1993 Glamour at a Glance

Chapter 244 I'm a Happy Ghost

Chapter 244 I'm a Happy Ghost
Liang Tai knew the place, he had been there last time.

Seeing Song Yang walking in drunk, Chen Yun's friend, Amei, was surprised: "...Song Sheng, why are you here alone at this time?"

"Drink too much, sit down for a while." Song Yang smiled, "Have another plate of Fried Beef River?"

"Song Sheng wants it, of course." She replied with a smile, and asked again, "Can I tell Ah Yun that you are here?"

Song Yang waved his hand: "It's so late, why tell her?"

He sat on the bar, just drinking water at first.After relaxing, his eyes gradually became blurred.

Since then, Yao Peihua has had a strange relationship with him, and Song Yang said that he doesn't quite understand how he feels about Yao Peihua.

Like the above, it's not pure love, it's more like her with complicated emotions and Song Yang consoling each other while Song Yang is concentrating on his career.

She said she didn't want to see Song Yang turn bad.

Song Yang has many chances to "go bad", like tonight.

In fact, he doesn't like to be bad and become dominated by desire.

At this moment, Song Yang was still getting drunker and drunker as he drank the water with the feeling of alcohol.

The pure expectations in her heart were finally taken away by Shen Qingxue's departure.

Song Yang, who has been busy fighting with the Gu family and making plans, came to Xiangdao today to receive such hospitality, and his heart suddenly felt empty.

When he misses women, his women are not around.

When the proprietress came over with fried beef, she found that Song Yang had already fallen asleep lying on the bar counter.

Just like Zhou Huiya that night.

"Song Sheng?" She called softly.

Song Yang slept deeply.

She was embarrassed, thinking that with his identity, he probably didn't come alone, so she went to the door to look for it, and she saw a car parked at the door.

At this time, if Song Yang hadn't come over, she would have closed.

"Is it Mr. Song's friend?" She walked over and knocked on the car window and asked.

"Yes. What's wrong with the boss?" Liang Tai asked a little nervously.

"Fell asleep."

Walking with her into the shop, Liang Tai saw Song Yang lying asleep on the bar, Liang Tai thought for a while and asked, "Is it going to close?"

"...that doesn't matter."

"Then ask the proprietress to stay open all night." Liang Tai first helped Song Yang, who was deeply asleep, to a sofa booth, and then asked the proprietress to find a blanket.

Fortunately it is not winter.

"...Why don't you go back to the hotel to sleep?" The proprietress asked one more question.

Liang Tai thought about his expression after returning to the car and his decision to come here temporarily, and said in a low voice, "I probably don't want to go back to the hotel to sleep."

He has been following Song Yang and knows many of his feelings behind others.

If you drink too much, you will think too much.

What can the boss think?
Of course it was what happened last year.

Liang Tai looked at Song Yang who was curled up on the sofa and fell asleep frowning, and sighed softly.

After Ah Mei, who was "forced to open for business", brought him tea, she asked curiously, "Why did Song Sheng drink so much tonight?"

Liang Tai shook his head.

He didn't know, he was just waiting outside.

"...I thought Song Sheng would live a very easy life, why would there be times when he didn't want to go home?"

Liang Tai squeezed the cup.

It is impossible for anyone who has experienced those things to feel at ease.

A man's mind is hidden, only occasionally when he relaxes.

The proprietress thought about it, and after returning to the kitchen, she still called Chen Yun.

In the quiet bar, Song Yang curled up on the sofa and slept all night, only to wake up in the morning under the action of the biological clock.The headache after a hangover made his frown even tighter.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Chen Yun and Zhou Huiya sitting opposite.

"Why is it so pitiful that you came to sleep in a bar alone? Is there no one to take you in?" Chen Yun asked with a smile.

Song Yang wiped his eyes, looked at the blanket on his body, and then at the proprietress who came over with water in her eyes, and sat up slowly with some embarrassment: "...do you all have this style? ? Customers fall asleep in the store and let people sleep like this?"

"This is at the discretion of your driver." Amei put down the water with a smile, "I'm forced to stay open all night. Boss Song, settle the fee."

Song Yang drank water to relieve the dry mouth after drinking, and shook his head when he heard the words: "What a big deal... why did you call us over?"

"Amei cares about you!" Chen Yun still had a smile on her face, "Did you come here because you miss Huiya?"

Zhou Huiya blushed slightly, but also looked at Song Yang.

"I don't know about other places." Song Yang put down his water glass, "However, I really didn't want to go back to the hotel and stay alone last night."

Amei raised her thumbs up and exclaimed, "Your driver really understands you!"

"You all get drunk and fall asleep here, you are very destined!" Chen Yun is playing Lalang again.

"...Don't you feel embarrassed?" Song Yang said helplessly to Zhou Huiya, "Miss Zhou, long time no see."

Zhou Huiya pursed her lips and nodded: "Long time no see."

"Song Sheng never drank alcohol when I was here. It was okay last time, and it made me a plate of fried beef." Amei joked.

