This sea lord is a bit strong

Chapter 185 The elves join the battle, the smoke of war

Chapter 185 The elves join the battle, the smoke of war
The elves who had just walked out of the lord's castle not long ago saw that the entire Ocean Crown suddenly became "lively", and seemed a little overwhelmed, with a dazed look on their faces.

"Your Excellency, what happened?"

"Some evil sea creatures are preparing to attack the crown of the ocean. It may be dangerous to stay here. You should also follow the residents to the cave for refuge."

The elves nodded, but instead of leaving, they said seriously: "Then please let us join the battle!"

"You?" Ji Chen frowned, "You are the guests, how can there be any talk about letting the guests fight?"

An elf took a step forward, saluted and explained.

"Your Excellency saved us from the goblins. We still don't know how to repay you, so let's fight together this time."

"Although we are still young, we have already received strict training in the clan. As long as we are given a bow and some arrows, we can display our combat effectiveness!"

Seeing the persistence on their faces, Ji Chen couldn't refuse, so he just nodded and said with a serious face: "I can let you go to the battlefield, but you must obey my orders, otherwise it will be regarded as disobedience to military orders. deal with!"


When the female elves appeared in front of them again, they were already wearing a set of leather armor that was easy to move, holding a strong bow in their hands, two pots of arrows hanging from their backs, a short sword pinned to their waists, and Strapped with a dagger.

The painting style changed from a weak elf woman to a resolute elf female warrior.

【Elf Ranger】

【Race】: Elf
[Level]: Tier 3 [-] star

[Skill]: Elven Archery (purple skill, shooting accuracy, skill, speed greatly improved)
Lianzhu Arrow (purple skill, can shoot three arrows in quick succession)
Hawkeye (purple skill, greatly improves dynamic vision and static vision)
Elven Swordsmanship (purple skill, improved swordsmanship melee ability)

[Soldier Characteristics]: Son of the Jungle (When fighting in the jungle, all attributes are increased by 75%, the movement speed and flexibility are increased by an additional 50%, and the concealment is greatly improved)

[The elf ranger is the backbone of the elves, and his fighting ability in the jungle makes the enemy frightened]

The boards of these elf rangers are not bad, and the fourth-order and three-star ranks are relatively high. If you add the attribute blessing of jungle combat, the overall strength is even higher than that of the Naga Berserker.

"Your Excellency, the elf team is reporting to you!"

The situation was urgent, and Ji Chen gave the order immediately without wasting any more time.

"The task I give you is to use your advantage in fighting in the jungle to strangle all sea descendants who enter the jungle!"

The elves nodded one after another, and quickly sank into the jungle.

At this time, the Sky Guard has already soared in the sky, closely monitoring the surrounding sea area.

The early warning lighthouse can monitor the sea surface, but cannot penetrate the sea surface to detect the enemy in the sea.

Who knows how many Haisi are approaching now.

A large number of ocean guards were scattered like beans, spread all over the surrounding sea area like spider webs, not only for scouting, but also to slow down the advance of Hai Si, so that the residents of the crown of the ocean can completely evacuate and evacuate.

Ji Chen's body shook suddenly, and his face became serious.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Alice asked in a low voice.

"More than a dozen ocean guards deployed in the northwest, due west, and southeast directions of the Crescent Islands were destroyed."

After the words fell, the heroes looked at each other.

Haisi's previous attacks only appeared in the east sea area, but this time, they marched in multiple directions at the same time.

This means that Haisi seem to have a "brain" directing this time.

At this time, in a deep trench at the edge of the stormy sea, a huge mass of flesh with hundreds of tentacles was lying quietly on the bottom of the trench, and the tentacles trembled slightly with the flow of sea water.

Every vibration sent a message to a certain group of sea descendants hundreds of miles away. The huge fleshy body was the best receiver, sending back the information collected by thousands of sea descendants.

".Children. Attack Extinction"

".Humanity devours evolution!"

In the lord's castle.

Anina looked extremely serious.

"This time, there must be the leader of Haisi behind the command, otherwise they would not have such wisdom and would attack from multiple directions by themselves!"

"A Hai Si without a Hai Si leader is just a group of reckless men who only know how to be reckless, but a Hai Si with a Hai Si leader is the most cunning hunter, and the level of danger is greatly increased!"

