Daming heir

Chapter 701 The 31st Year of Hongwu

Happy times are always short-lived.

When Zhu Yunxi stood in front of everyone like a mascot and handed the red envelopes he had prepared long ago to the smiling workers lined up in front of him.

His mission has just begun.

When all the red envelopes have been distributed, Zhu Yunxi's mission today will be over.

The workers gathered together and looked at the women who had only been able to see them from afar in the past, performing for them right in front of them.

After the singing and dancing is over, it's time for free activities.

Tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and there will be no visits to relatives and friends on the construction site. Nearly a thousand people gather in the cafeteria, chatting, eating meat, and drinking wine.

The game project is naturally gambling.

Lao Jia's family is also celebrating the New Year on the construction site this year.

According to what Xiao Jia said, their family is originally from Xicheng, so this year can be considered as a Chinese New Year at home.

Zhu Yunxi, who had been the mascot all night, hid in the back kitchen and looked through the front window at the group of workers who were already in a mess outside.

Xiao Jia worked on the small stove nearby for a while, then brought a tray over.

The tray was placed on the stool with five dishes in it.

One plate of beef and mutton stew, one plate of cold beef and mutton, one plate of fried vegetables, one plate of braised meat and a plate of fried peanuts in oil.

Xiao Jia put down the dishes, bowls and chopsticks, then stood up and brought a wine pot from the stove nearby.

"Your Highness, this is authentic Shaoxing rice wine obtained from the store. The small one is just flavored with some ginger slices and red dates. It has been warmed. Can you try it?"

With that said, Xiao Jia poured a bowl of steaming Shaoxing rice wine and delivered it to Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yunxi took the wine bowl and raised his chin at Xiao Jia: "Pour a bowl too and drink with me. Don't refuse."

Xiao Jia was hesitant, but looking at his grandson's appearance, he finally smiled and nodded vigorously, turned around and got himself a pair of bowls and chopsticks.


Zhu Yunxi pushed the wine bowl and bumped it against the wine bowl that Xiao Jia was holding in both hands, then raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking the warm rice wine, you will feel warm in just an instant.

After exhaling the turbid air in his chest, Zhu Yunxi picked up a few slices of cold beef and mutton and put them into his mouth.

Sprinkled with crushed peanuts and coriander, beef and mutton produced in Daqingcheng, the fatness of the grassland instantly fills the entire mouth.

Xiao Jia saw his grandson drinking all the wine in one gulp, and he didn't dare to keep the bottom. He tilted his head and poured a bowl of wine into his stomach. He turned around and coughed several times, and then suppressed the discomfort in his abdominal cavity with the help of green vegetables. .

Zhu Yunxi had already eaten the fried peanuts at this time. He glanced at Xiao Jia lightly and said with a smile: "There is no need to stick to any rules. I guess you only know how to drink hot wine, but you don't drink much rice wine."

Xiao Jia nodded: "Wine is expensive... In the past, the whole family had to save money to live..."

Zhu Yunxi smiled and explained: "This yellow bar is very strange. Some people drink white wine, one pound or two, and nothing will happen. But once they drink yellow wine, they may faint after one glass.

Some people can't drink white wine, but this rice wine can be drank as water.

You, drink slowly, don't get blinded by it. I'll have to drink alone again later. "

Xiao Jia's face turned red. Hearing this explanation, he nodded repeatedly.

Then he filled the wine bowl for Zhu Yunxi.

At this time, Zhu Yunxi was no longer the same as before. He just drank in small sips and ate the food in front of him.

"I heard that your father has already gone to find a bank account?"

Xiao Jia nodded in response: "I've gone to see it several times. The bank was very polite and said that after the food city project is settled, it can be signed with our family and the accounts will be handed over to the company."

As he spoke, Xiao Jia stood up again.

Just listen to a bang-dang-dang.

Zhu Yunxi watched him put a plate of meat on the tray in front of the two of them.

"I forgot to cut Jinhua's ham earlier. Your Highness is drinking wine. This ham is the best way to bring out the flavor."

Zhu Yunxi didn't say anything, just as Xiao Jia said.

He stuffed a piece of ham into his mouth and took a sip of wine.

Sure enough, the taste is blooming.

The two of them just sat on the small bench and ate in the back kitchen.

Zhu Yunxi is mainly responsible for eating, and Xiao Jia is also responsible for accompanying, and by the way, he can prepare one or two dishes from time to time.

As a result, there were more and more stools in front of the two people, and there were also more and more trays on the stools.

It wasn't until Xiao Jia's cheeks turned red from drinking that he looked aside and looked at Zhu Yunxi with confused eyes: "Your Highness... I mean... there is something unknown..."

