Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 336 Endless Devouring Road

Chapter 336 Endless Devouring Road
Is it almost there?
Tianxiu looked up, but found that there was still a long distance to the top of the mountain, and she couldn't help feeling cold in her heart.

After climbing for so long, I only climbed a third of it.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, making him crumbling.

Tianxiu had to stop again, the wind became stronger and the snow became colder as he went up, making it difficult for him to continue, but he never gave up.

He was hanging from a raised rock, barely keeping his balance.


boom!A spherical object was hitting his hand.

The fingers suddenly loosened.

hell!Tianxiu cursed secretly, and then fell into the dark ravine below.

I don't know how long it took, Tianxiu faintly woke up from the coma. His bones all over his body hurt like they were broken. His lower half of his body was buried in the snow, and his whole body was icy cold. He struggled to crawl out of the snow. , looking around in amazement - what is this place?
He looked around, only to find himself at the bottom of a dark ravine.

All around are dark mountains and accumulated snow and ice.

A narrow crack, one end leads to nowhere, and the other end merges with the mountain more than 100 meters behind.

Looking at his health bar again, there are only more than 300 blood left, and he has entered a near-death state. It is so dangerous that he almost died.

Tianxiu thought it was a fluke in her heart, she didn't fall to her death from such a high fall, but luckily she recently learned a master snitch's hero feat, which can reduce the fall damage by 75%.

In addition, he fell into a snowdrift and survived.

He filled the blood bottle and applied the ointment again, and managed to recover one-third of his health. He looked up, and he could vaguely see the storm in the sky through the huge crack in the sky.

What the hell, what was it that hit me before?
As soon as he turned his head, he saw a dead head, which fell on a place he didn't want.

Um?Tianxiu felt inexplicable for a while, thinking that this old man was really miserable, only one head was left after being struck by lightning.

Thinking about how he had worked hard for a long time, he was cheated by this guy, and he was so angry that he stomped his head to pieces.

He desperately wanted to leave this ghostly place, in short, go back to the city to recover from his injuries.

He wasn't too nervous about the possibility of monsters appearing around him. He was a level 52 court swordsman anyway, and he didn't pay attention to ordinary monsters at all. The danger level of this map was not high, so it shouldn't be a big deal, but did he leave? How far away, his heart sank.

The corpse of a giant dragon was lying on the rock, with a big hole in its chest. It looked like the corpse had been dead for a long time, but it was preserved because of the cold environment.

He walked in and found that the shape of the dragon was very strange, with huge wings but asymmetrical, two legs that were long and short, almost deformed, and the dragon's head vaguely looked like a human face, which looked very scary.

He touched the corpse, but unfortunately, there was nothing, and because he didn't have gathering skills, he couldn't tear apart the skin and bones.

Continue to walk forward, and saw another corpse not far away, this corpse is even more strange, the dragon wings are very small, even not developed at all, but the body is long and short like a crocodile, with only a pair of huge front claws , the hind paws were almost shriveled, reminding him of a horror monster in a monster movie. This corpse also had a big hole in its chest, and its death was miserable.

Tianxiu's heart tightened, and she felt the danger. These monsters are not small in size, and they must be elite monsters. I don't know what kind of thing killed these monsters. Could it be nearby? .

However, the back road was cut off, and he could only continue walking forward. The road became narrower and lower, and the surroundings gradually lost light. Tianxiu took out a torch and lit it. Gradually feel hot.

Suddenly his feet softened, and when he looked down, he saw a footprint on the ground like mud.

This is - lava!
He pulled out his sword and stabbed down, a trace of dark red scorching liquid overflowed along the gap.

That's right, it really is uncooled lava, there should be a volcanic fissure nearby.

Tianxiu was thinking about it, when suddenly there was a muffled grunt in the darkness ahead.

A distorted voice said, "I seem to smell food."

A somewhat leaky voice said: "The smell of the food—it smells so good, it's fresh flesh and blood."

Another muffled voice said, "Eat——I want to eat!"

"Who!" Tianxiu hastily raised his sword to meet the enemy.

In the darkness, something was slowly approaching, and the sound of footsteps made Tianxiu realize that it was a giant, and a huge vertical pupil suddenly appeared in the darkness, staring at him, slowly revealing its true face.

Tianxiu was startled, what kind of monster was that.

