Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 374 Orgrim's Death

Chapter 374 Orgrim's Death
Boom boom boom!
A dull explosion came from the window of the palace, and the thick walls of the Stormwind Fortress still couldn't block the violent explosion.

From morning to night, the sound grew closer.

In the king's hall, Orgrim glanced at the sunset projected from the window, with a pensive expression on his face.

It seems that the alliance has no intention of stopping the siege at all. They really can't wait to regain the city.

Orgrim snorted coldly, and picked up the sword beside him casually.

This is the saber left by King Ryan - the sword of the Lionheart King. Without the Hammer of Doom, he can only make do with it.

The afterglow of the setting sun climbed up slowly, and finally shone on his face. That trace of warmth aroused some old memories in him, and Orgrim couldn't help but fell into the memories.

That was when he met Durotan for the first time when he was in Draenor, and they hunted wild beasts together at the hunting conference in Nagrand. Their luck was terrible that day, and they didn't find any decent prey until evening. The sunset that day was also so warm.

He still remembered the warmth of the setting sun shining on his face, he still remembered Durotan's familiar face, and the forgotten conversations also emerged one by one at this time.

"Look, Durotan, I have never seen such a magnificent beast!"

"Don't rush Orgrim, let us attack together."

"Haha, okay, take down this monster, and we will definitely win the hunting competition today."

Durotan gripped the ax tightly, his white wolf followed closely behind him, and Orgrim approached the terrifying beast from the other side, and he glanced at Durotan and his white wolf from time to time, Ogrim Mu has always been envious of such a mount. After joining the Blackstone Legion, he chose to become a wolf cavalry, so he had a pure black wolf.

However, compared to Durotan's White Wolf, Orgrim always felt that his Black Wind was a bit inferior.

Pat, the sound of slow footsteps interrupted Orgrim's thoughts.

His eyes froze, he stood up abruptly, turned around and looked into the darkness behind him.

A black figure gradually emerged in the darkness, and Orgrim breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the figure's appearance.

Orgrim (Great Chief): "Black Dragon, you haven't left yet, I thought..."

Murphys (King of the Black Dragon): "Why do you think so?"

"I thought it was that human assassin again. Since that day, that lingering guy has tried to assassinate me several times."

Murphys nodded, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "You don't have to do this, as long as you want, I can take you away."

Orgrim shook his head, "No, I must stay. To make our plan go smoothly, we must end this war. The war between the Alliance and the Horde must come to an end, and this end must be completed by I, the great chief of the tribe, did it myself.

Otherwise, how could the war be considered over?

What's more, it's not my style to leave my soldiers and escape alone. "

Murphys couldn't help sighing, "Well, if you insist, do you have any last wishes? If possible, I will try my best to help you fulfill it."

Orgrim thought for a while, "Show me that artifact."

Murphys hesitated, but still handed the Dragon Soul to Orgrim.

Orgrim took the dragon soul, looked at it carefully, and was a little surprised at the stone in his hand, "So this is the so-called dragon soul? Hehe, is that all? Glittering magical gems hang from the staff and swagger around, so the real artifact is so ordinary."

From the outside, the Dragon Soul is indeed very ordinary, a stone disc-like thing, simple and unsophisticated, but if you observe carefully, you can see strange light flowing in it.

Orgrim looked at it, and suddenly showed a sneer expression of scheming, "And now this artifact is mine, thank you for handing it into my hands, I thought it would cost a lot Kung fu."

What!Murphy's eyes turned cold, and in the next second, Orgrim laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, I'll give it back to you."

As he spoke, he threw the dragon's soul over without hesitation.

Murphys caught it with both hands carefully, checked it carefully before putting it away again.

"It's not funny at all," Murphys said angrily.

"It depends on which angle you look at it from."

boom!A thunder came through the city gate, mixed with the roar of the orcs.

Orgrim looked at the sunset outside the window again, and the time had come.

"It's time for me to go. Goodbye, the Black Dragon King."

"Orgrim, I..." Murphys hesitated to speak.

"Don't be a mother-in-law. If you feel that you owe me, try your best to complete the plan. Don't let down my sacrificial boy." Orgrim said calmly and patted Murphys on the shoulder, striding towards go outside.

Morpheus looked at Orgrim's back, shook his head regretfully, turned and retreated into the darkness.

When Orgrim walked into the main hall of Stormwind Fortress, it was already full of retreating orc warriors, and the air was filled with blood.

This breath made Orgrim very familiar. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to that autumn evening. When he and Durotan walked into the hunting meeting side by side carrying the monster's head, the air was filled with such blood. breath.

