Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 680 Natural Disaster-Level Super Torrential Rain [Big Chapter]

Chapter 680 Natural Disaster-Level Super Torrential Rain [Big Chapter]

Xu Chengcai walked through a sparse forest on a muddy path.

The gloomy sky was low, and the torrential rain was pouring down, accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning.

He was wearing a worn raincoat, and although he was soaked by the rain, he walked forward firmly.

The rain poured down mercilessly, wet his clothes, and made his body shiver uncontrollably.But he didn't give up because he knew that in such an environment, staying warm was crucial.

There is a decaying smell in the woods, and the moist soil mixed with old leaves creates a unique atmosphere.In this chaotic environment, Xu Chengcai's arms trembled slightly from the cold.

Finally, his gaze stopped at the place where several trees were intertwined.

He found a rotting tree branch that looked relatively thick.It was once a strong branch, but now it has been eroded by time and wind and rain to a fragile shell.In this raging rainstorm, it became the best choice for Xu Chengcai to keep warm.

He quickly grabbed the branch and hugged it without hesitation.Water dripped from the branches, and the wet wood exuded a rotten smell.

After walking two steps, he took the flashlight and saw two dry and dead young trees, the diameter of which was only the size of the mouth of a bowl.

He kicked it over, and the tree, which had died from the high temperature before, fell down with a crisp sound.

He took a rope from his waist, tied the branches and trees, and dragged it to the small grocery store not far away.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, making his vision gradually blurred, but fortunately, he was not far from the grocery store hut.

The branches dragged behind him were stained with muddy soil as they were dragged by him.


He walked to the door of the grocer's hut.

Looking around, the dark mountain forest, accompanied by lightning, looked a little ghostly and terrifying, but he found no trace of zombies.The raindrops made a crackling sound on the eaves of the antique cabin.

The door is still the same as when he just left, it seems that Xiaoyong is fine inside.

"Xiaoyong! Help me get the firewood in!" He stood at the door and shouted towards the inside.

But maybe it was because the rain was so heavy that Xiaoyong didn't hear it.

He was drenched by the rain, and he didn't want to stay in the rain for a second, so he simply broke the long firewood at the door into several pieces, and then hugged the door open.

"Huh?" His eyes instantly became tense. In this small space of less than ten square meters, the situation inside can be seen clearly at a glance.

But he didn't see Xiaoyong.

"Xiaoyong! Where are you?" The flesh on his face trembled unconsciously, just like his voice at this time, trembling slightly.

Obviously he was not far away, and when he was picking up firewood, he didn't see any movement here, and the door didn't move at all.

Where did Xiaoyong go?
His son is his only hope of living, he really can't imagine what he should do if Xiaoyong had an accident.

But just as he was about to run out of the hut, there was movement on the wall behind the shelf.

A small door was pushed open, Xiaoyong poked his head out from the inside, and shouted to Xu Chengcai: "Dad, I'm here, come over and have a look. Come here!"

Xiaoyong's face was full of surprises, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

The moment Xu Chengcai saw his son, his heart that was hanging in the air immediately hit the ground.

He hurried over, hugged Xiaoyong's head tightly, and complained, "Why didn't you answer when I called you just now, you scared me to death! Don't run around, you know?"

He is now completely focused on his son. From the worry just now to the joy of finding Xiaoyong now, he didn't pay attention to where his son came from.

Xiaoyong was a little confused by this sudden fatherly love.

Struggling to break free from his father's embrace, he pointed to the small door and said, "There are surprises inside, Dad, come in and have a look."

Xu Chengcai noticed the small door when he heard what Xiaoyong said. He had to say that the small door was too hidden.

Behind the fallen shelf, and the small door is exactly the same color as the wall, completely integrated into it.

The door handle is completely invisible from the outside.

The rain dripped down from his clothes. Looking at the small door, his heart constricted violently.

This is a grocery store. Open a small space, most likely a small warehouse, to store some things.

Combined with Xiaoyong being so happy just now, then inside.
He quickly raised the flashlight, pushed open the small door, and rushed in.


What he saw next shocked him.

It seems that the exhaustion of half a year has dissipated.

A small warehouse with a depth of only three meters and a width of only one meter.

