Chapter 275
The others quickly followed Ni Di.

Some arrange entourage, some arrange vehicles...

Very busy.

Qin Yuan walked back like a normal person.

"Qin Bilie, will you drive for me?"

Ni Di's voice came from outside.

People around looked at Qin Yuan enviously.

Although Qin Yuan's status is not high.

But the cards before the ruling are not light at all.

Qin Yuan walked out helplessly, and a chariot made of several kinds of divine gold came into view.

This chariot has a history of tens of thousands of years, and Qin Yuan has ridden it several times.

"In the ruling yamen, the one who can overwhelm you in style is only Xiao Qin."

A woman's voice sounded.

Qin Yuan turned his head to look.

It was a very slender woman's body.

Looking up, a face of Guotai Anmin is Ni Di's wife.

Not as charming as Menglu's figure, but she has the temperament of a lady.

Qin Yuan was also very interested in this type of woman.


Qin Yuan saluted slightly.

look steadily forward.

"If I had met Xiao Qin earlier, I would not have chosen you."

Madam Ni looked at Qin Yuan's face openly, turned her head and joked with her husband.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ni Di laughed out loud.

It was not the first time that Qin Yuan was joked by the two.

The relationship between the two is not that of a man on top of a woman in traditional society, but a completely equal relationship.

Qin Yuan smiled and jumped onto the chariot, grabbed the reins with one hand and the whip with the other, and lightly whipped Tianma's back.

The chariot drove slowly towards the outside of the ruling yamen.

"Xiao Qin, I heard that you and your wife have a good relationship?"

Mrs. Ni spoke.

After a while, I will delete her memory.

Can it be bad?


Qin Yuan said.

"We've been married for so long, how did you keep it going?"

Madam Ni asked curiously.

He glanced at Ni Di unobtrusively.

She and Ni Di had no relationship for a long time.

Except in public places, it's not bad to see each other once in a few days.

"Sincerity for Heart"

Qin Yuan's face remained unchanged.

Ni Di smiled.

A person who runs to the brothel every three days is sincere.

The big joke of slipping the world.

Mrs. Ni took it seriously: "It's a good idea to change your heart for your heart."

Qin Yuanxin said what a fart, two people, whoever is sincere first will be finished first.

"I am sincere, but someone gave my sincerity to an actor"

Madam Ni suddenly snorted softly.

Qin Yuan didn't answer.

This actor is obviously talking about Meng Lu who committed suicide by taking poison before.

"Didn't you just say no more?"

Ni Di showed a bored expression.

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Humans are complex animals.

In terms of state affairs, Ni Di is a person who dares to challenge the war family and the money family family (generally, if you look deeper, there is no clean one).

In private affairs, especially women, it is not so good, and is called the Shenjing Stallion by the outside world.

After a while, came outside, and countless crowds came into view.




People are not generally fond of this ruler with a good background, good looks, and cheerful personality (at least on the surface).

Ni Di smiled all over his face.

His cultivation is not as good as those great emperors, but he is loved by everyone, but he is worse than those great emperors.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound.

Qin Yuan turned his head to look.

The flag on the chariot was inexplicably broken.

Ominous omen.


Qin Yuan looked at Ni Di.

"This flag is tens of thousands of years old, it's normal to be broken"

Ni Di said indifferently.

After a while, I came to a place with a lot of people.

Ni Di stood up and tried his best to transmit the voice: "I have negotiated peace with the Sanye tribe, and the withdrawal is in progress."

As soon as these words came out, the audience erupted.

Except for those who can make huge profits in the war, people who have experienced war will not like it.




The cheers were louder and louder.

Qin Yuan noticed that among the crowd were aristocratic families and big businessmen who had made a fortune from the war against the Sanye tribe.

A trace of sullenness flashed across his face.

For the upper-class people who have seen through the essence of the world, mobilizing their interests is even more intolerable than killing their parents.

Not to mention, they already looked down on the rising Ni family.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Ni family was still the bottom of the bottom, relying on unscrupulous means and no bottom line to climb up.In their hearts, they are no different from upstarts.

At this moment, the chariot suddenly stopped.

Qin Yuan poked his head out and looked down.

There is a problem with the axle.


Qin Yuan once again looked at Ni Di who was still smiling and waving at passers-by.

Ni Di ignored Qin Yuan.

Mrs. Ni beside Ni Di was a little nervous.

"Husband, I think it's better to turn on the protection of the chariot."


Ni Di was a little embarrassed.

Open the guard.

It amounts to disbelieving the person who is cheering.

at this time.

A brilliant divine light flew over at an extremely fast speed.

Straight to Ni Di's skull.

Qin Yuan immediately opened the protection.

A golden hood appeared, but it did not block the divine light.

In the nick of time.

Qin Yuan moved the chariot forward some distance.

Shen Guang and Ni Di brushed past each other.

The surrounding guards who reacted immediately surrounded him.

Ni Di's face was livid.

These bastards dared to kill him in the street.


Qin Yuan looked at Ni Di again.

Ni Di shook his head, stood up and said, "Not only do I want to end the war, but I also want to bring the Heaven and Earth Bank back to the imperial court."

As soon as these words came out, there was even louder cheers at the scene.

The Heaven and Earth Bank has always been in the hands of aristocratic families, big factions, and big businessmen.

It has always been a taboo of the gods.

It's crazy that the new administration actually said it would be resolved.

Madam Ni looked at her husband in disbelief: "Husband, you are crazy, they will kill you"

"Let them come"

Ni Di said in disdain.

Qin Yuan really admired Ni Di a little bit.

How dare you fight against so many families.

"Husband, you are not the emperor, you are just a person who manages the world for a short time, there is no need to do this"

Mrs. Ni continued to persuasion earnestly.

Ni Di turned a deaf ear to it.

On the one hand, this is his ideal, on the other hand, it is also the requirement of a group of emerging families behind him.

The latter is the main ingredient.

Back to the governing yamen.

Mrs. Ni and Ni Di quarreled and slammed the door to leave.

Qin Yuan survived to the next level.

Walk out of the ruling yamen.

He saw Yue Zhongwu waiting outside.

"So coincidentally?"

"I'm here to deliver paperwork"

Yue Zhongwu took out a volume of documents: "The results of the interrogation inside"

"It must be said that the assassin was a lunatic"

Qin Yuan said.

Qin Yuan has seen this kind of routine too many times.

Yue Zhongwu looked at Qin Yuan in surprise, and knew it before he saw it.

"The prisoner deserves to die now"

Qin Yuan said.

"Impossible, the prisoner was locked in the barracks, and many people guarded it"

Yue Zhongwu finished speaking.

There was a strong fluctuation in the direction of the barracks.

Soon, a message came.

The prisoner was killed by a food delivery man.

"Can a food delivery man kill a prisoner under siege?"

Yue Zhongwu was very angry.

This is taking everyone for a fool.

"This food delivery guy will die soon"

Qin Yuan said.

Yue Zhongwu was about to say something, but swallowed it back.

"Don't worry about this anymore, or you will be killed."

Qin Yuan took the document from Yue Zhongwu and said.

Yue Zhongwu nodded.

At this moment, a celestial general flew from outside the domain and landed in front of Qin Yuan.

A military newspaper rolled out.

Qin Yuan looked down.

The Demon Cult he created set off a war that swept across a certain universe under the banner of equality and wealth for all.

Countless casualties.

Qin Yuan felt the basis of the Demon Dao, and he was about to prove the Dao.

The immortal Qin Yuan is immortal, and there are endless robbers.

Qin Yuan used this sentence to describe himself.

(End of this chapter)

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