Genshin Impact: The Liyuemen of Tivat

Chapter 196 Talking with the Traveler

"Shi Lan! Is that you?"

In a daze, Shi Lan seemed to hear someone calling her name.

"Shi Lan! Where are you, Shi Lan! Wow, so many rocks! My head is about to be smashed!"

This is Paimon's voice.

Shi Lan cheered up, and his own people came!
The stone rain from the mountain avalanche had almost buried him halfway. Shi Lan pulled herself out of the pile of rocks and shouted for help: "Here! I'm here!"

Hearing Shi Lan's voice, the people who came to look for him immediately rushed over following the voice.

"Oh my god..." Paimon covered his mouth with his little hand, "It's really you!"

"Shi Lan, how are you?" Kong helped Shi Lan up with concern, "Where did you get hurt?"

Shi Lan frowned: "Arms, back, knees, thighs..."

Everyone worried: "Are you all injured?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Everyone: "..."

Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and helplessly said: "At this time, I still have the mood to joke..."

Shi Lan smiled embarrassedly: "Everyone is too serious, you have no energy at all, just kidding."

Lisa wandered around, watching the earth-shaking changes in the Whispering Forest.

Broken branches and broken wood were splashed everywhere, gravel was all over the ground, and there were treetops burning raging fires around. At this time, Barbara was trying her best to put out the fire. Who made her the only water element God's Eye of the Knights to hold the fire? There are some.

The road was damaged, the ground was potholed, and the soil was burnt black, especially the dark pothole, from which there was still hot residual heat.

The lush Whispering Forest is now like stepping into the mottled head of a middle-aged and elderly man, one bald spot and another bald spot...

What kind of fight could make such a stunning trail.

Lisa urged: "There is a terrible smell here, it is not suitable to stay for a long time, let's go back to the city first."

Shi Lan nodded: "That's right! The city was also attacked by the Abyss Cult, and Di Luke still doesn't know what happened."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, uh..." Shi Lan grinned, a painful expression flashed across his face, and he waved his hands: "But I need to rest for a while... you guys go back quickly."

"In this case……"

"I'll stay and take care of him." Barbara said suddenly.

Then, Sora said: "I'll stay too, there may be potential danger nearby,"

Shi Lan was puzzled.

Qin and Lisa looked at each other, nodded, and then stopped procrastinating: "No problem, you stay and take care of Shi Lan. Let's go first. By the way, Shi Lan, Mond's wind will remember what you have done everything."

She saw that Shi Lan was injured, and said very seriously.

Shi Lan opened her mouth, wanting to say that this battle was actually only aimed at her... She didn't do anything...

But Jean and Lisa walked away so quickly that he didn't have time to elaborate.

"Sit down, I'll help you heal." Barbara said.

Shi Lan sat down obediently, while Barbara released her elemental power.

"Really! You've been injured but you still pretend to be okay!" Barbara pouted, dissatisfied that Shi Lan didn't care about his own injuries.

Shi Lan scratched her head: "I'm sorry to bother you, but I've been treated three times by you not long after I came here."


Barbara looked at Shi Lan's burnt tattered clothes and ashes-covered face. She clearly had such serious burns on her body, but she kept on saying nothing, and was even in the mood to joke.

Shi Lan suppressed all the pain in his heart, and Barbara felt a little distressed by his always smiling face, and admired him for being so strong.

"That... thank you."

"Ah? Why did you suddenly thank me?"

"For Mond, you always get hurt..."

Shi Lan smiled and said: "I promised to help Monde, but I must never break my promise. In Liyue, the contract must be obeyed at all costs. Besides, I should thank you. You are more green than Baishu. Fuzzy is better. That bastard is always trying to draw my blood."

Barbara was amused by his words, and suddenly thought of something: "If Mond can really survive this disaster, Shi Lan, do you want to come to my concert? I'm very good at singing."

"You can sing? Poetry? In praise of the great Basbatos?"

"It's Lord Barbatos! Really. Besides, I'm not singing poetry."

"Just kidding, how could I not know about Barbasto. If that's the case, I will definitely join your concert."

"And me and us! We also want to hear Barbara sing!" Paimon waved his hand.

Barbara smiled lightly: "That's good, it's a deal."

After that, she stopped talking and devoted herself to treating Shi Lan's injuries with all her strength.

The warm water element wraps Shi Lan's body, and the exhausted physical strength is gradually recovering, and the wound injured by Yuanhuo is also slowly recovering.

"Hey, hello!" Pai Mengfei was beside Shi Lan, circling him several times, until Shi Lan looked at her in bewilderment, and then asked curiously: "You made that mountain just now?" Did it come out?"

Kong also looked at Shi Lan curiously.

"I'm right." Shi Lan was a little embarrassed when he received the attention, and explained: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated. This mountain just looks scary, but in fact, it's empty inside."


