Chapter 112 Sitting in a bucket (1)

That day Lin Pingzhi came to Nanchang City, where the Nanchang branch of Fuwei Escort Bureau is located.

However, when Lin Pingzhi arrived, the place was just like the description in the original book. It was burned to the ground by a fire from the Qingcheng faction as early as half a month ago.

Seeing this scene, Lin Pingzhi just sighed silently, and after buying some dry food in the city, he continued on his way.

A few days later he arrived in Changsha.

It was close to dusk when he arrived, and there were not many pedestrians on the street, but after several inquiries, he still came to the Changsha branch of the Fuwei Escort.

When he saw the Changsha semicolon of Fuwei Escort, his nose was almost crooked.

Although the sub-colon in Changsha is not as grand as the general name of the Lin family, but Changsha is a thousand-year-old city, so it is not far behind.

The semicolon here is also the vermilion lacquer gate, and two stone lions stand in front of the gate, which is very majestic.

But this prestige is now being hung upside down.

The signboard of Fuwei Bodyguard Bureau Changsha Branch above the door is now hung upside down.

But that's not the worst.

The most excessive is on the flagpoles on the left and right heads.

The original cover of the Fuwei Escort Bureau and the golden lion banner on the flagpole have long since disappeared.In their place were a pair of torn embroidered shoes, and burnt-out trousers ripped off from some prostitute.

This is to call them Fuwei Escort again as "broken shoes" and "rotten crotch".This is a great shame, how can he not be angry.

Lin Pingzhi stood up, and when he was about to take off these things, he saw lights in the escort office.

Although he couldn't remember many things, he remembered that the Qingcheng faction went to Fuzhou after leveling out all the semicolons of the Fuwei Escort Bureau.

Seeing that there were still lights here, I was curious, so I sneaked in and came outside the room with lights on.

As soon as he took a few steps closer, he heard someone talking in the house.

Only one person said: "Master and the others don't know what's going on, we've been waiting here. It's not a problem."

Another person said: "Master, his old man's martial arts are world-class, and the four senior brothers of 'Heroes and Heroes' are all present, so they should have been captured by now. There is no news yet, maybe there are other important things to do. For now, let's not take care of us. Occupying this bodyguard bureau, there is food, drink, and women to play with, so why bother with that carelessness. Just enjoy yourself with peace of mind."

The man continued: "That's right. Although it's not a poor life on Qingcheng Mountain, I have never lived such a comfortable life. It's better to have money. Women can call for food and drink at will. Yesterday's chick is really nice. Being a decent family is not as fun as being a 'robber'."

Another person said: "Hey~! You can't talk nonsense, we still want the reputation of being a decent family. Brother Pi and the others burned down the escort bureau in Nanchang and set fire to the surrounding neighbors' houses. The government is not responsible for this matter It's very important, Brother Pi and the others can only go back to Qingcheng Mountain in despair. Although it's nothing to burn a troublemaker to death, but the name of "Chivalry" of our Qingcheng faction is not very good. Master knows I'm afraid there will be a scolding."

The man said: "That's true, so we can't burn this bodyguard agency. Therefore, junior brother, I hung the embroidered shoes and rotten trousers of the little bitch yesterday on the flagpole of his Fuwei bodyguard agency, and then hung their door plaque upside down. Let them not stand up for hundreds of years."

Another person said: "Haha, the younger brother has a great plan."

The man said again: "Just a few days later, there will be the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference of the Hengshan School's Third Master Liu. At that time, heroes from all walks of life will gather. Master Xu went directly."

At this time, Lin Pingzhi's voice came from outside the house: "Your master did take a step ahead. But I didn't expect to leave you two idiots here."

Two Qingcheng disciples in the room asked in unison: "Who is it?"

At this time, Lin Pingzhi kicked open the door, and walked in holding the Weeping Flower Sword.

And these two Qingcheng disciples were soaking their feet at this time, and beside them were four bundles, which were filled with gold, silver and jewels.

And the treasure in the bag shone brightly under the light of the candle.The most conspicuous is a pair of jade horses.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the four bundles, and said, "Killing bodyguard masters and robbing bodyguards, is this the chivalrous way of your Qingcheng sect?"

One of them said, "Ge Laozi, it's none of your business! Which one are you?"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "It seems that you two really don't know me. Perhaps your master betrayed you. He didn't tell you to avoid me."

Both of them didn't know what was going on, but when they saw that the other was not doing well, they immediately wanted to strike.

But their speed was much slower than that of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi just stepped in front of them, and then restrained the two of them with his hands.

After seeing Lin Pingzhi's strength, the tone of the two of them also softened.

One of them said: "Who is your Excellency? I don't know what enmity you have with my Qingcheng faction?"

Lin Pingzhi did not answer their questions, but asked, "Did you hang up the obscene trousers and embroidered shoes in front of the door?"

Another person said, "Are you from Fuwei Escort?"

Lin Pingzhi still didn't answer, he still asked: "You just need to answer if I am."

"So what? Our Qingcheng faction"

Lin Pingzhi didn't give them a chance to finish. He said, "Very good! Just admit it! As for who I am, you should go down and ask Lord Hades."

As he said that, Lin Pingzhi lifted the two of them by the necks, jumped up, and then pressed their faces into their footbaths.

Although the two of them struggled with all their strength, they were like little chickens in the face of Lin Pingzhi's powerful strength.

But Lin Pingzhi would not let them die so easily, when the two of them were almost unable to hold on, he lifted them up to let them catch their breath.

After taking a few breaths, he pressed them down again, back and forth a total of seven times, and Lin Pingzhi got tired of playing.

After that, he directly held down the two of them, and let them drown in the footbath.

After drowning the two of them, Lin Pingzhi brought them to the gate of the branch of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

He flew up and corrected the upside-down plaque again.

Then he took off all the torn trousers and embroidered shoes on the left and right flagpoles.Then two ropes were taken from the escort agency and tied into two twisted ropes.Put it around the necks of these two people.

Then they hung the two of them on the left and right flagpoles of Fuwei Escort.

Hang the pair of shabby shoes on the neck of the person on the left, and then put the shabby trousers on the head of the other person.

Finally, they rummaged through the box and found a pen and paper, and wrote the words "Qingcheng disciples have ragged shoes and trousers, bullying the good and fearing the evil have a false name" and pasted them on the bodies of each of them.

Looking at the two people who were hanging on the flagpole and swaying in the wind.Lin Pingzhi chuckled, and temporarily rested overnight in this escort agency.

Early the next morning, he hid the treasures they had looted, and then left a letter.

I believe it won't be long before someone from the head office will come over to investigate.He left a letter to be considered an explanation.

But right now, there is no need to be afraid of idlers breaking in. With those two from the Qingcheng faction hanging there, no one will have the courage to come again.

(End of this chapter)

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