The next day, the Adventurer's Association, which had only repaired one counter, was surrounded by people, and as far as the eye could see, they were all adventurers in green clothes.

Everyone scrambled to borrow the entrustment registered by the Zephyr Knight.

The latest entrustment: There are some "drop-shaped red stones" scattered on the outskirts of Mond. It emits red light and has unknown dangers. Use the safety box donated by the association to pack it back, and receive rewards according to the number of task items.


The onlookers were shocked.

"Hey! What a great deal! There are so many moras, and the Adventurer's Association is so generous. It's the first time a girl has been on the sedan chair."

"Short-sighted! Mora is something outside of me. This adventure point is a good thing to advance to the adventurer level. I will do it without paying!"

"But the entrustment said that this red gemstone seems to have unknown dangers?"

"What's this! This is the greatness of our adventurers, a strong heart and never timid courage!"

"Oh hiss!"

After all the responses, adventurers poured out of the city gate one after another after their preparations, dense and luxuriant like green leaves blown into the distance by the wind.

Adventurers may not have strong combat power, but each of them has a fearless adventurous heart.

"With all due respect, leader, are you really willing to believe the words of a poet, a traveler, or a stranger?" Kaiya stared fixedly at the acting leader, Qin.

In the office of the Knights, Qin stood with her back, looking out the window at the town of Mond.

In the past, there were dark clouds and no blue sky could be seen here; now, Mond seems to have grabbed a not-so-strong rope from the mire, although it may be broken immediately, but for Mond today, this rope, It is very likely that it will become a life-saving rope to pull them ashore.

Qin didn't answer immediately, but stayed for a while, as if organizing her words.

After a long time, she licked her pale lips due to excessive fatigue, and said seriously:
"That year, Grand Master Falga led the Knights on an expedition, and he handed over the Knights to me. Over the years, I did my best to make Mond better and better.

When the wind demon dragon was raging, the people fled, the houses collapsed, and the gust of wind swept up the water of the fruit wine lake.The water was higher than the sky, and the dark clouds overwhelmed the top, as if the doomsday had come. From then on, Mond began the seemingly never-ending torment.I sat alone, lost in hesitation, and I will never forget that scene.

I was thinking, if Grand Commander Falga was here, would he do better than me...

Kaiya, it's not that I was impulsive, or that I didn't think about it. Today's Mond has no other way.

Now, with this slight opportunity in front of me, I have to consider whether this is the hope that Mond has been waiting for for a long time..."

A traveler who can purify dragon tears, a Liyue man who possesses great power, a bard who can awaken the divinity of the zither in the sky...

Jean has a hunch that this is the hope of restoring Mond's glory, and she must be obliged.

"Qin." Lisa put her hands on Qin's shoulders and gently kneaded her: "You are under too much pressure, don't forget that you are not alone, everyone in the Knights is with you."

Qin looked at the faces of the knights in the office.

Amber, Kaia, Liz, Lisa...

My heart was suddenly filled with warmth.

Wait, why is there one less?
"Where did Kelly go?"

Qin's heart, which had just warmed up, suddenly became cold again.


The wilderness where the wind blows.

This is the seventh Qiuqiu camp that Shi Lan collected.

His efficiency was extremely high. When he raised his hand, the grass element controlled the vines and tied up the Qiuqiu people all over the ground without bloodshed, and then rummaged through the camp to find things.

"There is no..."

After releasing Shaman Qiuqiu's restraint on the box, Shi Lan looked at the objects thrown all over the floor, shook his head slightly, and silently put them all into his virtual belt.

"This Wufeng sword is useful... This forged magic crystal is also good, hey, there are still rough stones, five, that's a lot..."

Shi Lan put these trophies into his pocket, and Qiuqiu's teeth on the side were almost gnawed.

I have been robbed for half my life, and today I was robbed by someone.

These were picked up with great difficulty...they were scraped away by this human with a bandage on his hand.


"Biadam! Ya!"

"Don't make any noise!"

Although she couldn't understand, Shi Lan felt that these guys were cursing.

He picked up the suitcase and put it on the ground, shaking out a few moras.

"Yo, there are 200 moras, tsk, quite rich... Mosquito legs are also meat, so mine."

"Unu! Upa!"

Shaman Qiuqiu was furious, shaking his staff with difficulty, gathered a fireball, and threw it towards Shi Lan.

Shi Lan didn't pay attention to the fireball, and was hit on the buttocks, grinning his teeth in pain.

