Ancestor Bless: I built a thousand-year-old family

Chapter 815: The father is kind and the son is filial, what a great Wei!

Chapter 815: The father is kind and the son is filial, what a great Wei!

"Beep, beep."

Cao Lin was looking blankly when suddenly there was a burst of messy footsteps coming from outside the hall.

A group of officials wearing scarlet and black clothes appeared outside the palace.

Then at a glance, he saw the emperor lying in a pool of blood, and Cao Lin, whose face was covered with red blood and whose eyes were confused.

The look of disbelief hit everyone's faces almost instantly.


They couldn't believe, couldn't believe, didn't want to believe what they saw.

That's regicide.

In the ancient Zhou Dynasty, there were records of regicide, but it was an era when rituals collapsed and music was ruined, and it was an era when everyone talked about it.

Even in that era, anyone who killed a king would eventually be ostracized by the world, nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and liquidated by the righteous people of the world.

After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the morality and consciousness of the entire world were reshaped, and the word loyalty was passed down from generation to generation.

This is something everyone in the world abides by.

Among the princes of Jingnan, why was only the unparalleled Wuxiang Hou Luoshi, who left for the Western Regions just after the Jingnan period? Why was he the only one who, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, was worried about his reward? Because in the eyes of many simple-minded people, he was flawed. , he himself feels so, this is Luo's insistence on what he preaches.

The last regicide was by Dong Zhuo. In fact, no one knew about Dong Zhuo's regicide. Emperor Min of the Han Dynasty died in a dark room. The people who carried out the regicide were all Dong Zhuo's own people, but the unparalleled loyal Wu Hou Luokong knew about it.

In the end, Luo Kong killed Dong Zhuo in front of everyone, maintaining the tradition of regicide death.

And now?

Cao Lin finally reacted from his confusion. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that these people thought he had killed the emperor. He suddenly panicked and wanted to defend himself: "Everyone..."

A miserable wailing sound came, interrupting what Cao Lin wanted to say. Then Cao Lin saw a familiar figure kneeling over and stumbled over. When he took a closer look, he turned out to be his son, Cao Chengsi!

His face was covered with tears, as if in extreme grief, and with extreme disbelief, he wailed: "Father, are you, you..."

A chill shot up from his back and hit the back of Cao Lin's head. Half of his body was numb like a lightning strike. Looking at the eyes of the people around him, he felt as if he had fallen into the Yellow River, and his whole body was covered with turbid sand. Can't even wash it.

Looking at his son, who was kneeling at his feet and crying bitterly, the chill in his heart grew stronger.

That's it!

It turned out to be the case.

I really gave birth to an incredible son!

But I really can’t bear the blame for regicide, your father. Son, I’ll leave this matter to you.

Just as Cao Lin was about to speak, Cao Chengsi was one step ahead of him again. He knew his father very well, and it was absolutely impossible for him to take the blame. He immediately grabbed the corner of Cao Lin's clothes and cried: "Father, you are a loyal minister of the Wei Dynasty. You are a loyal minister of His Majesty. It is absolutely impossible that you did this. Who killed Your Majesty? As His Majesty's most loyal minister, I want to avenge Your Majesty!"


Cao Lin couldn't turn his head. Cao Chengsi's deep affection made him speechless. He glanced at the man kneeling on the ground involuntarily and thought to himself: "Isn't this the person you found? 伱Now ask me who killed the emperor?"

Cao Chengsi was furious, strode up to the man who killed the emperor with his own hands, and asked in a vicious and angry voice: "Who are you and why do you want to kill the emperor!"

The soldier glanced at Cao Lin deliberately and involuntarily. This scene was noticed by everyone, and then he said in a low voice: "The emperor has killed my whole family. I can't wait to cut him into pieces. Kill him with one sword. It's already..." Cheap for him.

If you want to kill or behead, please do as you please. "

A smile flashed across Cao Chengsi's eyes, but he still said sternly: "Absurd! It's simply ridiculous!

Expose the mastermind behind you and leave you a complete body. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the person in front of him had black blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and he actually committed suicide by taking poison.

Death warrior!

A real dead soldier, almost everyone stepped back in shock.

Only Cao Chengsi took another step forward and shouted loudly to everyone: "Can't traces of a person be found after he dies?

Lifting his visor and collecting information about him from all the people in Wei Dynasty, I don't believe that we can't find any trace of him or the person behind the scenes. "

At this time, even Cao Lin couldn't help but start to doubt his own judgment. Was it really not Cao Chengsi who killed him?

His brain is indeed far inferior to Cao Chengsi's. His thinking has begun to exonerate Cao Chengsi, while the others are becoming increasingly suspicious of him.

