Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 381 Target Keel Wilderness

Chapter 381 Target - Dragonbone Wilderness

Murphy sent messages to the four selected heroes.

Luban No. [-] (Great Craftsman): "Prince Aidan, your fleet is ready, do you want to inspect the goods?"

Murphy nodded and beckoned, and a team of Dragon Knights followed immediately behind him. The group walked to the dock, and saw a large, four, and five warships neatly lined up in the sea water of the port.

The cannons, cables, sails and decorations are all available on it. Sure enough, it is convenient to have a lot of craftsmen. Five warships were knocked out in half a day.

While calling the captains and sailors hired from the tavern to board the ship, Murphy led the Dragon Knights up to the ship building. Standing on the towering ship building and looking down, a line of battleships was lined up neatly. Looking at the sea in the distance and the knights ready to go on the pier, a sense of arrogance arose spontaneously. Although the fleet and legion were not large, it belonged to his own fleet and his own knight order. It's not the prince Aidan of the fleet who relied on missions for nothing.

Luban No. [-] (Great Craftsman): "Captain Aidan, please name the battleship."

Murphy had already prepared the name of the battleship.

Aidan (Head of the Dragon Sorrow Knights): "This kingship-class flagship, let's call it the Storm Dragon King, and the other four Black Sails are called Dragon Tooth, Dragon Claw, Dragon Prestige, and Dragon Blood. Number."

Luban No. [-] nodded, thinking that the naming is really simple and easy to understand.

After the naming was completed, the names of the five warships appeared on the sideboards.

At this time, a dragon knight came up quickly.

Razidanan (Knight Commander): "Your Highness, the [-] troops of the Dragon Sorrow Knights have all arrived. May I ask how you plan to distribute them?"

Because Roland had to stay at the headquarters of the knights, he couldn't go with him, so Murphy specially recruited Razidanan as an adjutant. Razidanan was not lucky. He didn't catch up with the advanced dragon and thunder knights. As a knight commander, he led his troops into battle.

Without any special abilities, it's just a big cavalryman.

Fortunately, there is no danger in mixing with a large group of people.

After a few battles, the plot points are more or less chaotic, but it is incomparable with Roland, who is on track. He didn't get a hero template until the end of the battle. Now he is still an elite knight leader, which is not enough. With dozens of plot points, it will be advanced.

Anyway, he was also the first subordinate to follow him. Naturally, Mo Fei couldn't forget him. This time he took him to slay the dragon, so he could be a hero template for him.

When he came to Nanhai Town, Mo Fei, based on the principle of large quantity, dispatched three thousand extraordinary troops of Longshang Knights. It can be said that they came out in full force, but considering the carrying capacity of five warships, it was obviously impossible. Bring them all, after all, you have to prepare positions for 1000 adventurers.

After thinking about it for a while, Murphy made a decision.

"Five hundred dragon-controlling sky patrollers, all on standby on the Storm Dragon King.

Five hundred dragon-blood giant warriors, one hundred for each ship, and no dragon-mounted heavy cavalry, so be it. "

There are a total of 600 troops, and the Storm Dragon King alone carries [-] troops, which is basically full.

Looking back, those adventurers can only be assigned to the other four Black Sail-class warships.

Fortunately, this is a game, and you can take supplies directly in your backpack, otherwise you really can't fit so many troops according to the standards of the real world.

The troops to be taken away have just been dispatched onto the ship, and adventurers are gradually gathering at the pier over there.

Going to Northrend to explore is definitely a good thing for adventurers. Although monsters are tyrannical on this unopened map, the map is dark and the risk factor is extremely high.

But the benefits are also high. First of all, the more dangerous monsters usually drop the better, and because it is an unopened map, all kinds of dungeons, dungeons, ruins, field bosses, and rare resources are all waiting. Players go to dig it.

Almost a virgin land waiting to be developed, opportunities are everywhere.

If you can log in in advance and have first-hand information, you will be able to seize the opportunity when the map is opened in the future.

And even the first wave of exploration is promising.

The biggest problem with the unopened map is that there is no resurrection point to use. If you die, you can only hang back to the eastern continent. But even if it is a wave, if you are lucky, you can kill a few wild bosses, farm a few pieces of equipment, and dig some Featured resources brought back.

Anyway, adventurers are not afraid of death, so don't bring too good equipment when you go, just do whatever you want and bring it back and you'll make a lot of money.

For this reason, some pirate organizations will regularly come to help adventurers smuggle to Northrend, but this kind of smuggling usually costs money to buy a boat ticket, and the ticket is expensive, and there may be a situation where black people eat black people occur.

