My master is invincible

Chapter 2211 Mausoleum Coffin

Chapter 2211 Mausoleum Coffin (54)

Afterwards, I greeted Lao Tian with some more things, basically telling him that after I left, Han Qiu and others must not be allowed to look for me no matter what.

I even told him that if they insisted on looking for me, I would add something to their meals.

After greeting all this, I went straight to the door.

He asked where I am going now.

I turned my head and said, "Go outside for a stroll."

After all, I didn't speak any more.

When I left the room, I had two thoughts in my mind, one was to go to Luo Dongchuan, the other was to go to Gong's hometown.

These two ideas were entangled in my mind for a while, and finally I chose the former.

The reason is very simple. I have asked Lao Tian to tell Han Qiu and others that I have something to do with Luo Dongchuan going out.

Having made up my mind, I randomly found a motorcycle in the town and headed straight to Muoleping.

When I arrived at Luoziping, it was around 03:30 in the afternoon. To my surprise, Naluo Dongchuan was still sitting next to the coffee table with Qiao Yiyi.

The two of them remained motionless!
I grass!

The two of them are going to become immortals!
I cursed secretly, and the motorcycle driver who brought me over looked at Luo Dongchuan and Qiao Yiyi, stared at them for a long time, and finally choked out two words.

"Stupid coins!"

How can I not understand the meaning of this motorcycle, I guess I think it is completely stupid to make tea and chat on the grass in broad daylight.

However, if you think about it, anyone will think so.

Soon, the motorcycle driver left, and I found a place near the grass and sat down.

I didn't intend to go there.

After all, the two of them were chatting there or something, so what happened to me in the past.

As a light bulb?
As soon as I sat down, I took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke ring, very leisurely, and even read what Mei Tianji said earlier.

After spending about an hour and a half in this leisurely way, around five o'clock, Luo Dongchuan finally got up.

Because of the distance, I couldn't hear what the two of them were talking there.

However, I found out that after Luo Dongchuan got up, Qiao Yiyi also got up slowly.

The two of them stood opposite each other.

After about a minute of confrontation, Qiao Yiyi lightly moved his lotus steps and walked towards Luo Dongchuan, and the two embraced tightly.

Seeing this, I breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the two of them are going to get back together.

At the moment, I lost the interest to continue watching, so I simply lay on the grass, intending to snore for a while, to get some sleep for tonight.

In a trance, I seemed to have fallen asleep.

However, I don't know how long I slept. When I opened my eyes, I found that the sky had already darkened, and a bright moon was hanging in the sky.

Taking advantage of the faint spot of light, I slowly got up and looked at Luo Dongchuan and the others.

Just one glance, and I can't take my eyes off it.

Because, I... I actually saw Luo Dongchuan carrying Qiao Yiyi's body and walking towards the coffin.

Could it be... Joey is dead?

Thinking of this, I shuddered all over, I couldn't care less about it, so I walked over immediately.

Luo Dongchuan seemed to have noticed my existence long ago, so he ignored it and put Qiao Yiyi's body into the coffin.

I was a little anxious, and my breathing couldn't help but trembled, "She... died?"

He still didn't speak, I took out my phone, turned on the screen, and took a photo into the coffin, only to find that Joey was lying in the coffin, motionless.

I instinctively wanted to reach out and talk about her snort.

However, just as I stretched out my hand, Luo Dongchuan grabbed my arm and said coldly: "Chen Jiu, do you want to take care of my affairs?"

I smiled wryly, I didn't want to care about it, it was clearly a matter of life and death, so I said, "I want to know if she is dead?"

He glanced at me coldly and said nothing.

The moment he glanced at me, I found that there were tears in the corner of his eyes, he must have cried!

Since she cried, Joey must have died.

To be honest, I really don't understand why Luo Dongchuan did this, you must know that the two of them hugged each other before.

It was not until later that I realized that there is a kind of death that is beyond the scope of physical death, but a different kind of liberation, or in other words, a different kind of rebirth.

Perhaps for Joey, living is more painful than dying.

Many years later, when Luo Dongchuan and I mentioned Qiao Yiyi again, he told me that Qiao Yiyi finally chose to end his 28-year-old life by himself.

I asked him the reason, and he just told me four words, life would be worse than death.

It was also at that time that I realized that no matter how talented a person is or how tough his personality is, he still has a weakness, and Qiao Yiyi's weakness is Luo Dongchuan.

As for why Qiao Yiyi killed Luo Dongchuan's parents, even today, I still don't know.

However, I have a guess.

She may be tired of love!
As a famous person said.

Love, a single word, can drag a person down for a lifetime.

At that time, maybe I was young, or maybe I didn't understand what love is, I just kept asking Luo Dongchuan why he was like this.

And Na Luo Dongchuan was like a walking corpse, he ignored me all the time, and quietly fiddled with the items in the coffin.

After about ten minutes, all the things in the coffin had been arranged, surrounding Joy in the middle.

She seemed to be asleep, and through the white gauze, I could clearly see a smile on the corner of Joey's mouth.

"Chen Jiu, I want to be alone!" Luo Dongchuan suddenly raised his head and looked towards me. His voice was full of vicissitudes, as if he had aged ten years for a few hours.

I hummed without saying a word, and slowly moved to the other side.

I originally wanted him not to go back to Lao Tian's house tonight, but seeing him like that, I didn't have the heart to ask.

Just as I walked about ten steps, a hysterical cry came.

I didn't look back, because I knew it all too well.

At this moment, Luo Dongchuan might only be able to vent the negative emotions in his heart by crying.

After leaving the grassland, my heart was extremely heavy. On the one hand, I felt sorry for Joey.After all, the current Joey Yigui is the president of the Metaphysics Association, but he died here because of a relationship.

On the other hand, I feel sorry for Luo Dongchuan.

I can see that the two of them still have feelings, but they still can't get together in the end.

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of Joyce, and I couldn't help but have a doubt in my heart.

What will happen to me and her?

With this kind of thinking, my whole body is like a discouraged ball, walking numbly on the road, with no direction, no purpose, and only endless negative emotions.

This emotion affected me for several hours, and I didn't wake up from the negative emotions until around ten o'clock in the evening.

After waking up, my first reaction was to go to Gong's hometown.

Fortunately, I was lucky. The moment I had this idea, I happened to meet a motorcycle. Without any hesitation, I stopped the motorcycle and briefly mentioned the destination.

To my dismay, when the driver heard that he was going to Gong's hometown, he started the motorcycle without saying a word, and immediately slipped away!

(End of this chapter)

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