Daming heir

Chapter 717 The traitor must die!

I know that the murderers are Japanese who have never been killed so far.

For Sun Cheng and the others, things became easier to handle.

In the past few years, Yingtian City has actually had a lot of cheap or even free Japanese labor.

The people of the Ming Dynasty knew very well about the Japanese who were small but fearful of power, and for some reason, even if they had groveled to the extreme, they still felt disgust in their hearts.

Even though the appearance of Japanese people and Ming people seems to be the same.

But just put a Japanese and a Mingren together.

Not having to consider the height or dress of the two parties, one can tell at a glance which one is the kind-hearted Akito and which one is the damned Japanese.

The people of Yingtian City are still kind after all.

They will only deprive these Japanese people, who are called Japanese rats, of having to do the final work, and live in a lower class than chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry.

At that time, the people of Yingtian City hoped that the court would bring more wole rats.

But then, one winter, the court suddenly issued a decree, and all the Japanese disappeared.

This all is everything in the literal sense.

All rats entering the Ming Dynasty were strictly recorded by the government. Detailed records are kept of whose family he works, his age, appearance and surrounding relationships.

So, in that winter.

Yingtian City has been rumored for some time.

The general meaning is that the imperial court also felt that these wole rats were too annoying, so they took all these wole rats and dug pits away from human habitation.

What a shame.

The people of Yingtian City kind-heartedly believed that if they allowed these rats to mine, the court would definitely feed them more food. Otherwise, how could they ensure that these rats could continue to mine underground.

The imperial court should kill all these wole rats.

Of course the people don't know.

In that winter, the Japanese in Yingtian City were not used to mine. Instead, he went to a remote place far away from Yingtian City and dug a very large pit.

Then the Japanese 'voluntarily' entered the pit.

The Japanese people "enthusiastically" begged the Ming Dynasty's imperial officers and soldiers to bury them with soil.

So, the story ends here.

However, although there have been no Japanese in Yingtian City since then, the people are still aware of the appearance of the Japanese.

When night fell, Sun Cheng tightened his black cloak over his Feiyu suit and stood in front of a courtyard gate in an alley east of Fuya Street.

The old man who had lived here for a long time gave Sun Cheng a sidelong look.

The old man's eyes were full of ridicule.

"I don't even know how to change my shoes. Is it so easy to do errands now?"

Sun Cheng quickly lowered his head and saw that although he was tightly wrapped in a black cloak and his flying fish uniform was not exposed, the official boots under his feet were clearly visible.

He snorted awkwardly: "You always talk about business."

The old man curled his lips and said, "Those damn wole rats? I haven't seen anyone using wole rats in their homes for several years."

Just when Sun Cheng was about to send the old man back to his house to continue sleeping.

The old man grabbed Sun Cheng. The old man, who was already dim-sighted, now had bright eyes: "But that day! Although the old man didn't see it that day, the footsteps in the alley were those damn rats! It’s easy to distinguish the movement of these wole rats, and the old man remembers the sneaky footsteps very clearly!”

A smile appeared on Sun Cheng's face: "Which direction did the sound come from, and which direction did it go to?"

The old man simply waved his hand and pointed at the house on the edge of Fuya Street.

"Those who come from that way are going to the east."

Sun Cheng immediately clasped his fists: "Thank you for being old."

After saying that, he was ready to leave with the people.

But the old man shouted: "Wait a minute."

Sun Cheng stopped and looked back at the old man.

"The grandson of Lao Li's family over there at the alley has been playing in the alley that day. His mother even beat the boy that night. Go and ask."

Sun Cheng was stunned for a moment, then raised his fists: "Thank you!"

The old man moved his mouth without making a sound, waved his hand, and even forgot to close the courtyard door, he walked back home.

On the way, the old man muttered with disdain: "Why aren't those wole rats extinct yet?"

Sun Cheng never expected that the people in the capital would be so enthusiastic.

Especially on the issue of Japanese people.

For example, the grandson of the old Li family at the entrance of the alley could not remember anything at first.

Then, under a series of severe beatings from his mother, she cried loudly and pointed Sun Cheng in a direction, and swore that if what he told was a lie, his urine would be spilled on his feet for the rest of his life.

After getting confirmation from the child's mother, Sun Cheng left with satisfaction.