It is full of all kinds of groceries.

Surprised, he ran forward to check.

What catches the eye the most is the braised beef noodles in barrels, with a box and a half.

Three boxes of potato chips.

There are four pieces of purified water, each with 24 bottles.

Half a box of soda crackers, chocolates, and two full boards.

Three pieces of various beverages,

Half a box of lollipops, a third of a box of corn sausages.

Four to five packages of preserved fruit and pastries.

Half a box of candies and four packs of cigarettes.
He seemed to be in a dream. He was collecting firewood in the woods just now, and he was thinking about cutting the squirrel in half today and saving half for eating tomorrow. After all, it is raining now, and it is difficult for them to find something to eat when they go out. .

But what he found now was a super surprise gift package, which hit him directly on the head.

He quickly opened the box and checked the condition of the food inside.

He knew that the apocalypse had erupted for two years, and most of the things in it had passed their expiration date.

But for them, it doesn't matter at all.

It won't be late, but it's just past the shelf life.

He unpacked the box of braised beef noodles and tore off the outer packaging. The familiar taste of instant noodles.

"Kachi Kachi—" came a voice behind him.

He saw Xiaoyong tore open the package of soda biscuits and devoured the soda biscuits.

After two or three mouthfuls, I stuffed a small box of soda biscuits into my mouth, and the whole mouth was stuffed to the brim.

But when Xiaoyong swallowed, he choked.

His eyeballs were staring out, and he patted his chest vigorously with one hand, but the other hand was still holding the crackers tightly.

When Xu Chengcai saw this, he was both distressed and funny, and quickly took a bottle of pure water from the right, unscrewed the bottle, and poured it into Xiaoyong's mouth.


Under the moisture of the water, the biscuits also slowly softened, and Xiaoyong swallowed them all.

Even if he was choked and rolled his eyes, Xiaoyong was not willing to spit out the food in his mouth.

These foods are so rare that it would be a pity to spit them out.

Xu Chengcai handed the water to Xiaoyong, patted his back, and said angrily and funnyly: "Eat slowly, and I didn't compete with you. Eat slowly."


Xiaoyong took a deep breath, and his face, which was flushed just now, slowly returned to normal.

He nodded vigorously, looked at the instant noodles on the shelf, and said to his father, "I want instant noodles."

As he spoke, he swallowed again.

Xu Chengcai rubbed his head and said with a smile, "Okay."

Immediately put down the flashlight, then gave him a bucket of instant noodles, and reminded: "Eat slowly."

But he didn't bother to close the door, so he took a bucket of instant noodles and ate them dry.

He hasn't eaten carbs for a long time. Although this side is expired, it is not so strong, and even a little softened.

But he ate very well.

I ate two barrels in one go, and then opened a bottle of canned fruit.
Under the light of a flashlight.

In this narrow space, the two father and son sat directly on the ground, one in front and the other in the back, wantonly eating the things inside.

The two of them had no image, no appearance of eating, they ate food with big mouthfuls, and the unpacked bags were thrown on the ground casually.

Accompanied by the sound of rain outside and the occasional sound of thunder, the two ate at an extremely fast speed.

Xu Chengcai hadn't eaten so heartily for a long, long time.

His body was in a state of extreme hunger and thirst. At this time, it seemed that the long drought had met with nectar, nourishing his body.

Half an hour later, both of their stomachs were full.

In this case, after being hungry for two years, I can let go of eating all of a sudden, and no one can resist and stop eating.

I don't think about the future, I don't think about whether I will be strangled to death.
Just keep eating, just want to eat until you are full.

It seems that the matter of being full is already as far away as their previous life.

The two of them ate until they couldn't eat anymore, and then they lay limp and weak on the ground, panting slowly.

As if, this just came alive.

Under the light of the flashlight, Xiaoyong and his father looked at each other and smiled, and the laughter gradually became louder.


With a smile, Xu Chengcai's eyes turned slightly red.

I just patronized to eat, and I haven't felt that the weather has become so cold.

Although it is noon now, under the dark clouds and heavy rain, it is impossible to see that it is daytime from the outside.

He suddenly remembered that some firewood was still outside and had not been moved in.

He climbed up with difficulty, and then walked outside slowly.

