Global Cataclysm: I became a world tree

Chapter 66 Exclusive Patent Licensing

Chapter 66 Exclusive Patent Licensing
Ye Feng considered his language for a while, and said in a deep voice: "The other party's request is no problem, and we can even provide unlimited materials until the other party completes the research."

"But there is one condition that they must agree to, that is, we must obtain the exclusive patent authorization for the production of 'Life Raw Solution'."

"Even if you can't get the whole country, you have to get it from our Donghai Province. The worst is the worst, and you have to get the exclusive patent authorization of Yangcheng City."

"If the other party can't even agree to this, then you can stop cooperating."

Hearing what the mutated parrot said, Chen Dalong was taken aback for a moment, but soon his eyes lit up, "Master Parrot is really wise!"

"If the effect of the life essence researched is really that good, after we get the exclusive authorization, this will be a gold mine that will continue to flow."

"Okay, flattering is useless, I want to see the result. I'll wait for your news. If this matter is done, I'll give you 50 contribution points." Ye Feng said.

"Okay boss, I'll do it right away." Chen Dalong quickly agreed.

After hanging up the communication, Chen Dalong's expression also became serious.

He has never seen Mr. Parrot, who is so concerned about one thing, that he has even mentioned the reward in advance.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Dalong thought for a while, and then dialed Xu Liang's phone number.

"Hello! Professor Xu? I have a new idea about our cooperation. Where are you? Let's meet and talk..."

Chen Dalong roughly talked about the thoughts in his heart, and then drove to the Yangcheng Research Institute.

And his conversation with the other party lasted a full two hours. When he came out at 1:[-] in the morning, he was relieved.

Ignoring other things, he returned to the car to make sure there was no one around, and then immediately called Mr. Parrot.

"Hi! Master Parrot, we've finished talking about the matter. According to Professor Xu, although his project is not taken seriously, it is still one of the country's key scientific research projects."

"So even if there are research results, it is impossible for us to obtain an exclusive national patent authorization."

"As for our exclusive patent authorization in Donghai Province, Professor Xu will try his best to fight for us. If we can't win, he will also give us 10% of the patent rights as compensation."

"As for our exclusive patent authorization here in Yangcheng City, he said that there is no problem. He also said that after they get the follow-up state funds, they will give us 3000 million yuan to build a factory as a reward."

Chen Dalong finished the matter in one breath, and then waited anxiously.

"Not bad!" Ye Feng couldn't help but praise.

In fact, as long as he obtained the exclusive patent authorization from Yangcheng City, he would have achieved his goal.

When the time comes, let Chen Dalong build a factory to produce "life essence", so he can decide where to cut down the mutated plants.

Hearing Master Parrot's praise, Chen Dalong heaved a long sigh of relief and relaxed.

When Chen Dalong was finally able to rest, Ye Feng was still busy.

Because until this time, he finally waited until the clouds appeared above and he could break through.

This time Ye Feng chose to strengthen the toughness of the roots.

Then it entered a state of breakthrough.

Not only Ye Feng, but the rest of his subordinates have completed at least one breakthrough today, and some have even completed two breakthroughs.

Now, except for the mutated hedgehog, mutated goshawk, and 4 mutated buffaloes who were captured later, the rest have reached the second-order peak.

If it goes well, tomorrow morning, it will be able to break through to the third level.

It's just that except for the big yellow dog, the rest of the subordinates need him to condense the second-order evolution fruit to help them break through.

A second-order evolutionary fruit requires a full 400 points of spiritual energy. If all members are allowed to break through, it will definitely slow down his own progress.

He planned to condense 2~3 evolution fruits every day and let them break through in batches.

It is worth mentioning that the king cobra broke through to the early stage of the third order last night.

More than a day has passed now, and the opponent still has no sign of breaking through to the mid-term.

This also made Ye Feng truly realize that the further you get to the back, the harder it is to break through.

These things Ye Feng thought about did not delay his breakthrough process at all.

Half an hour later, the breakthrough was over, and he immediately opened the system panel to check.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)
Tree height: 185 meters

Trunk Width: 9m

Root length: 970 meters

Boundary: Tier [-] peak

Evolution points: 0/120 points

Special abilities: devour, captive, evolution fruit
Aura value: 500/1800 points

Bioenergy: 1500/1800 points

"Before I knew it, the height was almost 200 meters." Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Before he was reborn, he thought that the old pagoda tree on Xiaofeng Mountain was incredible, but now he has reached this height within a few days.

And according to his plan, he will break through to the fourth level tomorrow, and the height will inevitably skyrocket by then.

"I hope that when we break through to the fourth level, the height increase will not be too outrageous."

Although I knew it was impossible, I still prayed in my heart.

Then he looked at the width of the tree. There was nothing to say, and his eyes quickly moved down to the length of the roots.

The length of the main root is 970 meters. Just add a little bit, it will not take long to reach 1000 meters.

With his current territory, he can easily harvest 500 aura points in an hour.

"The large-scale captive mutant creatures in the back should not have to worry too much about the consumption of spiritual energy. Even solving the problem of food may be more troublesome than solving the problem of spiritual energy." Ye Feng couldn't help complaining.

This afternoon, the king cobra alone ate five hundred catties of meat to barely be full.

So Ye Feng can't count on it now. This group of subordinates captured mutant animals to increase their aura. They can support themselves by hunting, so he is thankful.

And now it's just a king cobra. If other carnivorous mutant animals reach the third level, he doesn't know how to raise them.

"Maybe Chen Dalong can send hundreds of catties of meat every day." Ye Feng couldn't help muttering.

But he quickly gave up on this idea. It may be okay for a day or two, but if you do it every day, it will be too difficult to keep it secret.

"The food problem, I still have to find a way to solve it myself. I just want to go to the Dongling Mountains tomorrow. Send them all out to find food."

In the blink of an eye, the night passed.

Ye Feng turned on the news as usual and read it.

Nothing major happened, and now the hot searches are nothing more than supernatural beings, and the "Elimination of the Four Pests" operation.

In addition, he opened the danger list and took a look, and his ranking has risen again, and he has reached the 60th place.

According to this speed, I am afraid that in a few days, I will surpass the mutant old locust tree.

Just when he was about to turn off his phone, he suddenly saw a piece of news, and the popularity was soaring rapidly.

#城市护防部部 and 11 security companies launched a joint operation to clear the Dongling Mountains#
(End of this chapter)

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