My master is invincible

Chapter 2723 2 Coffins

Chapter 2723 Second Coffin (75)

Elder Wu Jiu was quite disappointed when he heard what I said, so he said, "God bless you!"

After all, Elder Wu Jiu thanked Wu Zhong again, and then led our group straight to the hometown he said.

On the way, I was worried that the sun would burn Elder Wu Jianyuan's body, so I asked Li Buyu to take off his clothes and cover it over Elder Wu Jianyuan's body.

As for why Li Buyu was asked to take off his clothes.

Mainly he is fat enough and his clothes are big enough.

Soon, under the leadership of Elder Wu Jiu, our group came to a place, which was quite remote, but not far from the place where we first entered the metaphysics.

The whole place is very empty, there is only one old locust tree, and next to the old locust tree is a thatched house. Perhaps because of the age, the walls of the thatched house have fallen a lot.

"That's where my father lived since he was a child." Elder Wu Jiu pointed to the thatched hut with a serious face.

I thought about it for a while, and at the age of Elder Wu Jianyuan, it was estimated that it was the war-torn era. It is not bad to have such a thatched cottage, so I said: "Is the room okay?"

He hummed and explained: "When my father is free, he always likes to come and take a look. Except for the poor exterior wall, everything inside is normal."

"Why don't you repair the outer wall?" I asked with a frown.

He explained: "My father said that after repairing the outer wall, the feeling of the past will be lost. After all these years, his old man has kept the interior of the house as it was originally, with pots, cups, tables and chairs all feeling the same as before. "


This is indeed the case, as long as the outer wall is repaired, that feeling will indeed disappear.

I took a deep breath, and I didn't speak any more. I walked towards the room with Elder Wu Jianyuan's body on my back. I don't know if it's because of my physical strength or what happened. I just feel that Elder Wu Jianyuan's body has become heavy. feeling.

Entering the house, as Elder Wu Jiu said, the whole room has a strong sense of age. I found a fairly clean place, and found a clean wooden board on the ground, and then put Elder Wu Jianyuan's Put the body on top, and covered Elder Wu Jianyuan's head with Li Buyu's clothes.

To be honest, I never thought that the great elder of the metaphysics family would be so shabby after death, although people with high realms look down on some mundane things.

However, the current situation is really embarrassing.

Elder Wu Jiu should have sensed this situation too, without saying a word, he immediately knelt down and stood by the body of Elder Wu Jianyuan.

Looking at his movements, I don't know why, but I felt very bitter in my heart, and I didn't even dare to let him fetch anything, but squatted next to Elder Wu Jianyuan's body.

The moment I squatted down, Zhang Mufeng made a careless remark that made me frown. He said, "Master Jiu, the body of Elder Wu Jianyuan seems to be a little bigger."

Reminiscent of the heavy feeling before, I immediately looked through it, and this look almost didn't scare me to death.

However, Elder Wu Jianyuan's hands were already swollen, and this kind of swelling was not like the kind of swelling that appeared after death, it seemed to be gradually becoming swollen after being injected with something.

Could it be the reason for the thick smoke earlier?

I immediately looked at other parts of Elder Wu Jianyuan's body, and found that the same was true for other parts of his body, with large areas of swelling appearing in every part, and the swelling speed was quite fast.


what's going on.

Could it really be the reason for the thick smoke from before?
I subconsciously pressed the old man's belly. The first feeling I felt was swollen, but when I pressed hard, I felt a stiff feeling, as if something was supporting the belly.

What the hell is going on?
I frowned, and checked some other places, and every place was like this, with a stiff feeling.

"Xiao Jiu, what's the matter, did something happen?" Seeing my expression, Elder Wu Jiu hurriedly asked.

I hummed and said, "Those thick smoke penetrated into his old man's body earlier."

The moment my words fell to the ground, that Zhang Mufeng's voice came again, and he screamed, "Master Jiu, my body...seems to be starting to stiffen."

(End of this chapter)

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