After all, pirates are all monster templates. Putting a group of humanoid monsters and a group of adventurers on a ship, there are not many cases where they can reach their destination safely. It is the end of the shipwreck.

So when I heard that the Northrend tour group does not need to buy a ticket, and the Lord Storm Dragon King personally leads the group, there are not too many players who come to sign up. Many guilds have sent core teams to sign up.

When there were too many people, the scene became a bit chaotic. Fortunately, there were still 2000 Dragon Knights under Murphy's command on the shore. At this time, the formation was lined up and they went straight to the field to suppress them, so that these adventurers did not dare to make mistakes.

Especially those dragon-suited heavy cavalry, which are displayed in rows on both sides of the pier, like two keel walls, full of deterrence.

Murphy came to the crowd and raised his hand slightly.

A ray of dragon thunder instantly quieted the audience.

Aidan (Head of the Dragonslayer Knights): "All adventurers, please don't be noisy. Please listen to me. I have an important purpose in going to Northrend this time - to explore the Dragonbone Wilderness. A dangerous place full of monsters.

So I want to find some people with lofty ideals to go on the road with me. Of course, there is no mandatory requirement to go with me. You can move freely in normal times. I will not interfere with you how you want to explore.

But if you encounter a monster, it is also the meaning of the question that everyone wants to fight side by side.

In order to ensure good order during the battle, and to allow everyone to communicate smoothly and avoid internal conflicts, I ask all adventurers participating in the operation to obey my command during the march. I don't care what you do after camping, but if you encounter danger At this time, everyone must follow my orders.

The ugly words are up front, if you do any harmful actions and things that endanger this collective, I will not be polite.

If you think you can do it, if you can listen to the command and understand how to cooperate, please come and sign up, if you can't do it, please leave, don't waste each other's time, well, I've finished talking, those who want to sign up can sign up with Commander Razidanan. "

Murphy's warning did not affect the enthusiasm of the players to sign up. The militarized command mode of large-scale operations must be necessary, otherwise the player's piss will definitely be a piece of sand, and what kind of slapstick operations can be made Not surprisingly, this warning made the presidents of the major guilds feel that this event is very reliable and worth participating.

Immediately, Wuyang Wuyang's crowd squeezed towards Razidanan.

Murphy looked at it for a while, turned around and was about to leave when a joking voice came from the air.

"Yo Yo Yo, is our Prince Aidan quite majestic? He has the potential to be a leader."

You don't need to guess to know that it must be the arrogant girl Morgan Lisa.

Turning around, it was indeed her, riding on the back of a green dragon, looking down at the adventurers, looking very dignified.

Murphy looked up and smiled, "You are here, welcome to join."

"Haha, I came rushing to get two more top-quality equipment, don't let me down."

Morgan Lisa landed as she spoke, jumped off the dragon's back, pulled out the 'Dragon Call' and waved it casually, the green dragon turned into a green dragon soul and sank into the sword.

Morgan Lisa backhanded the sword into the scabbard at her waist. I have to say that this legendary weapon is really convenient. It comes with a mount effect, and the summoned dragon soul skill can be used as a mount when fighting.

"Oh, is this your fleet? It's very cool, as expected of a wealthy prince."

There are many people who spend money to play games, and those who can join the royal circle are all rich players.

However, it is a bit exaggerated to spend 1000 million to buy a fleet just for the sake of exploration.

Mo Fei smiled lightly: "It's just a few ships, it's no big deal."

But I thought in my heart, I have spent all my money, so I still need Versailles.

Soon the second hero also arrived.

Phoenix rode an armed griffin and slowly landed on the open space of the pier.

Put away the griffin and strode towards Murphy.

The last time Phoenix climbed out of the ashes of the explosion when he was on Broken Spear Peak, he didn't care much at the time, but now Murphy found that the other party was actually a beautiful woman.

She is wearing a red and gold knight armor. At first glance, the armor is thick and safe, but when you look closely, you can see that there are many hollow designs on the waist, chest, thighs, etc. of the armor, revealing a large snow-white skin.

While the shape is heroic, there is no lack of sexiness at the same time. The sword and shield are carried on the back. Looking at the enchanted luster on it, it is not ordinary at first glance.

A head of fiery red hair, fixed behind the head with a golden crown.

I have to say that this girl's appearance is quite attractive, obviously she put a lot of thought into it.

Murphy couldn't help being in a daze.

Phoenix walked up to him and saluted Murphy as a knight.

Phoenix (Messenger of the Holy Light): "Prince Aidan, hello, I'm glad to see you again." He said with a shy smile, as if he was a little embarrassed to be stared at.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Slayer Knights): "It's nice to meet you too, welcome aboard."

