1993 Glamour at a Glance

Chapter 278 It's Not About Business, It's About a Deadly Enemy

Chapter 278 It's Not About Business, It's About a Deadly Enemy
During the time when Gu Song was forced to wait for Song Yang to return to the country to exchange opinions first, he had been reviewing the game.

Why did he suddenly fall into such a passive situation?

Gu Song thought for three days and three nights, recalling what Yang Zirong and Zhu Shaohong had heard when they dealt with that kid, and then realized that he had underestimated the impact of their acquisition of Skober.

There are two reasons for this.

First, Sun Yan, the founder of Scooper, was later pulled over by Yang Zirong to establish Vessel, which gave Gu Song confidence in the technical strength Wan Yan will rely on in the future, and it is only a temporary judgment that difficulties arise.

Second, because Skoopy still has some American shareholders, because Skoopy is an American company after all, and because Skoopy did sell chips to the outside world and expand production scale without discrimination after being acquired, Gu Song felt that Song Yang and the others were right. Skopper's control was not as strong.

At the beginning, Gu Le was kicked out of the board of directors due to the situation, which seemed very strong, but didn't he introduce a behemoth like Sony later?

And Wan Yan chose to cooperate with Toshiba and Samsung in DVD, and they are also giants that should not be underestimated.

As a result, for some reason now, the DVD chips of the Sony and Philips camps rely on Huaxing Microelectronics instead.

It doesn't make sense!Gu Song thinks he knows the domestic scientific research strength!

How much Huaxin Microelectronics invests in doing things every year is really hard for an outsider to know.In Gu Song's view, pulling them to participate in projects such as the digital TV broadcasting system is enough to consume their funds.

In Huaguo in the 90s, a private enterprise carried out technological research and development in units of [-] million a year. This kind of thinking was the easiest to get rid of in Gu Song's mind: Who would have trouble with money?Researching this stuff doesn't mean you can get results by spending money.

"Mr. Song, about our new production base, how can we get back to the leaders of Sui province..." Zhu Shaohong called with a strong tone of uncertainty.

Gu Song thought for a while and said: "Continue talking! Reply to them, it must be done, and the more policies the better."

When it comes, it's a bargaining chip.

Gu Song is already thinking about chips.

Although it is guessed that there is a high probability that the opponent is intervening in the current situation, as long as they can affect Wanyan's stock price fluctuations through the supply of chips, coupled with Gu Feng's need to be more conservative about the situation, there is a high probability that they will lose this round.

If you lose, you have to talk, and you need chips to talk.

If Wan Yan, who cooperates with Samsung and Toshiba, changes her family, is it a bargaining chip?

Are the preferential policies obtained from various places through mergers and acquisitions and investment expansion since last year, are they bargaining chips?

Is the qualification of a listed company a bargaining chip?
What's more, the sincerity of the Gu family, is it a bargaining chip to really live in peace in the future?


When Song Yang was still in the United States, several minor incidents happened in China.

The first trivial matter is a small news in the entertainment industry.It has been more than a year since Yang Ying announced her withdrawal from the music scene, and suddenly announced that she had broken up with her boyfriend.

Although there are many people who like Yang Ying, but now is an era where newcomers are constantly emerging.It’s not a long time to retire for more than a year, but now the music scene seems to be starting to change its style. Sweet songs and jade girls can no longer meet people’s needs for the advent of the new era and individualization.

Therefore, not many people really care about this news, and not many people think deeply about why Yang Ying took the initiative to inform the reporter friends who were familiar with the situation before.

The second trivial matter is the news that Aigao Electronics is recruiting [-] workers in Guancheng.

The situation is quite large, and recruiting [-] workers is a gimmick after all.But submerged in the ever-changing development momentum of Huaguo, this news finally only alarmed many factory brothers and sisters in Guancheng. For a while, many people told their friends who were still in their hometown by phone: Guancheng is developing, come to work Bar!
The third small matter is that Huaguo Red Bull, which was established just over a year ago, has introduced a new shareholder, Hanhua Trading. The original state-owned food company has realized some shares, but still retains some.

This news is even less eye-catching, and even only through some necessary channels to record and change information and report the situation.

The fourth small matter is about the giant group.

It is said that someone wants to take over the Giant Building, and they are already negotiating with various creditors. They are also studying the new building design and the legacy of the uncompleted buildings.