"Yeah, one of the enemies who besieged me had the characteristic of reducing stamina. I didn't know much about him, so I got hit. So I really didn't have any strength, so I built a mountain with nothing but an empty shell. It's just to scare them. Please. There are enough stones in the Whispering Forest, and most of them are my condensed creations of rock elements, which almost exhausted me to death.”

" that's how it is..."

Kong thoughtfully.

But after thinking about it, even if it is empty, it would be amazing...

Immediately afterwards, Kong thought of something again: "By the way, the one who attacked you just now was that what, the person from the Abyss Sect?"

"Yes!" Shi Lan nodded, and said rather proudly, "There are three in total, and they beat me badly."

Barbara pushed Shi Lan: "So why are you so proud of being beaten so badly!"

Shi Lan immediately raised her hands in surrender: "Ah, I'm sorry."

"Is there...about..." Sora was a little embarrassed, "information about the princess of the abyss?"

The reason why Shi Lan attacked him earlier was that there was a princess in the Abyssal Religion who looked very similar to him, and the clothes and appearance were not bad.

Subconsciously, Kong could already identify that the princess of the abyss was his younger sister, and even if she wasn't, she would definitely have something to do with her younger sister.

"Yes!" Shi Lan said with a displeased face, "This siege is her plan."

"How is it possible?!" Sora sat up all of a sudden, a little unbelievable that his sister would do such a thing.

Shi Lan was surprised by such a big reaction from Kong, and then suddenly realized, oh, and said: "I remember that you are here to find your blood relatives, don't you mean, Princess your sister? Uh-huh, Your Highness...? "

At the end of the conversation, Shi Lan's voice changed a bit, and his eyes became playful.

Even Barbara looked at Sora with strange eyes.

"Ugh! It appeared again! This kind of look that wants to eat me up!" Paimon exclaimed exaggeratedly, hiding behind Kong with his small body.

"Huh..." Kong knew that he had been misunderstood again, he took a deep breath, met Shi Lan's scrutinizing eyes, and was ready to be beaten: "If there is no accident, she should be the one I am looking for Sister, my blood relative, Ying."

To his surprise, Shi Lan didn't make any moves.

After a long time, Shi Lan said indifferently: "Tell me about the story between you and your sister. Be more specific."

"Eh? Why did you become so easy-going all of a sudden?"

Paimon was a little confused by Shi Lan's continuous momentum changes.

Shi Lan said: "I don't know why, I think you deserve a little trust, so I want to hear your story, traveler."

"Where do I start?"

"Let's start with you, Dativat."

Kong nodded, sat down, and then told Shi Lan the stories he remembered in Tivat...

In an unknown corner, a green figure leans against a tree, quietly listening to the traveler's story.

The traveler's story is not too long, and most of them are scattered and fragmented memories, but due to the reason, the 500-year-old Monkey King... Wrong.

The catastrophe of Kanria's destruction 500 years ago.

It was the most familiar disaster to human beings after the Demon God War, and the most embarrassing thing was the fall of Thunder God, and the death of the Great Mercy Tree King.Large and small factors directly affected the entire Tivat, the World Tree was polluted, the abyss monsters invaded, and the battle of the rocky abyss broke out in Liyue, which also indirectly led to the appearance of Shi Lan.

"How about Shi Lan, is it credible?" Barbara asked with her mouth covered.

Shi Lan nodded, but shook her head again: "The general timeline is correct, but you say that you have fought against Tianli, is this a bit of nonsense? You can't even beat me."

"Is that woman Tianli?" Kong lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"Hey, answer my question!"

"I know what I said is a bit exaggerated, but it really happened." Kong scratched his head, obviously that memory caused him some pain, "I'm trying to get my power back, it's best to be able to use elemental power directly proof."

"What about her? Flying rice crust, what's the origin?"

Paimon stomped his feet: "Hey! What does rice crust mean! I'm Paimon! It's not for food!"

"I caught this from the river." Sora said seriously.

"Correction, it's in the sea!" Paimon put his hands on his hips.

Shi Lan looked at a fool: "Why don't you say that she jumped out of a rock?"

Paimon was angry: "Nonsense! You are the one who jumped out of the rock!"

"Ah! You even know this!" Shi Lan was shocked: "How do you know that I jumped out of the rock?"

The three people present all opened their mouths wide: "Huh??"

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Paimon squinted his eyes and folded his arms: "I feel that you are really out of tune, I want to give you an ugly nickname! I will call you Stone Man!"


Shi Lan ignored Paimeng, patted his tattered clothes, stood up, and said to Kong, "Okay, I believe the words first. So, I also want to apologize for the thing I attacked you before."

Kong quickly waved his hand: "No, no, the sudden appearance of a foreigner should be suspected. I didn't explain it clearly before."

"In that case, we have a direction to move forward together." Shi Lan clenched her fists tightly: "You are looking for your sister, and I am also looking for revenge for the abyss princess who planned to kill me."

Kong was very tangled and said: "Hey... She, she is my sister... Can you be merciful..."

"What does it matter to your younger sister to take revenge on the princess of the abyss?"


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