Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 312 The 'truth' of the matter and Alsace's determination

Chapter 312 The 'truth' of the matter and Alsace's determination

After half an hour—

On the pier of King's Harbor, the Northrend expedition fleet has assembled and is about to embark on a journey.

There are not only three warships from the Stormwind Kingdom, but also seven Lordaeron warships, and a Dalaran expedition ship.

There are farmers carrying supplies and soldiers lining up to board the ship.

Groups of adventurers gather on the pier, some are chatting and beating, some are calling for friends, some are practicing professional skills, and some are flying flags for a duel. cry.

Along the way, Alsace couldn't help being a little surprised, the size of the fleet was bigger than he expected.

When the two came to the end of the port, he finally knew the reason.

Varian was chatting with a group of people around him.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Are you sure you want to go to Northrend with me? This expedition is very dangerous. No one knows what terrible things will be waiting for us there. I cannot guarantee your safety."

Barbarian King Conan (Prince of Lordaeron): "Brother Varian, don't worry, although you are the 'Storm God of War', we are not weak, and we don't know who will help whom when we are in danger. "

Jon Snow (Prince of Lordaeron): "That's right, one hero and three gangs, we four brothers and sisters will help you together, I think there will be a better chance of finding Frostmourne, when the time comes—hehehe."

Winter is approaching (Prince of Lordaeron): "At that time, you can avenge your father. As for us, just distribute some treasures to us. I think there will be other spoils in this expedition."

Alsace was a little surprised, it turned out to be his three older brothers and one older sister, Conan the Barbarian, Jon Snow, Winter is Coming, and Elsa.

Seeing Murphy and Alsace coming, several people over there also noticed them.

Elsa (Princess of Lordaeron): "Alsace, you are here. You know that my sister is going on a long journey, so you came here to see me off? I knew I didn't love you in vain. When I was a child, I even treated you to fruit cake. ,Do you still remember."

Alsace was a little embarrassed, "Brother Twelve, Brother Eighteen, Brother Thirty-two, and Sister Sixteen, why are you here?"

Conan the Barbarian (Prince of Lordaeron): "We decided to explore Northrend with His Royal Highness Varian."


Barbarian Conan (Prince of Lordaeron): "Why else, that hypocrite Godwin is as narrow-minded as the eye of a needle. I targeted him a little hard that day. Now that he is the regent, can he still have me? If he stays, he will sooner or later Let him get killed, so of course you have to go away."

"Brother, he wouldn't be that kind of person, would he?" Alsace said in an unconfident tone.

Jon Snow (Prince of Lordaeron): "Don't look at his righteous appearance on the surface, he is very sinister, don't let his title of 'Holy Light' be fooled, otherwise sooner or later It’s going to be a big loss.”

Winter is approaching (Prince of Lordaeron): "That's right, I think ninety-nine percent of the father was killed by him, and those high-level alliance leaders didn't fucking take responsibility. What's the matter with the overall situation, I think it's just to let Godwin led the troops to lead them, and he didn't even pursue the death of his father. I think this alliance is taking jujube pills, or you can go to Northrend with us, brother, maybe you can—cough cough cough, Why did you kick me?"

The second half of the sentence was addressed to Elsa.

Elsa touched Alsace's hair, "Little brother, you are too honest, you have to be careful in the future, sister will not be able to protect you by your side in the future, you have to be good." Seeing Elsa holding Alsace, she burst into tears, as if she was parting from life and death, but she didn't have a single tear, which was a bit fake no matter how you looked at it.

Alsace was very anxious because of the output of his brothers and sisters. Most of his brothers and sisters were not in tune, but now, he really didn't know what to say.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I want to chat with Prince Varian alone, can you avoid it?"

The four had no choice but to shrug their shoulders, "Okay, then let's move the supplies first."

When the four left, the three brothers looked at each other again.

Compared with the last time they met, the three of them were in a different state of mind at this time.

The last time Varian died of his father, he was still indirectly betrayed by Alsace's father, so the relationship between the three was somewhat awkward.

But now there is no such barrier at all, everyone is a child without a father, so there is nothing to dislike.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Second brother, you should be careful when you go to Northrend this time. I didn't want you to go, but since you have to go, here's a suggestion, you can start from Find it in Dragonbone Wilderness."

That's right, the location of Frostmourne in history is in the cave of mourning in Dragonblight.

Of course, no one knows where this sad cave is, and the timeline is not right now, and it is not known whether the sword is in place, but it is more reliable than blindly searching with your head covered.

Varian nodded, "I'll think about it."

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Second brother, what happened that day? How did my father die?"

Varian looked at Murphy, Murphy winked at Varian, and Varian nodded knowingly.

"That day I was preparing for an audience, and while I was waiting, there was a burst of shouts of killing from the hall, I rushed in, and as soon as I entered, I saw a group of orc assassins besieging the king, and the guards resisted desperately.