Zhu Yunxi put down his chopsticks, rubbed the peanuts with his hands and stuffed them in his mouth.

He nodded and hummed: "Ask, I will tell you whatever I can tell you."

Xiao Jia covered his face with his hands and rubbed it fiercely.

"Your Highness, people are saying that you might...are you not in a hurry? You have been staying here for so many days."

Xiao Jia's voice became softer and softer as he spoke, and finally he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yunxi laughed: "Just for this?"

"That's it!" Xiao Jia raised his head, widened his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Although I am not an official, I also know how much your Highness has done for us people over the years. Your Highness is a good person. The whole family thinks that His Highness must be..."

Xiao Jia didn't dare to say what it must be.

Zhu Yunxi smiled and shook his head: "Why do you think I am a good person?"

Xiao Jia nodded vigorously: "His Highness is a good person! Over the years, many people have said that His Highness has been killing people, but aren't the ones he kills all corrupt officials and bad people?

The villain doesn't know anything else, so he just talks about the Xicheng project. As long as the government gives the order, we people must move out obediently.

This time the government made it clear that it was because of Your Highness that we, the people who originally lived in Xicheng, could have a sum of money to compensate us.

There were not many people in Xicheng originally, and most of them were left to work on projects to make money.

The old people said that this was something they could not even think of before.

Not to mention, with just a word from you, Your Highness, the people in the bank approved the money for our family without any reservations. "

Zhu Yunxi was silent.

The people actually understand everything, but they have never had a voice.

If it were those who can speak out to evaluate themselves, they would probably have mixed results. Most likely, they would say that they still need experience and need to be more prudent in their actions.

Seeing that Zhu Yunxi remained silent, Xiao Jia lowered his head and turned the wine bowl.

After a long time.

Zhu Yunxi then said: "Don't worry, as long as you say I am a good person, nothing will happen. We can still drink and eat meat."

Xiao Jia raised his head and blinked: "Is everything going to be really okay?"

"I'm not drunk, how could I tell lies!"

Zhu Yunxi glared and saw that Xiao Jia had probably adapted to cooking rice wine.

Then he picked up his wine bowl and growled at Xiao Jia: "Come on! Drink!"

Xiao Jia is a good drinker.

Zhu Yunxi drank this wine from the night of the New Year's Eve to the first day of the first lunar month of the 31st year of Hongwu.

The sky was bright.

There were already firecrackers going off outside.

This is the opening shot.

Because firecrackers are wrapped in red paper, they are also called a good start.

In ordinary people's homes, it's just a hanger, and it won't last long.

The most powerful ones have to be those who open shops in Nancheng and Zhongcheng.

One played louder and lasted longer than the other. Everyone is afraid that their own firecrackers will be inferior to others, and their luck this year will also be lost to others.

And those officials, powerful people, and others have begun to fire off firecrackers in different ways.

It should be played beautifully, loudly, and wonderfully.

It's going to blow up the whole hall.

Zhu Yunxi stood up with his head heavy as he listened to the sound of firecrackers in the distance.

Xiao Jia has fallen asleep on the side.

It's because there are stoves all around and firewood is burning inside, so there's no need to worry about catching a cold.

Zhu Yunxi glanced at Xiao Jia and left the kitchen. Outside, it was a mess at the moment.

If you want to clean it up, you have to wait until noon, when those people will wake up and clean it up.

On New Year's Day, not many people know how to do anything.

Walking out of the cafeteria is the fresh air.

Zhu Yunxi put his hands on his hips, slowly twisted his stiff back, and breathed in the cold and pure air outside.

Then he opened his mouth and blew out a puff of white smoke.

Then I strolled back to my yard by the lake to wash up.

After washing up, I was about to go out when I saw a firecracker hanging at the door.

But I don't know who put it here.

Zhu Yunxi frowned slightly, confused for a moment, and then looked toward the south faintly.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and entered the house again.

After a while, I already had a fire stick in my hand.

Blow the firecrackers, place the hanging firecrackers at the door, and light the fuse.

Zhu Yunxi trotted back to the front porch.

A burst of white smoke emitted.

Then there was a burst of firecrackers, and smoke filled the whole yard.

At this moment, Zhu Yunxi finally became in a trance.

The smoke in front of me seemed to be emitting a strange light, and countless things were changing inside.

One moment it was high-rise buildings, then it was the eternal annihilation, then it was the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and then it was the sinking land of the Central Plains.

until the smoke becomes thinner.

There seemed to be a black shadow appearing in the smoke.

As a cold wind blew by, all the smoke dispersed.

It's the King of Qin, Zhu Xiang.

However, when Zhu Yunxi regained his sight, his brows furrowed.

