This sea lord is a bit strong

Chapter 108 Lucky Raymond

Chapter 108 Lucky Raymond
The fight is over from the start.

Relying on the same level of crushing, plus the advantages of sneak attack and darkness.

These elite guards of the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce did not last long at all. Under the attack of Naga warriors, shallow sea murlocs, pure water sea elves and many other arms, they fell like wheat one by one.

When the battle loss rate reached 50%, the entire team collapsed instantly, and the rest dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground to surrender. Fear had completely occupied their hearts.

It is clearly said that there are only about a hundred second-tier enemies, but now all they see are third-tier enemies, and their combat power is extremely terrifying, and they have no ability to resist at all.

In the face of bloody death and massacre, these guards tactfully surrendered.

Looking at the group of remnant soldiers whose wills had collapsed in front of him, Ji Chen didn't kill them all.

He just ordered the pirates who came later to tie them up one by one and deal with them later.

Getting this right is the most important thing right now.

In addition to ambush in the jungle, Ji Chen also sent a small group of murlocs, murloc wanderers, and pirates to a few ships parked on the sea, taking advantage of the lack of defense to steal the ships secretly, cutting off the enemy's escape route.

Willow, who escaped in the jungle, was quickly captured by his own army that captured the ship and escorted back.

When I saw Willow again, he had already been tied into a rice dumpling, with a dejected expression on his face.

When he saw Ji Chen, he became a little frightened.

But then, as if remembering something, his face suddenly calmed down, and he said sharply: "I advise you to untie me and send me away safely, otherwise, if I die here, Mr. With the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce, we will not let you go, and death will hang over your heads!"

Ji Chen looked at him like a fool, wondering if there was something wrong with this man.

He was so arrogant when he was about to die.

Seeing that Ji Chen didn't speak, Willow thought he had successfully frightened him, so he said in an even more domineering tone: "You think you are great because you have solved the two guards of the ship merchant association?

Let me tell you, the strength of the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce is far beyond your imagination. Even Mr. Gassani can pull out as many as ten guards like this, and there is even a more elite soldier and fleet. "

Ji Chen narrowed his eyes and extracted a key word, "You mean Gassani?"

Like a dog hearing someone mention its master, Willow immediately became proud and barked, "That's right, my master is Lord Gassani, and I'm his most capable subordinate.

If you are sensible, let me go, and obediently offer up this archipelago, then Mr. Gasani may give you a way out... ah! ! "

Before she finished speaking, Anina on the side rushed forward unbearably, her small fists fell like raindrops, and beat Willow crazily, "I have endured you for a long time, and you dare to speak like this when you are about to die? Don't even dare to be so arrogant."

After the beating, Anina retreated with a refreshed face, and only Willow, who was no longer human, was left in Yu Nadi.

She didn't make a move in the previous battle, and her hands were itchy for a long time, so she just used this fool to vent her emotions.

"It's too much, it's too much, I'm rubbing it..." Willow curled up on the ground and shivered, his nose and eyes were swollen, his body was covered with bruises, a few teeth were knocked out, and his words had already begun to leak .

But this is the result of Anina keeping her hand, otherwise, with the power of a whale, wouldn't she be able to beat him into a meat paste?Physically.

Seeing that this guy finally calmed down, Ji Chen knelt down in front of him, sighed and said, "If you had cooperated a bit from the beginning, then you wouldn't have to suffer such flesh and blood, why bother."

"You can answer whatever I ask next, understand? Why don't I just let her continue to take out your anger on you?"

Hearing this, Willow's head instantly turned into a woodpecker, and he glanced at Anina who was gearing up in extreme fear, wanting to cry but not crying.

Who would have thought that such a little girl possessed such frightening power in her seemingly soft body, almost beating him to death.

It can be said that instead of being beaten like this, he would rather be killed directly with a knife.

"You just said, who is Gassani? What role did he play in this operation?"

"Lord Gassani is one of the members of the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce and the main planner of this operation."

"A member of the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce? Is it the same status as Raymond in the Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's the same in name, but Lord Gassani has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce for a long time, while Raymond only joined in the past two years, and his strength is slightly weaker among the many members."

Ji Chen nodded, and then asked: "You said that Gassani was the main planner of this operation. Does that mean that other people from the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce were directly or indirectly involved?"

Willow hesitated for a moment, but when he saw a smirk on the corner of Anina's mouth, he was frightened and said quickly: "That's right, the use of guards from the chamber of commerce requires the consent of many members, so basically most members agree up,
But this proposal was proposed by Mr. Gassani, and the others gave some support. I am just a small subordinate under him, and I act according to the order, so if you want revenge, you can go to them directly. "

As he spoke, he showed a flattering and flattering expression, but because of his bruised and swollen face, this expression looked very funny and funny.

Both Alice and Anina couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this, the pirates watching around cast contemptuous glances one after another.

Before, they saw Willow's words and behaviors being so arrogant, and every word was inseparable from the so-called Mr. Gasani, and they thought it was some kind of loyal subordinate.

I didn't expect to be this kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, betraying his master and seeking glory.

They disdain to be with this kind of person!
"Raymond is also one of them?"

Willow was taken aback, "No, he's the only one who objected, and he's still locked up on the boat."

Ji Chen couldn't help being stunned.

At this time, some pirates who were searching the ship outside came back and reported: "My lord, there is a fat man named Raymond who is imprisoned in the cabin, and he said he knows you and wants to see you."

Good guy, this fat man is so lucky.

Gassani and the others didn't choose to kill him directly, but locked him in the cabin and brought him here.

This fat man may still have some value.

After recovering, Ji Chen said in a deep voice.

"Bring him to the territory!"

"Yes!" Several pirates left in a hurry.