"When I was still wandering alone in the sea, I once saw a sea descendant tribe with a scale of only a few thousand, under the command of a sea descendant leader, completely defeated a Naga tribe with a scale of [-], and the whole tribe became The food in Hai Si's mouth."

"So, my lord, you must be more vigilant, and don't underestimate this Hai Si leader!"

Seeing Anina's seriousness, Ji Chen also shook his head: "There is no need to worry about this. I have already put the entire army on the highest alert. Every inch of the Crescent Islands is patrolled and guarded by troops."

"Even if even the lizardmen, I have drawn an army of 4000 lizardmen warriors from them. Even if they can't kill Haisi, they can stop them for a long time."

"Besides, Anina, you don't have to be so nervous when I'm here."

Hearing this, the Dragon Whale girl gradually settled down when she saw the composure on the Lord Lord's face.

"I see."

Soothing his subordinate's emotions, Ji Chen nodded and asked about the current situation.

"How is Hai Si's situation now, has he arrived near the Crescent Islands?"

"Currently, we can already see a large number of sea descendants floating on the surface in the northeast direction, heading towards the vice island in the northeast." Benboerba said, taking a step forward.

If Haisi wants to attack the crown of the ocean from the northeast, he must first capture the vice island in the northeast, and then land and attack the crown of the ocean along the beach.

But just a few days ago, the ancient civilization fortress on the Northeast Vice Island, which had been repaired for several months, had just been repaired.

The fortress covered the entire Vice Island, and the city wall was more than ten meters high. If there were enough troops stationed there, it would be enough to drag a large number of sea descendants there.

And the sea surface clockwise from the due east to the south is firmly controlled by the elemental arrow towers and many ordinary arrow towers. Don't worry too much. If Haisi bites the bullet and attacks from these directions, he will definitely be beaten into suspicion Life.

There are towering and steep mountains and peaks on the north side, so there is nothing to worry about in this direction.

In this way, it is the west and southwest sides that need to be worried.

The west side of the crown of the ocean is a large jungle. Because of the sea rice planting, building construction, and dense jungle, there are not many defensive buildings in this direction.

But it is also because of this jungle that it is not easy for Haisi to cross such a vast and dense jungle.

It only needs to deploy an army that is good at fighting in the jungle, and it can greatly delay and even wipe out the enemy attacking from the west.

And the flat beach facing south is an extremely suitable direction for attack.

The distance from here to the crown of the ocean and the core - the lord's castle is only about 300 meters in a straight line.

But Ji Chen had already had the idea of ​​further improving the defense in this direction.

Therefore, the location of the Alchemy Death Cannon was set on a high ground in the forest, only 200 meters away from the beach, and its firepower range completely covered the nearby sea.

At first glance, it seems that the current defense situation is not bad?

With this in mind, Ji Chen waved his hand and ordered.

"Ben Bo'erba, you take the dragon blood murlocs and elemental sea elves to the fortress of the Northeast Vice Island to garrison. Be sure to block the Hai Si in that direction!"

"Daro, you take the half-orc warriors and some lizard warriors to the port to assist in the defense. If necessary, let those goblins control the alchemy cannons on the goblin merchant ships, and use the artillery of the three-masted battleship to counterattack!"

"Anina, you are stationed in the jungle on the west side with the Naga Berserker and some self-explosive water spiders to block the Hai Si attacking from the west side!"

"In the end, Alice and I will take the rest of the army and guard the beach on the south side!"


Under the leadership of heroes, armies rushed in all directions.

A wisp of smoke of war has slowly permeated the skies over the Crescent Islands.

Under the scorching sun, the originally blue sea was covered in black and white.

Thousands of sea descendants are heading towards the target location under the control of the leader. All creatures that stand in front of them will be killed and devoured without exception, turning into the energy for the reproduction and evolution of sea descendants.

Finally, after rushing for a while, he saw the archipelago, and all the Hai Si were shaking with excitement, waving their tentacles and various strange organs.

Of course, it's not that the Haisi are excited, but the Haisi leader behind the scenes is excited.

It knows that on this archipelago, there is an extremely objective amount of food, which is enough for its group to reproduce on a large scale again.

And there is a special human being there, as long as that human being is devoured, then it can usher in a supreme evolution and master the unprecedented power of the Haisi clan

At that time, the entire ocean will become a hunting ground for Haisi! !

The horn of war sounded.

