Infinite Begins with Giants

Chapter 779 Unloading and killing donkeys, plastic sisterhood

Chapter 779 Unloading and killing donkeys, plastic sisterhood

The power of the Goddess has increased.

The moon is cold and the stars are cold. She stands on the top of the Star Observation Tower, her eyes are almost materialized with golden lights, and her terrifying aura is soaring to the sky. The white cloak behind her is flapping in the cold wind, like an invincible silver god of war !

She didn't have any unnecessary movements, just the magic power overflowing from her body distorted the squeezed space!
God is like a prison!

This kind of suppressing all over the world, sweeping the invincible, powerful enough to coerce the universe made Xiao Mo, Gao Wen and others almost breathless.

Xiao Mo, the "rebel knight" who had always been fearless, began to tremble slightly, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

She tightly grasped the hilt of the cheating sword with her fingers, as if only in this way could she feel a little bit of security, and barely stopped the trembling in her heart.

"Father... king, what's wrong with her?"

On the city gate, the voice of the bear boy trembled.

She looked at the Lion King, who was as unattainable as a god, standing on the top of the Star Observatory in the Holy City, her eyes were shocked and absent-minded.

Too strong, like an ant facing a dragon.

Although she thought that she was no match for the Lion King at all, but if she worked hard, she could support it to some extent.

just now……

I'm afraid that one face-to-face will be instantly killed, and there is no room for resistance!

"Have you become... the Lord... God?"

Lancelot gritted his teeth tightly and his voice was astringent, barely holding back under the overwhelming aura released by the goddess.

This kind of power, which is stronger than natural disasters, was in his mind the King of Knights in his lifetime, even Morgan Le Fay and Merlin at their peak.

The rest of the people were not much better. Siegfried, Gawain, and Tristan all turned pale and tried their best to stabilize their bodies and minds.

Iron Aggaguwen, who did not accept the "blessing" of the Lion King, even had to hold onto the city wall to stabilize himself so as not to kneel down.

The mutation has not stopped.

"The anchor of the law of the fixed planet, finally blooming... the tower of the end, unite!"

Morgan continued to cast spells, and the "Twelve Endless Pillars" made by her, evenly scattered on the side of the gate of the holy city of Camelot, shot out a golden beam of light at this time!
The twelve beams of light suddenly shot high into the sky like supporting the heaven and the earth!

The rays of light are intertwined, and they converge into one point above the holy capital as if gathered together, and soon form a golden spire!

The light flowed down to cover, and soon, the entire holy city was covered by a golden tower of light.

The holy gun, to be precise, the shell of the "Tower of Ending" is revealed!
There was a roaring sound in the Holy City, the ground was constantly shaking, and even shifted. Some important main buildings began to deform, gradually moving closer to the golden holy gun shell, and finally seemed to have a tendency to overlap.

After completing this step, the aura of the Lion King finally climbed to the extreme.

Without warning, the wind picked up.

Her hair was flying, her pupils were golden, and her body automatically floated up from the top of the Star Observatory.


Endless storms gushed out, the color of the world changed, and the violent wind raged and swirled over the holy capital, and the goddess of the holy gun surrounded the center with cheers and roars!

She opened her arms, and the EX-rank Noble Phantasm Holy Lance──"Rungomigniad" was completely energized, and countless golden particles gushed out of the gun and penetrated into her body.

They crazily strengthen the goddess' body, power, and magic power of the goddess...

The level of the Lion King's spiritual foundation has been further improved and stabilized.

At the same time, the time and space behind her distorted, and a tower surrounded by endless brilliance and storms, beyond the limit of human imagination, emerged, and faintly resonated with her power!

This is not the Holy Lance, but the body of the Holy Lance──The Tower of End.

The Tower of Ending is a creation of planetary restraint, it is almost unimaginable to use it as a weapon, and the Holy Lance "Rungomigniad" is just a projection of the Tower of Ending.

The corresponding Noble Phantasms include the "Golden Cudgel" and "Longinus' Spear", both of which are first-class weapons.

But compared with the "Tower of End" that is really used to fix the laws of the planet, the power of projection is only a part.

Only part of it is the A++ Anti-City Noble Phantasm. One can imagine the power of the real Tower of Ending.

At this moment, the Lion King has initially established a connection with the Tower of End.

"Congratulations, with the gradual completion of the ceremony and Camelot's holy spear, you can be considered to have the power of the main god.

Next, as long as the connection between the holy gun and the body is used, the holy capital Camelot, which is gradually eroded and assimilated by the power of the holy gun, is transferred to the tower of the end, and the plan to preserve the fire for mankind is completed. "

The enchantress Morgan flew to the side of the Lion King and smiled sweetly.


The goddess's face was indifferent, and she nodded slightly. She, who had almost lost her feelings, would not be happy because of the increase in strength.

Rather, she was delighted that the tinder preservation project was nearing completion.

Morgenton felt bored: "Good sister, don't you laugh? You will be the only god who can survive the burning of humanity.

Maybe you will come out after this crisis is over, and everything will multiply again, and you will become one of the god kings of a certain god system on this planet, and be worshiped by countless creatures! "

This is not delusional.