He looked at Willow who was kneeling on the ground, "Tell me all the information you know about this matter, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Seeing Ji Chen's cold gaze, Willow shuddered and nodded quickly.

Lord's Palace.

When the tied-up Raymond was brought in by the collar of the Naga warrior, when he saw Ji Chen, his fleshy face was full of excitement,
"Your Excellency Ji Chen, it's great that you're fine, I thought you're my ass!"

He was directly thrown to the ground by the Naga warrior, his buttocks hit the ground heavily, and he wanted to struggle to get up, but because his hands and feet were tied, he wriggled on the ground like a fleshy worm.

Ji Chen sighed and asked someone to untie him, "I already learned the whole story from that man named Willow, so I can't blame you for this."

Raymond, who was let go, stood up and originally wanted to complain about the rude actions of these Naga warriors, but when he heard Ji Chen's words, his face suddenly felt ashamed.

"I have part of the responsibility for this matter. If I had been more cautious at that time and hadn't mentioned the situation in the stormy sea area, perhaps such a thing would not have happened.
Fortunately, Your Excellency, your strength is astonishing, and you defeated those chamber of commerce guards, otherwise I would have made a big mistake. "

Raymond kept his posture very low and took the initiative to admit his fault and responsibility.

Then he said with some anger and emotion: "I didn't expect that other members, especially the despicable villain Gasani, would choose to kidnap me directly and prevent me from tipping you off, so as to make their plan go smoothly.
These self-proclaimed businessmen still don't understand that there are some things they can't touch! "

Ji Chen nodded and didn't say much, but silently recorded the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce in his notebook.

If there is a chance, you must avenge this revenge and let them know who they can't mess with.

"The matter has been resolved, so do you have any way to go after that? Go back and seek revenge on them?"

There was bitterness on Raymond's face, "Since they chose to kidnap me, it means that the relationship between me and them has been torn apart. I guess my assets should have been annexed by them.
Except for a dozen or so surviving cronies, I already have nothing, and the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce has a lot of power in the Western Continent, so I probably won’t be able to go back.”

Hearing this, Ji Chen's heart moved, "Since you have nowhere to go, how about working for me?"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, "Working for Your Excellency?"

"That's right, as long as you choose to be loyal to me, then I will accept that you will become the Chief Commercial Officer of the Crown of the Ocean. How about helping me manage the import and export of goods and resources in the territory?"

"As long as you are loyal enough, then I can delegate power to you. Except for some arms and resources, the rest of the territory's resources can be opened to you. It is not impossible to personally help you take revenge."

Raymond's face was lost in thought. As an excellent businessman, all decisions must be carefully considered.

But soon he shook his head bitterly, because it seemed that there was no way out for him to go.

Relying on himself and a dozen or so cronies alone, he doesn't know when he will be able to return to his previous state.

And most of his business and contacts are in the Western Continent, and the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce must have obstructed and assassinated him a lot, and it is difficult to turn over with his own strength.

But with His Excellency Ji Chen's support, maybe he can avenge this time.

"Is what you said true?"

Ji Chen's tone was decisive: "Of course, once a word is said, it's hard to follow. I, Ji, always keep my word."

Hearing this, Raymond threw away the last bit of hesitation and knelt down on one knee, "My lord, I am willing to be loyal to you and let you drive."

"Ding~ Raymond is loyal to you."

His panel information appeared in front of his eyes.


[race]: human
[Level]: 10
[Skills]: Sense of trade (blue skill, with a very keen sense of business, find any opportunity to make money)
Persuasion (blue skill, eloquent, able to persuade others with clever language)

Lucky (blue skill, sometimes able to survive death)
[Remarks]: The Consul of the Chamber of Commerce has good business talent and hates the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce

Good guy.

The last time I saw it, the level of the lucky skill was only white, but now it has turned blue.

Could this be the reason why Raymond was able to escape from death every time?
After sighing, Ji Chen said.

"Go and rest first, and I will give you work later."

Raymond nodded, he was also feeling tired at such a late hour.

noon the next day.

Last night's record and gains were counted.

A total of [-] Chamber of Commerce guards came to attack on this trip, about half of them were killed last night, and the rest were imprisoned.

In addition to these guards, there are about [-] sailors and craftsmen left on several ships.

After asking Willow to identify some stubborn and hostile people, the remaining more than 150 people were absorbed into the Crown of the Sea to supplement the population of the territory.

And the [-] or so people identified and the [-] or so Chamber of Commerce guards were sent to various resource points to act as coolies.

Ji Chen thought that he was already benevolent, instead of killing them, he allowed them to dig mines to atone for his sins.

Until the sins are all redeemed, they can be allowed to go back.

Although he has the final say on the amount of redemption.

Of the four ships sent by the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce, two were three-masted warships filled with artillery and crossbows, but they did not play a role in last night's sneak attack.

The other two were two-masted merchant ships, both crammed with crates of cargo.

The Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce felt that this operation was a surefire one, so they brought in various resources and materials at the same time, and wanted to start construction immediately after capturing the Crescent Islands.

So these resources are all cheaper for him.

After some counting, the two merchant ships had more than 700 slaves, many of whom were skilled.

There are hundreds of tons of various living materials, including more than [-] units of food, which are all dried meat and dry food that can be stored for a long time, so there is no need to worry about spoilage.

There are also many kinds of iron utensils, such as shovels, iron axes, iron picks, etc., which can be used for a long time.

Perhaps it is considered to be land reclamation, so there is no luxury.

However, this sum of supplies is enough to bring about a qualitative change in the quality of life in the territory.

In addition, Ji Chen also found several architectural drawings purchased by the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce at a large price.

The Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce probably didn't expect that the blueprints they bought to speed up the construction of the island would be given to Ji Chen for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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