Chapter 253 Daming Tashi Dele
After the Ming army seized the Hami area, they immediately wiped out the remnants of the original Mongolian forces nearby. Any remnants of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty who dared to resist were beheaded to death, and their bodies were hung on the Populus euphratica tree in the desert as a warning Anyone who dares to resist the Ming court.

After clearing the resistance, the Ming government began to carry out meticulous and comprehensive management of the Hami area.

First of all, according to the national policy of the Ming Dynasty formulated by Zhu Han, many lands in the Hami area were controlled by the Ming government in the form of lease or redemption.

These lands were allocated to farmers and herdsmen who supported the Ming government. After acquiring the land, the local farmers and herdsmen naturally supported the Ming court from the bottom of their hearts.

If anyone lets the Ming court withdraw from the Hami area, it will be equivalent to cutting off the livelihood and lifeblood of these people.

In addition, Daming also set up special tax management and inspection departments in various important trading cities and oases.

These customs duties are not simply tax collections, but double taxation will be avoided after careful verification.

In the past, Hami and other areas were controlled by different spheres of influence, and almost every oasis had its own lord.

The various lords did not recognize the taxes levied by each other.

That is to say, when doing business in the Hami area, every time you go to a place, you have to pay a tax.

As a result, it has caused a great burden to many small and medium businessmen.

But Daming avoided this situation.

The government has specially formulated a unified tax invoice. As long as the commercial tax can be paid anywhere in a certain area, then other places can avoid double payment of taxes by relying on the payment voucher.

In this way, the government won the enthusiastic support of almost all small and medium businessmen.

In the usual desert oasis, there are often bandits and bandits haunting, specializing in killing people and stealing goods.

After the joint dispatch of the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and the inspection department, it took less than two months to wipe out all the bandits and robbers in the surrounding area.

In fact, behind these bandits and robbers, there are shadows of lords from all over the world.

The Ming government suppressed those lords, and the bandits and robbers naturally had no place to survive.

In order to ensure this hard-won peace and stability, the Daming Hami Xingdu Division set up garrison soldiers in many oases.

These soldiers of the Ming Dynasty can be regarded as a kind of production arms. They reclaimed the land, sowed grain, opened simple arsenals, and also took care of local security and daily training.

The setting up of soldiers in Hami was also a strategy formulated by Zhu Han himself.

Because the people of various ethnic groups in the Hami area live mixedly, the number of Han people is too small, which is very detrimental to future stability and prosperity.

Therefore, it is necessary to garrison troops in the local area for a long time, and take root in the power of the Ming court in the form of garrison soldiers.

As the garrison soldiers of the Daming Hami Xingdu Division, Li Shan and Wang Gui are still in the same military garrison.

Li Shan and Wang Gui had already been comrades-in-arms when they were in the capital of Beiping.

It's just that at that time, they didn't like each other.

Because one of them is a Huaixi Han, and the other is a Liaoyang Jurchen.

But after staying in a military camp for a long time and getting to know each other better, no one cared about the origin of the Han Jurchens anymore. Anyway, there were no Jurchens in Daming's household registration book.

All the Jurchens, as long as they submit to Ming Dynasty, they will all be labeled as Han Chinese.

Zhu Han's clever method made the Jurchens disappear in the long river of history.

As comrades-in-arms for many years, Li Shan and Wang Gui had already been promoted after they came to Hami because they had accumulated a lot of military achievements.

Li Shan was appointed as the general manager of the Huozhou Thousand Households Institute in Hamiwei, and Wang Gui was appointed as the deputy thousand general manager.

Daming Hami, Huozhou Thousand Households.

As a thousand-household office to ensure local security in Huozhou, the Huozhou Thousand-Household Office is located in an open space three miles outside Huozhou City.

This is a piece of land near the river, which was originally a horse farm belonging to the Mongols.

Since the arrival of the Ming army, the racecourse was abolished and turned into the military station of the Daming Huozhou Guard.The Ming army stationed more than [-] soldiers and horses in Huozhou Qianhu Station.

Although it is called Qianhusuo, there is a serious shortage of personnel here in Hami.

A thousand-household office usually has only 500 people, and the remaining gap needs to wait for the imperial court to slowly replenish, or if the thousand-household officials of each thousand-household office are capable, they can also recruit themselves.It's just that the population here in Hami is much smaller than that in the Central Plains, and it is even more difficult to recruit a qualified soldier.

As a thousand households of the Huozhou Thousand Households Institute, Li Shan is actually very leisurely every day.

