Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 316 The Horde's New Arms

Chapter 316 The Horde's New Arms

Orgrim was following Ner'zhul to inspect the tribe's new mage troop, when he suddenly heard a burst of yelling and screaming.

"Great Chief! Great Chief! There is an urgent message."

Orgrim nodded to Ner'zhul who was beside him, then turned to look at the Burning Blade Master who was rushing towards him.

The sword master of the Burning Blade clan is widely used by Orgrim to collect intelligence and investigation because of his wind walk, which can be invisible and fast, and he directly reports to him. He recognizes the orc sword master called 'Walking alone' in front of him. A lot of information has been provided recently.

Orgrim (Great Chief): "What happened? Why are you so panicked?"

Thousand Miles Alone (Jugmaster): "Great Chief, the Frostwolf Clan has been defeated,"

Orgrimmar was not surprised by this result. The Frostwolf Clan went deep alone and wanted to develop independently in Alterac. It would be better if they kept a low profile and developed secretly.

Once he acts in a high-profile manner, it will inevitably lead to siege from all countries in the alliance. In fact, this is why he sent a lot of support to the Frostwolf clan. If there were no heavy troops and siege troops he sent, perhaps the Frostwolf clan would They would really sneak into the village and develop wretchedly, but in that case, for the tribe, it would be equivalent to losing the power of a clan in vain without any gain.

As the great chief of the tribe, this is an unacceptable result.

That's why he supported the Frostwolf Clan with a large number of siege troops and heavy armored troops, giving the Frostwolf Clan the ambition to conquer the city, and attracted the attention of the Alliance in Alterac. In this way, the Frostwolf Clan is equivalent to It bought time for the tribe to capture Stormwind City, and really played the role of partial division.

It's just that he didn't expect to lose so quickly, "Where's Durotan?"

Thousand Miles Alone (Juvenile Master): "Chief Durotan - died in battle."

What!Orgrim was taken aback, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. He had a good relationship with Durotan, and it was true that he cheated the Frostwolf clan, but he didn't expect that Durotan would die because of this. In his opinion With Durotan's strength, even if he loses, he can retreat to the vast valley.

Thousand Miles Alone (Jugmaster): "Not only Durotan died in battle, but old Saurfang also died in battle, but they also beheaded the human king Aiden in Alterac."

Orgrim couldn't help sighing. He didn't expect to lose two generals in a row. Fortunately, a human king was replaced, and he bought time to capture Stormwind City. This wave is not a loss.

"Who killed my brother?"

Wanli Duxing (Jugmaster): "It is a human prince named Aidan. It is said that this person has mastered the power of a giant dragon and can transform into the storm dragon king Aidan Delong..." Wanli Duxing told Ogg the process of the battle. Rim briefly narrated it. When he heard that the Storm Dragon King leaped over the army's line and "assassinated" Durotan directly, Orgrim was instantly annoyed.

Dragon again!These reptiles have brought too much trouble to the tribe. The flying troops undoubtedly showed amazing power in this war. We must find a way to deal with it. The tribe must strengthen its air force and air defense forces. The Blackstone Clan and the Longmao Clan have already ordered the preparations, and the results will soon come to fruition.

"Is there any other information?"

Miles Walker (Jugmaster): "King Tenaris of Lordaeron was assassinated by our assassins."

What!Orgrim was a little puzzled, didn't he order the assassination of King Tenaris?It's not that I don't want to, it's just that the possibility of success is too slim, and there's no need to waste precious assassins and sword masters.

"Who did it?"

Thousand Miles Alone (Jugmaster): "It seems to be a group of orc adventurers."

Orgrim is surprised now, a group of adventurers?Are adventurers so strong?He has always had a headache for the orc adventurers in the tribe. He ran around all day long, doing all kinds of irrelevant things, and didn't respect himself at all. A few days ago, the two groups of adventurers fought and set fire to the barracks. .

I didn't expect to do such a miracle without making a sound.

"If you have any other news, let me know."

Thousand Miles Alone (Jugmaster): "Lordaeron formed a Knights of the Silver Hand, which is said to be composed of human warriors who have mastered the power of the Holy Light, and they want to completely wipe us down."

"Hmph, this group of humans knows how to talk. Let them come. The so-called Holy Light Draenei will also use it, or we will kill them all."

Wan Li Du Xing said again: "Many countries have already formed a large army, and they are gathering at the Arathi Highlands, preparing to attack us in the south. According to the information collected from various places, the force may exceed 50."