This group of Japanese who sneaked into Yingtian City were very cautious.

Sun Cheng and his team were wandering around Yingtian City all night.

Those Japanese seemed to know that someone would pursue the clues afterwards, so that after midnight, Sun Cheng led his people and stood outside the Xiao Ande Gate of Yingtian City.

Before that, they had been traveling around the city for most of the night.

In a sense, Yingtian City is a big concept.

Since Zhu Yuanzhang occupied Yingtian City, he began to build this city.

When the Ming Dynasty was established, the imperial court ordered the wealthy local residents to relocate to the capital, and also ordered the expansion of Yingtian City.

As a result, Yingtian City was divided into the imperial palace, the imperial city, the inner city, and the outer city from the inside to the outside.

Xiao Ande Gate is located south of Yingtian City and southwest of Jubao Gate.

And inside the Little Ande Gate is the Treasure Mountain.

There are several temples on the west side of the mountain.

Regarding the final whereabouts of this group of Japanese who sneaked into Yingtian City, a young novice from Nengren Temple told Sun Cheng and the others.

Out of Little Ender Gate.

This is the real outside of Yingtian City.

Thanks to Yingtian Mansion's vigorous efforts to develop the economy under its rule in recent years, the fields and villages outside Yingtian City have also been re-planned.

Today's outside Yingtian City can be described as a network of traffic, evenly distributed vertically and horizontally.

The villages have neat white plaster walls, and all the roofs are red bricks produced in Yingtianfu.

Ming Dynasty was always exceptionally tolerant and generous to its people.

Except that bright yellow glazed tiles cannot be used, people can use tiles of any color.

At that time, Zou Xueyu, the prefect of Yingtian, felt that the red tiles on the roofs were very bright and festive, so the entire village outside Yingtian City was replaced with red tiles.

"When the Japanese leave the city, which direction will they flee and hide in?"

A Qianhu official from Jinyiwei North Town Fusi followed Sun Cheng and asked in a low voice.

Under the night, the faint red color of the villages outside the city became a good way to distinguish the direction and location.

Nowadays, the commander of Jinyiwei is still Jiang Yu, but the governor of Beizhen Fusi is Zhang Hui.

Ever since Sun Cheng began to follow Zhu Yunwen to the Ordinary New World, he only had rank but no specific official position within Jinyiwei.

But this does not mean that the Qianhu officials in Beizhen Fusi can ignore Sun Cheng's existence. After all, ever since Sun Cheng took a fast ship and quietly returned to the capital ahead of the fleet a few days ago, there have been rumors in the Jinyiwei Commander Si Yamen that he will be the best candidate for the next Jinyiwei Commander.

Sun Cheng's eyes tightened: "We need to know clearly, how will the Japanese escape after they sneak into the city and commit murder?"

Officer Qianhu frowned slightly: "The navy got the news that day and blocked the entire Yangtze River. All passing ships must be inspected. And from the current situation we have, there must be someone in the city who is cooperating with these Japanese. So. The Japanese must also know that it is impossible to go to sea from the Yangtze River Estuary."

This is very obvious.

Since the Ming Navy was renamed as the Ming Navy, it is not just a change in name.

But the strength of the entire naval fleet has improved by leaps and bounds.

In the past, if the imperial court wanted to block a certain waterway or sea, someone might be able to find countless loopholes.

but now.

Just think about it, dozens of warships are lying on the water, and the tonnage is far more than before, it is a terrifying thing.

Qian Huguan thought for a while and then said: "So the road to Jiangbei can be ruled out. This group of Japanese can only flee south or west, and take a detour away from the capital before they can go out to sea again."

Sun Cheng remained silent.

Qian Huguan thought there was something wrong with his analysis, and he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Within Jinyiwei, the hierarchy is very clear.

As long as Sun Cheng had the thought that he was no longer worthy of reuse, his future official career would be over.

Just when thousands of officials were panicking.

Sun Cheng had already spoken: "What you said is not wrong, but this is a normal logical analysis. However, we seem to have thought about one thing wrong."

Qian Huguan immediately clasped his fists and bowed: "What does Zhen Fu mean?"

"Is it possible that these Japanese people never thought of escaping from the capital after killing people?"

Sun Cheng threw out a possibility, and Qian Huguan's pupils trembled.

