This sea lord is a bit strong

Chapter 444 The Shocking Truth

Chapter 444 The Shocking Truth

The canopy is like an emerald green umbrella, covering the entire sky. The criss-crossing branches are the umbrella ribs, and the lush green leaves are the umbrella surface, supporting the world like the legendary world tree.

According to Ji Chen's estimate, this giant tree is at least tens of thousands of meters high, but it may also be due to the special spatial rules in the Kingdom of Nature that make this tree so majestic.

However, this giant tree is actually the core supporting the entire kingdom of nature.

The taller and stronger the tree, the bigger and wider the space it can support. It is a treasure that generations of gods of the natural gods have spent countless years cultivating.

With the canopy and trunk as the boundary, the upper part is the realm of the gods.

Among the dense branches and green leaves, Ji Chen saw two coffins wrapped by vines. The vines hung them like chains above a cavity in the center of the tree crown.

The coffin seemed to have not been opened or moved for a long time. It was covered with patches of green moss, and unknown plants spread along the vines to the coffin, appearing full of vitality.

With the two coffins as the center, it exudes an aura that makes all living beings tremble.

And this kind of breath, Ji Chen had felt it before.

- gods.

There is no doubt that there are two gods lying in the coffin, and there is a high probability that they are the two natural gods who survived the first battle of gods.

Seeing this scene, the hero of the crown of the ocean couldn't help holding his breath, his eyes were fixed on the coffin, as if someone would sit up inside the next moment.

However, after a long time, the coffin only exuded a menacing aura, but there was no movement.

All the heroes looked at Ji Chen one after another, asking what to do next.

Ji Chen looked at the two coffins thoughtfully, and said.

"Open the coffin."

The four supernatural sea crystal flying dragons immediately came out and flew into the canopy at a steady speed. The seemingly sturdy and huge body appeared smaller in front of the even bigger giant tree, and could easily pass through the branches and leaves.

As he was approaching, he was always watching for any changes in the coffin, but there was still no movement until it was next to the two coffins in the Divine Power Sea Crystal Wyvern channel.

Seeing this scene, a gleam flashed in Ji Chen's eyes.

The supernatural sea crystal flying dragon flew closer, trying to find the gap between the coffin body and the lid to pry it open, but the two coffins seemed to be a complete piece of nature, not to mention the gap, not even a crack.

The whole coffin was integrated, if it wasn't for the shape and pattern that made it clear that it was a coffin for burial, otherwise it would make people feel that it was two lumps of wood.

"Come back, I'll come in person."

"My lord, this is too dangerous." The heroes hurriedly said, "Why don't we try it out."

Ji Chen shook his head lightly and said in a deep voice.

"Perhaps only with the power of the natural pantheon can the veil covering what happened here be lifted."

Alice and the others looked at each other, but nodded, followed closely to buy, and focused on the two coffins.

Once there is any change in it, they will immediately use their body as a shield to protect the lord.

Ji Chen appeared quite relaxed, and followed the thick branches that were strong enough to run a horse to the bottom of the two coffins, and made a behavior that shocked everyone.

The thunder in his hands bloomed, and he struck one of the coffins, but what happened next shocked them even more.

The coffin was struck by thunder, and after a moment of stagnation, it trembled suddenly, as if the things in the coffin were about to wake up.

The vines connected to it were stimulated by some kind, and they broke one after another, and the coffin fell heavily on the trunk with a "slap".

The heroes immediately became vigilant, desperately protecting the lord behind him, their eyes were full of vigilance and horror, but they stared for a long time, only to find that nothing happened after the coffin shook for a while.


"It's okay."

I don't know when a gap opened in the coffin, Ji Chen walked over, and stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the coffin along the gap.

When he saw what was inside the coffin, there was such an expression on his face.

There was no so-called corpse of a god in the coffin, but a green crystal ball, which seemed to contain some kind of energy.

Without much hesitation, Ji Chen stretched out his hand.

