Datang Lianzhong Sanyuan, shocked to hear that my father killed a dragon in a dream

Chapter 1 Traveling through the Tang Dynasty, the strategy in front of the palace

Chapter 1 Traveling through the Tang Dynasty, the strategy in front of the palace

The 13th year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty.

Chang'an City, the Imperial Palace.

Layers of Qin bricks and Han tiles, purple pillars and golden beams, magnificent and extremely luxurious, this is the economic, cultural and political center of the Tang Empire, the main palace of the Great Dynasty - Daming Palace.

In the main hall of the Daming Palace, Wei Shuyu and more than [-] students are accepting questions about the imperial examination from Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin was wearing a big fur crown and a winged crown on his head, sitting high on the dragon chair, and there were four or five people sitting quietly underneath, namely Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Cheng Yaojin and other humerus ministers.

"Strategy to control the crowd." Li Shimin looked at the more than [-] students below him with his eyes, and said four words slowly.

The Tang Dynasty was founded at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, and now the country seems to be politically clear and the social order is stable, but in fact there are many foreign troubles.

There are Tubo in the southwest, Uighurs in the north, and Western Turks in the northwest. These barbarians rebelled repeatedly and always threatened the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, Li Shimin's policy question in the palace examination was how to make fan.

There were more than [-] students in the main hall of the Daming Palace. After thinking for a while, one of them stepped forward, his eyes showing a strong fighting spirit, resentful, "Your Majesty, my Tang Dynasty is a kingdom of heaven. If the foreign race has a different heart, the army will go out and suppress it!"

Cheng Yaojin was really interested when he heard the forceful suppression, his eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, this student is good, just as I thought."

"Huh?" Li Shimin immediately glared at Cheng Yaojin's hob meat.

Cheng Yaojin shrank his neck involuntarily, "Your Majesty, tell me, tell me."

Li Shimin could not help but show disappointment in his eyes when he heard the strategy of suppressing by force proposed by the first student.

Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji shook their heads slightly.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, His Majesty was wise and wise. Although he created a prosperous age, how could he stand up to a great war?
The great war was fought for money, food, and people's strength, and it consumed a lot. If you win, it's okay to say, but if you lose, it will shake the country's foundation!

War is the last resort!

Li Shimin slowly closed his eyes and remained silent.

After the students who were talking wars finished speaking about their own strategies, they retreated.

After a while, another student took a step forward and bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty, the student thinks that the policy of getting married is the national policy of stabilizing our Tang Dynasty!"

"Oh?" Li Shimin originally closed his eyes and meditated, but now he was interested in listening to the strategy of marriage, and made a sound to signal him to continue talking.

When Wei Shuyu saw this classmate who stepped forward, he had a slight impression that it seemed that his surname was Chen, but there was only an impression, but no intersection.

Then Wei Shuyu couldn't help shaking his head, "After all, it's the limitation of history. To be stable, we must get married..."

The student surnamed Chen was affirmed by Li Shimin, his face became serious, he paused, and continued: "The policy of marriage can stabilize the relationship between Tang and Tubo, promote exchanges between the two countries, and avoid war..."

"Take Zhaojun going out of the fortress as an example. Emperor Han Yuan betrothed Zhaojun to Hu Hanxie Shanyu, which brought peace, tranquility and prosperity to the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu, and a stable Han Dynasty!"

"How similar is the early establishment of the Tang Dynasty to the early establishment of the Han Dynasty? The policy of peace can avoid wars, and can also bring peace, tranquility and prosperity to the Tang Dynasty, and can promote the development of our country's agriculture, population, and economy. It is actually a policy that benefits the country!"

The student surnamed Chen was eloquent and eloquent, citing the scriptures and analyzing the marriage strategy. The level of stabilizing the interests of the Tang Dynasty was much higher than that of the student who was in charge of the battle just now.

On the dragon chair, Li Shimin could not help but nodded slightly when he listened to the student surnamed Chen's marriage strategy, "Not bad!"

As a model of killing brothers and imprisoning fathers, what Li Shimin hopes most is to make the Tang Dynasty prosperous, to clear himself of this crime, and to have a stable marriage is exactly what Li Shimin wants.

On the side, Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji also showed a slight smile on their faces, "That's right, when the Great Tang was first established, what is needed is stability, long-term peace..."

The students below may have grasped Li Shimin's mind at this moment, and they all began to speak.

"Your Majesty, the policy of peace can ease the conflicts in the border areas!"

"Your Majesty, the policy of marriage can reflect the favor of my Great Tang Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, the marriage can stabilize the Tang Dynasty and realize the prosperity of Zhenguan!"

"It is actually a policy that benefits the country!"

All the students were vying to speak, showing their limelight in front of Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was very satisfied, he stood up slowly, intending to ask the name of the first student who stood up, and hand-picked the champion.

