Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 370 Orgrim's Grand Strategy

Chapter 370 Orgrim's Grand Strategy
In the end, only 20 people were left to retreat to Dun Morogh.

But what the Horde did next made the Alliance feel uncomfortable.

The Horde directly destroyed several tunnels in the Loch Modan Mountains with goblin bombs.

You must know that there are towering mountains between Dun Morogh and the wetlands, and you must pass through the tunnels built by these dwarves.

Now that these tunnels are blown up, it is almost impossible for the army to attack directly.

Either go by sea, or you can only take a huge detour and take the route of Scorching Plains-Burning Canyon.

Godwin hurriedly summoned the leaders of the alliance to discuss how to advance next, and even worried that the Horde would take the opportunity to attack Ironforge.

Unexpectedly, the tribe even gave up on Khaz Modan, and retreated directly to Stormwind City after gathering the besieging legion of the Blood Ring clan.

Most of the fortresses and castles that had been taken before were abandoned.

Now the Alliance really can't understand.

Are orcs so cowardly in war?It's just a few battles lost, so give up?

It is important to know that the alliance suffered a lot of war casualties during this period, losing a full 10,000+ army. After all, the individual combat power of the orcs is stronger than that of humans, relying on advanced arms and various strategic advantages to kill orcs in large numbers.

If you really open the fight, you won't dare to say that you will win.

As a result, the tribe ran away directly, what the hell is this.

In fact, not only the alliance is confused, but also the chiefs of the various clans in the tribe are also confused. They have quite a few complaints about the great chief's strategy of continuous retreat.

Orcs respect the strong and power is the foundation. In the past, Orgrim was able to lead the tribe to successive battles, break out of the Dark Portal, capture Stormwind City, and sweep Dun Morogh. Naturally, his reputation has greatly increased.

Now that he was directly beaten into such a bear by the alliance army, how can he convince the crowd?

At this moment in Stormwind City, a major military meeting is being held, and all the high-level tribesmen have been summoned.

Even some clan chiefs responsible for opening up the battlefield of Stranglethorn Vale and the Swamp of Sorrows were summoned.

Orgrim sat on the Warchief's throne (actually King Llane's) and scanned the surrounding Horde higher-ups.

Orgrim (Great Chief): "The army of the Alliance is about to arrive in Stormwind City. We must make arrangements for the Horde's next strategy. I have to admit that these humans are more difficult to deal with than I expected. The previous few battles It proves this point.

Despite the prowess of the Horde's warriors, we have suffered some setbacks.

However, I have thought of a wonderful tactic that can catch them all and completely destroy the alliance army. "

Hearing Orgrim's words, the orc chiefs started discussing excitedly.

That's right. Sure enough, the Great Chief is the Great Chief, and will definitely lead us to victory.

Orgrim (Great Chief): "Master Ner'zhul, you claimed to seek the power of the ancient gods so that you can completely defeat humans, right?"

Ner'zhul was overjoyed immediately, thinking that the great chief had finally made a decision.

Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon Chief): "Yes, the great chief, the orc warriors transformed by the power of the abyss will be extremely powerful, but the power of the abyss I have is not enough to complete the transformation of all the orcs, but if the great chief can Support me and dispatch the army of the tribe, we will be able to dig out the ancient gods, lift the ancient seals, and release the power buried in them. The orcs will gain the endless power of the abyss, which is stronger than the blood of demons.

I have communicated with the ancient gods, and I have mastered the positions of several sealed ancient gods. As long as I gather all the troops of the tribe and attack them, I will be successful..."

Before he finished speaking, several high-ranking warlocks became anxious.

"Nonsense, what nonsense of the ancient gods, those evil creatures will completely corrupt the souls of the orcs, control our hearts, and destroy our sanity. At that time, the orcs will become the slaves of the ancient gods."

Grogo Xieyan shouted angrily, "Only the Burning Legion is the real master worthy of serving. I have contacted the great demon lord Archimonde. As long as we can offer enough sacrifices, we can summon With the support of the demon lords of the legion, the power of demon blood is obvious to all, drinking the blood of demons again and awakening the wildness in the orcs is the key to the orcs conquering this world."

Kilrogg Deadeye couldn't help but also stood up at this time. "Great Chief, our Blood Ring clan recently found a god called Blood God Hakkar in the jungle of Stranglethorn Vale. It is an ancient evil god worshiped by the troll clan. The troll clan has always recorded the summoning of the Blood God Hakkar. The ritual, maybe we can use the power of the gods to defeat the alliance."

As soon as he said this, he immediately suffered the joint contempt of Ner'zhul and Grogo Evileye.

