Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 217. 215. Drawing a Magic Scroll

Chapter 217. 215. Drawing a Magic Scroll
"When you say that, I feel so complicated." Sophia was a little confused. "Then if they are so powerful, why do we have to join the war?" Sophia asked.

Rand laughed. The girls are still too innocent. They always feel that as long as they stay away, troubles will not come to them. "If we don't participate now, this war will be our turn. The Frostwolf Forest is in the east of the plain. , They will expand westward when they get bigger. Let's fight now, on the one hand, we can prevent problems before they happen, and on the other hand, we can train troops in the interior first. These orcs can't take it down, and they still want to take the iron mine? "

The plots of human nobles are a bit too complicated for the girls. All they can do is draw magic scrolls seriously. Nowadays, girls are very familiar with fireball, freezing, hydrotherapy, and gathering wind.

After thousands of years of evolution, these spells have been downgraded from the former level 3 spells, which can only be activated by junior magicians, to level 2 spells, which can be activated by apprentice mages.

For these simple level 2 spells, Kay, who has reached the elementary level, can release them 6 times at one time. Wendy, who is also at the elementary level, is also at the same level. Ni and Lili's magic power can only be released once or twice, and they are on the verge of master apprentices and junior magicians.

The only spell they can cast multiple times is the clearing spell. After years of research and development by the Tower of Purity, this former level 2 spell has been reduced to a level 1 introductory spell.Tanya chose to bring Jonny and Sophia here, hoping to use the better magical environment in the Frostwolf Forest to allow the two girls to break through and become junior magicians. If the two break through successfully, Rand will have 4 1 junior magician and [-] junior life priest.

Magic apprentices cannot release magic, but they can draw magic lines. Under the guidance of Gandalf and Ben Call, the success rate of several girls in drawing magic lines is quite high.When the console, magic ink, and Warcraft skin paper were all ready, the three girls took the lead in getting to work.

As a priest of life, Kay mainly draws the scrolls of life. For her, each scroll is a prayer to the Goddess of Centaur. The carving knife dipped in magic ink not only mobilizes the surrounding magic elements, but also contains certain Sophia and Johnny draw wind gathering and ice spells, and the two scrolls require two kinds of magic ink named Qingfengluhe respectively.

In fact, from the beginning of studying at the Blue Dragon School, Rand was a little confused about the relationship between magic patterns, runes, and magic circles. He asked a few girls, and the girls couldn't understand, and they were confused for a long time. Said, when I asked Ben Kaul a few days ago, I had a general idea.

For mages who really study, there is actually no difference between the three, only the specific difficulty of each drawing is different. The so-called names are more convenient for people who do not know magic to remember.In a broader concept, the magic circle generally needs magic crystals or magic furnaces to provide magic power.Magic patterns generally refer to passive triggers that do not require additional skills, or are drawn on the body, or can only be triggered when activated. There are also natural magic patterns on monsters and magic plants.

Rune is the main skill of the dwarves. Compared with humans and elves, dwarves are less friendly to magic power, and cannot directly release magic. Even legendary powerhouses cannot directly mobilize the magic net.Therefore, the dwarves use runes as the carrier of magic power, and the more powerful the dwarves draw, the more powerful the runes will be.

The girls drew the scrolls silently, and Rant didn't know what to do, so he went to the kitchen and made some sweet juice for the girls. In theory, Rand could also draw magic-weave scrolls now, with After gathering the magic pattern, his level of mobilizing magic power is no worse than that of the little cardinal, but the success rate of drawing magic scrolls is surprisingly low. It takes only 4 or 5 scrolls to successfully draw one.

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, Tania took Dugan Blue Dragon back to the Chamber of Commerce in Maned Wolf City, and when they met, she said excitedly, "Queen Tyriana likes your gift very much, and she wants to buy more. to store the dew of thorns?"

"Her Majesty still lacks this kind of container?" Rand was a little surprised, he didn't know if the queen was being polite or serious.

"She really likes the tripod that was given to her. Although there is no shortage of glass workshops in Dragon Tooth City, it is rare to make glass with magic patterns. Our kind of life magic patterns have many functions, let alone not. She To give the thorn dew to the major families, of course it must be beautiful and easy to use."

"Do you think a white porcelain vase with a painting of a big red fairy flying around is very high-end?"

"Uh, it's too plain. The queen is originally from the life department, so I still like brighter decorations."

"Understood, how about a golden flying dragon painted on the big red porcelain vase?"

"Look at you, just don't look too ugly." Tanya didn't move the art in the eyes of humans, she only thought that the things the queen gave were beautiful.

Tanya doesn't need a large Warcraft skin paper to draw magic scrolls. She first tried to draw a ground thorn on half the size of the paper, and found that it was enough for use, and then tried 1/3 the size. After success, he cut 30 Warcraft leather papers into 90 parts.

The magic goblin has always had no fixed order of strokes in the magic pattern, and it is completely relying on the feeling to send it at will. If Sophia's scrolls are accurate in every scroll, then each of Tania's scrolls is different.

Pick up a small piece of paper with your left hand, move your index finger with your right hand, and the ink will vacate and fall onto the scroll naturally, and then wrap it casually, and a scroll is ready. In Rand’s eyes, this is like making dumplings, Tania You can also chat with him while doing it.

"That earl is so dishonest, why do you care about him?"

"The child digs out the wolf's lair and is besieged by wolves. Adults can't stop saving the child just because the child started first." Lante replied, "As long as the wolf eats a human once, he will find that he can't run away from a deer or fly like a bird." They are not as strong as other animals in strength, so they will have the habit of cannibalism again in the future.”

"I know it's wrong for the Earl of the Maned Wolf, but first, we can't let a half-orc tribe be so powerful, and second, we can't let outsiders see the weakness of the earl's territory."

Throughout the night, Kay drew more than 40 statement scrolls, Sophia drew 30 wind scrolls and 30 ice scrolls, Jonny drew more than 30 small fireballs and 30 wind blades, Tania drew 90 The ground thorn scrolls were all drawn, and more than 30 copies of other departments were drawn. In the whole night, the 4 figures were drawn as desperately as if they were printing money, which shocked Rand.

(End of this chapter)

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