My master is invincible

Chapter 1065 Human Skin Coffin

Chapter 1065 Human Skin Coffin (31)

When I became conscious again, I didn't know whether I was dead or alive, and I felt very uncomfortable all over my body, as if I had been scratched by someone with a knife.

I slowly got up and looked around, it was so dark, so dark that I couldn't see my fingers.

I groped and climbed down, and groped around. It was empty, and I groped for about three or four minutes. It seemed that something hit me. I reached out to touch it, and it was wet and sticky. Press, it seems a little elastic.

"What?" I muttered, ready to touch it again.

Suddenly, I felt someone appear behind me, and just as I was about to turn around, a palm was pressed down on my head, and I smashed it with a backhand.

"Who?" I growled.

As the sound roared out, I felt a little pain in my throat. When I stretched out my hand to touch it, I could feel a gap, and my hand was a little constricted.

If I'm not mistaken, I'm not dead.

However, a doubt arose in my heart. I remember that before I passed out, my whole body was about to be skinned alive. In that case, I couldn't survive. Could it be that Er Cup saved me?

I think so because among the people around me, only Chen Erbei has this ability.

At this moment, the previous hands pressed down again, grabbed my hair, and pulled me forward.

I struggled desperately, those hands were like tweezers, grabbing my hair tightly but not speaking.

I was in a hurry and shouted, "Who, who is it!"

The man still didn't speak, he dragged me and walked forward.

After walking for about an hour in the dark, my feet were extremely tired, so I was about to rest. How could I know that the man grabbed my body and threw me forward.

I screamed and grabbed the man's arm with both hands. This arm is very thin, not like a man's arm. I shouted again, "Who, who are you!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a chill all over my body, as if my whole body had been thrown into a water tank. There was a particularly strange smell. When I inhaled it hard, the smell was particularly pungent.

Immediately afterwards, I felt someone throw something into the water tank.

The things thrown in were sticky and wet, exactly the same as the things I touched before. I picked up a thumb-sized thing and smelled it, a bit like the kind of peach syrup that grows on peach trees.

As the peach syrup was thrown in, I felt a stabbing pain all over my body. I couldn't help screaming, and I was about to crawl out. Those hands pressed my forehead tightly.

I grabbed her arm, raised my hand and punched her.

The strange thing is that the arm didn't dodge, and let my fist hit it.

In an instant, I immediately understood that this should save me.

Without even thinking about it, I immediately calmed down and endured the heart-piercing pain. Gradually, the pain gradually disappeared, followed by itching. This kind of itching is very strange, like being taken by someone. It's like rubbing dogtail grass gently on the body.

This itchy feeling lasted for more than half an hour, followed by a huge itching, as if something was about to penetrate into the body.

I couldn't help but groaned in pain, and was about to reach out and scratch.

Suddenly, those hands stretched out and grabbed my arm, and I said, "What are you doing!"

The man didn't speak, he grabbed my arm tightly, and then found a rope to tie my hands up.

During the time when the hands were bound, I tried to see through the darkness, trying to see the man's face clearly, but as a mortal, I couldn't see anything at all, and I only felt that there was darkness in front of me.

Just like that, my hands were tied and thrown into the water tank.

I don't know how long it took, maybe an hour, maybe a day, maybe two days, maybe longer, until the itching feeling in my body gradually disappeared, and there was a movement.

Listening carefully, the movement came from the left.

Click, click, click.

The sound of footsteps was particularly piercing in the darkness, and I yelled in that direction, "Benefactor, can you tell me your name, Xiaojiu will definitely be rewarded in the future."

The man ignored me.

Soon, that person came to me and untied the rope on my arm. As soon as I grabbed his arm, I said, "Benefactor!"

The man ignored me, shook off my arm, and walked to the other side.

I followed immediately.

Just like that, the man walked in front, and I chased after him.

After running for a long time, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. Through this ray of light, I saw the back of that person. It was a woman with long hair up to her waist. Before I could take a closer look, the person sprinted to the left. In the past, I immediately chased it out.

To my disappointment, the woman disappeared in an instant, as if she had disappeared from the world.

I looked towards the ground, trying to find that person based on his footsteps. The strange thing was that there were no footprints on the ground. I turned my head and looked behind me, step by step.

Hell, how can a normal person have no steps, is that person a ghost?

Thinking of this, my whole body trembled, and I looked up at the sky, and the sun was shining brightly.

I immediately denied this idea, how can there be a ghost drilling under the sun in broad daylight.

But, why didn't that woman have any footprints?
At that moment, I shouted a few times around, "Benefactor! Benefactor!"

I shouted about eight or nine times, but there was no response at all.

In desperation, I had no choice but to suppress the doubt in my heart, looked around, and found that where I was now was a forest, and behind me was a cave.

I ducked into the cave with my body bent. As soon as I entered the cave, I found that the cave was very strange. It seemed that the light from outside could not shine inside, but only the entrance of the cave.

What's even more strange is that in places with light, you can definitely see the situation inside the cave, but this cave is like an endless abyss, and the light seems to be completely blocked outside the cave, which is very weird.

I tried five or six times in a row, and every time I entered the cave, I was in darkness. Once I got out of the cave, it was undoubtedly a daydream if I wanted to see the entrance of the cave.

Hell, how could there be such a strange cave.

According to my thought at the time, I wanted to find out about the cave, but right now, there are two more important things in front of me. One is to find out the identity of the long-haired woman. After all, she saved my life. No report, the second is what happened to Fatty Guo and the others.

I thought about it, no, I was beside Fatty Guo and the others before I fell into a coma. Logically speaking, if the woman wanted to save me, she had to go through Fatty Guo. In other words, Fatty Guo and the others should know about the woman.

With this in mind, I immediately ran forward, running, running, I felt a little sticky on my body, and when I looked down, I was stunned, Ma De, what I was wearing was a shroud instead of a shroud. The shroud and trousers, and a pair of shroud shoes under the feet.

(End of this chapter)

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