I hurried up to help, and just killed two orcs, I was blocked by a powerful orc warrior.

The orc didn't wear armor, was bare to the waist, and held an extremely sharp blade in his hand. I fought with him for more than a dozen rounds and finally killed him with a single sword. However, he turned into a phantom and disappeared with a puff. up.

At the same time, I heard the scream of King Tenaris, and when I looked up, I saw him being killed by the sword of the orc warrior.

Only then did I realize that what I was fighting with was actually just a mirror image. That orc warrior should be a sword master, and the mirror image clone is the unique secret skill of the sword master of the Burning Blade clan.

I still wanted to intercept him, but the orc figure disappeared into the air in an instant, and then I was frantically besieged by a group of orc assassins, so I had no choice but to give up.

I killed a dozen orc assassins, but there were too many orcs, and I was seriously injured in the end, and then you rushed in. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Does that Orc Juggernaut have a string of beads around his neck?"

"Yes, that's it."

"It must be that Samuro didn't run away. Back in Alterac, he fought with Saurfang and killed my two brothers. After the orcs were defeated, Samuro also disappeared. I didn't expect He even ran to Lordaeron."

Although Alsace had never met Samuro, he also participated in the Battle of Snow Wolf Field and knew the existence of this orc sword master. When he thought that he was not far from this person on the battlefield back then, if he could kill Samuro Muro, none of this would have happened.

"But there is one thing that I have always been a little strange about." Varian said suddenly.

Murphy hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"The audience room is located at the entrance of the king's hall. If the orcs want to assassinate King Tenaris through the audience room, I will be able to find that even if these assassins can sneak, they must open the door to enter, and the guards outside the king's hall are also No orc assassins were found.

So I'm wondering how these orc assassins got into the King's Hall. "

Murphy thought for a moment with a thoughtful expression, and suddenly realized: "I figured it out, the only possibility is that they had already ambushed inside the palace before."

Alsace listened to the analysis of the two brothers, and suddenly understood what was going on.

Sure enough, it was his 'brother' who did it.

Only people within the kingdom can put these orcs into the palace.

As for who did it, the eldest brother Godwin is undoubtedly the most suspicious. Only he has the ability to put dozens of orc assassins into the palace in advance. You must know that the entrance of the Lordaeron palace is guarded by anti-invisibility barriers and guards. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to penetrate.

He looked at Varian with a serious expression, "Second Brother, tell me, did Big Brother—er, Brother Godwin do it?"

Varian looked embarrassed for a moment.

"It's really inconvenient for me to say this kind of thing, but—"

Arthas directly stated the reason for coming to him, "I saw my father in a dream last night. He said that I was in danger, and that he was killed by one of my 'brothers'."

"What! I understand." Varian nodded, "If it's about your safety, I can't hold back any more. I really think it should be Prince Godwin who did it. I didn't want to say it before, but I didn't want to destroy the relationship between you brothers." feelings between.

But I think even so, you'd better not go to him to confront him. He has now become regent and has been recognized by other countries. If you go to him to confront him, it may cause unknown risks. "

After hearing this, Alsace couldn't help it, "No, I have to ask him to clarify, not only for me, but also for the sake of my father. There is something I have always kept in my heart. Back then, my father wanted to give up the throne It was passed on to me, perhaps it was because of this that my elder brother killed my father so painfully, I am going to see my elder brother——Elder Godwin to ask for clarification."

Varian hurriedly persuaded, "Third brother, don't be impulsive. Now Godwin is the regent. Unless you have evidence, otherwise—"

"I don't need evidence, I just want to know what the truth is." After speaking, Alsace rode invincible and galloped away.

Watching Arthas leave, Murphy and Varian looked a little complicated.

"Second brother, you've grown up." Murphy said, Varian didn't show any abnormality after such a flicker, which shows that his city is no longer the boy he used to be.

Varian sighed, a trace of guilt finally appeared on his face, "You will take good care of the third brother, right brother?"

"I will, you have to take care of yourself, Northrend is very dangerous, if the expedition fails, you must give priority to ensuring your own safety, as long as you are alive, there is hope.

Big brother has nothing to send you, so I will send you ten dragon patrollers. They are air units that can quickly scout and will be very helpful for your exploration. "

"Thank you, brother." Varian said sincerely.

Murphy smiled, "What kind of politeness is there between us brothers, well, I wish you a smooth journey, I have to go and watch Alsace, and don't let him do anything stupid.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly lowered his voice again, and whispered in Varian's ear, be careful of those princes and princesses of Lordaeron, especially when you find Frostmourne, they will not hesitate to attack brothers for the throne, Guess what they can do for the artifact? "

After speaking, Murphy patted Varian on the shoulder, summoned the Frostwolf mount, and galloped towards the palace of Lordaeron.

(End of this chapter)

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