Orgrim (Great Chief): "Have an army of 50, hehe, it doesn't matter, our tribe has an army of one million, and our orc warriors are brave and fearless. One can fight three humans. We will win this battle."

Originally, when bragging, one orc beat ten humans, but recently, a lot of people died when they beat Stormwind, so it became one to beat three.

In fact, the orc infantry has an advantage against the human infantry. It is a little difficult to fight three, but it is easy to fight two. Sometimes it can even fight five against human militias. But when high-level troops fight high-level troops, orcs have no advantage. up.

But Orgrim naturally wouldn't tell his subordinates this.

At this moment, Ner'zhul interjected, "Warchief, don't worry about those human paladins, we already have a new superhuman force, and my blazewalker troops will burn those paladins to ashes.

Look, here are the flamewalkers I trained for you. "

Orgrim looked towards the square in front of him. Thousands of orc warriors in red battle robes were neatly displayed in front of him, and the color was very festive.

Around them, hundreds of fire elements followed.

[New arms/occupation for the tribe: Flame Walker.

Due to the terrifying power of Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, in the Battle of Stormwind, a large number of orcs began to pray to Ragnaros, including shamans and some warriors.

Therefore, Ner'zhul organized these orcs who fanatically worshiped the Lord of Fire, and helped them reach a contract with Ragnaros, injected them with the power of fire, and became a 'flame walker'.

Flame walkers can control and cast flame spells, or use flames to strengthen their and teammates' weapons, and even summon fire elemental creatures from the land of fire to assist in combat. Unlike traditional shamans who follow the way of elemental balance, flames Walker fanatically worships the power of fire, and vows to set the world on fire, becoming a destructive military force in the hands of orcs. 】

Thousands of flame walkers, wearing fiery red battle robes, with flame symbols on their chests, holding shields and war hammers, exuding a scorching aura, looked amazing.

"For Ragnaros!"

"Let the flames essence everything."

"The Lord of Fire is with us!"

The flame walkers let out fanatical shouts, as if they were paying tribute to Orgrim, or they seemed to be demonstrating.

Orgrim looked at these new troops, and while he was a little pleasantly surprised, he also felt a little worried.

He has already witnessed the frenzy of the orcs under the influence of the power of fel energy, which eventually destroyed the entire Draenor, and the troop in front of him reminded him of the orc warriors who had just drank the blood of demons back then. Losing their minds, addicted to the quest for power, and more importantly, they serve the demons, not the Horde.

Now these flame walkers also made him feel the danger of losing control.

But Ner'zhul said proudly, "Great chief, you see, this is the result of my contribution to the tribe. With such a powerful force, I think those weak warlocks have no meaning to exist. Why don't you order them to change jobs?" Flamewalkers, so that they can serve the Horde better."

Since Gul'dan left with his raiding clan, a large number of high-ranking warlocks from the Shadow Council have also left. As a result, the presence of warlocks in the tribe is very mediocre, and there are not many high-level warlocks left.

The previous battle of Stormwind City had little effect, and Ner'zhul's spell destroyed the city wall.

Hearing Ner'zhul's proposal at this time, Orgrim shook his head: "No, warlocks still have their uses, at least they have certain strategic significance in teleporting magic."

As a warchief, the most important thing is to strike a good balance. Originally, Orgrim hated warlocks very much, and even kept suppressing the warlock group, using it while suppressing it. But now with the rise of Ner'zhul, the tribe and Yan The bond of the Demon King gradually deepened, and Orgrim wanted to support the warlock to a certain extent, at least not allowing all the spellcasters of the tribe to join together. The existence of the warlock can still check and balance Ner'zhul to some extent.

But Ner'zhul also knew that this kind of thing should not be too impatient, he bowed his head, "The great chief is wise."

Then Orgrim inspected several other newly formed troops.

Although the orcs lack civilization, they have a unique talent in war science and technology. In the war with the Stormwind Kingdom, they gained a lot of experience.

Not only have various siege technologies been developed, but also new arms have been developed for the alliance arms.

Now under the urging of Orgrim, it was finally installed successfully.

[Added a new unit to the tribe: Scorpio Ballista Chariot.

The Scorpion Ballista developed by the craftsmen of the Blackstone Clan is an ultra-long-range weapon specially developed to fight against the alliance's air force. It fires a huge crossbow with poisonous fangs and barbs. Poison weapons and other passive effects.