Not many people paid attention to this matter. After all, the news that Shi Zhu became the "first loser in the country" was quite eye-catching at the time, but ordinary people don't care about what will happen next.Only a few people began to wonder what the origin of this company called "Second Dimension" was.

But in foreign countries, especially in Southeast Asia, major events have already appeared.

Since February, the short-selling funds that have been rested for three months have been mobilized again, and the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the US dollar once depreciated to 27:1.

In this battle, Thailand resorted to three tricks: one is to join forces with Singapore and invest more than 120 billion US dollars to maintain the exchange rate; the second is to order the prohibition of Thai financial institutions from lending Thai baht; , 10% to 1000%!

With a three-pronged approach, when Song Yang and Zhou Huiya returned to Xiangdao, the Thai baht against the US dollar finally went back to 25.2:1.

At the same time, Xiangdao also suffered a round of short-selling attacks.

"I estimate that Quantum Fund's loss this time should exceed 3 million US dollars!" Shi Youming is a little less confident now, "Mr. Song, they are very determined this time. Not only Thailand itself, but also the member countries in the Central Bank of East Asia meeting are all together Resistance. And Xiangdao has already started..."

"Determination?" Song Yang shook his head, "If you have determination, you must have strength. That's right, after they took action this time, the Thai baht has appreciated a little more than before. It seems that Thailand is full of determination, but what about strength? I guess, now they are all thinking: Thailand's hole card has been seen clearly."

"The problem is that some countries are working together to deal with it!"

"That's right, that's why the hole cards are seen clearly." Song Yang sighed, "We need to rely on external forces, so isn't it because I can't handle it? The problem is that it is only concentrated on shorting the Thai baht. Others Southeast Asian countries, don’t they worry that they are the next target and don’t reserve some ammunition? On the contrary, Quantum Fund and they can even launch attacks in two markets at the same time.”

"...The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. As long as the short-selling plan on the Thai side fails, there will be no next step. Is this not difficult to understand?"

Song Yang looked at Shi Youming strangely: "You don't have confidence to this extent? Look, the main force of hot money hasn't been dispatched yet, haven't we been waiting all this time?"

Shi Youming hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I've been thinking about the two points you mentioned for a while. If Thailand's financial market really reaches that point, the impact will be too great..."

Song Yang understood the unbearable look on his face.

As the young generation that Zhuang Shi'an valued, Shi Youming's nature could not be bad.

Before planning this big plan, Shi Youming probably only thought that he could make a fortune from the fluctuations in the financial market, and then prepare for the same turmoil that Xiangdao might face.

But after Song Yang told the two points of their evacuation from Thailand, Shi Youming was excited and finally realized what it meant to Thailand.

"That's right, tens of thousands of companies may go bankrupt, millions of people will lose their jobs, prices will soar, and crimes will occur frequently." Song Yang said after a pause, "But you have to be clear, if there is us, the result will be There won’t be much difference. And now we are clay bodhisattvas, how can we be saints all over the world?”

Shi Youming nodded silently.

Compared with other international hot money currently shorting the Thai baht, although their funds are quite a lot, their volume is really not comparable.

Up to now, Thailand's 300 billion foreign exchange reserves have been almost consumed, which shows the magnitude of the funds in the game.

"Don't think too much, I know that Xiangdao has also suffered short-selling attacks, but I'm worried about Xiangdao's situation..." Song Yang sighed softly, "Don't worry, Xiangdao can handle it for the time being."

Shi Yooming's expression finally became solemn: "You are right. Xiangdao's own foreign exchange reserves exceed 800 billion US dollars. This month, the Hang Seng Index has stabilized at 7000 points, and the exchange rate of Xiangbi has also stabilized. Our little money , it’s nothing compared to this scale.”

After a pause, he hesitated to speak, "I heard that this time Yanjing has organized some mainland funds to buy contracts from speculators in Xiangdao through corporate channels. If it's just corporate funds... Yanjing Will there be..."

"I don't know." Of course, Song Yang would not say anything in advance, "You just need to know that there are gains and losses. After helping Xiangdao to defend, whether Xiangdao is still a free financial market, others will create this public opinion and affect Xiangdao. Prestige and attractiveness in the future. If you don’t help Xiangdao, you will follow in the footsteps of Thailand. Once Yanjing takes over, Xiangdao will be in turmoil. All in all, the most convenient thing to rush to the front line is funds without official status .”

