1993 Glamour at a Glance

Chapter 284 I Will Be Wherever Young Master Song Is

Chapter 284 I Will Be Wherever Young Master Song Is
From Shi Youming's point of view, Song Yang was "conservative".

The Thai baht exchange rate is still falling.

"Don't be greedy." Song Yang said without doubt, "The first domino has fallen, just follow the plan set before."

Although the initial 20 billion US dollars in their hands was a lot, compared with Soros who gambled half his life and spent 150 billion US dollars wildly, Song Yang would rather make less money in every place, and walk away after earning it.

Starting from July [-]nd, Thailand's foreign exchange reserves accumulated for many years will be looted.

But Song Yang believes that his "profit margin" is much higher than that of Soros.

I remember the stories I read, Soros should have only earned more than 40 billion US dollars in this operation in Thailand.

Song Yang's advantage lies in knowing the direction of the general trend.

After Xiangdao changed its world, there was no chaos on the bright side as many people imagined.The stock index is still heading towards 16000 points, and what happened in Thailand has not yet been transmitted.

However, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore have all begun to be affected.

But Song Yang knew that they were not the main event, and the next one to really go to the state of "national bankruptcy" was South Korea!

The main force of funds withdrawn from the Thai market has moved to South Korea.

In other places, it is nothing more than fast in and fast out, and scrape some oil and water along the way.

He doesn't need to worry about these for the time being, the next important time for him is already at the end of October.

But Lehuimin, who raised a lot of money, fell into continuous excitement.

Every day, he would go to Shi Youming's side to watch him wield this small scythe located in Xiangdao, and cut precisely on crops of wine and vegetables.

Yue Huimin's face is full of red every day, and at the same time, he is shocked that Song Yang just let go of him like this.

"Didn't Song Sheng say he would live in Xiangdao in the second half of the year? Why did he go to America again?"

"Long-term living in Xiangdao, it's convenient to go anywhere." Shi Youming didn't know about Song Yang's personal affairs, so he said meaningfully, "The boss has another fund in the United States."

Le Huimin's eyes lit up.

In this way, are the real dealers colluding?
Then he thought again: "Xiangdao's side will have to confront those international capitals..."

There was some panic in his tone, worrying about gains and losses.

"The boss has his own arrangements." Shi Youming just replied like this.

In fact, he never communicated with other funds at all, and Song Yang never mentioned this matter at all.

But now, those who are interested should have fully noticed the funds of Xiangdao, right?
It is no longer possible to start the layout more than a year in advance like in Thailand, pretending to be a small player through scattered accounts...


Song Yang went to America with Zhou Huiya, but at the end of August, he came back alone.

Whether artificial insemination can be successful depends on the news in the next few months.

Accompanied by her mother, Zhou Huiya will stay in the United States to rest.

For more than a month, the financial turmoil has blown up and finally spread to Xiangdao.

The wind is jittery, and the stock index of Xiangdao has become unstable.

Song Yang came back and immediately received several invitations.

Cocktail parties, horse races, golf, yachts...all kinds of titles.

"Why are there so many people?" Song Yang looked at the stack of invitations in his hand.

Lin Jin smiled and said, "It's not just you, there are all kinds of people in Xiangdao every day, gathering under various names."

After all, it has changed.

"I'm still thinking about going to Zhuhai..." Song Yang shook his head helplessly, and after thinking for a while, he called Le Huimin, "Master Le, the invitation I received contains the game you saved. Bar?"

"Hey Young Master Song, don't call me that!" Le Huimin was pleasantly surprised, "Going back to Xiangdao? Do you have time?"

"I heard that the bosses in Xiangdao are very active during this time."

"It wasn't caused by the financial crisis." Le Huimin became serious, "I don't know if the stock index will drop from 16000, and by how much. The property market has risen more than six times in 12 years, which is also very worrying. Song Shao, don't worry, I don't talk too much. But a few friends are very clear about your ability, and I want to hear your opinion!"

Le Huimin saved a lot of money by himself, and then he always ran to Song Yang's side. In the past two months, he was refreshed again, so those who are interested will naturally pay attention.

"That's fine, go to your bureau first."

"Okay!" Le Huimin was overjoyed immediately, "Family dinner, no outsiders, come with Ms. Zhou, and their wives will be there too."

Song Yang smiled and said, "Hui Ya stayed in America."

"Is that so... why don't you go fishing?" Le Huimin carefully asked for advice.

"No bells and whistles."

