I really just want to be a big lord

Chapter 223 Why is the master angry?

Chapter 223 Why is the master angry?

Kaios' purpose, or his goal after rebirth in this world, has always been simple.

At the very beginning, after realizing that he had time-traveled and confirmed his identity, Kaios thought that he would be at peace with what came, and find a way to deal with the crisis faced by the original owner, eliminate the threats around him, and then be a safe and secure person. The great lord dawdles around, enjoying life in this alien world.

But this crisis and threat, the more we deal with it, the more we discover, and it becomes more and more troublesome and complicated.

If you want to survive and live a better life, you have to constantly improve your own strength.

And after visiting all his territories, seeing the living conditions of all his subjects, and seeing the full-time farmers on the planting territories, Kaios has a new goal.

He wants to change the world.

Keos actually asked himself, is it really because he cares about the living conditions of those people, is it really because he wants to "save" all the non-noble people in this world?
The answer should be no. If you really want to say that you have any deep empathy and emotions for the people, or for the vast majority of human beings in the world, it must be false.

He has no sense of responsibility to protect and take care of people in this world, except for Salveira, except those who have contact with him, people he knows, and have a good relationship with, and he has no sense of responsibility for the people of the world. consciousness.

But he just feels that the current state, the current situation makes him uncomfortable, and he wants to change.

In the basement under the manor lord's building, Kaios was standing in his demon realm, waiting for a "creation servant" to synthesize a new body.

After choosing the materials, Glacier saluted Kaios: "Master, I'm ready."

After Kaios sorted out his purpose and thoughts, everything will be easy to handle.

However, this "creational servant" is not a strange creature that has just fused with the Kaios demon, but an old-fashioned creational servant that has already fused its body and has been trained for a period of time.

Of course, he also knows that those leaders, especially those who are full-time farmers, don't feel that they need others to solve it. If he told these farmers at that time that he would eliminate this profession, they would probably cry dissuade him.

There is no difference in the fusion materials. Kaios even used the monsters extracted from the same painting to fuse other creation servants, but they are not as strong in learning ability as the three of them. On the whole, it should be that the three of them were fused by Kaios during that time. Si has personally guided them for a long time, teaching them how to read and speak, how to pretend to be people, how to answer people's questions, how to make some reactions, and so on.

However, Keos didn’t help them choose their gender. I don’t know how they determined their gender. Is it because the spirit body that crossed over from another space already had a gender distinction, or did it merge with the undead and evil spirits in this world? At that time, it was determined by the gender of the undead's predecessor, and Kaios hadn't figured it out for the time being.

It seems that she is still a tall woman.

Even, strictly speaking, this creation servant is Kaios's first "creator servant"—that is, Glacier.

Glacier, Firehawk, and Jue Zhan, the three of them are the first batch of "creation servants" fused by Kaios. At the beginning, in order to determine the different characteristics of various materials and souls after fusion, he asked three "servants to create" "Creating servants" has re-done the body fusion many times, constantly disintegrating and re-integrating.

At this time, Kaios also noticed that her speech became more and more fluent, and she became more and more like a normal person. Her pronunciation was no longer as stiff as it was at the beginning, and many sentences could be combined and applied freely instead of being divided into paragraphs. "recite".

Most of the weird creatures, especially the weird creatures brought to the territory by Keos, chose human beings when they chose the fusion form.

Glacier found him today and applied for new materials for body construction. Because her original body encountered a bottleneck during cultivation, she wanted to abandon her original body and change her body.

There is no process of "telling", "teaching", just being together - or that process, which is done in another dimension.

There are also various things, such as the topography of the manor territory, the functionality of various buildings, those creation servants who have never been to various locations, after staying with the creation servants who have been there for a period of time, they all automatically obtained this information.

Because there is no aperture in the back of their heads, they also do not reflect human emotions and emotions.

After understanding Glacier's purpose, Kaios couldn't laugh or cry. He waved his hand, and two huge metal palms made of creative materials appeared on both sides of Glacier's body in the demon realm, and they closed abruptly.

Since he wants to transform the world, it is natural that no one can destroy it.

So, unknowingly, I came to where I am today.

When people are able to survive and are in a stable state, they will have instinctive fear of changes in the status quo, fear of leaving the comfort zone.

Keos didn't say anything, and let her prepare for recasting her body.

He doesn't care.

Kaios originally thought that she would recast herself into a fighting form similar to Shen Yuan, but now it seems that she still focuses more on integrating into human beings.

It doesn't matter whether it's Shengyou Palace, the powers of the Western Realm, or other "people", it's the unknown ethnic group on the other side of the endless forest, it's all the same.

Glacier took the initiative to choose a few materials, which are somewhat different from the materials used in her current body fusion.

But before magic alchemy and magic technology reach a certain level, he needs the power of "magic spirit domain", "creation material", "creation servant", and the concept of "abyssal monster" to execute the second half of the sentence and eliminate those who want to To stop his power, no matter who the opponent is.

And now he also knows that Glacier's selection of those materials that are different from the previous ones has the effect of fusing them in - making her body more elastic, her skin color whiter and tenderer, and the difference from real people is smaller.

With Kaios' permission, the glacier began to disintegrate its original body.

Kaios originally thought so. Even though he completed the souls of strange creatures through demon spirits, so that they can get rid of the soul "glue" of the breath of the undead, and can fuse the real materials of this world to build a physical existence, they still not human.

The created servant "Guangfeng" and the created servant "Shen Yuan" are not in this ranking. The former is essentially different from other created servants because of the fusion of the body of the super strong Uriel. Super minion".

After knowing this information, Kaios was actually... quite excited.

Therefore, compared with other "creative servants", after they determined the body fusion materials, they started to practice and improve at about the same time.

That circle of navy blue light appeared in the back of his head so eye-catchingly and clearly.