Morgan Lisa whistled jokingly from the side, "Welcome, welcome, we will be teammates from now on, come on, tell me about your professional skills, we can cooperate better in the future." Said enthusiastically and grabbed Phoenix hand, and the two went on board together.

The third one to arrive was Kaya Windrunner. She descended from the sky on a dragon eagle, and disbanded the mount before landing. She performed a 360-degree somersault in mid-air, and then landed in a very handsome superhero pose. In front of Murphy.

Murphy was taken aback.

Kaya Windrunner wears the iconic green cloak of the elf ranger, with the elf's iconic pointed ears exposed under the hood, a tight leather armor, a longbow behind him, two knives at his waist, and a falcon standing on his shoulder.

The ranger profession is divided into two sets of skill systems: long-range and close combat. Generally, players will major in one and concurrently with the other, but there are also bow and knife dual-skills, which can be close and far.

This one looks like the double repair type.

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "Thank God I'm not late, wow, is this your flagship? It's cool, oh yes - I'm Kaya Windrunner, the eldest of the Seven Windrunner sisters Sixth, it’s a pleasure to meet you for the first time. By the way, where is the ship I’m going to board? It must be this big ship, right? Haha, don’t send me off, I will find a place to live by myself.”

As he spoke, he patted Murphy on the shoulder and went straight to the boat.

Mo Fei was speechless for a while, this one looked familiar, and the feeling of being full of energy made Mo Fei a little dumbfounded.

At this time, the dwarf master craftsman came up and patted Murphy's thigh, "Hey, dude, the taste is good, I have found so many beautiful women as teammates, tsk tsk tsk, it is really cool to be rich, even in the game Open the harem."

Murphy was stunned. He really had never thought about the issue of men and women. When selecting teammates before, he chose teammates based on professional ability configuration requirements.

As for the selection of four beauties... it can be said to be a coincidence.

Although only three have appeared so far, since Mengmeng is still a priest, Mo Fei subconsciously feels that she should be a beautiful woman, and it is impossible for her to be a big man with hairy chest.

"Don't talk nonsense, it just so happens that the heroes I like are all women."

"Haha, no need to explain, I understand, I understand, well, the ship payment is cleared, I should withdraw, I wish you a pleasant sailing, and don't forget to contact us if you have business in the future."


Watching Luban No. [-] leave with the dwarves, Mo Fei was thinking about whether he was subconsciously looking for a beautiful teammate for himself.

He heard an unusually soft and cute voice coming from behind.

"Well, may I ask, are you Brother Aidan?"

Hearing that voice, Mo Fei couldn't help but his eyes brightened. She was indeed a beautiful woman, and she seemed to be a cute girl.

Brother sounds very emotional.

As soon as I turned around, I saw a dwarf aunt who was 1.5 meters tall and had a waist circumference of 1.5 meters looking at him shyly.

This dwarf aunt is wearing a heavy mithril armor, on which the sacred runes of the sun god are etched with pure gold, holding a shield with the sun emblem on the shield, and a warhammer in the other hand. It feels very safe.

However, no matter how heavy the attire was, it could not conceal the turbulent waves beneath the armor.

Adorable big tits... She really lives up to her name.

Aidan (the head of the Dragon Knights): "Hello, I am the head of Aidan, you are cute big tits? Please come aboard."

Mengmeng Big Tits (Sacred Priest): "Then I'm welcome, brother Aidan, won't you take me up? It's my first time here, so I don't know the way."

Mo Fei felt his scalp tingling for a while. Although his voice was very soft, the appearance of this aunt really made him feel as if he was looking directly at an ancient god.

"In fact, I don't know the way. They are all new ships. You can find a room by yourself. The captain will arrange it for you."

After finally coaxing this person onto the boat, Murphy wiped the sweat from his forehead.

By the way, is it still too late to change?
At this time, Razidanan came over: "Your Highness, the adventurers have assembled and are ready to go at any time."

Murphy took a deep breath, "Okay, then let them board the ship."

He said in his heart that he was not afraid, anyway, he was going on an expedition together, and it was not a real harem, let alone a dwarf aunt, even a big man with hairy chest would not be afraid.

Soon, all five battleships were full of people.

One thousand adventurers, five hundred dragon-riding sky patrollers, five hundred dragon-blood mighty fighters, and hundreds of sailors responsible for creating the Northrend Expeditionary Fleet slowly sailed out of the port.

Standing at the bow of the ship, facing the hunting sea wind, Murphy swung his sword fiercely, "Target Dragonbone Wilderness—Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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