Hunters from various clans, with their prey, waited to determine the final champion, but when he and Durotan walked in, they immediately became the focus of attention.

"My God, what kind of monster is that!"

"A magoron is the heir of Gorgrond." A young hunter from the Thunder King clan said enviously.

"The champions of this hunting competition are Orgrim of the Blackrock Clan and Durotan of the Frostwolf Clan!"

"Well done Orgrim, you are worthy of being my son, take it, this Doomhammer was passed down from your ancestors, from which our family's name comes, and now it is yours, I hope you don't Disgrace this divine weapon."

Doomhammer!Doomhammer!Orgrim looked at the magical weapon in his hand. The hammer head was made of cooled lava, which contained powerful elemental power. The hammer handle was forged with black iron and eternal gold, and it was covered with a layer of clefthoof fur. , it is unusually thick and convenient to hold.

His ancestors named the family this weapon, and it is now his.

Orgrim held the Doomhammer, feeling more fulfilled than ever.

boom!The dull crashing sound awakened Orgrim from his memory, and he looked up. It was the soldiers of the Alliance who began to hit the gate of Storm Fortress.

There was no Doomhammer in his hand, only the cold hilt of the Lionheart Sword.

He looked at the orcs around him. They were not the elite hunters at the hunting conference, but a group of bloody orcs.

Seeing Orgrim walking in, these orcs immediately cast strange looks.

There is expectation, there is hatred, there is ridicule, and there is resentment.

It was Orgrim who brought them into this desperate situation, and it was Orgrim who left them behind to guard the doomed city.

All the promises have been broken, and the others have already left, leaving them here to die.

This is probably the so-called abandoned child.

If Orgrim himself hadn't stayed behind, these desperate orcs would have already fallen into madness.

Orgrim looked at these surviving orc warriors, he could see their despair and fear, for a moment, he felt a little guilty, that he brought them to such a situation.

But this trace of guilt is fleeting, killing or being killed, this is the fate of the orcs, in the future he witnessed, the tribe sank in the endless killing.

Die early or die late, what difference does it make?

At least dying like this now can leave a glimmer of hope for the future of the tribe.

Orgrim drew his sword abruptly, stood on the high platform of the hall and roared loudly.

"I understand that we have suffered failures and setbacks, that our numbers are dwindling, and that the League onslaught has taken its toll.

But we are still Orcs, we are still Horde, and our steps will still make the world tremble. "

There was a echo from the orcs, but it was a little sparse and weak.

"Stormwind Keep is our last stronghold, back here so we can strike once more, engulf them once more, make them tremble at our name once more.

We will not sit and wait for those humans to attack, we will not stay here and wait for death.

No, we're orcs, we're the Horde, we're going to strike out, smash 'em, make the enemy regret coming here. "

Orgrim's firm voice raised hope in the hearts of the orcs, and the eyes of the orc warriors rekindled courage.

Howling sound.

The momentum was brewing, and the thousands of remnant soldiers in the hall seemed to have become invincible elites in an instant.

Orgrim nodded in satisfaction, his eyes swept across the murderous faces, and suddenly he was slightly startled, it was a face that he was slightly familiar with.

"Omar? It's you. I didn't expect you to be alive."

Omar of the Thunder King Clan, was a young hunter at the hunting conference.

But Omar has long lived up to the young and vigorous face of the past. All he has are tired, hateful, furious red eyes and a distorted face from drinking the blood of the devil.

It wasn't until hearing Orgrim's voice that there was a hint of happiness on that face.

"Ha, Great Chief, you still remember me, it is my honor to fight side by side with you."

Orgrim was silent for a moment, then laughed loudly, "It is also my honor to fight with you."

He turned around abruptly, no longer looking at those familiar or unfamiliar faces.

"Now, open the gates! Let us fight out! We may die here today, but we will die as orcs with honor, Loktaoga—for the Horde!"

"For the Horde!" The orcs roared angrily, and their fighting spirit surged in an instant.

boom!The door opened with a bang, and the orcs rushed out like a tide.

Orgrim has been at the forefront of the team. It has been too long. He has not been on the front line of the battle for too long. Since he became the chief, he has never had such an opportunity.

Always ordered those orc warriors to die, including his sworn brother Durotan, who was sent to the end by his own hands, and now it is finally his turn.

Well, let today's battle be the end of Orgrim Doomhammer.

Cleave!A human knight screamed and was split in two.

Heavy hit extension - roundabout split kill!

This is the tactic he used to deal with wolves in the wild back then, and it is equally effective when facing countless alliance soldiers.