After moving the wooden door away, he wanted to bow down and pick up the firewood.

But he was so full that he couldn't bend down at all.

He could only squat upright, and the heavy rain drenched his clothes again.

After moving twice, I finally carried all the firewood into a small grocery store.

He moved the wooden door back and blocked the entrance. Looking around, he saw a small refrigerator full of dust, and then he pushed the refrigerator firmly behind the wooden door.

He took off his wet clothes, wrung them dry, and spread them out on wooden shelves.

Then he looked up.

This grocery store is an antique building, and the roof is also poured with cement, but except for the four corners, the walls and the roof are not sealed with bricks, but a gap of less than five centimeters is left.

"It just so happens that this gap can emit burning smoke." Xu Chengcai nodded slightly and murmured.

He rummaged through his backpack, found the flint and steel, and wiped his hands.

To get your hands dry, shred those discarded dry cardboard boxes and set them on fire with a flint and steel.

A small flame ignited, and he moved carefully to the center of the small room, and added several larger cardboard boxes to it.


He dismantled the wooden shelf in two or three, piled it into a tripod, and burned it in the flames.

Looking at the slowly growing flame, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As he approached the flames, he felt his body gradually warming up.

boom boom-

Thunder roared outside the small house.

The rain was pattering on the stainless steel shutter and wooden door next to it.

The whole hut, in this dark storm, gave them a rare perch.

This small grocery store itself has its foundation raised by nearly one meter, and there are four or five steps below.

Although they are halfway up the mountain, at least they are located at an altitude of 800 meters, and it is a place raised in the middle of the mountain.

The platform in front was a full meter and a half shorter than the small house they were in.

Very little of the rainwater that flows and gathers from the mountain is absorbed by the land vegetation, and most of it flows to the low-lying places below the mountain.

They were in a small house and could hear the water running down the hill, but the foundation was too high to submerge the small house.

The burning of the flame made Xiaoyong also walk out from the warehouse inside the small door.

"Your clothes are also wet, take them off and dry them." Xu Chengcai saw that Xiaoyong's clothes were also a little wet, and said.

Then he rummaged through the luggage and found two blankets, gave one to Xiaoyong, and covered himself with the other.

He tidied up the small grocery store again, and straightened the remaining hollow shelf that was lying on the ground, and pushed some of the garbage inside to a corner. These things can be burned
After doing all this, in the light of the fire, this small grocery store became much cleaner and tidier.

Beside the fire, he made a rack, and put their wet clothes, socks and shoes beside them to bake.

There were their mats and sleeping bags on the ground, and the two of them sat on the sleeping bags with blankets on one left and one on the right, warming themselves by the fire.

Near the edge of the wooden door, some rain was blown in by the strong wind.

But the fire was far away from there, so it was not affected.

Xu Chengcai tore open the cigarette box and greedily took out one from it.

Lit in a flame.

But the first bite made him cough.

Listening to the sound of the rain outside, crackling, the smoke slowly drifted to the top, and then escaped through the five centimeter gaps on all sides.

The temperature of the room slowly rises.

Xiaoyong also nodded his head up and down to doze off.

Although it was very windy and windy outside, Xu Chengcai felt that this time was extremely beautiful.

Big camphor tree base.

Natural disaster level super heavy rainstorm.

The sky is pouring.

Ben was at a relatively high position, and Li Yu was on the wall, quietly watching the lightning and thunder outside.

The several hillsides not far away are all under lightning, and they can be seen clearly.

It has been a full six and a half hours since 05:30 in the morning.

It was twelve o'clock at noon.

Look into the distance.

Like the roar of a god, the entire sky was shrouded in dark clouds.Dark clouds rolled, lightning flashed, and heavy rain poured down mercilessly, like thousands of troops galloping past.

Far away from the base of the big camphor tree, deep in the forest, a stream swelled rapidly, and the water was surging, like an enraged beast.Rolling stones splash from the foot of the mountain, mixed with branches and sand, forming a huge torrent, like a roaring dragon.

The rain beat relentlessly on the sparse tree branches, making a drum-like sound.The trees in the forest swayed under the ravages of the storm, as if struggling for their lives.The wind howled, making people feel as if they were in a natural war.

