Infinite Begins with Giants

Chapter 668 Fuyuki car god, send warmth

Chapter 668 Fuyuki car god, send warmth

At seven o'clock in the evening, the stars twinkled in the deep night.

After Tohsaka Rin took a shower, she dried her wet black hair with a towel.

Dressed up in front of the mirror, she changed into the classic red coat, and her pair of slender and round white jade legs under the black skirt looked extraordinarily attractive.

"Shinji...why is he here?!"

When she came to the living room on the first floor, the girl had a look of astonishment on her face.

Originally, she was wondering if Archer had already returned home and was preparing a sumptuous dinner... but she saw Matou Shinji squatting in the middle of the living room, trembling.

At this time, Uncle Shen Er had a bruised nose and a swollen face, crying bitterly. He was almost changed by the beating. If it weren't for the familiar kelp hair style, Rin would not have recognized him.

"Forgive me, my lord, please don't hit me..."

He looked at Ren who was sitting on the sofa smiling, his eyes were full of fear.

After seeing Rin Tosaka, he was taken aback for a moment, and opened his mouth slightly as if he wanted to beg for mercy, but he was too frightened by Ren's sharp eyes to say anything.

It is conceivable that he has suffered a lot during this time.

"Archer, what's going on here?"

Miss Lin's blue eyes looked at Shen Er, who had been beaten a lot, and looked at Ren with searching eyes.

"Rin, it's like this. He said he would meet me in the woods after school, and threatened to fight me one-on-one, but he didn't talk about martial arts, and summoned Rider Medusa to attack me..."

Ren held up a cup of black tea and said unhurriedly.

"What? This guy turned out to be a Master?"

Rin pointed at Shen Er, and opened his mouth slightly, as if he hadn't thought of this.

The ancestral skill of the Tohsaka family──"dropping the chain at a critical moment" is vividly reflected in Miss Rin.

Knowing that Matou Shinji has no talent in magic, she often ignores him, and even pities him a little in her heart...and ignores the possibility of "Book of False Ministers".

"No, Rin, he is just Rider's acting master, Matou Sakura is the real master of Medusa."

Taking a sip of the sweet and sour high-grade black tea, Ren intentionally brought the topic to Sakura and Matou's house.


Sure enough, when she learned that Sakura was the master, Rin's face changed, which was undoubtedly something she didn't want to face.

As expected, she starts pressing Shinji about Sakura.

Soon, the "Book of False Ministers" transferred Rider's royal authority, and Sakura was constantly implanted with engraving worms by Matou Zouken over the years, and had to endure great pain from body to spirit, and was even raped, All these things about the abuse were told by Shinji.

Shen Er didn't dare to hide it at all.

When Ren beat him in the grove, he told all the evil things he and the old bug did. He knew that it was useless to conceal it, so he could only confess everything.

'Why is this happening? '

Rin's face became increasingly ugly, and he subconsciously clenched his fists.

Hearing that Sakura was often thrown by Matou Zouken into the underground worm warehouse and ravaged by insects... Her face was livid, her body trembled slightly, and she gritted her silver teeth as if she was suppressing something.

Finally, when Matou Shinji hesitated and said that he raped Sakura... Rin couldn't take it anymore.

Miss Rin was completely out of anger this time, she rushed over and kicked Matou Shinji hard in the chest.


The ribs made a cracking sound, Shen Er screamed, his body flew upside down like a cannonball, and hit the wall with a thud, the wall trembled!

In extreme anger, Rin's kick had already used the force technique of Bajiquan, and almost killed the second master.

But the girl finally withdrew a little strength.

Although he is a magician, Rin has never killed anyone, especially someone he knows, so he hesitated.

Almost kicked to death, Shen Er coughed up a mouthful of blood after falling to the ground, and looked at her in horror:
"Don't kill me, please, Tohsaka-san, don't kill me!"

Hearing his begging, Li Li was furious, and Rin, who was about to continue to fight, frowned, barely suppressing his anger and killing intent.

She turned to look at Ren, and took a deep breath:

"Archer, follow me to Matou's house now, is it okay?"