Of course, the premise is that the "humanity burning" is successful, and Gai will not attack the goddess after becoming the supreme creator.

"Then what is your purpose? Morgan Le Fay."

There is no smile on the Lion King's pretty face, and a pair of sun-like golden pupils exude substantive coercion, which is breathtaking!
The smile on Morgan's face stagnated, and he had the illusion that he would be directly crushed to death by the goddess' vast power in the next second.

Indeed, it is not difficult for the other party to kill her clone now.

"I just need the scabbard."

The witch's sexy red lips trembled, and against the pressure of the goddess in front of her, a bright smile appeared again.

Of course, she was still a little shocked.

At this moment, the Lion King is stronger than her body, at least the frontal combat power is stronger. It seems that the strength is a little out of control...

"As expected of the Goddess of the Holy Spear, she is blessed by nature, and at this time she is even more at home..."

Morgan felt apprehensive and decided not to offend her as much as possible during this time.

She knows the state of The Lion King best.

In this world, there are also some differences between gods.

Not to mention outsiders like the Greek God of Mechanism, the Star Warrior, and the white giant Cephalu.

The native gods of the planet, except for the first generation of conceptual gods representing nature, almost all the gods of later generations were born from beliefs, or at least were influenced by human beliefs.

The former, such as the god ancestor Romulus Quirinus, has been believed by people all the time, and was promoted by man to the supreme god of Rome.

The latter, like the military god Mars, was gradually influenced by human beliefs.

The Lion King is more special.

The creation of the power of the planet, the tower of the end → the projection of the tower of the end, the holy gun → the lion king, Arturia who was eroded by the power of the holy gun and occupied by the holy gun.

To some extent, the essence of the Lion King is close to the first generation of native gods.

Similar to the god Oia (the god of EA), Tiamat.

She can barely be regarded as one of the "tentacles" of the power of the planet. Although she is not in line with the trend of the times and usually grows slowly, her potential is still quite high.

The reason why her power has risen sharply at this moment is that she is one step closer to the "source" - the tower of the end, the creation of the power of the planet.

Morgan used the imitation "Twelve Endless Pillars" to speed up the sanctification of the holy capital, bringing the final ceremony closer to completion.

The Lion King's so-called tinder continuation plan is divided into several steps.

First, select 500 people with innocent souls and preserve them as fire seeds and specimens.

Second, the holy city of Camelot is gradually transformed into a holy gun, making its appearance and nature close to that of the Tower of End... This process has been greatly accelerated by the existence of Morgan.

Third, with the help of the Holy Lance, the Holy Capital, whose appearance is close to the structure of the Tower of End, is drawn and transferred to the inside of the Holy Lance itself—the real Tower of End.

It may be a coincidence, or it may be the evolutionary instinct of Goddess Holy Gun.

The latter two processes are almost irreversible, and every step completed will bring the Lion King closer to his "source".

Morgan is actually a bit regretful at this moment. In order to better complete her plan, she made this goddess almost "out of control".

The increase in Lion King's strength was even more terrifying than what she had calculated.

"Chaldea, Ryan, I hope you will work harder, or you will really screw up..."

Seeing this strong and outrageous Lion King, the witch secretly groaned.

She never thought of doing such a big thing, and now, she seems to have accidentally become an accomplice of the "burning of human rights", which is much more serious than fishing in troubled waters and taking the opportunity to complete her "private affairs".

If you are not careful, you may be on Alaya's blacklist.

"From now on, Morgan Le Fay, you are not allowed to go out of the city!"

The Lion King's eyes were cold, but just the sound, there was a thunderous explosion in the sky, echoing far away!
The magic power in the void rippled accordingly, she stood tall in the sky, her silver armor gleamed, her god-like golden pupils looked down on Morgan, and the endless storms around her roared in response, she was truly mighty!

Looking at this power, one knows that resistance is no different from courting death.

If there is a slight change, I am afraid that there will be no ashes left...

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Morgan lowered his head slightly, his eyebrows were pleasing to the eye, and his attitude was unprecedentedly respectful.

Of course, she was already cursing in her heart.

As soon as I finished using her, I wanted to kill the donkey. I couldn't believe that this goddess was her pedantic and ridiculous sister before.

However, there are more extremes.

"Lancelot, Tristan, Siegfried, you are responsible for guarding her. If you find something abnormal, you don't need to report it, and you will kill her!"

The Lion King was still worried, and was very tricky. He specially sent several obedient spirits who had nothing to do with the witch to put her under house arrest.

"Obey!" ×3
At the gate of the holy capital, Lancelot, Siegfried and Tristan replied loudly, staring at the witch coldly.

Morgan: "..."

Fuck, for real.

He didn't make any detours at all, and directly imposed house arrest without giving him any face.

Sending three top heroic spirits to watch her together was enough for her to be unable to escape, which completely ruined the subsequent plan.

Bichi, can you go a little further... Sister Wang cursed.

"Morgan, I actually don't trust you at all."

The Lion King's eyes were indifferent. She looked down at the British Witch whose expression changed slightly, and said in a cold tone.