At this time, Wei Shuyu took a step forward slowly, put his hands in front of his body, and bowed upwards, his tone was flat, and he asked lightly: "Is there really such a good way to make peace?"

"From the perspective of students, its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages!"

Although Wei Shuyu's voice was flat, it sounded like a grand bell, which exploded in the Daming Palace, and the lingering sound lingered and lingered for a long time.

More than thirty students were all taken aback.

The so-called words are not shocking and endless, Wei Shuyu's words can be said to be earth-shattering.

The smiles on the faces of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, and Changsun Wuji also stopped abruptly, and their eyes were fixed on Wei Shuyu.

"This kid... seems to belong to Wei Zheng's family, right?"

"All the students, including myself, think that the policy of getting married is a policy that benefits the country and the people. This kid said that the disadvantages are far from the end?"

"Just like his old man, a stubborn donkey, do you have to sing against me?"

"How can the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?" Li Shimin's face became flat, not knowing whether he was happy or angry.

Wei Shuyu took another half step forward, with a flat face, and said seriously: "There are two aspects to the strategy of getting married. You only see the positive side, but not the negative side."

"Marriage can indeed stabilize the relationship with the barbarians on the frontier and avoid wars, but this is only for a while. The next big war will break out, but it will be more violent than ever!"

"Zhaojun's departure from the fortress has indeed contributed to the stability and prosperity of the Han Dynasty, but has the problem of the Huns been resolved?"


"The Xiongnu has always been a threat to the big man, and the counterattack against me in the Central Plains has become more ferocious! Why?"

"Also, they are no longer called Huns, but Uighurs, Turks, and Tubo!"

Wei Shuyu's face was very plain, his words were very clear, and his voice clearly reached Li Shimin's ears.

Li Shimin couldn't help asking himself, "Yeah, why?"

The audience was silent, all the students were thinking, and Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Cheng Yaojin, etc. who were seated were also thinking.

For half an hour, for a quarter of an hour, the main hall of Daming Palace was completely silent.

Seeing that no one could answer, Wei Shuyu breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"Every time I get married, my Central Plains Dynasty will come with a series of dowry, including seeds, farm tools, Han culture, political system, and most importantly, farming technology and smelting technology!"

"You know, the technology of our Central Plains Dynasty is completely ahead of the surrounding barbarians, but we actively spread the advanced technology!"

"The seeds are harvested, and the food they grow, they are full to attack my Tang Dynasty, and the smelting technology casts a sharp sword to kill my Tang Erlang!"

"The culture and political system of the Han people allowed them to establish a dynasty, not a tribe living in groups... Let them unite and form a sharp arrow, hanging on the neck of the Central Plains!"

"Throughout history, which frontier barbarians didn't develop under our Central Plains dynasty and pro-capital enemies?"

Wei Shuyu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Those who don't plan for the whole world don't plan for a moment; those who don't plan for the overall situation don't plan for a region!"

Wei Shuyu's voice was deafening, resounding in every corner of Daming Palace.

After Wei Shuyu finished speaking, he took two steps back and remained silent.

Above the main hall.

Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji's eyes widened when they heard Wei Shuyu's words.

"This kid... is just like his father, Wei Zheng, a deadly donkey!"

"But... it's just that he is more reasonable... a little bit than his father."

Li Shimin sat back on the dragon chair, slowly closed his eyes and meditated.

If it is said that the students are standing at the current stage of Tang Zhenguan, then Wei Shuyu is undoubtedly infinitely elevated. He is standing on the long river of history and the overall situation!

Marriage can indeed win peace for a while, but it cannot win forever!

Li Shimin's crime of murdering his brother and imprisoning his father is heinous, if he can win eternal peace, get rid of his crimes, and achieve the name of an emperor through the ages, just think about it... my heart will be on fire!
Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji also had calm faces, thinking carefully.

Above the main hall, it was very silent again.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji met Li Shimin's eyes at the same time, and nodded slightly.

Li Shimin stood up slowly, fixed his eyes on Wei Shuyu, and asked earnestly: "Shuyu, you only said that the disadvantages of the marriage strategy far outweigh the victories, and you didn't mention the effective strategy to control marriage!"

"I have!" Wei Shuyu's eyes met Li Shimin's.

Li Shimin's eyes sparkled brightly, "Okay, prepare the paper, all students, write a clear strategy for making fan around what you just said!"

"Students, wait for the order!" All the students responded in unison.

The paper was spread out, and Wei Shuyu was holding a brush, writing a pair of neat regular script, the pen was like a snake, and he wrote thousands of words in one go.

About an hour later.

All the students handed in their answer sheets, and the one ranked first was Wei Shuyu's theory, with neat and elegant handwriting, which caught Li Shimin's eyes.

Li Shimin couldn't help but nodded secretly, "It's a good handwriting!"


(End of this chapter)

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