In addition to inspecting the training of soldiers in the morning, the rest of the time is spent squatting in his room and carefully studying the latest combat training manual issued by the court.

Under Zhu Han's promotion, the current Ming army has implemented a modern standard officer training process.

Officer Qianhu is already considered an intermediate-level army commander, and he must meet the learning standards every year before he can continue to serve as an officer and general in the army.

Therefore, although Li Shan is busy with affairs every day, he dare not relax at all in learning the new drill manual.

Early this morning, Li Shan first went to inspect the barracks and farmland.

After coming back at noon, I ate lunch and didn't even take a nap, so I continued to study the unfinished training manual.

After studying for an hour, Li Shan was already a little dizzy.

At this time, there was a clear and gentle voice from the side.

"Master. Would you like some tea?"

Li Shan looked up and saw that it was his newly married woman who came in with a cup of fragrant tea.

There is also a small fruit plate next to the green tea, on which there are some Hami local snacks such as red dates, raisins, and sliced ​​cakes.

As a poor man in Huaixi who used to have problems eating, Li Shan is very satisfied with his current life.

After Li Shan's mother-in-law put the tea and snacks on the table, he grabbed her by her slender waist and pulled her to sit on his lap.

Mrs. Li Shan's curly hair brushed against his face lightly, which immediately made him lustful, and his big hands began to be dishonest.

Li Shan's mother-in-law is Dilinaza. She is not a Han Chinese, but a local fearful.

She was born in a Uyghur businessman's family. After Li Shan was in charge of the Thousand Households in Huozhou, under the introduction of the local Ming officials, she married the daughter of this Uyghur wealthy businessman, and she took root in Hami. .

Li Shan's frightening wife is both beautiful and smart, and has brought him a large dowry. The two of them are naturally very affectionate.

Now, Li Shan's life in Hami is so sweet.

The only thing they lack is their children.

But they just got married, Li Shan was not in a hurry.

The husband and wife were getting hotter and hotter in the room, and soon sparks that were difficult to extinguish.

Li Shan ran over, kicked the door shut, picked up his wife Di Li and threw her on the bed.

Afterwards, it was naturally a fierce battle.

After a moment.

Li Shan left his wife Di Li to pack the clothes and bed, and walked out of the room happily.

At this time, it was already snowing in Hami.

Taking a breath of fresh air, standing in the yard is very refreshing.

Especially after the hustle and bustle just now, Li Shan's mind is unusually clear now.

He suddenly remembered that this afternoon was the day when Wang Gui, deputy of Qianhu Office of Huozhou Qianhu Office, should be on duty.

Thinking of Wang Gui's little problem of drinking too much, Li Shan felt that he should go to Chachagang.

After exhorting his wife Di Li, Li Shan came to Wang Gui's residence.


Before he stepped into Wang Gui's house, he heard Wang Gui's voice from inside.

Wang Gui was yelling at his wife while throwing things around, obviously drunk again.

When Li Shan heard this, his expression darkened immediately, he pushed open the gate of the yard, and shouted towards the inside.

"Wang Gui! You Jurchen barbarian, get out of here."

Hearing Li Shan's voice, the sound of Wang Gui smashing around in the house disappeared immediately.

However, Wang Gui did not come out of the room, but began to pretend to be dead inside.

For Wang Gui, an old comrade-in-arms, Li Shan already knew his temper.

After Wang Gui came to Hami, he was also promoted by virtue of his military merits, and served as Li Shan's deputy Huozhou Deputy Qianhu.

However, Wang Gui has a bad temper.

The wife he begs for is also cowardly and obedient, and everything in the family is left to Wang Gui's mischief.

It's not once or twice that people leave their posts and go home to drink and beat their wives.

When Li Shan entered the room, he saw Wang Gui sitting on a wooden chair with a flagon in his hand.

His wife was sitting beside her, holding a ball of wool in her hand, it seemed that she was spinning a sweater just now.

This kind of wool thread issued by the Ming government is the most popular thing in the Hami area.

Every woman with decent family conditions is learning to knit woolen clothes.

Anyone who owns the latest woolen sweater is definitely a very enviable thing in Hami.

After all, the latest sheep wool is very valuable. A sweater made of wool is almost equivalent to a tael of silver, which is a proper luxury.

Wang Gui's wife is also a local Uighur woman in Huozhou, but her background is relatively low, a peasant family.

In addition, Wang Gui, the Jurchen, grew up in a barbaric and rude environment, and she didn't know how to take care of her wife, let alone how to sing and sing.