The soldier who had previously held this man down quickly lifted up his visor.


Even the battle-hardened soldiers were so frightened that they pulled back their visors. What appeared under the visor was a completely disfigured face, and it was impossible to tell who it was.

This is a real dead soldier, a dead soldier who is well prepared, just to complete the important task of regicide.


Deathly silence!

No one spoke in the palace. After an unknown period of time, someone finally spoke and said angrily: "Kill the king to seize the throne, Cao Lin, General, what are you going to do?"

Upon hearing this, Cao Chengsi immediately said without waiting for Cao Lin to speak: "Everyone, I think the regicide can never be my father. If he really wanted to kill the king, why didn't His Majesty the Emperor die from a stray arrow during the battle? Why? Instead of using a white silk ribbon and a glass of poisonous wine in a dark room, how about using a sword in the main hall?

These are all serious doubts!

Moreover, everyone, do you really want everyone in the world to know that regicide has occurred in our country of Wei?

Do you all want to go down in history and let the world know about the regicide of my great Wei clan?

Don’t let your family’s scandal show up to anyone!

We are the only ones who know these things now, and we Cao family members are the only ones who know these things now.

If the world knew about it, would those nobles rebel?

In addition, will the other countries unite to attack me, the Wei Dynasty, under such a banner?

Will the state of Wei Dynasty be destroyed in this?

Will the state of Wei Dynasty collapse because of this?

And couldn't this person be a spy sent by other countries?

Have we seen too few spies from Liang and Yan in recent years?

Everyone, think twice!

For the state of Wei!

This matter must be covered up! "

Most of the people who appeared here were relatives and relatives of the Cao family. After hearing what Cao Chengsi said, they immediately fell silent and said that the most important thing was the state of Wei.

Without Wei, they, the powerful people of the Cao family, would be the worst off.

Cao Chengsi grasped this point and made them take advantage of them. He was a first-rate person in calculating people's hearts.

"But the army attacked the imperial city and His Majesty the Emperor died in the palace. What should we do?

Even if we don't say anything, how will outsiders guess? "

Cao Chengsi looked at the corpses of the eunuchs on the ground and pointed: "Of course it was these eunuchs who held His Majesty hostage, and naturally it was these people who joined forces with other countries to kill Your Majesty.

We received your majesty's edict, so we led the army to rescue your majesty. The edict can be issued now.

No one will know the truth, and neither will the historians. We can look at those scholars who confuse right and wrong, and kill those who disobey them. "

Everyone said in shock: "Kill those who record history? How is this possible? There has never been any precedent."

When it comes to killing historians, even emperors like Emperor Han Rui and Emperor Han Ling have never killed any historians. Four hundred years since the establishment of the Han Dynasty, there has been no precedent for killing historians.

Cao Chengsi said with a cold face: "Why not?

During the Zhou Dynasty, some people tampered with history books and killed historians, but the Luo family destroyed the country. Where is the Luo family now?

Without Luo Shi, who would care about the historian?

And we don’t really want to kill the historian, we just tell the historian the truth.

We killed all those who spread rumors, those who deliberately smeared Wei, and those who slandered the imperial court.

Who will know the truth? "

Cao Chengsi's words were like heavy hammers hitting everyone's minds. Luo Shi was gone, and the historian's backstage was gone. So that was it.

Moreover, Cao Chengsi did not want to kill the historian, which made everyone feel a lot better. Those who spread rumors, slander, slander, and smear the imperial court should indeed be severely punished and punished.

Regardless of whether you can deceive others, at least deceive yourself first.

At this point, Cao Chengsi knew that he had persuaded these people, and then the blame for the regicide was placed on other unknown people on the surface, but in the hearts of these people, it was placed on his father.

Probably these clan members now feel that they said so much to exonerate their father.

Cao Chengsi could already imagine the future scenario. Most people would think that an unknown person killed the emperor. In the top circles, it was his own father who killed the emperor.

No matter what, he is clean.

Now there is only one thing left, how to seize the highest power in this situation.

He did so many things not just to make wedding clothes for others, but for the throne and to become the supreme ruler of the entire Wei Kingdom.

But he still tried his best to restrain his thoughts and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the country cannot live without a king for a day. Now that His Majesty has been killed by a traitor, we should support His Majesty's heirs.

When your Majesty's youngest son was born, the house was filled with purple light. This was a sign of the birth of Ziwei. We should support your Majesty's youngest son. He will definitely prosper the Wei Dynasty. "


When everyone heard this, they were startled and doubtful again, "The emperor's youngest son is just one year old. Isn't he too young? And the elder is abolished and the younger is established. Isn't this a recipe for disaster?