Song Yang pointed to himself and Shi Yooming: "For Thailand, one less force from us is irrelevant; but for Xiangdao, one more force from us may play a key role. Don't be soft-hearted, follow their short Go in the direction and retreat back to Shouxiang Island a little earlier than them. When we return to Shouxiang Island, I hope this money will swell to billions of dollars. The defense funds of Xiangdao are extra few percent or even [-]% Ten out of ten is not considered insignificant."

Shi Youming opened his mouth wide: "Can there be so many?"

Song Yang chuckled: "Thailand is only a few taels of meat? Besides, I only said to withdraw before, but I didn't say to withdraw and went back to Xiangdao. Even Thailand has survived two rounds. Do you think Xiangdao will be so easy to become a centralized place?" The target of the attack. The time when we will have a decisive battle with them will be next year! At that time, they have already made money, so they can spend it all in one go! Whether it is this month or the next month, they are just testing It’s just Xiangdao’s strategy to deal with it.”

Shi Youmingfu said to his heart: "If you want to test it, then the next time point is probably after the comeback!"

"Yes, it should be a certain month after the return." Song Yang still only said vaguely, "First, continue to test aggressively, and then continue to sweep across other countries, creating huge pressure on Xiangdao and Yanjing. At that time, they will even judge how strong Xiangdao will be through some new financial policies introduced by our country.”

"Next year..." Shi Youming nodded, "You seem to have thought about everything. Next, you need to participate more!"

Song Yang's judgment from last year has now been fulfilled, and Shi Youming is very convinced by him.

And Shi Youming, who had been only operating in the Xiangdao market before, now faced with the so-called big wave "sweeping all countries", he had no idea.

Song Yang nodded affirmatively: "In the next month, I will arrange things in the mainland first. In the second half of the year, I will mainly stay in Xiangdao!"


Zhou Huiya stayed in Xiangdao for the time being, after all, she would often go to the United States in the future.

The result of the first comprehensive inspection was not very satisfactory. She needed to do half a year of conditioning first, and rechecked some key indicators every month.

In Xiangdao, apart from Chen Yun, she also has more friends, which helps her feel better.

"... What you guys are talking about is like the TV series "Big Times" I acted in before."

Song Yang smiled and nodded: "Yes. I'm telling you, just to make you firm up your determination to sell those stocks first."

"If you don't tell me, I've already asked for it." Zhou Huiya said angrily, "I shouldn't know anything else now and concentrate on taking care of my body. If you tell me such big news, I'll think about it. Some friends, I would also like them to escape, can I say?"

"Don't be thankless." Song Yang shook his head, "Everyone has their own fate. Besides, won't I stay here often again soon? Your real friends, introduce them to me when the time comes, and let me deal with them It's best to deal with it."

Zhou Huiya laughed immediately: "That's even better, you have great skills and are more convincing than me."

Song Yang and her left in Xiangdao for a while, went to Zhuhai first, and then went to Jiangcheng.

"Take a vacation."

It was East Lake again, it was early summer, Shen Qingxue looked at him suspiciously in a long skirt.

Song Yang looked at her: "The second son of the Gu family wants to meet with me, maybe because he has seen the situation clearly, and wants to discuss with me a way to expose the enmity, you have the right to be there. Besides, the memorial day is coming soon."

Shen Qingxue said unexpectedly: "So fast? Doesn't it mean that the results will come out next year?"

"Smart people see far and think deeply." Song Yang smiled coldly, "It should be the current pillar of their family who has seen things through, knowing that there is more than one difficulty facing Wan Yan who has surfaced now. .Although they have no evidence for other things, but considering the worst possibility, they have to connect those hidden worries with me. Talking about it now is much better than talking about it later with a real knife and gun on their necks. .”

"Then how did you think about it?"

"Last time you said, believe that I won't harm you, let alone myself." Song Yang's expression softened, "Then this time, you just need to be there and don't need to say anything. At least let them know that this time It's not about business at all, it's about vendetta!"

He knew very well that the Dai family would never make any statement until the result was determined.

The Gu family can come to meet and talk now so decisively, of course they feel that they have the most bargaining chips right now.

The chip is a fart, does Song Yang need to recognize any chips?

Since the Gu family thinks that Gu Le's life alone is more valuable, it depends on how much they are willing to pay for the remaining life.

Song Yang didn't want money at all, he didn't need it.

What he needs is a rope, a harness.

Gu Song came to your door, is it possible to set another trick for him?
This "peace talk" must look like a "peace talk", but because they are now "strong men cut their wrists", they have not fallen deeper and dug a new pit.

(End of this chapter)

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