The girl forced herself to calm down, venting her anger blindly would not solve the problem, the most urgent task was to bring Sakura back.

Before, she often saw Sakura with a gloomy face, thinking that the other party might not be doing well at Matou's house, and she was a little worried.

However, because they belong to different families of demons, Rin is like her father, and acts more traditionally. She has never spied on or interfered with the affairs of the Matou family. As a result...

"Of course... a magician who has fallen so far has no value in continuing to exist!" Ren stood up to support him.

"What's more, since I am your sword, during this Holy Grail War, this oath will always be valid, and I will naturally fight for you."

'He's still so dependable...'

Archer's words reassured Rin, and he forced a smile.

She didn't know it before, but now that she knows that her younger sister is living in hell at Matou's house and suffering, she naturally can't let her go.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Putting on that red coat, Rin didn't want to delay for a moment.

She treated Matou Shinji briefly with magic, at least giving him the ability to move, and took him with a terrified face, and Archer went out in the dark.

"Come on, get in the car?"

Ren put on a biker suit, grinned, opened the door of the ordinary van in front of the entrance, and invited the girl and the trembling Shenji to get in the car.

Looking at him who was extremely excited, Rin's expression collapsed:

"Archer, here, can you drive a little slower?"

She felt a little dizzy. Last time, Ren drove a modified motorcycle to take her to Emiya Residence, and the speed along the way reached an appalling speed of more than 350 kilometers per hour!

This speed is too fast.

That experience almost caused Rin to have a psychological shadow, and then she felt sick when she saw the motorcycle.

"Well, Rin, it's not a motorcycle this time, it's just a van. How fast can a van be?" Ren threw Shen Er roughly into the back seat, and explained to her with a bright smile.

'Yeah, how fast a van can go. '

Only then did Rin show a relieved expression, and got into the passenger seat.

The car engine roared like a beast, and the lights were brightly lit. On a certain street in Fuyuki City, a van almost turned into an afterimage, rushing on the road at a limit speed of 220 kilometers!

The original slightly bulky van is now incredibly flexible
It was flying fast all the way, avoiding a car in front in an extremely thrilling and just right way, swimming nimbly in the forest like a giant python.

It's just a van, and it feels like being driven out of the F1 super formula by Rennes.

"No no, God, this is impossible! How could my Ferrari lose to an ordinary van!"

A veteran drag racing gang, a young man with black hair stared dumbfounded at the van passing his Ferrari.

This is so nonsense, he Asuka Yusei, the well-known little racing prince in the circle of Fuyuki City, was hanged and beaten tonight!

The most unacceptable thing for him is that the other party only used a van...

Originally, today, a group of veteran drag racing gangsters in the Fuyuki City circle made an agreement to have a PK in the imperial city on this street to decide who is the real Fuyuki racing god...

But at this moment, the fading car lights seemed to be silently mocking him, as well as the other drag racing gangsters who had been left behind.

"Kondo, you are the only one left, you must not lose!"

Renn also drove for a while before he realized that he had entered a drag racing competition. At this time, there was only a silver Bugatti Veyron left in front of him.

"Although it's a bit despicable, but only in this way can I defend my identity as the uncrowned king!"

Koji Kondo, the hardcore drag racing party in Fuyuki City, sneered.

He flexibly manipulated the steering wheel and deliberately placed his luxury sports car in the center of the driveway.

This section of the road is not wide, so it will block the opponent's way forward.

Although the performance of my Bugatti Veyron is unquestionable, people have limits. It is really dangerous to go up to 200 kilometers per hour, and the car may crash and die at any time.

He just wanted to go racing, but he didn't intend to die.

However, the van behind him is almost ruined.

Fast and incredibly nimble.

Nima, at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, it has not fallen apart, and it is still clinging to his Bugatti Veyron... This is too weird and unscientific at all!

"I don't believe in evil anymore. Can a mere van go to heaven?"

There was a sneer on Kondo's face, and suddenly, he heard a roar, like the roar of a hurricane.

"I want to fly to the sky and stand side by side with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change!"

