What is a first-class savior?.

Chapter 302 The Only Legacy

Chapter 302 The Only Legacy

"There are thousands of palaces in this continent, and they cannot all be paintings." Wang Ran showed a thoughtful expression. He was sure that it was impossible for the ancients to leave some works of art without practical significance to their descendants, as he expected His treasures may be in other palaces, "Go to other palaces and have a look."

He walked out of the palace and stopped suddenly when he reached the door.

He was silent for two seconds, turned around and solemnly closed the gate of the palace, and then walked towards other palaces.

Although these paintings have no practical significance, they are all the painstaking efforts of the ancients. As a successor who received the inheritance of the ancients, he has reason to keep them well.

Wang Ran came to another palace nearby.

He took a deep breath, reached out and pushed open the door, breaking the time stillness of the palace.

He walked into the palace with the torrent of time, and rows of exquisite sculptures came into his eyes. Just like the previous palace, these were all beautiful and top-notch works of art, but they had no practical significance.

Wang Ran pursed his lips, he turned and walked out of the palace, and closed the gate for the palace.

Paintings, statues, music, books, etc. Wang Ran found more insignificant but exquisite works of art in other palaces.

He gradually realized one thing.

"These palaces seem to be a museum built by the ancients to commemorate themselves." Wang Ran got rid of the excitement of receiving the inheritance of the ancients at this moment. He searched dozens of palaces, but he never found what he expected , "These palaces are like their own tombstones."

When a civilization is on the verge of extinction, what does this civilization do?
The ancients gave the answer.

That is to collect all the things that shine with the brilliance of human nature, make a museum for yourself, and pass on your own culture. Even if the material is destroyed, the spirit will not die.

As long as there are successors, it can be regarded as eternity in a sense.

Wang Ran was very emotional.

However, the earth is full of disasters, and he hopes that the ancients can leave something that can help the earth people survive.

He flew high, overlooking the entire continent.

There is no need to explore the other palaces. There is a high probability that there are some works of art in those palaces, and what he is looking for is not in these palaces.

His eyes fell on the palace located in the middle of the mainland.

He has been to this palace in the simulation, and this palace is the largest of all the palaces. Although it has been damaged in the simulation, there is a sculpture in the center of that palace, while other palaces are empty in this position.

Since other palaces are tombstones built by the ancients for themselves, if the ancients left any treasures for their descendants, it can only be in this special palace.

"Go to this palace and have a look, all questions should have answers."

Wang Ran flew directly towards this special palace.

He landed on the steps in front of the palace gate.

This palace is different from other palaces, and it can be seen from here, because the gate of this palace is a thick stone gate, and various exotic flowers and plants and rare spirit beasts are carved on the gate.

"Other palaces are reserved for themselves, they are the fading past and do not need ornate decorations, but this palace is reserved for posterity, and posterity is the rising future, just like this fancy carving"

Wang Ran put his hand on the stone door and pushed hard.

boom! ! !
The stone door slowly moved inward amidst the huge roar, revealing a crack that could allow one person to pass through.

The moment the door opened, time from the outside world poured in.

Everything in the palace came alive, the refreshing fragrance penetrated into Wang Ran's sleeves, the moving music lingered in Wang Ran's ears, colorful birds circling and dancing in mid-air, and beautiful plants swaying branches in the soil.

Wang Ran was slightly taken aback.

The frozen time sealed everything in the moment tens of thousands of years ago, and now time has resumed flowing, and everything has returned to its former appearance.

Wang Ran walked towards the palace, and he found the sculpture in the simulation in the middle of the palace. It was not a sculpture, but a gorgeous stone platform. The damage in the simulation may be too serious, causing him to mistakenly think it was a sculpture .

A bracelet with an azure halo floating quietly on the stone platform is obviously a treasure left by the ancients to future generations.

But Wang Ran's gaze only stayed on the bracelet for a second, and then quickly shifted away, because there was a person sitting under the stone platform.

A living person!
Wang Ran was startled at first, and then thought.

【Start real-time simulation】


[Simulation ends]

Wang Ran pursed his lips and walked towards this person.

"Hello, Colonci."

He was the first to greet.

The man raised his head, he didn't speak, but Wang Ran easily caught the doubt in his eyes.

Wang Ran could guess what he was thinking.

"Tens of thousands of years have passed, and I am your descendant." Wang Ran waved his hands, answering the question in the man's heart like a prophet, "I know your name because I have some predictive abilities, you The war between them and the giant beasts is considered a victory, and their patriarch is now lying half dead in the soil of the earth, and a new generation of humans has grown up."

Kolonci is a true ancient man.

From [Instant Simulation], he learned that Cologne is the messenger chosen by the ancients to send messages to the future, and he is also the last ancient. His duty is to deliver information to future humans, and to guard and exhibit the artworks left by the ancients.

Hearing Wang Ran's words, Kelongqi had a strange expression on his face. He couldn't tell whether it was relief or sadness. He got up slowly, picked up the luminous bracelet from the stone platform behind him, and threw it towards Wang Ran from a distance. .

Wang Ran reached out to catch the bracelet, and he took a closer look. There were 23 beads on the bracelet, and each bead was rippling with azure brilliance.

"This is the Miracle Bracelet." Kelongqi showed nostalgia, and he said apologetically, "We are in a decisive battle with those long bugs, and there is nothing extra for you, this is our only and most precious thing. "

Wang Ran pursed her lips: "Thank you."

He has also figured it out now. When the ancients built this place, they were probably driven to the brink of genocide. Any weapon, bottle of medicine, or armor may be the key to the survival of the race, so the ancients took I used it myself, and did not leave it to future generations.

But they left a miracle bracelet.

Kronchi sighed softly: "We haven't researched to understand the real usage of this bracelet. If we did, we might be able to win the war, but we used it to create the worlds outside. You should have seen it when you came here."

The mirror world is created with this bracelet.

Wang Ran was lost in thought.

All mysterious things on the earth are inseparable from gods. What is this bracelet?

(End of this chapter)

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