The giant dragon in front of me has an unusually fat body, its wings are almost completely degraded, its huge head and mouth are split all the way to its ears, and its jagged fangs are intertwined. There are two strange protrusions on its neck, and a It was a blurry human face, but the right side was more prominent, and it was a deformed dragon head that had not yet fully developed. The three heads stared at him at the same time, as if looking at a fresh rabbit.

Crudros (Greedy Dragon) Disaster Level 79, Level 11079, HP: 225000/[-].

Tianxiu's heart suddenly sank, the big boss of level 79, and the third level of disaster, it's over now.

No, this guy has already been injured, and only has more than 1 blood.

If you output all your strength, you might be able to win.

He shook the sword in his hand, but immediately realized that he was thinking too much, his own condition was not very good, with only [-] blood, I am afraid the chances were not great, and he was thinking about whether it was still too late to run away.

The dragon spoke, and the dragon's voice was a little distorted, but it could still be vaguely heard that it should be the first voice.

Krudros (Greedy Dragon): "A human...a living human...what a surprise...after thousands of years...tell me little're chasing a dragon Is the power coming?"

Tianxiu's heart moved, could this be Aidan's secret?But shouldn't the secret be on the top of the mountain?
But the power of the dragon must be related to Aidan's ability to change into a dragon.

Since the monster in front of him can communicate, maybe he can get some information.

He proudly said: "That's right, I came here after the power of the dragon."

Before Crudros spoke, the deformed dragon head beside him laughed loudly, "Looking for the power of the dragon, hahahaha, it's so ironic, do you know what the price is? Look around you, this is The end of the loser - hoo!"

The strange dragon spewed out a burst of flames, instantly illuminating the surroundings,

Tianxiu was taken aback, and looked at the horrifying scene around him. Countless corpses of strange giant dragons were piled up on the floor of the cave, and all of them had their hearts gouged out without exception.

Some were gnawed so that only bones remained. It seemed that the monster in front of him not only ate dragon hearts, but also gnawed dragon meat.

He was a little terrified for a while, not knowing what the price the other party said was worth, whether it was eaten, or——

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "These dragons, are they...?"

"They are the losers of chasing the power of the dragon. Have you seen their fate? Even so, do you still want to chase the power of the dragon?"

Loser?Since there are losers, there must be winners, and Aidan must be the winner.

Since he can be successful, he may not be successful.

He looked straight into the monster's eyes, "Yes, even so, I still won't give up the power to chase the dragon!"

The human face on the strange dragon's neck suddenly shouted indistinctly, "It's him, it's him! Choose him, choose him!"

The deformed faucet seemed very dissatisfied with the interjection of the human face, "Shut up, you deformed waste, only a great master is qualified to make decisions." He tried hard to turn his head to look at Tianxiu. Dross' huge dragon head raised his neck and squeezed it directly into the fat under his neck.

Without the deformed faces of those two chapters to join in the fun, it looks a little more pleasing to the eye, but it is still the same bloated and fat.

The fat and huge dragon head slowly approached Tianxiu, Tianxiu's heart suddenly rose, but he didn't retreat, he just raised his sword.

He could feel that the monster dragon in front of him didn't seem to have any killing intent towards him, it was more like a test.

It wasn't until the point of the sword almost touched the face that the gluttonous dragon stopped. He stared at Tianxiu with his only one eye, examined him, and after a long time, it nodded slowly.

Crudros (Greedy Dragon): "So... I can give you... this power... the power of a dragon... just... do you have the guts to accept it?"

"Of course I have the guts to accept it!"

Crudros (Greedy Dragon): "Then come on... kill me... dig out my heart... devour it... walk the path of dragon food... hope you won't regret it. "

Tianxiu couldn't believe it, it was that simple?
No, there must be something wrong here, he tentatively asked: "As long as I eat your heart, it will be fine, don't you need any sacred rituals?"

The deformed faucet finally squeezed out, and he laughed wildly. "Sacred rituals? Hahahaha, stupid mortals, there has never been anything sacred on the road of Longxiang, only killing, devouring, filthy flesh and greed for power, yes, you will gain power, unprecedented power, but Holy? Hahahahaha."

The fuzzy human face was also saying something indistinctly. Tianxiu carefully identified it, and what it said seemed to be-"I despise those dragon feeders, hypocritical dragon feeders, terrible dragon feeders, only the devourer , only absorb, eat, eat, eat! Eat!"

"Dragon feeder? What exactly is a dragon feeder?"