The moment the finger touched the crystal ball, the stars moved, and the consciousness came to a strange white space without boundaries.

Light curtains recording information suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and pictures flashed before my eyes like a revolving lantern.

It was the battle of gods that affected the entire main world, the void and countless secret realms tens of thousands of years ago. The gods in the sky drove the believers to conquer the heretics for the sake of profit.

Although it only lasted for a hundred years, this short hundred years has almost emptied the main world and the resources accumulated by the secret realm in the past endless years.

The originally rich villages were reduced to scorched earth, the rich rivers dried up, the rich land degenerated into deserts and Gobi, and ugly mines appeared in the mountains because of collecting resources at any cost
All this made the gods of the natural pantheon who advocate and protect nature feel unacceptable, so under the prayers of the deity believers, they decided to join the war of gods.

Stop the war with war, end the war as soon as possible and restore the earth to life.

However, the intensity of the battle of gods was far beyond their imagination. Nine of the eleven natural gods fell, and even the only main god of the gods fell, leaving only one lower god and one middle god.

After the battle of the gods, it became one of the weakest gods.

Just when the natural gods thought they could finally cultivate their health and wellbeing, another malicious attack struck.

The natural god system was considered to be quite a powerful god system before the war of gods, so the natural god kingdom was also quite large and rich, but it was a crime.

Those other gods who were also injured in the battle of gods have put their ideas into extreme decline, but they have the natural gods of the kingdom of nature.

However, the natural believers were almost wiped out in the battle of gods, and the power of their beliefs was rapidly decaying. The only two remaining natural gods could not stop the eyes of those who began to covet the kingdom of nature.

In order to preserve the kingdom of nature, they resolutely drove the kingdom of nature to dive deeper into the void.

But staying away from the main world and going deep into the void will cause more serious consequences, and one of the factors that can better receive the power of faith is the distance from the main world.

The main world is like a signal tower. The closer the distance, the better the signal, and the farther the signal, the worse the signal.

But just like satellite orbits, the location close to the main world is limited, so some powerful divine kingdoms, such as the kingdom of the elves and the kingdom of light, rely on their strength to occupy a position very close to the main world.

The weak ones occupy farther.

At that time, the natural god system had already declined to the extreme, so it was naturally pushed out to the outermost edge.

What those coveters never expected was that the gods of nature would be so decisive, or that they would drive the Kingdom of God away from the main world and into the depths of the void.

This is equivalent to taking the initiative to sever faith and seek death.

The coveter retreated and no longer pursued it, but the kingdom of nature disappeared into the vast void and lost contact.

They thought that the natural pantheon was bound to perish, lost in the void.

But in fact, the natural gods knew that this move was the road to perdition, but they still did it resolutely - in order to preserve the kingdom of nature.

Seeing this, Ji Chen was slightly shocked. He did not expect that the Kingdom of Nature was actually driven by the two remaining natural gods to prevent it from falling into the hands of other coveted gods, thus driving the Kingdom of God deep into the void.

Ji Chen took the perspective of the two natural gods at that time, trying to think whether there was such a determination to choose to end.

Thinking of the end, he could only smile wryly and shook his head.

Even the gods would not be reconciled to this feeling of watching oneself helplessly walk towards death.

Ji Chen perked up and continued to look down.

The two natural gods also went deep into the void step by step. At the end of their lives, they also saw that even for the gods, they were only limited to the edge of the void in the legend.

At this time, it has been 20 years since the war of gods ended, more than 37 years ago, and the natural pantheon and the natural kingdom of God did not disappear [-] years ago, as other pantheons believed.

At the edge of the void, they saw things that were hidden in the void.

In this void, there is indeed a supreme existence, silently watching everything that happened.

The supreme being, also known as the will of the plane, also saw them who were on the verge of death, and told them the truth.

Ji Chen finally couldn't help the shock in his heart when he saw this.

The main world, countless secret realms revolving around it, and the void constitute a complete plane ecology.

Any creature that dies on the plane will be re-turned into the energy of birth according to countless constant rules, so as to maintain the continuous operation of this plane.