The spinning blade ripped open a flesh and blood body, and the blood instantly covered the eyes.

Swinging the sword, slashing, every blow is full of power, Orgrim seems to have returned to his youth, the excitement of hunting wild beasts in the wilderness, as if he has returned to that night of hunting.

"Orgrim, be careful of the beast's claws!" An ethereal voice came from behind.

Orgrim raised his sword instinctively, and the human warrior in front of him was pierced through the heart by a sword, and the opponent's blade was only a few centimeters away from him.

"Don't be distracted, Orgrim, we haven't decided the winner yet."

The voice came from the crowd, and Orgrim was excited, Durotan, he is not dead!
However, the moment of excitement was awakened by the shrill scream, which was the scream of an orc warrior dying, and he recognized the owner of the voice——Omar died in battle.

Orgrim had no time to look back, he was surrounded by enemies on all sides, and he swung his sword almost by instinct.

Roundabout strike!

The blade cut through flesh and pierced armor.

There was another scream, and Barreko Boneface died in battle.

Fight back against the storm!

A series of seven swords, each of which hit an enemy's vital point.

But as soon as the surrounding circle of enemies was chopped down, the empty space was filled up again in an instant.

The alliance's warriors seem endless.

There was another scream, and Lisette also died in battle.

For some reason, at this last moment, the screams of those orcs became extremely clear and recognizable, and the names of those orcs that he had never cared about were all remembered by him at this moment.

Death whirlwind!

Another perfect combat technique released, the blade rotated to harvest the surrounding enemies. When the sword was returned to his hand again, Orgrim was surprised to find that all the orc warriors had become like the ones in the hunting contest. The prey is generally littered with corpses.

Orgrim panted heavily, as if waking up from a nightmare. At this moment, he was the only one around.

An old human lord appeared in front of him. From the shield emblem of his lion, it is not difficult to see that he must be from the Kingdom of Stormwind.

"Your opponent is my orc!" Lothar roared and swung his sword, Dang!The two swords collided, and the two retreated at the same time. They all saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes, as if they were destined to fight.

Orgrim recognized this person. In the scene shown to him by the Black Dragon King, the final decisive battle was between him and the old warrior in front of him. He finally succeeded in beheading the opponent, but the tribe still Can't escape the fate of defeat.

Lothar, that's right, it's Lothar!

"Let me deal with him, Lord Lothar!" A figure shrouded in holy light suddenly stood in front of Lothar.

Orgrim frowned, there was no such person in that scene.

Godwin looked at Orgrim and thought that he had finally caught up. This war between the Alliance and the Horde has been fought until now, and he has not shown his face seriously. Ten days and a half a month, I didn't expect that the end of the day would be over, and today I have to work on the whole day.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Orgrim, come, come with me to a duel between kings."

A duel between kings?
Orgrim snorted coldly, the orcs don't have the title of king, only the great chief—war chief!A warrior's status should come from his own strength and the glory gained in battle, not the inheritance of blood.

Orgrim didn't think he was a king, but he didn't mind beheading a king with his own hands.

Orgrim (Warchief): "I accept your challenge, come King of Men, let us end this war!"

Godwin was overjoyed at once, haha, Orgrim is finally on the road, and today he can finally show his face, beheading the great chief Orgrim, this kind of feat is worthy of his status as a king. Victory, the Lordaeron Empire will rise today.

However, before the two had time to make a move, they heard someone in the crowd shouting suddenly.

"There is no need to talk about fairness and justice with this evil monster, let's stand shoulder to shoulder!"

In the next second, the crowd around rushed towards Orgrim like a tide.

Godwin was out of breath for a while.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Beasts, all are beasts, I am the king, get out of the way! I want to fight Orgrim one-on-one! Do you understand the duel of kings!"

However, no one is willing to listen, in front of equipment and plot points, who is the King of Lordaeron?

This is Orgrim Doomhammer, the great chief of the tribe. As long as he can stab a spear and cut a sword, he can get an assist, and he will have defeat plot points.

If you can take the opponent's head, then you will have prestige, plot points, plot equipment, legendary specialties, everything.

Not only the heroes and lords fell into madness, but even the soldiers and knights rushed up like crazy, raising their ranks and upgrading their templates, just today.

Orgrim laughed out loud, this is the war, and this is the end that the war chief should have.

"Want my head—then come on, Alliance scum!"

Death Wish - Ultimate Rage!
At that moment, Orgrim's blood burned like a flame, and his whole body was shrouded in an ominous bloody light.

The overlord splits the air!
Walking with the sword, the sword light drew a straight line in the crowd, and all the flesh and metal it passed were turned into broken metal and limb fragments.