The torrent rushed down the hillside rapidly, bringing surging waves and whistling sounds.

The stream, which had been melted from the snow, instantly became turbid, tumbling with a ferocious aura, swallowing everything around it.

The vegetation on the hillside was washed messy by the torrential rain, the roots of the trees were exposed, and the washed out soil and stones were drawn into the torrent.Like the power of destruction, wherever the flood went, it was a mess.

The rainwater gathered into a turbulent river, carrying violent power, breaking through all obstacles, and galloping down the mountain.The river is surging, and the noisy water rushes against the river bank, splashing waves of water, as if releasing the wildness and power of nature.

The whole world seems to be occupied by rain, torrents and storms. The strong visual impact and the performance of natural forces make people feel powerless.

In the inner city of the big camphor tree base.

There are many drains.

Several of the drainage outlets are located at the foot of the mountain, opening like huge mouths, waiting for the rainwater flowing down from the two mountains in the base.

Slowly converging into streams, hitting the edge of the drain, making a deafening roar.

The water flow is like a galloping wild horse, struggling to scour the channel, trying to find the exit.The water flow was ready to go, converging into a raging torrent, and washing the drain with great force.

The fence of the drain was constantly shaking, and it seemed that it was in danger of being swallowed by the water at any time, but after being reinforced by Xu Zhen, although it was trembling, it was extremely stable.

The streams formed by the rainwater hit the fence and made a sharp friction sound, but they held their positions and resisted the invasion of the water tenaciously.

The drainage system of the entire base was turned on to the maximum, and the rainwater continued to gather into the low places, and then from the low places, it gathered into the sewers.

Then it gathers in the underground sewer of the wellhead which is as high as a person.

When rainwater washes into the outfall, the water is forced to channel through the direction of the cliff, creating stunning columns of water.

The water column broke through the rain curtain and sprayed high into the air, like a fountain of wonders.The water vapor permeates the surroundings, forming a hazy water mist, adding a mysterious and spectacular atmosphere to the whole scene.

The cliff below the outlet received the pouring of the flood and instantly turned into a waterfall.

The water rolls in the narrow river channel, carrying powerful force, rushing down.

The sound of the water flow is like the roar of the broken waves, echoing between the cliffs and valleys, full of power and majesty.

Li Yu came down from the fence, and it had been raining for six hours.

He hasn't slept since last night until now, just feeling a little worried.

Three hours ago, he went to inspect the situation of various drainage outlets, and also checked whether there was any waterlogging problem in the base.


Now that he had been down for so long, he went down the fence again to check again.

The rain screen limited the field of vision a lot.

Even with the lights on, you can only see 20 meters away.

In the park, watching the stagnant water slowly gather, it turned to the sewer for discharge.

He went to the warehouse again, and saw that there was no standing water near the warehouse, and it all flowed to the low place next to it.

Xu Zhen was also called by Li Yu to inspect the drainage situation together.

"Can our current drainage system withstand heavier rainstorms?"

Li Yu looked at the turbulent rainwater at the drain, and shouted to Xu Zhen beside him.

Xu Zhen moved her ear closer, and then replied loudly:

"Okay, no problem. Although the rain looks scary now, it basically goes out through the sewer.

In addition, Mr. Li, I have opened the flood outlet of the Shantang Reservoir to the maximum. Although the water in the Shantang Reservoir is also being replenished by rainwater, more is flowing out than entering, and the overall water level is still declining.

It is estimated that with the current discharge volume, the water inside can be drained in less than a day.Do you want to turn down the drain? "

Li Yu thought for a while and said: "Then close half of it, and you can watch at any time. As long as the mountain pond exceeds the warning line, open the drain."

Xu Zhen shouted in the rain: "Okay."

Li Yu checked again, and he was slightly relieved.

The rainstorm has just fallen, so it is impossible to see whether there is no problem with drainage.

It has been raining for six to seven hours, and the rainwater has accumulated long ago. There is no problem now, and there should be no major problems in the future.

I didn't sleep last night, so I relaxed a little at this time, and suddenly felt a little tired.

At this moment, his uncle's voice came from his headset: "Xiaoyu, there are a lot of zombies coming outside!"

(End of this chapter)

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