There are too many gods born in this plane, too many powerful creatures like gods constantly plunder resources to strengthen themselves, and they are almost immortal, which leads to the continuous accumulation of energy at the top of the gods.

However, the energy is not enough to maintain the operation of the birth level, and the birth speed of world resources has been slowed down by countless times. If this continues, the environment will collapse sooner or later.

Therefore, regularly promote circulation in a special way.

Battle of the Gods is one of the ways of energy circulation of the plane.

And that war between law and darkness became a cycle

Just like the previous few times, this effect is very obvious. Most of the gods fell in the battle of gods, and a large amount of original energy returned to the plane, which promoted the circulation and revitalized the main world, countless secret realms, and the entire plane.

However, after such a simple and crude but extremely effective "cycle", that supreme being encountered a problem.

Another plane appeared.

There are many ways of plane continuation, but there are only two that stay the same.

Conserve and conquer.

Conservation means that it maintains the operation and development of the plane self-sufficiently through "circulation".

And conquest means literally conquering other planes and plundering resources to maintain and strengthen one's own plane.

This time, unfortunately, the approaching plane is a powerful conquering plane, which clearly sends the intention of aggression, killing, and plundering.

This creates a very funny situation.

This conservative plane has just experienced the "cycle" of God Wars, and it is the weakest period of development, but it bumps into such a conquest plane that lives on aggression and plunder.

And this conquest of the plane accelerated after the discovery of the conservative plane.

But the will to preserve the plane does not sit still, just like the two natural gods drove the kingdom of nature to leave, they also drove this plane to move and escape from the conquest plane.

If the conquest plane comes into contact with it, the creatures on that plane will rush into the original plane like locusts, exterminate, capture and annex all the creatures on the original plane.

The will to conquer the plane will also swallow up their will to preserve the plane, and the plane will be destroyed.

However, the conquest plane is even more powerful. If this plane only escapes unilaterally, it will be caught up sooner or later.

Perhaps because they felt that they were about to die, the will of the plane did not reveal anything, or what the next plan was.

The light curtain in front of him changed, and the figures of two natural gods appeared.

One is a middle-aged male male, and the other is a female of some kind of void race.

At the core of the divine kingdom of nature—the top of the divine tree of nature, they stored everything they saw in a crystal ball that could be preserved for millions of years, made coffins out of the branches of the divine tree of nature, and presented to nature The army of the Kingdom of God has passed the order to protect this place forever.

at the end of life.

They used the power of the Kingdom of God to send out a medium that can connect the Kingdom of God and the main world. It is the key that Ji Chen obtained. In order not to make the Kingdom of God truly lost, and to pass on the truth to future generations known.

After watching all this, the light curtain finally freezes on the two natural gods who turn into light spots and rise into the sky, and finally become the energy that maintains the kingdom of nature.

a long time.

Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief, the shock still lingering in his heart.

The secret key of the Kingdom of God was created by two natural gods who felt that they had come to a dead end, so that the kingdom of nature and the shocking truth would not get lost in the void.

What's even more astonishing is that above the gods and spirits, there actually exists a higher plane's will, which has watched everything that happened in the plane for countless years, and pushed forward an unknown amount of things left in the history.

Even the battle of the gods was indirectly promoted for the sake of "circulation". According to the speculation of these two natural gods, such a battle of the gods has been experienced more than once.

And every time, countless creatures die, turning into energy and returning to the plane for circulation.

And the appearance of conquering the plane is even more extraordinary.

This is more serious than any battle of gods. In other words, the battle of gods will allow energy to re-enter the cycle. It is intended to promote and maintain the continued development of the plane, but if it is invaded and conquered by other planes, it may be Even taking the whole plane as someone else's wedding dress!

This made Ji Chen extremely horrified, and also thought of a series of things.

Could it be that what brought the player to this world was the will of the plane?
The technology tree of the arms is also a gift from the will of the plane?

(End of this chapter)

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