Ner'zhul simply rejects competitors, but Grogo Xieyan really doesn't like the blood god Hakkar, the ancient gods, and the Burning Legion. You are a little blood god who also comes out to find a sense of existence , Don't be ashamed.

"Great Chief, when the time comes to say something, do you choose to seek the power of the devil, or the power of the ancient god?"

Orgrim waved his hand proudly, "Why do you have to choose? I want all these powers."

"Master Ner'zhul, I will give you [-] orc troops. Join your Shadowmoon Clan to find the power of the ancient gods and use the power of the abyss to create a powerful army of abyssal orcs."

Master Grogo Evil Eye, I will also give you an army of fifty thousand orcs to join your Evilfire Clan, as well as all those captured native creatures, use them as sacrifices, summon the power of the Burning Legion, use the power of demons Blood forged an army of fel orcs.

Kilrogg Deadeye, your Blood Hollow clan already has a huge force, so I won't give you any additional troops. Lead your Blood Hollow clan to Stranglethorn Vale, unite the trolls there, Summon the blood god Hakkar, facing the powerful enemy of the alliance, we need any allies that can be united.

Necrus, didn't you say you were going to find the Dragon Islands, hunt more dragon beasts, and build a powerful dragon knight army?I also give you an army of fifty thousand orcs to strengthen your Dragonmaw clan.

Red Blackhand, Maim Blackhand, you are all the sons of Blackhand and warriors of the tribe, you have always wanted to build your own clan, right?Wash away the shame of your father.

Now I will give you this opportunity. I will give you the command of [-] Blackrock orcs to conquer the Blackrock Mountains for me, capture the Blackrock Tower, and use the metal resources in the Blackrock Mountains to build me a steel army.

Ba Dao is ruthless, you have fought very well in the last few battles. The Ba Dao clan has shown great bravery. They are worthy of being the warriors of the tribe. Therefore, I have an important task for you.

Lead your clan, and I will send you fifty thousand orcs, and return to Draenor.

Draenor should not be abandoned. Although the environment there is harsh, it is the homeland of orcs after all. I guess there must be many orc adventurers there. I want you to rebuild Hellfire Citadel and recruit more orc troops there. To train an army of unprecedented size..."

Listening to the strategy arranged by Orgrim, everyone was dumbfounded.

The chief is crazy. Although there are many tribes, but because the territory they occupied before is too large, many troops were sent out to station and defend in various places.

Then they fought a few big defeats and lost 40 or 50 troops. Now there are more than 30 orc troops assembled in Stormwind City. According to his division method, [-] were directly divided away. Then Stormwind City can't defend it. ?
"Great Chief, are you going to give up Stormwind City?"

"No, of course not, I will personally lead the army to guard Stormwind City."

"But the army of the alliance is about to attack."

Orgrim smiled slightly, "This is the subtlety of my plan. Stormwind City is a fortified city, a powerful fortress that is difficult to conquer. I will lead the army to hold it firmly, and the alliance army will definitely go all out. Attack Stormwind and try to take back their city.

In this way, you can complete your respective plans with peace of mind.

I will give you one year. As long as I defend Stormwind City for one year, the alliance army will be exhausted and lose fighting spirit because of the siege. After one year, all six of your soldiers and horses have completed their respective tasks.

Ner'zhul's Legion of the Abyss, Grogo Evileye's Fel Orc Legion, Kilrogg's Deadeye's Blood God Legion, Nekros' Dragon Knight Legion, Battalion's Merciless Draenor Legion, and Reid Blackhand's Blackrock Iron Legion.

The six-way armies encircle and under Stormwind City, the alliance army will be completely wiped out here, without this alliance army, this world will no longer have the power to resist the tribe.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This plan seems to be the case at first glance. The question is how to support it for a year?Can Stormwind really survive for a year?

No matter how you look at it, it's enough.

Ner'zhul tentatively asked, "Great Chief, what if, I mean what if Stormwind City falls during this year?"

"Hmph, how can we not take some risks in war?"

"But if you are gone, who will succeed the Great Chief?" Ner'zhul said, holding his head up proudly. As the spiritual leader of the orcs, he felt that the position of the Great Chief belonged to him.

"If I unfortunately die in battle—" Orgrim's eyes swept over the faces of the chiefs and warlords one by one. Every orc chief held his head high and his chest high. The chief still depends on his strength to speak, but if he can get the direct acceptance of the chief, he has no intention of gaining more supporters legally.

"Ba Dao is ruthless, you will be the new chief."

I'm the warchief?Ba Dao ruthlessly froze.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he slapped his thigh suddenly, "Wo Cao, the great chief is wise, I think this plan is very feasible."

(End of this chapter)

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