My master is invincible

Chapter 1326 Talking about the Grave

Chapter 1326 Talking about the Grave (71)

As soon as Yan Junshan's words came out, all of us were stunned, subconsciously straightened our backs, and heard Yan Junshan continue to say: "The thing is like this, because our going to the tomb will cause a lot of problems. Therefore, some important personnel were invited in order to find a way to survive."

Hearing this, I vaguely understood what he meant. If I guessed correctly, the so-called ice tomb is actually under the Yan family's utility room. If some taboos are touched on the ice tomb, it will indeed cause some commotion.

In this case, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with some important local personnel, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

With this in mind, I didn't speak any more, so I looked at Yan Yu, and found that she was just looking at me.

Our eyes met, and neither of us spoke, as if everything was in silence.

Afterwards, Yan Junshan said a lot of things, mostly telling us to maintain enough respect for those important people later, and also said, when those important people ask questions, don't talk nonsense, once someone talks nonsense No wonder he did.

After about ten minutes of training, I don't know who shouted, here we come.

"Okay, everyone must remember what I just said!" Yan Junshan greeted, let us stand at the door, lined up in two rows, and he led Mr. Wu and Viper over.

After about three or four minutes, Yan Junshan walked in with two middle-aged men, both of whom were fat and big-eared, holding a general's belly.

According to Yan Junshan's order, when important personnel came, we must applaud, or desperately.

Ever since, when the two middle-aged men entered the door, all of us applauded desperately, wave after wave.

After the two middle-aged men came in, the two of them sat on the top seat and briefly talked a few words, all of which were scenes. One of the middle-aged men looked at me and asked me, " Little brother, what are your plans for going to the grave this time?"

Because of the Cantonese he spoke, I didn’t understand it very well. Fortunately, Yan Yu translated it for me, which saved me from making a fool of myself. What to do, I will do."

My answer is what Yan Junshan said in a previous meeting. I just copied it. If I were to answer, I guess I would be timid. This is also a helpless thing. Ordinary people like us, when we see certain leaders Always inexplicably afraid.

The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction, and asked a few other people, most of which were questions that Yan Junshan greeted before, which made me think of a word, going through the motions.

After fiddling for a long time, the two middle-aged men were just going through the motions.

The whole process lasted about half an hour. The two middle-aged men got up and walked outside. I saw with sharp eyes that as they left, the two strong men who often followed Yan Junshan also followed. , They each carried a black suitcase in their hands.

As they left, all of us breathed a sigh of relief, and Yan Junshan arranged for all of us to have a Chinese meal together, perhaps because of going to the grave, this time the Chinese meal was extraordinarily rich, and it took about an hour to eat .

After the meal, Yan Junshan gave a simple greeting and asked us to prepare separately, and we gathered in the lobby at 03:30.

I wanted to ask, isn't the ice tomb in the Asma Mountains?

However, considering the large number of people present, I didn't ask, mainly because I didn't want to embarrass Yan Junshan, after all, Yan Yu had already greeted me.

Then we all went back to our rooms.

Back in the room, I roughly checked my yellow cloth bag, everything in it was there, which made me feel relieved, I took out my phone and checked the time, it was two o’clock, and there was still an hour and a half left at 03:30 .

At the moment, I didn't bother to think about it anymore, and simply lay on the bed and fell asleep. After all, according to the development of the situation, I definitely don't have time to sleep tonight.

When I woke up, it was already about ten past three, I simply tidied up and changed into the clothes I usually wear. As soon as I finished all this, I heard a knock on the door, "Chen Nine, ready to go."

It was Yan Yu's voice. When I opened the door, I found Yan Yu, Da Bing, and Viper standing at the door. I smiled and checked my equipment. There was nothing wrong with it, so I followed them to the lobby.

When I first arrived in the lobby, I was a little dazed. Made, there were a lot of people, all of them were heads.

"All these people will go to the grave with us?" I asked Yan Yu.

She hummed and said, "Isn't there a manpower for you at the meeting that day? You can just pick ten people later."

I nodded, Yan Junshan said that we can choose some people to go to the tomb, but is it really good to have so many people go to the tomb?Besides, that ice tomb is just the mausoleum of a down and out emperor, can there be so many people in it?
I asked this question to Yan Yu.

After hearing this, she shook her head and signaled me not to speak, while she walked towards the lobby, winking at me as she walked, meaning to let me follow.

Full of doubts, I followed without thinking too much.

Soon, some of our backbones were concentrated, and Yan Junshan asked us to choose our own personnel. Since I was new here and I had few people to choose, Yan Junshan asked me to be the first to choose.

I was not too polite, so I randomly selected ten big men who looked fairly strong. What made me extremely depressed was that these big men, no matter what I asked or mentioned, they never kept their mouths shut. , I keenly smell a trace of death.

This kind of dead air usually only appears on corpses, how could it appear on these people?
With all kinds of doubts, I kept staring at those strong men. Since Yan Junshan and others were on the side, I couldn't study too much, so I suppressed my doubts and stood on the side, waiting for other backbones to choose their hands. .

It was about 28:[-]. We, the backbones, have selected good people, and there are about [-] people left. According to my thinking, these [-] people will definitely be eliminated. What I didn't expect was that Yan Junshan actually arranged these people for me, saying that he saw that I was a newcomer and took care of me.

Regarding this statement, I dare not agree, but I also dare not refuse, so I had to lead these strong men to stand aside.

Afterwards, Yan Junshan said a few words on the scene, and arranged for several buses, so that we, the backbone, took our own hands, boarded the bus, and headed to the Armas Mountains.It is worth mentioning that before getting into the car, Yan Junshan ordered my eyes to be tied up, and arranged for two middle-aged strong men to stay beside me.

(End of this chapter)

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