Song Yang is familiar with him, didn't he just find a few female stars to play a game?
Today is different from the past, Song Yang doesn't want to be photographed by the paparazzi of Xiangdao and make a fuss in the city.

Song Yang hung up the phone, and Le Huimin immediately contacted his friends.

"Young Master Song is back!" His tone was not the same as before, and now he was a bit forceful, "I told you not to hide it, this is a rare opportunity! Would Young Master Song be willing to give advice on the situation in Xiangdao? It all depends on your performance!"

"Understood! Did Young Master Song say how to arrange it?"

"Don't be fancy." Yue Huimin said after thinking for a while, "But Miss Zhou is in the United States."


So when Song Yang arrived at the pier, he boarded a large yacht rented by Le Huimin's friend, and still saw seven or eight bikinis playing mahjong in the cabin.

He looked at Le Huimin.

"...Leave them alone." Le Huimin leaned into his ear and whispered, "Miss Xiangdao is in the finals next month."

After finishing speaking, he began to introduce the five people who came over to Song Yang: "They are all 'shareholders' from my side. Today, I would like to thank Mr. Song for making us rich."

There are Xiangdao who do construction, run shopping malls, run hotels, and Xiang Sheng.

"Long time no see, Mr. Xiang." Song Yang smiled and shook hands with him.

Last year, he brought Zhang Min, Li Jiaxin, and Guan Zhilin together, and talked with Song Yang about the pirated VCD.

A year passed, and his feelings towards Song Yang were very complicated.

Based on Xiang Sheng's past experience, if he wants to continue to mess around in today's Xiangdao, he will have to get more tails.

What's more, now Song Yang is making them rich?

Although Yue Huimin didn't say it clearly, his respect and admiration for Song Yang was obvious in his words.

Song Yang was not surprised that Xiang Sheng had joined Le Huimin because Le Huimin always had a lot of friends.

The bikinis playing mahjong over there looked over with splendor.

How could they not know Song Yang with their eyes on stardom?
Zhou Huiya is the existence of the ceiling among the actresses in Xiangdao, but they are just unknown people who have not yet officially debuted.

Regardless of newspapers, magazines or private rumors, Zhou Huiya was able to reach another level thanks to Song Yang.

What's more, he is so tall, handsome and young?

Although the Ni family should not be underestimated, but now that Xiang Sheng and other well-known figures in Xiangdao are respectful to him, how can Mr. Ni compare with this one?
When they walked to the upper deck together, they heard the boss say: "Song Shao resigned from Li Chaoren's reception, and Shao Bo didn't go to Shao Bo's. It's an honor to come here first..."

Li Superman, Li Ka-shing!
Shao Bo, Yifu Shao of Wireless TVB!

They pretended not to hear, but everyone's heart was rippling.

After the yacht left the port, Song Yang put on a pair of sunglasses and sat on the sofa with a drink.

"One issue is one issue." He smiled and said, "The time when your money comes in is exactly the time when I set up the next game. If you add more in the middle, it will be difficult to settle accounts."

"Amin has been refusing to tell." Xiang Sheng looked at Le Huimin, and then asked cautiously, "I don't know how much profit has been made from this transaction?"

"We'll see at the end of the year." Song Yang said with a smile, without revealing more details, "You can trust brother Amin, and he can trust me, how can I disappoint you?"

"Song Shao, everyone is spreading the word that Xiangdao's stock market, property market, and exchange rate may follow in Thailand's footsteps." Seeing that there is no hope of adding funds, a person finally asked the question that concerns him today, "This question, Song Shao What do you think?"

Song Yang didn't speak at first.

Le Huimin bragged before that if he took out 5 million incense coins in the first batch, he could raise ten times more in the future.

In a hurry, he only took out 5 plus 17, a total of 22 billion.

In other words, there is still more than 20 billion potential in his circle.

Most of this money is probably still in the stock market, property market, bond market, and foreign exchange market, right?
There is not much cash purely deposited in the bank, and the rate of return is there.

"It's hard to say about this problem." Song Yang opened his mouth, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he said, "Before I came, I made a promise to the big leaders of Yanjing that I would do my best. But now the strength of international hot money It is strong, and those countries in Southeast Asia are turbulent. I have confidence in the prospects of Xiangdao, but what will happen in the process depends not only on the strength comparison between the main players, but also on the confidence and morale of retail investors.”

They are all smart people, and these words have actually revealed some of his true views.

In the long run, it should be fine.