His face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

Dang kicked over the Qiuqiu man's iron pot with a clang, and the soup inside spilled on the numb Qiuqiu thugs beside him.

Just like a bad boy.

Shi Lan approached Shaman Qiuqiu, looking down at it.

His shadow cast down, enveloping the Chuchu shaman.

Shaman Qiuqiu raised his head, looked up at the human youth against the light, tightly held the staff in his hand, and gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

"I don't know what is good or bad! Look at the traveler next door. Is there still life in the place he passed by? He is very rare even for the broken mask on your face. Mint will not let it go, and a wild boar will be slapped when passing by! I am one of them. Merciful."

As he said that, he pulled out Chuqiu Shaman's staff, and then slammed it on his knee, and the staff broke with a sound.

Chuqiu shaman shuddered, trembling: "Mosi Gusha..."

Shi Lan found it boring, bullying Qiuqiu people was not as enjoyable as bullying the treasure bandits.

I guessed in my heart that the guy who plucked the wild goose's hair would be here soon, so he simply didn't make a move, and it would be good to keep a few Qiuqiu people to give the opponent some combat experience.

Returning the staff to the Qiuqiu man, he identified the direction and set off towards the hillside again.

Not long after, a blond boy came here with a little thing that could fly. After killing all the Qiuqiu people, he scratched his head and wondered why there was no treasure chest here...

"20 rough stones..." Shi Lan leaned against the tree trunk, counting some shiny stones just seized, feeling at ease.

Although many things were seized, none of the target's Dragon Tears was found.

I met an adventurer passing by just now, and after asking about it, I learned that dozens of adventurers didn't find a single drop of Dragon's Tears in the past morning, but Long Yu found quite a few.

And today, almost all the Qiuqiu people's camps in the outskirts of Mond have been looted. Even the Treasure Thieves couldn't bear the humiliation and went to the Knights to report that they had been robbed. A blond teenager with a flying thing got ransacked...

Even so, still nothing.

Shi Lan picked a few sunset fruits and sat under the tree to eat, opened the map of the Mond area, and simply drew a route map according to the direction he was traveling.

The traveler and himself set out from the city gate, and then met at the place where the wind rose to exchange information, and then separated from here, raiding all the Qiuqiu tribes they could see along the way.

Worried that those adventurers who are not capable of fighting can't find Dragon Tears and may covet the Qiuqiu people's camp and cause unnecessary danger, they must first get rid of these Qiuqiu people.

As for digging the ground and exploring corners and corners, leave it to those adventurers.

"Going up this road for a while should be the Temple of Thousand Winds... I hope I can gain something there."

After Shi Lan finished eating the fruit, she counted it as lunch to fill her stomach, wiped her mouth and then went on her way.

On the way, I suddenly heard an earth-shattering explosion in front of me, shaking the ground.

Birds and beasts in the forest ran away in all directions, dense water droplets fell from the sky, and a fish jumped on his head.

"What's happening?" Holding the fish's tail, Shi Lan looked up at the sky.

"Shi Lan!" Suddenly came a shout from behind.

Shi Lan turned her head and found that the visitor was not an outsider, but Bennett.

"I didn't expect to meet you here!" Bennett was very excited.

It is a stroke of luck to meet acquaintances on the outskirts of such a large Mond.

Shi Lan felt strange: "You made the sound just now?"

"not me."

Bennett shook his head and said thoughtfully, "I probably know who it is with such a loud noise..."

Just as he was talking, a small sandbag-shaped object flew down from the sky and just landed on top of Bennett's head.

It seemed that the old injury was affected, and Bennett's expression was very painful.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, it's okay... This kind of thing often happens..."

Bennett rubbed his head, curiously picked up the little thing.

This is a little red doll.

Short and long rabbit ears, round body.

"Toys?" Shi Lan found it interesting: "Yo, it's still smoking!"

Wait, smoke?
Bennett's face turned green in an instant, and he raised his hand and threw it away.

But this little toy only heard a bang before it was released!
Shi Lan couldn't open his eyes from the scorching heat that hit his face.

Bennett fell straight, breathing black smoke.

Yun Jin, who fell from this zombie, had to applaud when she came.

Bennett walked really straight this time.

"It's over, it's over..."

On the hillside, Keli, who was carrying a small schoolbag, looked at the fallen Bennett with dull eyes, and murmured:

"Bomb hurts... Jean... Jean came to the door..."

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