"Now you have no use value. In the decisive battle with the people of the mountain and the Egyptian coalition forces, you should be the vanguard to go up first. It can be regarded as a little useless heat."

Morgan: "..."

This is a case that is enough to be included in textbooks, and it perfectly explains what plastic sisterhood is, turning faces and denying people.

Unfortunately, she is the negative example.

The Lion King is no joke, she is very cold and decisive.

"Let's go."

Without waiting for the witch to say anything, she grabbed her by the shoulders and galloped through the air, personally escorting her all the way down to the city gate.

Lancelot, Siegfried and others immediately gathered around.

Raising his hand to signal the knights not to salute, the Lion King looked at Morgan, who had an ugly face, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Sister, do you find it surprising?"


Before she could answer, the goddess stretched out her hand and snatched the staff inlaid with blue gems from the witch's hand.

Morgan: "..."

So... disarmed?
Although as a great magician, she can do without a staff, but this also weakens her strength to a certain extent, especially in close combat, not having a weapon in her hand is too disadvantageous.

This is also more convenient for the knights to keep an eye on her, and if there is any change, they will immediately use their swords to kill her clone.

"I'll return it to you in the final battle."

Holding the staff, the goddess leaned against Morgan's face, the corners of her sexy mouth slightly raised, and whispered in her ear.

"Sister, I have never understood why you hate me so much.

However, I want to teach you a lesson, so that you can settle down a bit... This idea will come up occasionally, thank you for helping me realize it this time. "


Morgan's pupils shrank a little, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot.

If I had known this earlier, when I was in the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, I thought it would be easy and trouble-free to seduce Renn directly to sleep with him.

Under the incomparably astonished gazes of Gao Wen and the others, the Lion King made another unexpected move.

She suddenly reached out and hugged Morgan into her arms.

"Be patient."

Then, the finger of the goddess was filled with golden light, imprisoning Morgan. This is the power of the Holy Lance, and strands of golden particles seeped into Morgan's body from the back of Morgan's neck!


Sister Wang couldn't help screaming.

Those golden particles rushed into her body crazily, and the side effect was like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, which was very painful.

She struggled instinctively, but was firmly imprisoned by the goddess and could not break free!

In order to relieve the pain, Morgan ignored the goddess and bit her shoulder.


The pain from his shoulder made the Lion King frowned, with surprise in his eyes.

It seems that I didn't expect the witch to be so afraid of pain, like a little girl.

As the power of the Holy Lance eroded her body, Morgan's snow-white skin began to glow, and strands of golden light burst out from a pair of ice-blue beautiful eyes, making her look very holy.

When everything was over, Morgan's spirit base level had improved, and most importantly, the aura of "blessing" emerged from her body.

Those who accept the "blessing" of the Lion King can no longer resist her.

This is also the purpose of the goddess, and she forcibly gave Morgan a "blessing".

"Are you satisfied now?"

The witch looked at the Lion King bitterly, knowing that she had been tricked.

They had cooperated well before, but she didn't expect that the other party would kill her so quickly, so she was a little caught off guard.

The main reason is that the impression of the King of Knights was too deep, and Morgan's mentality did not change for a while. She treated the goddess with the attitude of Artoria, naturally...

The Lion King looked indifferent, let go of her arm, lazily ignored the howling of the defeated dog, turned around and left with the witch's staff.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head and glanced: "By the way, the way you bite people is quite cute."

Morgan: "..."

Ahhh...! !

Your sister, no, my sister, I'm really mad at you!
After being safe, the Lion King walked away, and the slender figure in a white cloak quickly disappeared from the top of the city.

The knights looked at each other in blank dismay, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

Especially Gao Wen, Agguiwen, and Xiao Mo were in very complicated moods.

Seeing the mother and the two sisters Wang scheming and entrapping each other, and seeing the mother biting people like a child while disregarding her image in pain, their three views are about to collapse...

Back then, Morgan pitted his sister and tried every means to destroy Britain.

Now, the goddess pits sister, kills the donkey, and uses "blessing" and the power of the holy gun to forcibly restrain and control Morgan.

This karma and relationship... is really hard to describe.

"My dear sons, are you enjoying watching?"

Morgan folded his hands on his chest, leaning against the wall with his tender body, staring at Xiao Mo, Gao Wen and the others with cold eyes, and said in a sinister manner.

Xiao Mo: "..."

Gao Wen: "..."

The viper-like gaze made their scalps tingle for a while.

Ageguiwen didn't say anything, and left first. Xiao Mo and Gao Wen got excited, and after realizing it, they also hurried down the city wall.

At this time, no one wants to stay and be the mother's punching bag.

Siegfried, Tristan, Lancelot did not leave.

The Holy Baptism Ceremony stopped, the guerrilla action stopped, the city gate was half closed, and the knights had plenty of time to guard the witch.

The three of them surrounded her, never leaving each other, and kept guarding the top of the city like this.

Lancelot may hesitate, but Tristan has no emotion at all now, and the witch will kill people if there is any change in the witch.


Morgan Le Fay's eyes flickered.

She slowly placed her finger on her thigh, and flicked it a few times imperceptibly... An invisible wave spread out.

(End of this chapter)

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