Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 214 The Riot Without a Winner

Chapter 214 The Riot Without a Winner
Not to mention Captain Lu and his party.

At the same time, Jiefang City fell into complete chaos.

In an environment without a manager, people will push the moral bottom line to the lowest point.

One of them was the leader of the group that Aunt Li Yu was in.

In his 30s, with his courage, support from some sisters, and his decisiveness, he has always done well.

The moment Director Zhang fell down, she knew that Liberation City might be about to break up.

So the sisters who made friends with them packed up their things and wanted to leave Jiefang City. Originally, they wanted to follow Captain Lu and the others, but seeing many refugees and residents surrounding them, they could only dispel this idea.

This year, you have to rely on yourself.

However, when they packed up their things, before they walked out the door, the diarrhoea, who had been fighting with her all the time, dragged a group of people to the door.

"Hey, Bai Jie, where are you going? Take your brothers with you." Yi Li said with a lewd smile on his face, holding a machete.

Team leader Bai saw seven or eight people on the opposite side, and weighed his side, and there were also seven or eight people.

With a gloomy face, he said, "It's none of your business, get out of the way."

Li Litou still said with a smile on his face: "You can go, leave your things behind. Brother, I will not stop you."

"Oh!" Bai Jie gave him a contemptuous look, full of disdain.

Seeing Bai Jie's expression on his head, he instantly remembered that he had pursued this woman before, but this woman didn't like her.

One day he was really impatient, so he came back from a mission and wanted the Overlord to attack hard at night, but to his surprise, this Bai Jie really did something, she threw her arms around her shoulders and threw him to the ground Seven meat and eight vegetarian.

At that time, Bai Jie said with such contemptuous eyes: "You are too weak."

The pain point seemed to be stabbed in the head of the diarrhoea, and his face couldn't hold back his face, and his face changed suddenly: "Surnamed Bai, you don't want to toast and refuse to eat, and eat a fine wine. Originally, I just asked you to keep your things. Now, you, Everything has to stay."

As soon as the voice fell, he slowly approached with a few men around him.

Bai Jie was not afraid at all, she held the spear tightly in her hand, and walked directly to the door. When the sisters behind her saw Bai Jie's movements, their blood rushed to their heads in an instant.Carrying the package on his back, he followed closely behind Bai Jie.

The few men behind the head, seeing Bai Jie approaching step by step, instantly remembered that someone had beaten Bai Jie's attention before, and one of them was directly kicked to death.

Furthermore, this dysentery head was also smashed by Bai Jie before.

For a moment, the thought of retreating rose in my heart.

Seeing this, Bai Jie remained calm. Although a strong sense of contempt surged in her heart, it was not suitable to provoke them at this time. She just wanted to leave Jiefang City as soon as possible and find a suitable place to stay for a while.

Lu Li's head became ruthless, and he rushed forward.

"Little girl, don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine!"

Box when!

Bai Jie's spear held against the long knife cut off from Lu Li's head, swiped the spear, and stabbed straight into Lu Li's head.

Lu Li was the first to roll over, and saw the men still standing behind him.Shouted loudly: "Damn, don't just watch, help me."

Before he finished speaking, a woman next to Bai Jie was also chopped off with a knife. Before he could react, he was slashed on the arm by this woman.

Blood flowed.

Seeing this, Bai Jie took advantage of his illness to kill him.

One stepped forward, and the spear pierced ferociously into the heart of the head of the head, and penetrated!
Behind Sister Bai, other women also stepped forward, you slashed, and I slashed at Li Litou's body.

Several men standing at the door saw how cruel these women were, and ran away in a hurry.

When Li Litou was dying, he saw a few "buddies" running away from the door, and said in his mouth, "What a trap!"


Bai Jie pulled out the spear from the head and heart, and brought out a puddle of blood, Bai Jie hurriedly backed away, she didn't want to get blood on her clothes.

Boom!Diarrhea fell straight on the ground with his head straight, and he couldn't die anymore.

Bai Jie ran out without looking back, followed closely by the women behind.

Looking at the chaos around, some thin people were basically unable to resist the snatch of the strong ones.

Violence, scarlet blood, staged at this moment.

On the way they escaped from Jiefang City, they saw scenes of horrific tragedies, but they didn't stop. There were so many people here that they might be surrounded by others.

Fortunately, because they didn't have many things and didn't attract too many people's attention, and because many people knew that Bai Jie was not easy to mess with, they escaped from Jiefang City smoothly.

Also in Jiefang City, the man who shot Director Zhang to death with a brick had entangled with a few small captains and a few people with better relationships. There were almost twenty people.

They were the perpetrators, but with the chaos of the refugees behind them, they were targeted by most of the people who did not have any supplies.

Originally, some honest people who dare not fart on weekdays, under the pressure of these people, began to want to snatch things from Xie Liuhai and others.

Lots of people.

Slanted bangs couldn't resist in the crowd, so he threw half of his things and ran towards the west gate.

Throw things on the ground and fight for them in an instant.

The refugees and the low-level residents looted on the ground. In the scramble, everyone was each other's enemies and began to scramble for each other.

The bloody scene kept happening.

However, there are still some people who didn't grab something, and they once again focused their attention on the group of people with oblique bangs.

After all, people with oblique bangs are the fattest.

Slanting Liu Hai and others struggled to resist.

But he couldn't resist too many people, and several small captains were directly hacked to death.

Xie Liu Hai was also injured, and when Xie Liu Hai stumbled out of the west gate, there were only four or five people around him.They only had the last package on them.

Perhaps it was because Xie Liuhai left too many things behind, which led to fighting among the refugees, so few people like Xie Liuhai chased them in the end.

Enmity, in front of food, is not worth mentioning.

Slanting Liu Hai looked at the group of refugees behind him, and took a hard look, a trace of regret welled up in his heart, but it quickly disappeared.

"Let's go to the east. I know some people in the east. Let's go find them." Xie Liuhai had led a team to search for supplies many times before, and he had also been to the next door. Once, he met some people from the east.

Among them, the group in the east has a colleague who he knew when he was working outside. According to his colleague, they are from the neighboring province.

People who left from Jiefang City are all looking for their own habitats, and those who stay are still fighting for supplies. They are often stabbed to death the second they just got the supplies.

I don't know who set the fire, but a raging fire started to burn in Jiefang City.

As night fell, there were not many people who were the final winners.

But because they didn't evacuate early, the zombies still came out at night. They carried the blood-stained food on their backs and faced the zombies alone!

In this darkness, it is difficult to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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