"Control, use control skills!"

"Where is the mage, quickly cast a curse!"

"Priest, pastor, hurry up!"

Various curses and evil methods were imposed on Orgrim one after another.

However, Orgrim, who has activated the double outbreak of Death Wish and Berserk, has completely fallen into a state of overlord, aging - exempt!Slow - save! Corruption - ignore it.

The pain caused by the magic didn't stop Orgrim in the slightest. Instead, he waved the sword even more frantically.

Fight back against the storm!

Thunder Cleave!

Cleave - Cleave evenly!
One after another, no one could resist such an attack. Those players who wanted to rely on the number of people to get an assist were killed all over the field.

"Let me meet him!" With a roar.

Clang—the blade was blocked by a war hammer, and it was a dwarf.

Even though Orgrim fell into a frenzy, his thinking was still extremely calm. It was impossible to kill this kind of iron can quickly. Without hesitation, he grabbed the horn on the opponent's helmet with his left hand.

Catch throwing skills - earth throwing!
The dwarf flew out like a cannonball, knocking over a bunch of humans.

A few shooters appeared behind the fallen crowd. Because there were too many people, there was no chance to output. At this time, they finally seized the opportunity.

Deadly shot!

Aim and shoot!

Quick fire!
The arrow of the wind!

Whoosh, whoosh, seven or eight arrows hit Orgrim at the same time in an instant, and Orgrim staggered back. Before he could recover, a black shadow appeared behind Orgrim like a ghost.

Grandmaster Backstab!

Pooh!The sharp blade pierced his chest.

Orgrim was in a trance for a while, and the blood-colored sunset in the sky suddenly turned black and white. He saw a huge vortex covering the sky, and the souls of countless war dead rose slowly towards the vortex. Flying in, humans, orcs, regardless of each other.

For the first time in his life, he felt the breath of death, close at hand.

"No!" He roared, black and white instantly turned bloody again, the vortex disappeared, and the soul disappeared, and there were only angry soldiers and the oncoming blade in front of him.

Shout out - Ha!The furious roar shocked a group of people around, including the assassin behind him.

Orgrim turned around abruptly, Jian Wuhen showed an awkward smile,

Die offal!

With a swing of the sword, the blade cut off Jian Wuhen's head.

Scapegoate the dead!
The moment the head rolled to the ground, the corpse turned into that of a human knight, and Jian Wuhen's figure appeared in the knight's original position.

Damn guy!
Before Orgrim had time to pursue, four or five long-range skills hit him at the same time.

Lightning Ball!

Hammer of the Storm!

Storm Cleaves the Sky!
Especially the last burst of storm sword energy almost shattered the black plate armor on his body.

Even in the overlord state, Orgrim was knocked back a few steps.

After a while of staggering, the picture in front of Orgrim's eyes turned black and white again!

"No! It's not over yet." He stomped his foot to the ground.

War tramples!While the shock wave knocked out another wave of enemies, the scarlet color returned again!
Blood Harvest!

Orgrim mercilessly beheaded the enemies who fell on the ground, and in an instant, another five or six enemies were beheaded on the spot.

No one dared to step forward easily, but shot more magic and arrows at him from a distance.

Orgrim's health was continuously drained under the bombardment of magic, he panted heavily, and the sound made him fall into memory again.

"Look Orgrim, the beast is dying." He heard Durotan's voice in his ear, close at hand.

There was a blur in front of his eyes, and Orgrim tried his best to adjust his sight. He suddenly opened his eyes wide in surprise, oh my god, what did he see?
He saw the verdant grass of Nagrand, the blue sky of Draenor and the majestic mountains, he saw the vigorous orc hunter, and he saw the figure of Durotan leaping towards him, with the sharp ax in his hand raised high, In turn, he realized that he was the beast!


Durotan's ax drove deep into his chest.

In the next second, the grasslands of Nagrand, the blue sky, and the majestic mountains—all disappeared.

Durotan turned into a human warrior holding a battle axe, the other party looked at him in disbelief, as if he was even more surprised than him.

Orgrim glanced over the man's head.

The Unknown King (Warrior).

Heh... I didn't expect... to die in the hands of... an adventurer.

Orgrim fell down suddenly, and the huge vortex appeared before his eyes again.

Everything around him turned into black and white, he felt his body was getting lighter, and he was slowly flying towards the sky.

Is it all over?

An idea popped up in his mind.

"It's all over," he heard Durotan's voice say softly.

The eyes gradually fell into darkness.

Orgrim - dead.

(End of this chapter)

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