My master is invincible

Chapter 1053 Human Skin Coffin

Chapter 1053 Human Skin Coffin (19)

When we entered the village, we happened to meet Yang Dalong who was about to leave the village. When he saw us, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately said: "Third brother, you are back, if you don't come back, I will go crazy!"

I asked him: "What?"

He gave a wry smile and said, "Third brother, you don't know that those relatives in my family annoyed me to death last night, why are you afraid of death and led people away!"

When I heard it, I couldn't laugh or cry, but the countryside is like this, there are a lot of gossip, so I followed Yang Dalong towards the house.

As soon as he entered the house, his relatives surrounded him and said everything. They basically asked where we went last night, and said that we were not responsible.

For this statement, I didn't know how to react other than a wry smile.

After talking for about seven or eight minutes, Yang Dalong suddenly said: "Okay, I've already said it, my third brother is not that kind of person, so don't say anything, prepare something and go to the tomb!"

As soon as these words came out, his relatives finally shut up, stopped talking, and started to get busy.

And a few of us took advantage of this gap to have a breakfast.

After we finished our breakfast, they just prepared the tools. At first glance, they were all daily tools and some godly things.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning. A group of us walked towards the tomb. I counted it a little. The team was a bit big. There were about 30 people including us. Yang Dalong walked in the front, Fatty Guo and I waited. People followed behind him, followed by their relatives, and even some children followed.

I asked Yang Dalong if these children don’t need to go to school. He said that they asked for leave, mainly to worship their ancestors, and said that they believe in the newly dug coffins to carry spiritual energy, so that children will become smarter after worshiping.

Regarding this statement, I am really speechless. If an ordinary coffin is dug out, it may have some aura, but this human skin coffin is too evil when dug out. If there are children present, nine out of ten will commit evil spirits.

Immediately, I told Yang Dalong about this statement and asked him to send those children away.

What I didn't expect was that when Yang Dalong told his relatives about this, they stared at me one by one, and one of the women pointed at me and cursed, "Nima, what are you doing?" I want to give all the spiritual energy to Dalong, so that our children can't get the spiritual energy!"

As the woman spoke, she swung the hoe in her hand a few times, as if she would knock me to death if I continued talking.

Seeing this, I really didn't know how to tell her, so I had to say to Yang Dalong, "Second Brother, no matter what, when you find the human skin coffin, you must let those children leave!"

After saying this, I asked Yang Dalong about the route, and he said, go straight ahead and cross a river.

I hummed, and didn't want to pay attention to how he solved the matter. I took some sacrifices, led Fatty Guo and others, and rushed towards the cemetery.

Not long after we left, we heard an uproar behind us, mostly denouncing Yang Dalong.

"Ninth brother, why are these people so brainless? Is this human skin coffin an ordinary coffin? Why do they all want to get some spiritual energy, and they are not afraid to risk their lives here." Fatty Guo walked up to me and asked me One sentence.

I sighed and explained: "Well, the countryside is like this. Some people don't want to work hard, but just want to get a lot of wealth through the blessing of their ancestors. These relatives of the second brother probably have this idea!"

As soon as the words fell, You Tianming came over, "Ninth brother, don't tell me, there are people like this in our village, who don't do anything all day long, just lie on the bed and wait for the money to drop from the sky. Wu Burning Incense is more active than anyone else."

I smiled wryly, in the vast world, there is no one of any kind, and I didn't speak anymore, and I couldn't help but speed up a little bit.

After walking for about ten minutes, a river appeared in front of us, and on the opposite side of the river were graves, and behind those graves was a small hill.

I took a general glance, and the Feng Shui of this place can't be said to be very good, but it can't be said to be too bad.

When we came to the cemetery, we first put some sacrifices on the ground, and then stared at the grave bag. The grave bag here is a bit different from the one in the south. The grave bag here is round, and we Most of the tombs over there are mainly oval. Another point is that due to the age of these tombs, some of the tombs have been sunken in, and one tomb has been cracked several times.

"Brother Nine, how do you find so many graves!" Fatty Guo ran to me and muttered after glancing at each of the graves.

Just as I was about to speak, Chen Tiannan suddenly came over and glared at Fatty Guo, "Look for it with your eyes, are you planning to use your phone to find it?"

Looking at this pair of living treasures, I was really speechless, and I didn't want to talk to them, so I walked towards those graves, and heard from Yang Dalong that there are ten graves here, and his ancestor should be one of them.

I counted it, and the number was correct, exactly ten, and I roughly looked at the Feng Shui of each grave, the best was the third grave on the left, and the worst was the first and second graves on the right. Judging from Yang Dalong's family property, the third grave is likely to be his ancestor.

However, I have a doubt in my heart. Judging from these grave bags, the descendants of these deceased should not be very promising, and they belong to the relatively mediocre type, while the third grave bag is the best for dividing water in the entire cemetery, but it is also It is limited to a small fortune at home, not a big fortune.

But, according to Yang Dalong, he is quite rich now, he can be regarded as very rich and powerful, which is not in line with the feng shui of the third tomb bag.

For a while, I was a little bit embarrassed, and looked around the tombs again, trying to find the tombs from Fengshui. To my disappointment, I searched there for a long time, but there was no clue. , I really had no choice, so I squatted in front of the third grave and studied it for a long time.

After this research, I feel more and more that the feng shui of this tomb is not in line with Yang Dalong's family situation. From the perspective of feng shui, if future generations want to come up with a person like Yang Dalong, their feng shui must be good.

This kind of goodness does not mean that the parents are buried well. It must be that the graves of the ancestors have their own characteristics. However, this third grave is extremely ordinary and does not meet this situation.

Matt, why is this happening?Could it be that Yang Dalong's parents were buried on the dragon's cave?
Impossible, the dragon's lair is so easy to find, and more importantly, judging from Yang Dalong's family situation, even if there really is a dragon's lair nearby, it will definitely not be his turn.

But now Yang Dalong happens to be rich, what's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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