On the fortress of Vice Island in the northeast, the elemental sea elf's first round of water arrows shot out from a distance, and when they exploded among the sea descendants, it signaled that the life-and-death battle between the crown of the ocean and the sea descendants had suddenly begun.

Perhaps you may not be able to imagine what the scene of Haisi's army attacking is like.

There are all kinds of twisted bodies, grotesque limbs and tentacles, crowded under the city wall, and sticky tentacles stretched out as if to say hello.

In addition to the deep sea puncturer and the floating scavenger that appeared before, there are several different kinds of sea descendants, but they all have one thing in common—the appearance is very disgusting and distorted.

It looks like a fish with legs. It is called a fear fish. It has a big mouth that no relatives recognize. It crawls very fast. It can use its bony front feet to climb up the unevenness of the city wall.

Another kind of lower body is also twisted tentacles, but with a ring of slender petals on its head, it can spit out extremely corrosive acid with a long range.

On the more distant sea surface, there seemed to be other new species of Hai Si, but they did not launch an attack at this time, but just stood quietly.

Above the sky, the Sky Guardian ushered in enemies who wanted to challenge its supremacy of the sky for the first time.

A group of hundreds of floating looters is flapping their wings and flying towards them.

Compared with the last time I saw them, the size of these floating skimmers seems to have become more slender, more streamlined, and their flight speed and sensitivity have improved.

If they were just out of the nest last time and just learned to fly, now they are mature and able to start catching prey by themselves.

But obviously, this level of floating plunderers is no match for the fierce sky guards.

Just grabbing and pecking, several floating looters were killed, and their broken limbs fell from the sky.

Three sky guards form a small team, use extremely superb flying skills to separate the enemies, and then destroy them one by one.

In just a few minutes, the team of floating raiders were all reimbursed and died on the spot.

The sky guards just adjusted their formation slightly, then formed a formation and flew towards other battlefields to provide air support for friendly forces.

Ji Chen also saw the scene where the Floating Raider was chopped up and killed, but he didn't feel any joy in his heart.

In just one or two months, Haisi evolved again. The most frightening thing is that they completely abandoned the principle of biological evolution and only evolved abilities that are beneficial to them.

This made Ji Chen wonder, if Hai Si is given enough time and biological templates, will they evolve to be like gods?

On the tidal flats on the west side of the main island of the Crescent Islands, thousands of sea heirs landed from the sea. Seeing that there were no creatures or enemies here, they plunged into the jungle without the slightest hesitation.

As everyone knows, in the deep forest, a team of fully armed elves is secretly observing them.

When seeing their twisted bodies, each of them looked ugly.

For the elves with pure looks, Hai Si's ugly appearance unintentionally refreshed their three views.

"Oh my god, how can there be such a disgusting creature? I feel like I'm going to spit out my lunch!"

"Is this the Hai Si that Your Excellency Ji Chen mentioned? It is even more disgusting than the most disgusting slug in the jungle."

Soon, the leading female elf ranger said in a low voice with determination.

"They seem to be heading towards the crown of the ocean. We must restrain them, otherwise Your Excellency Ji Chen may be attacked from both sides!"

"Sisters, our family of elves rose from a jungle. It is not because we love peace and nature that we are able to become what we are today. It is because we are good at fighting that we can fight our way out of the dangerous jungle!"

"Let these disgusting things taste the power of our elves today, don't let Your Excellency Ji Chen underestimate us!!"

A cold arrow shot out from the branches and leaves, passed through the body of a deep sea piercer in the blink of an eye, and was nailed to the tree trunk behind it, the tail of the arrow was still trembling.

In just two breaths, the other deep-sea puncturers sprayed out the spikes in their mouths towards the place where the arrows came from, but the sound of sinking into the trees showed that they missed.

In the forest, the elf team started discussing again in soft voices.

"Those sea descendants seem to need to hit a vital point to die, and their reactions are very sensitive. We need to find out their weaknesses, and leave immediately after one blow kills them, and look for opportunities before making a move."

The elf rangers shot many times, and gradually figured out the weaknesses of the Haisi.

A single arrow can take away a Haisi, constantly harassing it, but Haisi cannot fight back effectively because of the dense jungle.

Back and forth, Haisi's speed on the west side slowed down greatly.

At this time, the attention of the leader of Haisi seems to be on the other side
(End of this chapter)

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