Song Yang was amused: "Drink some soul-rejuvenating wine? I'll go to the bathroom first."

Seeing his back disappear behind the curtain, Chen Yun thought it was fun and turned around and said, "I didn't expect him to wake up like this. Look, he cares about his image in front of you."

Of course, the hair is messed up on the sofa, and the sleepy and surprised look is also very interesting.

Zhou Huiya also smiled, but said, "No matter who wakes up in the morning, they should wash their face and brush their teeth first. Are you talking nonsense?"

Chen Yun took her hand: "Since you have decided to completely cut off from the past, don't be cautious. A person like him would be pitiful and not wanting to go home, what a great opportunity is now?"

"...Can't you see? He can't forget Miss Shen. "

"That's just because there is no new person in my heart." Chen Yun looked forward to, "What a dedicated person! One is in the sky and the other is underground!"

Zhou Huiya was speechless.

When Song Yang came out, his hair was only roughly trimmed, and the ends were still a little wet, so he didn't have a carefree masculinity.

"Specially blended soul-reviving wine." Amei brought the cup over with a smile, "Want to have breakfast here? I'll go buy it, and just pay for the errand."

"Okay, errand fees are easy to talk about, and tips are indispensable." Song Yang admired her character very much.

Amei went out, and early in the morning, there were only three people left in the shop.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know the name of the proprietress." Song Yang found a topic, "The character is quite likable."

"Tong Xuemei." Chen Yun introduced the three words, and said exaggeratedly, "It's over, Mr. Song is actually looking for Amei."

Song Yang couldn't help but laugh: "You are too purposeful...Miss Zhou, I'm sorry, I took the liberty to say what I think of you last time."

Zhou Huiya shook her head and replied softly: "Mr. Song is very to the point."

"Bringing this matter up now, has Miss Zhou figured it out and rejected Mr. Ni?"

Hearing him mention that person, Zhou Huiya felt a little embarrassed.

The context is linked together, as if rejecting that person for him.

"...Now I feel that career is more important than relationship, and it's not as complicated as relationship." Zhou Huiya just said that.

"Yeah, career is not as complicated as feelings." Song Yang nodded in agreement.

Just like what happened last night, Song Yang stood up and acted as the middleman. He could not only invest in Xiangdao Films to let these people have a new release, but also make them give in to Li Ru's conditions.Then the new projects in the future will receive less money, and there will be more "big friends from the mainland". They will naturally make up for their income from other channels with more confidence, and at the same time, they will be able to transition naturally during this period of "withdrawal of Bay capital". crisis.

People's calculations based on interests are quite simple.

Even if it was Guan Zhilin and Li Jiaxin, if Song Yang was willing to promise something based on interests, and added a pretentious pursuit of appreciation, then naturally he wouldn't have to sleep on the sofa last night.

It's a pity that Song Yang still likes better things after all.When it comes to emotions, it gets complicated.

For example, Shen Qingxue insisted on leaving him stubbornly, or Yao Peihua stayed by his side as if she was some company.

"...Hey, why are you so cold again?" Chen Yun frowned, "Mr. Song, since Huiya has decided to focus on her career, why don't we talk about the new album? I have been on the verge of unemployment for a long time!"

Song Yang laughed all of a sudden: "You have the same personality as Amei, and you are quite likable."

Chen Yun immediately smiled: "I have a chance too? Huiya, you are just inferior."

While joking, the motorcycle cavity they signed with Bay Island Company all popped out.

Song Yang felt very relaxed.

When looking at Zhou Huiya, he clearly felt some embarrassment in her.

The process of cooperation between Song Yang and her was naturally innocent and refreshing, and Zhou Huiya was no stranger to him.These jokes can be regarded as ridicule among friends, but at this time it does bring some ambiguity.

Zhou Huiya felt that she was several years older than Song Yang, so there was no possibility between the two of them.It's just that Song Yang is talented and has helped her a lot, Zhou Huiya is more worried that such a joke will make Song Yang feel that the cooperative relationship will deteriorate.

But at this time, the sun was rising and the sun was shining through the window. Zhou Huiya was teased by Chen Yun to be a little embarrassed and shy, showing her girlish posture.

Song Yang looked at her blushed cheeks soaked in the sun, and was in a daze for a moment.

So he picked up his glass and said with a smile, "Thank you for coming to see me early in the morning."

"It should." Zhou Huiya looked for words, "If Mr. Song treats us as friends, if you are unhappy in the future, you can talk to us."

"Okay, next time." Song Yang nodded, "Since we are friends, don't call me Mr. Song, just call me Song Yang."

Chen Yun was the first to feel the difference in his state, and there was some surprise in her eyes: "Song Yang, you didn't wipe the corners of your eyes clean!"

"Ah?" Song Yang stretched out his fingers and wiped the corners of his eyes, "Is there?"

Chen Yun patted the table hahaha, Zhou Huiya pursed her lips to hold back her laughter.

Song Yang found nothing, rolled his eyes and said, "Childish ghost."

"I'm a happy ghost!"

(End of this chapter)

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