Chapter 325 Why Should I Choose Wajima?
Facing Fang Guozhen's inquiry, no one spoke.

On the one hand, he didn't want to, and on the other hand, it was because Fang Guozhen had too much evil spirit!
The whole person is like a mountain of meat, and he is very rough when he speaks.

And when he spoke, he looked particularly fierce, and the murderous aura permeated from his words.

Fang Guozhen gave an example, didn't he just want to say that what he did was right, and the Japanese should die?
Who can accept this kind of words among the bachelors and students present?
Seeing that no one of them spoke, Fang Guozhen was a little angry, and asked coldly: "What? Don't you know where you are from?"


The students present felt goosebumps and trembled instantly when they heard this.

They were already a little afraid of Fang Guozhen, but now that he suddenly changed his face, the students present were even more afraid.

Perhaps because she noticed that there was something wrong with her tone of voice, Fang Guozhen suddenly remembered Zhu Han's warning to him in the letter, and shuddered in shock.

Even if it was Zhu Yuanzhang, Fang Guozhen wasn't so afraid, but Zhu Han... Fang Guozhen was really scared.

Anyway, in terms of cruelty, Fang Guozhen thought she was not as good as Zhu Han... Letting a country go extinct, and recalling Zhu Han's calmness when he said this, Fang Guozhen felt shuddering.

Without further ado, Fang Guozhen slapped herself on the face.

This slap directly stunned Sha Qiliang and other students. What's going on with this Lord Zhenhai?He was so murderous just now, why did he suddenly slap himself?
Is this his special hobby?
Sha Qiliang and his classmates: This Lord Zhenhai has a problem with his mind.

More problems lie ahead.

After Fang Guozhen slapped herself, the angry expression just now disappeared, and her face was full of smiles: "You are all scholars, I, Lao Fang, spent a long time with rough people, and I was covered with rude things. Brothers, I should fight! I should fight!"

Bowing left and right, he gave himself two slaps on the face.

Sha Qiliang: The current Fang Guozhen is even more frightening.

Fang Guozhen didn't care about this, and continued to smile and said to the students: "If there are Qilu people among you, anyone who is close to Laizhou Prefecture will know what the Japanese slaves did to our Daming."

Are there any Qilu people present?


A student raised his hand and said weakly: "Before we went to sea with us, there were a few classmates from Laizhou Prefecture. They were full of disgust for the Japanese. They said that the Japanese once invaded their homeland. Even if they died in this life, they would never Not to Japan."

It really happened.

Sha Qiliang didn't expect what Fang Guozhen said was true.

However, he still didn't understand, and thought that Fang Guozhen had gone too far: "Duke Zhenhai, those Japanese who invaded our Ming Dynasty, it is not a pity to die, but they are them, and the people of Wa Island are common people. No matter how cruel the war is, the common people are innocent." ah."

Xing, the people suffer.

death, the people also suffer.

This is a truth that has not changed through the ages. Compared with Daming, the people of Wa Island deserve to die, but there are also Japanese people in Wa Island who have never stepped out of the country. Are they also worthy of death?
Sha Qiliang felt that it should not be done.

Fang Guozhen's thinking is the same as Sha Qiliang's. When Fang Guozhen was a pirate, his cruelty was just to make others fear him, fear him, and make his subordinates dare not betray him.

But like Zhu Han, Fang Guozhen couldn't do it because the Japanese pirates burned, killed and looted the whole country in Daming.

Zhu Han dared to do this.

"What this student said is very elegant, and I heard the same reason, but... the Japanese must die!"

What you said makes sense, but I, Fang Guozhen, don't want to hear it.

Your reasoning is no bigger than Zhu Han's order.

Fang Guozhen said to Sha Qiliang: "Da Ming conquered so many overseas enclaves, not every place is like Wa Island. His Royal Highness cares about the people, and he will not let the generals do evil to the people, but... Wa Island no."

Fang Guozhen pointed to the west, and continued: "Wo Island is so close to our Daming, there are hundreds of boats going to and from Wa Island every day, and people come and go... Don't they know what I did on Wa Island? Why is no one punishing me?"

Don't you feel great when no one comes to punish you?
But after carefully thinking about what Fang Guozhen said, Sha Qiliang felt that something was wrong. Zhu Han protected the people in other places, but he chose to kill the people on Wa Island. This... Could it be Zhu Han's order?
Sha Qiliang felt impossible!

