My master is invincible

Chapter 2788 Blunt coffin

Chapter 2788 Blunt coffin (1120)

After a while, Lang Gao had already walked in front of me, and I smiled and shouted, "Boss Lang, are you getting fat?"

Although I chatted with Lang Gao a lot in the past few days, the conversations were all about serious matters, and there were many people around me. This was the first time that we had the opportunity to get along alone.

Lang Gao gave me a blank look, and said angrily: "Go, go, what do you know, this is a symbol of happiness, this man, once he is happy, his weight will go up when he looks at it. Wife weighs a hundred and seven, I'm still a few catties short, it must be that Nanyan's breakfast is not rich enough, and I have to criticize her when I go back."

After saying this, Lang Gao chuckled and jokingly said, "Xiao Jiu, now that the brothers have their other half, there must be an ending between you and Joyce!"

Before I could open my mouth, Lang Gao added: "Brother, to tell you the truth, I really don't like this Joyce, but after thinking about it, I think this bitch is suitable for you. In my opinion, brothers are all here now." , you two have done a good job!"

"That's right!" He said again, "Why didn't Joyce come over this time?"

I smiled wryly and shook my head, but didn't speak.

He seemed to see that I was not in the right mood, patted my shoulder, and said with a light smile: "Emotions, the bystanders can only give you some advice from the third vision, and whether you are ultimately happy or not depends on the thoughts of your parties. "

I hummed and asked with a smile, "Are you and sister-in-law doing well?"

He said happily: "It's more than good, it's like a couple of gods and gods. After finishing the work here, we plan to find a good place in Dongxing Town and retreat to the mountains and forests. We are going to be a bit shameless." Life."

I go!

This dog food was sprinkled.

I really wanted to destroy his imagination of the future, but seeing the happiness on Lang Gao's face, I dismissed the idea and asked him: "By the way, Director Lang, what do you think about the blunt coffin? "

He was slightly taken aback, then sat down next to me, and asked me if I had any cigarettes, and I said you have started smoking now, and he said he would smoke a few when he was thinking about things, and I immediately passed one to him, He took the cigarette, lit it, and said: "Xiao Jiu, you want to ask my opinion on what you said. I think it's quite simple. Isn't there such a saying that it's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married?" , These are things that cannot be prevented, it is better to let nature take its course."

"After all!" Lang Gao looked up at me and said in a deep voice, "It's hard to be angry."

I looked at him and asked if I knew what it meant to open the blunt coffin. He smiled and said, "Of course I do."

I didn't say anything more, because what Lang Gao meant was similar to what Lao Wang meant, they were letting nature take its course and opening the blunt coffin.

To put it bluntly, both Lang Gao and Lao Wang hope to open up the channel between the secular world and the metaphysical world.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Lang Gao said slowly: "Xiao Jiu, I understand your worry, but you have to think about it, the world of metaphysics and the secular world are like a group of hungry men, facing the blunt coffin of tofu crossing the bridge, Who doesn't want to eat it? Even if this piece of cross-bridge tofu is poisoned with arsenic, even if this piece of cross-bridge tofu will die immediately after taking a bite, but for hungry men, this is delicious and can fill their stomachs. Stand up and stop them, whoever is their enemy."

After saying this, Lang Gao glanced at me and continued: "I have news about the blunt coffin, the yang blunt coffin, and the yin blunt coffin."

He has news about the two coffins?
I couldn't help but become short of breath, but only for a moment, I immediately adjusted my emotions and said, "Let me think about it!"

He looked at me, then took a deep puff of the cigarette, then threw the cigarette aside, slowly got up, and said softly: "Okay, I should go to the brothers to talk about the past, if you need news about the blunt coffin, you can contact me at any time." Find me."

After speaking, Lang Gao walked down the mountain.

After walking about three or four steps, he turned his head and looked at me, and said with a light smile, "By the way, Xiao Jiu, there is one more thing. When I came here, I found a junior high school student who is quite good."

Junior high school students are pretty good?
I asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

He looked at me and said with a slight smile: "How can I tell you, this junior high school student is a good seedling, and his ancestors have been guides for generations, and he is a road maintenance worker on your side. Your choice today may be judged in the future." He fills your regrets."

Road worker?
I seem to have a little impression. I heard my father mention this before, saying that it is about ten kilometers away from our side. There is a road called Huangquan Road. Strange things happen all the year round. It is precisely because of this rumor that I work as a coffin bearer here. When I was there, I never dared to approach that side, even Lao Wang, Gao Lao and the others did not dare to approach it, saying that they were going to carry the coffin over there, and if it was light, one would die, and if it was serious, a litter would die.


Why did Lang Gao mention this?

Lang Gao seemed to see my doubts, and said with a smile: "That kid is called Wang Hanqing, if you have a chance, you can help him, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised."

I nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

Lang Gao looked at me again, hesitant to speak, as if he wanted to say something, I smiled and said: "Director Lang, this is not like your character, just say what you want."

He took a deep breath, "The yang blunt coffin that the old scholar stole back then was buried under Huangquan Road to suppress the evil spirits under Huangquan Road. It is also the existence of the yang blunt coffin. Dongxing Town has been relatively safe these years , but once the blunt coffin below is dug out, Huangquan Road will definitely lose its existing balance. At that time, the guide on Huangquan Road will die tragically, and Huangquan Road will return to its previous state. Keep the entire Dongxing Town safe."

Lang Gao paused, and continued: "But if you don't dig out the yang blunt coffin below, after a long time, once people in the metaphysics world know the location of the yang blunt coffin, not only Huangquan Road will not be able to keep it, but the aura of the entire Dongxing Town will also be destroyed." Being disrupted will eventually lead to the complete collapse of the entire Dongxing Town, and eventually everyone will die, and Dongxing Town will also be reduced to a barren land."

"Xiao Jiu!" Lang Gao looked at me, "No matter what you choose, brothers will support you."

I hummed and didn't say anything more. Lang Gao hesitated for a moment, and finally walked towards the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the figure of Lang Gao going away, I feel uncomfortable all over, he just threw the problem to me.

How to choose?

Dig out the blunt coffin?
Don't dig a blunt coffin?
In this entangled mood, I have never had an accurate answer in my heart, and my eyes couldn't help looking at the grave of the old scholar. The reason why the old scholar went to the metaphysics world to steal back the Yangdu coffin should be to protect the entire Dongxing Town. And now...

I sighed deeply, and sat down beside the old scholar's grave, some messy thoughts lingered in my mind, lingering.

(End of this chapter)

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