What surprised him even more was Glacier's new body. Her appearance was actually [-]% similar to Salveira's, and other female features were exaggeratedly strengthened.

But what is very strange is that her dress actually disappeared alone first, revealing the body without a thing, and then the body began to disintegrate from the fingers.

The speed of body recasting was also very fast. After a few minutes, a body was formed in the white light.

And later, the newly created servant, Kaios didn't have the time to teach himself.

The white gauze dress was also fused and refined together with the body, and naturally disappeared together at this time.

But now, the aperture appeared.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there are enough materials that can be fused, Kaios is willing to provide enough demonic support to create a servant that can fuse himself with a very huge body.However, although a huge body can bring strong combat power, it may also bring many negative effects, such as weak movement, high energy consumption for maintenance, and extremely difficult cultivation and improvement, etc.

But today he realized that the first creation servant he created is the most special one.

In the demon realm, the energy quickly stabilized, the white light faded, and Kaios could clearly see Glacier's new body.

Then, it was the appearance of the light dawn, the exposure of her identity as a reborn, and the existence of the invaders on the other side of the endless forest in the future.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Kaios originally thought that the most special created servant should be Shen Yuan, who he spent the most effort on.

Glacier's halo appeared behind his head, and then he lied to him that he wanted to recast his body, which is really special.

But Keos complied with her request, taking her to the basement for body recasting, allowing her to fine-tune her body-building materials.

She is lying.


In the demon realm, Kaios could clearly perceive Glacier's physical condition at a glance.

Not for those citizens, just for himself.

Keos secretly thought about the role of these materials - in order to experiment with various materials and create the characteristics of servants after fusion, he had made a lot of attempts on Glacier, Extinction, and Firehawk, and recast his body many times , so she must know certain materials, what proportions, and what the corresponding characteristics of the recast body are.

Of course, Kaios will be on guard, and he never really felt that creating servants relying on his demon spirit is absolutely trustworthy.The fact that he dared to create servants was based on the premise that he could directly control the creation materials and the demon realm.

Hand over a group of newly fused "creation servants" to Bingshan, Huoying, and Jue Zhan. They don't need any language or body movements at all. After staying together for a few days, everyone can learn to answer "OK!" ", "Yes", "Understood", and even the accent is exactly the same.

Normally, the Creation Servant couldn't lie to him at all, and he couldn't or didn't need to judge the authenticity of what the Creation Servant said.

At that time, if he told the farmers that although they would lose the job of being a farmer in the future, they would be able to obtain a combat position with the same treatment as a contracted servant, and they would definitely not believe it.

However, Kaios has made his own thoughts clear. He just wants to transform the world according to his own ideas and values. As for the wishes of the world?

Glacier's body has already accumulated a certain amount of practice, and has a relatively deep accumulation of magic power and aura, and it is also very harmonious with the surrounding environment. The so-called upper limit and bottleneck of cultivation are not seen at all.

"Depend on!"

But when Glacier came to see him, a halo appeared behind his head.

To realize the first half of the sentence, there is no doubt that the development and application of magic alchemy and magic technology are the most fundamental and useful "tools" that can truly change the existing order and lifestyle of the world from the bottom up.

The latter is the "Pseudo-Abyss Demon King" that Kaios spends the most energy, mobilizes the largest scale of demon spirits, consumes and refines the most materials, and fuses them together. His strength is the strongest among all created servants, and he is blessed in the realm of demon spirits. Under the circumstances, it is even possible to toughen up many 14th-level super powerhouses.

To his surprise, Glacier didn't make clothes for the new body, and just stood in front of him naked.

Keos wanted to see what she wanted to do and why she had a halo of light. Is this an exception, or is it inevitable after creating servants to adapt to this world and to their own body?

Perhaps it is also for this reason that although Kaios did not clearly assign positions to the creation servants of the manor territory, all creation servants with newly fused bodies will naturally regard the earlier creation servants with fused bodies as "sirs", Glacier , Fire Eagle, and Jue Zhan also naturally became the leaders of all creation servants.

"Rebuild the body." Kaios said coldly.

However, he didn't think that Glacier had any malicious intentions towards him and wanted to murder him—the navy blue color of the aperture should be absolutely loyal.

Even among the three of them, Glacier, the creation servant who fused his body a few minutes earlier, has a higher status.

"Master, do I look good?" Glacier stroked his chest and said in a trembling voice.

"Reform the world according to your own ideas, and eliminate anyone who wants to stop you."

This shows what?
When Kaios introduced the "Creation Servants" to Qing Cang Dawn before, he repeatedly emphasized that these are not "people", they are special creatures in the extremely evil forest, and they just have the appearance of humans.

However, although the bodies of the creation materials after fusion were similar, the three of them showed a stronger learning ability than the creation servants who fused bodies later.

Moreover, he discovered that the creation of servants has a characteristic... or a characteristic that has been found in strange creatures and demons. Within a certain range, they can carry out a kind of "communication" that does not require dialogue or external language.

Keos made a judgment in an instant:

You know, Glacier, Hokage, and Jue Zhan had disintegrated and recast their bodies more than once before, and each time their bodies disintegrated together with their dresses and armor.

The chunk of flesh that had been crushed by the giant palm had just begun to heal instinctively. Hearing what Keos said, he stopped for an instant, and then trembled and began to disintegrate.

A few minutes later, a new body was born, this time with clothes, the original white gauze skirt, and the appearance was the same as the original glacier.

However, because of the slight difference in the structure and materials of the body, the glacier looks a little whiter and tenderer, like a freshly picked fruit with dew on it.

After rebuilding the body, Glacier was terrified and knelt down in front of Kaios with a slightly trembling body. She didn't understand why the master was so angry just now. She originally thought that the master would be very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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