Zhu Han is a very kind person, he treats the people kindly, and he is impartial and selfless. Everyone from the common people to the officials of Ming Dynasty admires Zhu Han very much.

Zhu Han is the perfect man from ancient to modern times!

Such a perfect person, how could he attack the people of Wa Kingdom?
"You mean, what you are doing here is what His Royal Highness asked you to do?"

Sha Qiliang didn't believe it, and stared at Fang Guozhen with wide eyes: "How is that possible! You are framing the King of England!"

Fang Guozhen immediately shook her head: "I didn't say that!"

The student next to him was a little confused when he heard the conversation between Fang Guozhen and Sha Qiliang...

What are they talking about?What did Fang Guozhen do on Wa Island have anything to do with Zhu Han?
I don't know, and I don't understand.

Fang Guozhen couldn't say it either, but he could see that Sha Qiliang in front of him was the most capable one, and this person should be his helper.

However, Fang Guozhen did not give the order directly, because Sha Qiliang was capable, and his psychological endurance was still unknown.


After seeing them, Fang Guozhen didn't show up again. Instead, someone took them around Wa Island. This was Fang Guozhen's order. He wanted these scholars and students to realize clearly that if they stayed on Wa Island, they would be To adapt to the living environment in Wajima.

Soon, the three students couldn't bear Fang Guozhen's brutal rule in Wa Island, and chose to leave Wa Island. Sha Qiliang also wanted to leave, but in the end he persisted.

It's not that he didn't want to leave, but there was something he didn't understand.

Did Fang Guozhen get Zhu Han's order for such a reckless killing on Wa Island, or did he get the tacit approval of others?

Isn't it dead?

Back then in Beiping City, such a situation was not uncommon. When he was very young, he had seen from afar the scene of massacres by the Mongols outside Beiping City. Although it is worse than worse, it is more or less bearable.

Sha Qiliang really wanted to find out why Zhu Han couldn't understand the people of Wa Island so much, and wanted to make them extinct.

In Sha Qiliang's perception, Zhu Han was not this kind of person.

Sha Qiliang chose to stay, and the ones who stayed with him were his classmates Liu Bin and Zhou Lin. Outstanding classmates stayed, and they also chose to stay with them.

After the three of them decided to stay, Fang Guozhen came out again, with a chilling smile on his face, but also with sincerity in his words: "Your name is Sha Qiliang, right? When you ask me a question, I will I am very optimistic about you, I didn’t expect you to stay in the end, haha...stay in Wajima, let’s contribute to Daming together.”

Sha Qiliang does not reject making contributions to Daming, but if he is asked to kill people, and to kill people without any purpose, Sha Qiliang can't do this: "Mr. Zhenhai, what do you mean by contribution? What do you mean by contribution? Same, killing people on Wajima?"

"No." Fang Guozhen shook his head and said to Sha Qiliang: "In Wa Island, there is a fortune of Daming that needs to be managed. Your two classmates are going there to assist the local person in charge to manage the wealth of Daming. Well, as for you... I hope you stay by my side and help me with some daily affairs on Wajima."

"This one……"

Sha Qiliang did not object, but Fang Guozhen said that he was somewhat repulsed to let him handle affairs.

Dealing with affairs, dealing with what?Just follow you to kill?

Fang Guozhen seemed to see what Sha Qiliang was thinking, and said directly: "The affairs of Wa Island are not just killing people."

Seeing what Fang Guozhen said, Sha Qiliang couldn't refute any more, nodded and said: "I'll try first, if I can't do it, I will take the initiative to ask Lord Zhenhai to resign."

"it is good."

Fang Guozhen nodded with a smile, agreeing to Sha Qiliang's request.


Fang Guozhen sent out his secretary in charge, asked him to follow Sha Qiliang, and asked him to tell Sha Qiliang what he knew well.

What's going on on Wajima?
a lot of.

Sha Qiliang looked at the dusty books and documents in the room, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling.

He couldn't help looking at the secretary in charge: "Have you not sorted out so many documents and materials?"

The secretary in charge said awkwardly: "Master Sha, I am just a soldier who has studied in a private school for two years. I know a few words. It would be nice if I could write down everything that happened before. As for tidying up... I can't."

You are honest.