Crudros (Greedy Dragon): "What you see in front of your the Dragon Eater! Are you afraid?...Are you afraid? Devour or be swallowed... This is the curse of the Dragon Eater Your fate, choose yours... little guy."

The strange dragon's voice was full of madness, his big mouth opened, and the stench of corrupt flesh and sulfur rushed towards his face. Tianxiu frowned, the words of the strange dragon in front of him implied threats, swallowing or To be devoured... If I don't eat the other party's dragon heart, I will probably be the one to be devoured.

But it's too ugly to become like this, although it does look very strong.

Not reconciled, I want to become a dragon, not such a deformed monster.

Tianxiu continued to procrastinate: "Are you sure you don't need any ceremony? There should be a task process, right?"

Crudros (Greedy Dragon): "There is no need for those red tapes... those meaningless witnesses... those hypocritical rituals, the true meaning of power is devouring... I used to be a blind dragon eater... But I have evolved!"

He pointed to the dragon corpses around him, trampled on them recklessly, lying on top of these dragon corpses like a king sitting on a throne.

"See... this is what power should really look like. Those hypocritical rituals are meaningless... only devouring... In this dark valley for thousands of years, I have already realized the true meaning of this power. I Can give you strength, this wisdom, all in my dragon heart, devour it... and you will get it all!"

Have!Tianxiu suddenly reacted, I agreed first, I will kill this voluntary BOSS first, and if I don't eat this dragon's heart, it will be over, won't it?

So he showed a moved expression, "Okay, I am willing to accept this power, but what should I do?"

Crudros (Greedy Dragon): "Kill me... devour my heart, come on little one... use the sharp blade in your hand... this won't hurt... because I'm used to the pain, you Don’t you want to seek strength, what are you waiting for?”

The monster slowly lay down on his back, his fat body was like a bloated mountain of meat, revealing his defenseless belly, and even pointed at the position of his chest and heart intimately.

Looking at the defenseless monster dragon, Tianxiu still had a trace of vigilance in her heart, but this was undoubtedly the best time.

With a sudden charge, he jumped up and stabbed down like an eagle in mid-air.

Heroic Combat Technique - Sharp Blade Flying Eagle Strike!

Pooh!This blow directly penetrated the dragon's heart.
11079 (fatal blow)!

The monster dragon did not intend to resist at all, and there was even a hint of relief and a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

The monster in front of him roared and slowly closed his eyes.

This is the end?Tianxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Touching the corpse, I didn't expect this thing to look quite big, with high ranks, but the drops are ridiculously shabby. There are a pile of rusted ancient equipment in the pick-up list, all of which are of gray quality.

Only a dragon heart made Tianxiu's eyes shine.

[Strange Dragon Heart (quest item)

Story Item: Unique.

Use: Eat this dragon heart to trigger an origin story.

Item introduction: A huge twisted and weird dragon heart exudes a disgusting smell. It is said that the heart of a giant dragon is the home of the soul. What kind of sad soul is hidden in this twisted and weird dragon heart?

Devouring the heart of the dragon, devouring the flesh and blood of the giant dragon, eating blindly like a crazy beast, hoping to draw some power from the powerful flesh and blood of the dragon.

"This power is vile and heterogeneous, inferior and twisted, ugly and hateful, but power is power, and I will still achieve something in the end."

This is the 'truth' realized by the failed dragon feeder Krudros in the long dark years.

Warning: Completing the original plot will have a profound impact on the world view of the game, and players can gain powerful power from the plot.

However, this type of plot has a certain degree of danger, and may cause unknown risks to players. Players are required to be mentally prepared before starting the mission. 】

Tianxiu touched the dragon's heart out casually, and looked at the still beating dragon's heart in his hand. The dragon's heart was haunted by different attributes of power, growing abnormally, exuding the filthy and stench of flesh and blood.

However, for some unknown reason, the breath made Tianxiu salivate for a while, as if some inexplicable force was attracting him.

So hungry, so hungry, so hungry!He felt the emotion.

However, when he thought of the monster's appearance, he hurriedly put away the dragon's heart.

This thing can't be eaten casually.

Original plot mission?
This is not the first time he has heard this word. He seems to have seen some popular science on the forum before. It is said that it is a very rare task, and the value of related task items is extremely high. If he can sell it, he can earn a few dollars. Millions?

So do you want to eat it?

He looked at the dragon heart in the bag and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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