Infinite Begins with Giants

Chapter 192 Welcome Ceremony

Chapter 192 Welcome Ceremony
"Excuse me, is there a carriage to Orange Town now?" Ren asked the bartender.

He could actually buy a horse and ride there alone, but he didn't know the way, and there were no landmarks on the plain, so he could easily get lost.

The bartender was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at him in surprise, and the bar fell silent instantly, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

After a while, bursts of laughter sounded.

A drunken, balding strong man burped and laughed loudly: "Little brat, are you awake? Now that the people in the hinterland of the plain are frantically running out, you're better off rushing inside to die! "

"Haha, maybe I'm crazy because I want to make money. Those ghouls even eat wild dogs. You young man with thin skin and tender flesh, be careful to be swallowed until there are no bones left!" A man with a scar on his face the cowboy sneered.

"Haha, who knows, maybe he is the next Zolo?"

"As soon as I say this, I will get angry. The hateful Skeleton Gang, don't kill those ghouls, and take advantage of the fire!"

"Ghost Hand Marcello's integrity has long since fallen to the ground, and I wouldn't be surprised if he rapes me someday!"

"He's a traitor! I hope Zoro, the strange man, will get rid of that scum soon!"


Ren's words seemed to arouse discussions among the people in the bar, and everyone became noisy.

The bartender looked at the calm-looking Ren, and said slowly: "Young man, you heard it too, the plain is now full of blood and rain, I personally don't recommend you to go in.

Of course, if you really have something important to do and you have to go, you can go to the Pegasus Plaza in the southern part of the city, and the team there will be happy to hire you as a bodyguard. "

"Thank you for the notice, and bring me three beers."

Ren found a table and sat down, and began to pay attention to everyone's conversation.

With just a glass of beer, he heard a lot of news.

For example, "Ghost Hand" Marcello, who ranked first in bounty on the Pugani Plain, suddenly became frantic recently.

The Skeleton Gang under his command not only robbed money, but even looted people and carriages together, which has broken the "rules".

In addition, the local 7th bureau suffered heavy losses. Many deacons have arrived from all over Faroland, and they are still adding troops.

What's more, Zoro, a strange hero who is both good and evil, clashed with the skeleton gang. Before that, the ghost hand and him had been in harmony with each other.


Beside Ryan, two cowboys were drinking too much, and a red-nosed cowboy shouted: "I have a cousin who is a mounted policeman, and he told me that the seventh inning is recruiting!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity to become an extraordinary person! "

Another cowboy with a thin face and black hair was hesitant: "I know this too, but it's too dangerous to run to fight ghouls!

We may not live to be officially hired afterwards, how many people do you think have signed up? "

"Wealth and wealth are in danger! If you want to become an extraordinary person, how can you not take risks!" The red-nosed cowboy said firmly.

The inch-cut cowboy sighed: "Maybe the 7th inning was not so kind, we might just be cannon fodder!"

Ren's eyes flickered when he heard the words. He knew that the existence of extraordinary people in this world is no secret, but the threshold for the path of extraordinary is really high.

Various resources, guidance methods, supporting professional skills and advanced information to unlock the potential of the body are not available to ordinary people.

There are often ordinary people who, after encountering an extraordinary person, will stick to it with a stern face, hoping to seize that slim chance.

Of course, such a person will either be rejected, or there will be no good end.

When Catherine took Ryan to join the Witcher Association, the first sentence of the old goat was:

'Where did you get this stupid bird?Lack of cannon fodder and bait recently? '

There are often extraordinary professionals who will use ordinary people who are eager to touch the path of the extraordinary and let them be cannon fodder.

But this kind of thing is voluntary by those people, even if they die, they will not blame the professionals.

Some wizards even take advantage of this to trick people into doing human experiments.

Ordinary people and extraordinary people form a connection, and they may reach the sky in one step, or they may fall into the abyss.

It once happened that there was a blood feud between a third-level extraordinary person and a fourth-level extraordinary person (the awakened one among the civilians), and the third-level extraordinary person couldn't do anything to the other party's queen.

He ran to the hometown of the fourth-order extraordinary person, a small village, and killed the entire village, nearly a hundred people, including many childhood playmates of the fourth-order extraordinary person.