Sha Qiliang felt very speechless. He finally knew why Fang Guozhen gave him so much power and gave him so much freedom. The co-authors had never sorted it out before.

Seeing Sha Qiliang's entanglement and embarrassment, the secretary in charge swore: "Lord Sha, don't worry, I have a very good memory. I remember everything that happened on Wa Island clearly."


Sha Qiliang resigned to his fate, he has already come to Wa Island, and there is no room for maneuver, so it is better to stay here honestly and do things in a down-to-earth manner.

Sha Qiliang's job is mainly to sort out Fang Guozhen's files after he came to Wodao, and try to make it possible to form a complete timeline, so that he can have some basis for recording the history of Ming Dynasty in the future.

I have to say that Sha Qiliang's plan was very good, but when he was doing it, he knew that there were many difficulties.

I swore to him before that the secretary with a good memory couldn't explain a single thing clearly, so he had to rely on his memory to dictate.

But... the secretary's memory is messy, but he really has a good memory. When he narrates, he relies entirely on his own hobbies.

For example, when the secretary in charge was talking about the order Fang Guozhen issued when he first arrived in Washima in the second year of Hongwu, he suddenly talked about the achievements made in the seventh year of Hongwu, and then interrupted the difficulties encountered in the third and fifth years of Hongwu. ...

How does this bitch write history?

Forget it, come by yourself.

Sha Qiliang: Why did I come to Wajima in the first place?

At this time, Sha Baoliang had given up his previous ideas. He felt that it would be good to let the history of Wa Island disappear for a few years. At least it could make the killings of the Ming soldiers on Wa Island disappear, so that future generations would not be criticized.

Fang Guozhen hasn't seen Sha Qiliang since he arranged the task for Sha Qiliang. He also knows that he is not welcome, and he doesn't even show his face when he has nothing to do.


Although Sha Qiliang and his classmate do different things on Wajima, the distance is not too far. In their spare time, the three of them can get together again, talk about work, and talk about their time on Wajima. what I have seen and heard.

On the night of the fifteenth day, it was their reunion day, so Sha Qiliang got off work early and went to reunite with his classmates.

Wajima has few resources, even fewer coal resources, but there is no shortage of wood.

In winter, the fire was blazing, and the three of Sha Qiliang gathered together, which was considered lively.

The three of them were all on Wajima, and most of the topics they talked about were their own work.

"This Lord Zhenhai only knows how to kill people and set fires, and he didn't do anything else. Wa Island is a mess now." Liu Bin sighed, and said to Sha Qiliang and Zhou Lin: "However, this is also a good thing, we can start from scratch. , which is more conducive to reflecting our credit.”

The most important thing is credit.

Zhou Lin also nodded vigorously beside him: "Yes, yes, yes, I think that if I work on Wa Island for a few years, His Highness the King of England will see my achievements, and then I can return to Daming."

Liu Bin also thinks so, he doesn't have the strangeness and fear of coming to Wa Island for the first time, and he keeps saying that coming to Wa Island is the most correct decision he has made in his life.

Seeing his classmates chatting in full swing, Sha Qiliang was very puzzled.

Liu Bin and Zhou Lin, what happened to them?
Why is there such a big change before and after?

Sha Qiliang couldn't hold back his inner curiosity, and asked the two students: "Brother Liu, Brother Zhou, what are you doing now? Can you tell me?"

Liu Bin and Zhou Lin glanced at each other. In the end, Zhou Lin couldn't hold back anymore and said to Sha Qiliang, "Silver mines! Endless silver mines! Let's help Lord Zhenhai sort out the accounts of the silver mines."

Liu Bin said beside him, "I'm in charge of sorting out the personnel files on the silver mine."

Sha Qiliang listened to Liu Bin and Zhou Lin discussing his work one by one, opened his mouth but did not say anything, and felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Why... their work is so simple, but it is so difficult for me?
Thinking of the things he hadn't figured out yet, Sha Qiliang couldn't help but lower his head.

Why did I choose to come to Wajima in the first place?
Liu Bin and Zhou Lin chatted very happily, but during the chat, they found that Sha Qiliang, who usually talks a lot, kept silent, and the two immediately stopped talking, glanced at each other, and then Liu Bin asked: "Brother Qiliang, have you encountered any difficulties?"

(End of this chapter)

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