"If this group of Japanese really wanted to escape, they wouldn't have spent so much effort and time making detours with us in the city!"

Qian Huguan reacted instantly.

A problem they had previously ignored.

Their thinking has always been that after a Japanese kills someone, the first thing they must do is run away.

Therefore, they also think about the problem in this direction.

But they ignored that if the Japanese really wanted to escape from Yingtian, they would have arranged their escape route immediately after the killing, or even before the killing.

After the Japanese kill all the members of the Song, Luo, and Qi families, they will immediately flee Yingtian City according to the arranged route. Then, before the court and the government can react, they will take advantage of this time lag to leave far away. Only Yingtian Mansion is the right one.

But the Japanese took a detour in Yingtian City.

Obviously, they didn't want the court to trace their clues.

The purpose of doing this can only be so that they can hide in Yingtian Mansion.

"The Japanese will still make moves!"

Qian Huguan made a bold guess.

Sun Cheng said calmly: "In fact, killing is probably just a casual thing. What the Japanese are planning will be a bigger thing."

"Abdication Ceremony!"

Qian Huguan let out a low cry, his tiger body trembled, and then he quickly covered his mouth with his hands, his pupils shaking.

The surrounding knights in royal robes also tensed their bodies and looked back toward the northeast of the city.

Zen surrender ceremony!

Only the abdication ceremony in a few hours will make it possible for these Japanese to be willing to commit thirty-seven human lives in Yingtian City, and then spend a lot of time to go around in circles and dormant in Yingtian Mansion again.

Only the abdication ceremony can make these Japanese people disregard life and death.

The Ming people set foot on the land of Yingzhou, and the Ming people killed almost all the Japanese.

These remaining Japanese had countless reasons to create some trouble in the Ming Dynasty's abdication ceremony.


At the abdication ceremony a few hours later, although according to the previous requirements of the court, local officials did not have to enter the capital to observe the ceremony.

But there are still many local officials at the third level who requested orders to come to Beijing under various excuses years ago, and have been waiting until now just to participate in the abdication ceremony tomorrow.

Everyone wants to be able to show up on the first day when the new emperor ascends the throne.

And a few hours later.

The most powerful group of people in the Ming Dynasty will gather together for the abdication ceremony.

Countless princes, nobles, and court ministers will gather in one place.

At the scene, there will be countless people from the capital and merchants from inside and outside Beijing watching the ceremony together.

This will be an unparalleled opportunity.

As long as some chaos can be created, it may cause immeasurable casualties.

And if these Japanese people could prepare more carefully.


Ming Dynasty's use of gunpowder has reached a whole new level.

Jin Yiwei has always been responsible for keeping track of these confidential events, and he knows very well what method is most effective if he wants to create chaos at the abdication ceremony or destroy the top leaders of the Ming Dynasty.

Qian Huguan suddenly trembled all over.

He really couldn't imagine that there would be an earth-shattering explosion during the abdication ceremony, and countless smoke and dust would rise up, sparkling with lightning.

How many people can survive the abdication ceremony?


Qian Huguan almost blurted out.

Sun Cheng had already pressed the sword on his waist with his palm, turned around and looked to the northeast: "There are only a few hours left, we must find out and make sure nothing happens in the abdication ceremony!"

After speaking, Sun Cheng took steps in an instant, and his speed became faster and faster.

Qian Huguan and his people hurriedly caught up behind him.

Qian Huguan followed Sun Cheng and hesitated for a while before speaking: "Zhen Fu... I thought about it and felt that if something like this happened at that time, there must be someone in the court who would cooperate, even the mastermind. !”

Just a few Japanese people, even with countless means, would not be able to cause chaos in the abdication ceremony.

Only if someone in the DPRK cooperates, or even becomes the mastermind, can this be accomplished.

Sun Cheng stopped, and now they had returned to the outer city of Yingtian City.

In the northeast, on the north bank of the Qinhuai River, is the location of the Temple of Mountains and Rivers and the Temple of Heaven.

The abdication ceremony that will be held in a few hours will also be held here. The royal family and the civil and military officials of the court will gather here to worship the heaven and earth. After the ceremony is completed, they will return to the palace to continue the following ceremony.

Sun Cheng, who stopped, was still full of murderous aura.

In the dark night, his eyes shone with a cold light.

"Treasonous traitor."


"Must die!" (End of Chapter)

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