the black vine, and he could easily maintain his balance.

The green six-legged toad jumped down again after bringing Yulin Lang to the opposite cliff, not knowing what was underneath.

Yulin Lang was very puzzled, where did this toad come from, why did he help him, and whether there was any other purpose.

But he couldn't communicate with the toad, so he could only let the toad jump away and disappear.

No matter what, as long as Yulin Tan can take away Yulin Che and come over safely, it will be fine.

His eyes were fixed on Yulin Tan above the black vine, and he was extremely nervous.

If the black vine broke at this time, Yulin Tan would fall completely with the Yulin chariot, and he couldn't fly himself, so there was no way to rescue him.

I kept thinking silently in my heart, come here quickly, come here quickly, Yulin Tan in front of me is also very powerful, and soon came to the middle of the two cliffs.

Up to now, it only took a few minutes, so in just a few more minutes, they will be able to meet Yulin Lang again.

They are using their magic power to maintain the temperature of their bodies all the time, so they can't hold on for too long.

At this moment, an accident happened suddenly.

The sack on Yulin Tan's back suddenly moved a few times, then broke away from Yulin Tan's control, and fell straight down.


Yulin Tan and Yulin Lang yelled, but there was nothing they could do.

"Xiao Tan, you come here first, and you will create danger!"

Yulin Lang saw that because of the excitement at this moment, Yulin Tan almost lost his footing and fell, so he hurriedly stopped.

Yulin nodded his head, forcibly stabilized his mentality, and quickly walked towards Yulin Lang.

Fortunately, there was no danger, he successfully met Yulin Lang.

After standing still, he immediately looked back to the bottom of the cliff.

It was still a vast expanse of whiteness, and it was impossible to see where Yalin had fallen.

"Xiao Lang, I'm sorry, I lost the car!"

His tone was full of sadness.

Yulin Lang couldn't bear to blame him, and he was indeed not to blame for this matter.

Just now he did see that it was Yulin's car that moved a little before it slipped off Yulin's back.

The two of them reacted at this moment, wondering if Yulinche had regained consciousness, so they moved.

If this is the case, does it mean that the Yulin car can still be saved?
But I don't know where it is under the cliff. There is only endless severe cold. If the Yulin car falls, it may be frozen instantly.

But this also has an advantage, that is, the poison of Yulin Che will not spread anymore.

Because of the development of technology, many terminally ill people will choose to temporarily freeze them with ice, and in a few decades, when the medical technology is enough to cure the terminally ill, they can be unblocked.

Perhaps after the Yulin car fell, it would be frozen like this, and they would have a chance to go back and find rescuers.

No matter how bad it is, they can go back and practice hard. After a few decades, when they have learned something, they will come back to Yulin Che.

Anyway, the lifespan of cultivators will increase infinitely with their cultivation, as long as they work hard enough, there will be plenty of time.

The two of them suddenly felt that perhaps this was the best arrangement of fate.

Even if they brought Yulinche back, Yulinche would surely die, so it was better to follow fate and stay here when he was swimming.

After figuring this out, Yulin Lang and Yulin Tan are no longer entangled.

"Xiao Lang, let's go, let him have a good rest at home, we will come back one day."

Yulin Lang nodded: "Good!"

Immediately after he looked down, the little student said solemnly: "Xiao Che, after the two of us finished talking, we started to draw things on the ground.

Naturally, it is the art of shrinking a thousand miles.

At the beginning, the other side of the cut-off was destroyed by the six-winged centipede, so the technique of shrinking a thousand miles was not completed, and they fell to the bottom instead.

Fortunately, it was a blessing in disguise. If they hadn't been knocked down by the six-winged centipede, they might not have found such a good way to cross the cliff.

Now that the six-winged centipede didn't come after them, they were finally left alone.

Quickly drawing various patterns on the ground, their hands trembled extremely,

After so much, I can finally leave

The only regret is that the three of them came in together, but only two of them could leave.

Soon, the painting was completed in a short distance.

They stood on the formation, and the formation on the ground began to emit a strong light, and the light quickly
wrapped up their bodies.

In the next second, they disappeared.

After they left, Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared where they were standing.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ziling beckoned to the bottom, and the toad jumped up with the Yulin cart in the sack.

After putting down the Yulin cart, Toad left again.

Zhang Ziling untied the bag, revealing the Yulin cart inside. There was no good meat left in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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