This powerful weapon of war greatly compensates for the Horde's lack of air defense capabilities and enhances the Horde's long-range firepower. 】

I Xunsi (Great Blackstone Craftsman): "Great Chief, our Scorpion ballista has been successfully developed, with a maximum range of 1000 meters. If dragons come here in the future, they will never come back.

And this is only the Scorpio 1 type. We are developing the Scorpio [-]A type with the burst firing function, and the Scorpio [-]B type capable of firing explosive arrows. Once developed successfully, it will definitely greatly enhance the long-range firepower of our orcs. I have some resources, I believe there will be results soon. "

Orgrim (Great Chief): "Okay, with this weapon of war, why not conquer this world."

Orgrim is in a happy mood, not only because he has new military weapons, but the key point is that we can see from this that we orcs are not all stupid, but also have a few high IQs.

I was rewarded for thinking, and then Orgrim came to the residence of the Dragonmaw clan.

As soon as they arrived at the residence of the Dragonmaw Clan, the Dragonmaw Chief Zulud and the Dragonmaw Warlock Nekros Skullcrusher rushed to greet them.

Zulud (Dragonmaw Chief): "Ah, you are here, Great Chief, welcome, the Great Chief tells you a piece of good news, our dragon taming plan has finally succeeded, in the next war, the Dragonmaw clan wants to Dragon knights will be sent to help the Horde fight."

Orgrim was overjoyed immediately, this is indeed good news.

Originally, the Dragonmaw Clan mainly domesticated wyverns as mounts. However, when faced with the attack of the black dragon, the wyvern knight's shortcomings of insufficient damage were fully exposed, and the ground support was not ideal. Wyvern is not a real dragon and cannot breathe Dragon Breath can only rely on the rider on his back to throw javelins to attack. The harassment is okay, but he has no ability to lick the ground at all in a positional battle.

In order to obtain new weapons of war, the Dragonmaw clan released a batch of targeted missions to find dragon nests. As a result, the orc adventurers found several dragon nests. The largest one was the god Atahaka in the Swamp of Sorrows. In the temple, a large number of green dragons were found inside.

For this reason, Orgrim specially dispatched the Thunder God Clan and the Dragonmaw Clan, who are good at hunting, to go out together. After a lot of effort, thousands of people died, and finally captured the temple. Not only did they plunder a large number of dragon eggs, but also captured A group of green dragons were captured, but the dragon clan was not easy to tame, so Nekros Skullcrusher, the warlock of the Dragonmaw clan, proposed to use fel energy to transform these green dragons, but unexpectedly succeeded.

Nekros Skullbreaker (Dragonmaw Warlock): "Those young dragons have all been fel-powered, and those dragon eggs have been soaked in the power of fel energy, and they are about to rot, and the power of fel energy can accelerate the growth of creatures. , I think there will be more fel magic flame dragons that can go into battle soon."

"Show me the finished product."

"Yes Warchief."

Soon, an orc dragon knight riding a fel flame dragon fell from the sky.

[Added a new unit to the tribe: Fel Dragon Knight.

The Dragonmaw clan transformed the captured green dragons with fel energy and created this terrifying dragon clan called fel flame dragons. These green dragons corrupted by fel energy can breathe deadly fel flames. Corroded by evil energy, the IQ of the evil flame dragon is low, and it cannot grow into an adult form with wisdom, let alone use dragon language magic.

However, the body strengthened by evil energy has both dragon and demon supernatural bloodlines. Compared with other dragons, it is stronger, and it is very easy to fall into rage in battle. 】

Zulud (Chief Dragonmaw): "Not only that, but we have also successfully captured several adult green dragons, one of which is particularly huge, and it is likely to be an ancient green dragon. My warlocks are using evil energy to deal with it. It undergoes transformation, and once the transformation is completed, it will definitely become a powerful weapon of war for our tribe."

As if to confirm his words, several roars from the Earthquake Administration came from the dragon's lair in the distance.

"Good job Zulud, it's time for you to contribute to the tribe! A new war is about to start, and your dragon knight will greatly enhance the strength of the tribe."

Orgrim said in his heart that this warlock is really useful, at least in terms of biological transformation technology, fel energy is much more useful than elemental power.

Zulud (Dragonmaw Chief): "Hahaha, thank you Great Chief for your praise. I heard that Durotan died at the hands of the Storm Dragon King. When my fel dragon is transformed, I will meet him well."

(End of this chapter)

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