In the end, the third-order transcendent was caught and executed, but those innocent villagers couldn't survive.

Although there are not many such extreme cases, there are countless similar tragedies. There are two circles between extraordinary people and ordinary people.

Ordinary people and superhumans intersect, it is possible to rise to prosperity, and it is also possible to die without a whole body.

That's why Ryan was planning not to move bricks back then. Mr. Julian Fisher, the foreman, wanted to keep him, but when he heard that he was going to work as a bartender in Baker's Bar, he immediately avoided snakes and scorpions.

Thinking of this, Ren sighed, he was considered lucky, because of the energy of the stars, he was regarded as a "born awakened person", otherwise, he didn't know how much suffering he would have to suffer to get up from the bottom.

Thinking about it this way, that golden finger that has no sense of existence and often forgets even himself - the cheating "gardener No. 404".

It seems to be useful, at least so that he doesn't have to start from scratch.

Unlike the two cowboys in front of them, they had to risk their lives to seize that chance and embark on the path of extraordinaryness.

Since the starting point is considered good, we should work harder and not embarrass the celestial traversers.

After drinking three glasses of wine, Ren stood up and went to the bar to pay the bill. The bartender reminded him: "Young man, Dillamo City is on the edge of the plain, and it is a small city, so it is still orderly.

But once in the hinterland, no matter men, women or children, don't trust any strangers.Even a gun can't scare the people there. "

"Thank you for the reminder!" Feeling that this person was very enthusiastic, Ren smiled and thanked him.

The bartender's beard twitched, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he waved his hand: "You're welcome, who told you that you look so much like my son."

Ren's smile faltered, with black lines all over his head, before he could say anything.

"Haha, here we go again, the daily repertoire!" A drunk laughed loudly.

The red-nosed cowboy slapped his thigh: "Newcomer, feel the care of Papa John!"

"Outsiders, I would like to remind you that if you go forward, anyone who is enthusiastic about you will have plans for you, such as wanting to be your father!"

"You have been baptized, newcomer, I wish you prosperous martial arts!"

"I wish you prosperous martial arts!"

"Kill, kill those ghouls! Let them know how powerful the Pugney cowboy is!"

"The only thing that can protect the homeland is iron and blood!"


Shouts sounded one after another, as if it was some kind of local welcome ceremony.

Ren looked astonished, and the bartender patted him on the shoulder: "No matter why you choose to go in at this time, as long as you are an enemy of ghouls, you are a good boy of Farolan!

Now here are a lot of people who just lost their homes and were forced to flee.

They want someone to drive out the ghouls, so whether they mean it or not, they give their blessings to the cowboys who go in. "

"is it?"

Ren held down the cowboy hat, turned around and walked away, walking towards the Pegasus Square in the south of the city.

He suddenly remembered a book he had read - "Enthusiasm for Faroran", which was written by a royal minister during the time of Charles IV more than 100 years ago.

There is such a passage above:

"We failed and failed to build the ideal huge empire. I don't understand why Faroran can't stand on top of the world like Nockman and San Joan.

The people do not support us, thinking that we are war fanatics, the church intervenes, and the Royal Family of Nockman also intervenes, and the Steam Alliance acquiesces in this.

All previous efforts were in vain, and we had to withdraw our troops from Casevia.

Your Majesty seemed exhausted, we finally compromised, and as the loser, the Fire Dragon Knights were disbanded, the soldiers were disarmed and returned to the field, and the glory was dimmed accordingly.

Faroran also needs to change and become harmless to humans and animals, otherwise the church will not give up.

I asked His Majesty, if things go on like this, after 100 years, Farolan will only be soft-hearted!
He told me that whether it is Nockman or San Joan, they all use the blood of the enemy to forge their glory.

He said that 100 years later, we may still have a chance.I believe him, I am 36 years old, I can live to 100 years from now!
At that time, I put on the white leather armor, put on the red robe, drew out the sharp sword, and told everyone in the world that there are still invincible red-robed cavalry! "

The person who wrote this book was the deputy head of the Fire Dragon Knights, and now the director of the 7th Bureau of Faroran - Karl Mordred
(End of this chapter)

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