Behind him, a burst of singing came to Koji Kondo's ears clearly, and then his eyes widened, the van in the rearview mirror actually flew up!

boom! !

The roar of the cylinder was like the roar of a ferocious beast, and bursts of strong whirlwind gushed out. After the "Wind King Barrier" unfolded, the raging whirlwind dragged the van to leap into the air, and instantly crossed the body of the Bugatti Veyron!

"This car skill... is this still a human? It's like the arrival of a car god!"

Kondo looked at the van speeding away in front of him with dull eyes.

Seeing that the weird van had crossed the "finish line" they had set, the dozen or so senior drag racing gangsters who were driving sports cars silently shed tears of shame.

It's so shameful that they were overturned by a van...

"This guy will be the car god of Fuyuki City from now on."

"Bah! With this alone, he can become the father of drag racing parties all over the world!"

After several drag racing parties got out of the car, there was a lot of discussion.

Several people even secretly wrote down the license plate number of the van, that is, Fuyuki Cheshen, and decided to avenge their shame in the future... Ah bah, decided to ask him for advice in the future!
In any case, on this section of the road, those extremely exciting racing scenes and someone's amazing driving skills stunned many drivers and passers-by along the way.

"Archer, I swear, I will never ride in your van again! No, any motor vehicle!"

In the passenger seat, Miss Lin stared at the cars that narrowly passed the van in front of her with a pale face.

Drag racing, speeding, drifting and cornering, bumps... made her face turn pale.

As for Shinji, he fell behind in a daze.

"Rin, why don't you drive next time." Ren, the god of cars in Fuyuki, smiled lightly, intending to train female drivers and street killers.

His driving skills are really nothing, Sidai drives harder than him.

"No... I hate machinery and electrical appliances the most." Miss Lin immediately shook her head, refusing to be a street killer.

The two chatted, and soon arrived at Jiantong's house. Jiantong's house was not far from Yuansaka's house, and the car arrived soon.

Opening the car door, against the night breeze, Tohsaka Rin brushed his messy hair,
With a serious expression, she looked at the Matou residence in the dark night with a slightly gloomy atmosphere on the other side of the street, and said vigorously, "Archer, let's go!"

After saying that, Miss Lin quietly held a few gems.

Ren, on the other hand, violently dragged Shen Er, who looked terrified and had complicated emotions in his eyes, and the three of them walked over there.

Tens of seconds later, they were already standing outside the door of Matou's house.

Ren didn't choose to break in directly, but reached out and knocked on the wrought iron door of Matou's house without a doorbell.

"Friend, home appliances are going to the countryside...cough, open the door, we are the community sending warmth!" Ren shouted into the inside, "Don't worry, we don't take needles and threads from fellow villagers!"

Ren: I'll take everything except the stitches and threads later.

His loud and clear voice kept echoing in the Matou family's aurora mansion, but the door was still shrouded in darkness, and there was still deathly silence.

"Open the door and check the water meter!" Ren changed his rhetoric again, but the old bug seemed to be very calm and did not respond.


Standing behind him, Rin Tohsaka's mouth twitched slightly.

However, she is already immune to the obscene words that come out of Ren's mouth from time to time, or some weird remarks.

Then, Ren yelled a few more words.

Naturally, he didn't suddenly have a mental illness or wasted time. The reason why he suddenly "offended the second" was just to give Jiantong Zouyan some time to prepare.

It would be best if Sakura wasn't at home, if he was, it would just give the old bug some time to move Sakura to a safe place.

Otherwise, after they start fighting, the aftermath of the battle is very likely to affect Matou Sakura.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much, Sakura is very important to the old bug, and he thinks that the main body is hidden in a top-secret place and safe, at least he will show up.

"Rin, I'm going to make a move."

Staring at the gate, Ren said lightly that he and Rin Tosaka came today to kill people, not to chat.

Since you are here to do things, you have to speak with actions.

"Well, I see."

Rin took a few steps back, holding several high-grade gemstones tightly.

Seeing that the girl was ready, Ren grinned, raised his leg and kicked the door of Matou's house fiercely.