Zhu Ming appeared in front of him at this moment, with a knife on his waist, and the hem of his robe was stained with blood.

His hair is also a little messy, and he doesn't look like the prince of the country in the past.

Far away.

Outside the courtyard, there was a group of officers and soldiers, wearing armor and leading horses, staring at the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

Even at this time, there will be no idlers in this place.

"Second uncle?"

Even after washing, when Zhu Yunxi opened his mouth, there was still a strong smell of alcohol in his mouth.

Zhu Xi frowned, glanced at the yard, and then looked inside the house.

Although he stepped forward and walked to the corridor.

"I heard that you haven't left here for a long time? You didn't return to the palace on New Year's Eve, and you didn't return to the palace on New Year's Eve last night?"

Zhu Yunxi moved a bench from under the wall and placed it under his and Zhu Xi's buttocks.

He was leaning against the wall, tilting his head to look at Zhu Xi.

"Second uncle looks like he was not in the palace last night?"

Zhu Fang waved his hand casually: "I just returned to Beijing and entered the city. When I heard the news, I rushed over to see you first."

Zhu Yunxi's nose moved slightly.

Very strong smell of blood.

They must have killed a lot of people.

He said silently: "Last night..."

Zhu Feng just snorted: "A few dishonest bastards refused to listen to the truth, so the second uncle had to use a knife to reason with them. Fortunately, the result was very good, they were all obedient, and I will give it to Yan later. Your Majesty, just listen to their nagging.”

It's true that he was still working on an errand on New Year's Eve, investigating crimes and killing people.

Zhu Yunxi hesitated and didn't ask in detail what the case was.

Zhu Xiang tilted his head, frowned and asked, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Zhu Yunxi shrugged and said with a smile: "Just like the news that my second uncle got when he came to the city, my nephew has been living here recently."

Zhu Xi curled his lips and made a sound.

"I don't care where you live. Whether you return to the palace or not is none of my business.

I'm just curious about how capable you are. You were forced to go south to Cochin Road alone, and you even promised that you would never respond. "

Zhu Yunxi was silent.

Zhu Xi was talking about that good-looking woman.

See him and say nothing.

Zhu Xi chuckled: "Have you heard? The man started vomiting as soon as he left Songjiang Mansion by boat. Think about it for yourself, what should you do about this matter? Should you enter it into the jade certificate, or should you never interfere?"

Zhu Yunxi finally couldn't remain silent.

Things that I was unsure about before seem to be clear now.

He still didn't believe it: "Really?"

Zhu Xi stretched out his hand and slapped Zhu Yunxi on the back of the head: "How can this be false? Are you really just a living person in the Zongren Mansion? Let me tell you, since she left here, there have been people in the Zongren Mansion staying with her. , to make sure everything goes smoothly, and no news will be sent back until ten months later.”

Heavenly affairs.

Especially the bloodline of the Tian family was very important in the early days of this country.

Zhu Yunxi lowered his head: "Actually, the reason why I am not going back to the palace this time is not only because of the affairs in the court, but also because I am afraid that I will be nagged by my grandfather and my ladies when I go back."

Zhu Xi didn't care, but laughed.

"Speaking of which, you are the best."

"I heard that the imperial court is selecting a concubine for your father, and plans to register the queen after the old man abdicates.

Your father hasn't done anything yet, and he probably won't be willing to agree. You're good boy, you really let our old Zhu family flourish.

If the old commander is still here, you will be beaten even if you escape to the New World. "

The old coach refers to Xu Da, the king of Wuning, Zhongshan.

That was the real number one person in the Ming Dynasty's military.

If you were really alive, let alone beat yourself up. Even if he beats Zhu Xi, His Highness the King of Qin, he still has to be sent to him obediently.

When the beating is over, you still have to ask with a smile on your face.

"Are your hands tired from all the beating?"

Thinking of such a scene, Zhu Yunxi couldn't help but tremble.

Zhu Ming then narrowed his eyes and hummed: "Now you know you are afraid? Why didn't you know it when you were obsessed with it?"


He stood up, patted his butt, walked into the courtyard, and looked back at Zhu Yunxi.

"follow me."

Zhu Yunxi stood up in confusion: "Where are you going, second uncle?"

"Of course we are going back to the palace. Do you still want to catch up with the boat going south?"

Zhu Xi rolled his eyes.

Zhu Yunxi frowned.

"Let's go, follow me to the Ancestral Temple. As for whether you go to the palace or not, it's none of my business."

Zhu Xi added another sentence at this time.

After this, Zhu Yunxi took the next step.

Follow behind Zhu Xi.

In the thirty-first year of Hongwu's reign, he came so quietly. (End of chapter)

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