But in the short term, I am afraid there will be fierce confrontation.

For people like Xiang Sheng, the various industries under their name need to be maintained, and the amount of funds entering and exiting is huge.

If there is a problem with the capital chain due to market fluctuations, it will be in the future.

Looking at the collapse of those countries in Thailand, it is not an ordinary single-digit decline.Once there is a change, it is often cut in half.

Who can stand this?

"Young Master Song, there is only a promise. Is there a...determined battle line?"

What they want to know is psychological expectations and rough points.

Of course Song Yang wouldn't say it, and Yanjing didn't mention it at all.

Looking at their eyes, Song Yang laughed and said: "No matter what, since I can make that promise, I will never let myself lose. The money may be less, but it is still a credit, and it will be beneficial in the future of."

Yue Huimin said: "Although Song Shao has only 17 billion in the funds for fishing at sea, the harvest will never be small! Instead of worrying about other assets, you should integrate them all and let Song Shao manage them. Follow Song Go less, just follow the general direction! Could it be helping international hot money to short Xiangdao together?"

Who knows if there will be a settlement after autumn?
But now, the strength shown by Soros and his gang made too many big men in Xiangdao terrified.

Yanjing also has a lot of scruples. If they leave the game in person, they will definitely be accused of breaking the rules of Xiangdao's free market.

But if you fight with one hand tied, who knows the outcome?

The yacht floated on the sea, and after chatting for a while, Xiang Sheng and the others finally settled on a direction: save another 10 billion incense coins.

Song Yang thought it was funny.

I still have one hand left, maybe I will play hedging in private?

He doesn't care, anyway, such people are definitely not in the minority.

Those who still want to stay and develop in Xiangdao are probably like this, but they are afraid and want to show off.

Then it was time for fun, but Song Yang just sat on the upper deck, watching the waves in the swimming pool on the lower deck rise and fall, and Xiang Sheng driving the motorboat to make the girl behind him scream.

"Song Shao, don't you want to go down to play?" Yue Huimin asked.

"I won't go." Song Yang smiled and shook his head, "Brother Amin, the first policy report of Xiangfu should be out soon, right? Is there any news?"

"...I heard that there is an [-] public housing plan."

There was a smile on the corner of Song Yang's mouth: "Really?"

"I don't think it can go on." Le Huimin expressed his opinion cautiously, "There are crises outside and obstacles inside. If the real estate market collapses, half of the major real estate companies in Xiangdao will collapse!"

"Really?" Song Yang said lightly, "I'm going to stay in Xiangdao for a while now, but I'm not ready to buy a house yet."

Le Huimin's heart shook.

Yes, he just lived in Zhou Huiya's old house.

Will Song Yang be short of money?

Then why haven't you bought it yet?

The property market in Xiangdao is about to collapse!
"...It has increased by more than six times in 12 years, and there is really no room for it."

Yue Huimin only echoed this sentence, after all, he didn't ask whether the [-] plan would get the support of Yanjing.

If so many low-cost housing units can be put on the market each year, the property market in Xiangdao will definitely come down.

While he was thinking about it, he heard Song Yang ask: "Brother Amin, do you know any executives from Huaguo Real Estate?"


Song Yang said casually: "I took over a piece of real estate in Zhuhai. I heard that Huaguo Real Estate has a lot of off-plan properties in that building."

For an undeveloped location like Zhu Hai, the people behind Hua Venture Capital must have done a lot with Huaguo Real Estate, which is listed on Hong Kong Island, at a price of more than [-] yuan.

Now that the Hong Kong stock market and property market are about to plummet, this matter can be handled smoothly.

From 16000 points to 8000 points, cut in half.

Since the matter of Hua Venture Capital has been approved by the above, Song Yang doesn't have to be soft.

Le Huimin's heart fluctuated when he contacted the context.

He himself said that if the property market in Xiangdao collapses, real estate developers will collapse in half.

After talking about the [-] plan, Song Yang mentioned Huaguo Real Estate.

Yue Huimin seemed to have seen the bloody storm in the future, and the big game that Song Yang would play in Xiangdao.

Could it be that Huaguo Real Estate will be related to the [-] plan?
"I'm going to ask a friend."

Le Huimin doesn't know any executives of Huaguo Real Estate now, but he can get to know them.

Song Yang thanked him with a smile, and then asked, "Why don't you go down to play?"

"Where Young Master Song is, I will be there!"

Song Yang smiled.

This positioning is very clear.

(End of this chapter)

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