There was only a loud noise, white air surged, and the iron gate, which was shattered into pieces by the sudden force, turned into countless iron pieces and shot into the darkness of the house!
In the chaos, Ren dragged Matou Shinji into the house of Matou's family step by step.

The moonlight projected from the broken wrought iron gate elongated his shadow.

However, the yard is full of vines and vegetation, so that the corners that should be illuminated by the diffuse reflection of moonlight are still dark, so it looks quite eerie.

"The place where people live is so gloomy, and the flowers and plants are not trimmed... Sure enough, bugs are bugs, and they like places where dirt is hidden."

This place is like an abandoned church, the dark and damp atmosphere made Ren shook his head, and he kicked Shen Er on the back unceremoniously:
"Second, lead the way!"

Moreover, he exuded an awe-inspiring murderous aura and locked on Shen Er.

"Grandpa, help, help!"

Locked by the piercing killing intent, the kelp head that was on its back immediately staggered and ran into the courtyard in front of the mansion.


At this time, a faint voice came from the front, and an old man with a cane appeared in front of the door of Matou's mansion.

His hair had already fallen out due to old age, his body was short and rickety, his limbs were as thin as a mummy, and his sunken eye sockets revealed hale and hearty light.

Zouken's face was very old, he was wearing a kimono of ultramarine blue and dark gray, and he was holding a wooden walking stick in his hand.

There is also an unpleasant smell of corruption around the body, and the appearance and behavior are indescribably weird.

But Matou Shinji did not dare to show the slightest disrespect, and quickly bowed deeply in cold sweat:

"Grandpa, help... help, that trash Rider has already been killed, Archer is going to kill me..."

"Waste? Aren't you a waste? Still have the face to come back?!" The old worm said sharply. He didn't like this useless and unworthy descendant at all.

"Ah no, no! I..."

Shinji Matou broke into a cold sweat and hurriedly wanted to explain.

But Matou Zouken obviously knew his descendant very well.

He didn't intend to listen to his explanation at all, his old eyes lightly swept behind Matou Shinji:
"Shinji, since you participated in the Holy Grail War, you'd better have the awareness to participate in the Holy Grail War. It doesn't matter if you die... But, you actually led your dangerous enemy back to Matou's house, really..."

The words of accusation were ruthless and cold-blooded, Matou Shinji's face turned pale immediately, and he hesitated to say anything.

The old bug frowned, and didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore. The crutch lightly landed on the ground, and his eyes swept over Archer who was wearing silver armor.

The aura is like an abyss like an ocean, as vast and mysterious as a starry sky, and like a volcano that is about to erupt, there is a terrifying power lurking inside... It is simply daunting.

'It's very troublesome, it's the kind of top-notch Servant! '

He has lived for hundreds of years, not mentioning that he participated in the war. He has witnessed all the Holy Grail Wars, and his vision is so vicious.

Thinking in his heart, the old bug turned his eyes to the back of the tree:

"Little girl over there, since you're here, why don't you come out and see her?"


In the silence, a beautiful figure in red and black skirt appeared from behind the tree.

Tohsaka Rin's face was gloomy, and his blue eyes stared at the haggard old man:

"You are the head of the Matou family, Matou Zouken, right?"

"...So it's a little girl from the Tohsaka family." Zouken Matou, who was holding a cane, smiled faintly, "Why, Rider has already been eliminated... What else do you do here?"

"Tell me, where is Sakura?" Tohsaka Rin stared at the hunched figure, not hiding anything at all.

With Archer around, she doesn't need to make promises to him.

"Oh, did you come here for Sakura? You are her sister, so it's okay to come here to catch up on the old days, but I'm sorry, she's already asleep..." The old insect coughed a few times, "The current Patriarch of the Tohsaka family, how about Come back tomorrow."

The visitor was not kind, and he hoped to delay for a while.

"Tomorrow? Hehe, I guess I'll have to dig three feet into the ground tomorrow to find you, a bedbug, in the cesspit, right?"

With a clang, Ren pulled out the sharp invisible sword. He looked at the old bug whose face changed slightly, and smiled:
"Sorry, today is your death day!"

(End of this chapter)

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