It's almost commonplace to yell at your wife after drinking too much wine.

Although Wang Gui's wife didn't like it, she didn't have any unnecessary complaints.

After all, Wang Gui is still a prominent figure in the Ming government on the ground of Huozhou.

As long as he leaves the house, Wang Gui's wife is the object of everyone's fawning and envy.

So it's nothing to suffer some idleness at home.

What's more, Wang Gui was just beating, beating, yelling and cursing, he never really hit a woman.

After Li Shan reprimanded Wang Gui, he dragged him out of the house, went to the Huozhou Guard, and returned to his post.

Li Shan continued to teach Wang Gui a lesson, and repeatedly stated that he would definitely report his recent poor performance to Hami Xingdusi.

After hearing that Li Shan wanted to report his situation to Xingdu Si, Wang Gui finally lost the rascal air just now. He begged Li Shan to let him go this time.

After getting Wang Gui's guarantee, Li Shan didn't pursue the matter anymore. After all, it was winter in Hami area at this time, and any bandits and robbers were dormant, and generally they would not come out to do evil at this time.

The climate here in Hami is quite different from that in the Central Plains.

In summer, it can heat people to the point where they are roasted, but in winter, there is cold wind howling and heavy snow, which is not much worse than the "white hair" storm on the grassland.

Under such harsh weather, no one can survive in the wild desert in winter.

In the past, those bandits and robbers would quietly hide their identities in winter, looking for a safe place to spend the winter.

Now, through the joint action of the Daming Army and the Inspection Department, the bandits and robbers in the Hami area have been wiped out. Even if there are scattered remnants, they dare not invade such a military important place as Huozhou Qianhusuo.

Unless they have eaten their ambitions, and their minds are dizzy.

Wang Gui, as a field soldier of the Daming Hami Xingdu Division, actually lives a very happy life every day. As long as he completes the training and patrol tasks according to the regulations, he can spend the rest of the time at home with his beautiful Uighur wife in his arms, drinking Sip wine, eat barbecue, and then close the door, and fight for [-] rounds on the hot kang head.

Such a happy day was something that Wang Gui, a Jurchen who used to live in the deep mountains and old forests of Liaoyang, could not even imagine.

So Wang Gui immediately stated that he would quit drinking and would never dare to violate military regulations again.

. . . . .

Uzangdu Division, Kham Prefecture.

As the only way for the ancient tea-horse road from Sichuan to Uzbek, the Kham area is a very important commercial distribution center.

All the original goods from it must go to the Kham area.

This has led to extremely prosperous commerce in the area.

The situation in the U-Tsang area is actually very similar to that in the Hami area.

The local land is also relatively barren, and a large number of serfs and herdsmen gather on a small number of livable plains.

They are all the private property of Uzbek noble lords.

Whether it is daily life or life, old age, sickness and death, everything is decided by their local serf owners.

Even when the chieftain, the slave owner, wanted to do something and needed to sacrifice his life, he would kill the serfs without hesitation.

And the serfs who were chosen to die had no room to resist at all.

Because once they resist, on the one hand, their family members will be implicated, and on the other hand, they will feel that they are disrespectful to the Buddha, which will lead to endless suffering in their samsara.

The Buddhism here is like a curse tied to the head. The serfs in the Uzbek area respected and obeyed their lord chieftain too much, both physically and mentally.

After the Ming Dynasty army entered the Uzbek area, they began to release these serfs.

However, it was a bit difficult at the beginning.

The local lords and chieftains in Uzbekistan are extremely stubborn, and they have a large number of private armed forces in their hands.

After seeing that the Ming Dynasty wanted to reform them, they naturally couldn't tolerate it.

In the entire Kham area, within just three months, four large-scale rebellions broke out.

If it weren't for the brave and well-equipped Ming officers and soldiers stationed here, the Ming army would have already been driven out by the rebels.

After the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty eliminated these rebellions, the Kangba area was considered to be slightly stable.

After eliminating several powerful chieftains, the Ming government directly distributed the farmland and pastures of these toasts to the freed serfs.

After receiving the grain, houses and land distributed by the Ming government, these serfs woke up like a dream.

Only then did they believe that the Ming government was really here to rescue them, not an oppressor who was collaborating with the serf chieftain.

of course.

The Daming government is not the Holy Mother of Kindness, they are actually exploiters, but the degree of exploitation is much lighter than that of the chieftain of the serf owner.

(End of this chapter)

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