Wouldn’t this allow the world to see the civil strife in Wei Dynasty? "

Cao Chengsi waved his hand and said: "In prosperous times, abolishing elders and raising younger ones is indeed a way to bring disaster, but in troubled times, the country should have virtuous people to govern the world. Your Majesty's eldest son is extremely naughty, and I believe you all know it.

Your Majesty has not established him as prince for so many years. Doesn't that explain the problem?

Because His Majesty is dissatisfied with him, and we are all His Majesty's loyal ministers, shouldn't we follow His Majesty's will and choose a monarch who is better for Wei?

Now that the country has reached this point, if we continue to be unable to change, we can only wait for Yan or Liang to invade our Wei State and die, and the country will be destroyed. "

The trick of killing one's body and destroying the country is really tried and true. With Wei State's continuous external failures, Murong Ke became Cao Chengsi's biggest bargaining chip to coerce Wei State's Cao family members.

Sure enough, when Cao Chengsi said this, everyone immediately hesitated again. Cao Chengsi took the opportunity to say: "Although the youngest son of Emperor Daxing is still young, the country has important ministers to assist him, so there will be no problems. Just like the Yan Kingdom, Murong Ke If he is not also assisting the government, is there any chaos in Yan State?

What's wrong with our country, Wei?

Now we should unite together to get through the current crisis first, and face the big problem of His Majesty's recent death, without making matters worse in other aspects. "

Cao Chengsi kept talking about the overall situation of the country, and in the eyes of everyone, he showed a complete concern for the country and the people. In this situation where everyone was panicked and in urgent need of a backbone, he became the pillar.

"Just do as you say!"

Even though Cao Chengsi was a junior, he was still recognized. This was the third step of Cao Chengsi's plan. By taking the blame, he would take over his father's power. As a general who could temporarily compete with the emperor, Cao Lin's power is quite huge. Cao Chengsi began to seize the power that belonged to his father early. At this point, he completely transferred the support of these clansmen to himself.

He wants to go directly to heaven and become a minister assisting the government!

He believes that this is not his final point, but another starting point. One day he will become the emperor. A little emperor cannot be an obstacle to him at all.

Cao Lin had no idea what was going on. He just felt that with just a few words, he became an outsider.

Little did they know that in the eyes of everyone, he, a regicide who had committed an unforgivable crime, had been protected by his son, but those who dared to regicide would not associate with Cao Lin. Official history books can They can control it, but Ye Shi cannot control it. They don't want to be someone who will be reviled for eternity.

Cao Chengsi acted very quickly. His plan was almost successful tonight. He was very excited. He immediately asked people to bring the emperor's youngest son, and then asked people to clean up the emperor's body, and then ordered the dead soldiers to kill the previous ones. All the soldiers who entered the palace were dealt with to prevent rumors from spreading out of these people's mouths.

Finally, he took a group of people and wrote one edict after another in Weiyang Palace.

When the little prince appeared in the palace with his arms in his arms, everyone knelt down with complicated eyes. Wei had ushered in a new emperor. As for Cao Mao's eldest son, he might fall ill and die at the right time.

The next day.

When the sun rises and shines on the city of Chang'an, everything has returned to calm. Only the traces that have not yet been cleaned up on the streets prove that what happened yesterday was not an illusion.

The ministers were asked to enter the palace.

The entire city of Chang'an is still under martial law.

The palace had been cleaned up overnight, with only some corners still stained with dried blood. The corpses had been burned and discarded. After a burst of killing, it became even more cold and lonely.

When the courtiers entered the palace, they felt chilly.

When Cao Chengsi appeared in the hall with the emperor in his arms, the courtiers could no longer bear it, and countless people raised questions.

Cao Chengsi recounted the details of last night in a rather ambiguous tone, and finally said emphatically: "The general failed to save His Majesty in time, and in the end His Majesty was killed by a traitor. The General was so ashamed that he resigned from his position and prepared to My clan members and I have thought about it for a long time before we retire and return home. Although this matter cannot be said to be the General's fault, it is indeed detrimental to protecting His Majesty, so we honor the General's request."

These last words instantly caused an uproar in the palace. This reason was really ridiculous. How could Cao Lin take the initiative to give in? Something else must have happened that caused Cao Lin to leave on his own initiative.

What will happen?

One word appeared in everyone's mind - regicide!

It must have been that Cao Lin's regicide was discovered by these clansmen, and then he was abandoned by the clansmen collectively, which led to what happened now. Although Cao Lin was powerful in the court, he did not dominate the sky with one hand, so naturally there were people who opposed him.

He immediately asked loudly: "Cao Lin led an army to attack the palace. This is an unpardonable crime. His Majesty the emperor died in the palace. Wasn't it Cao Lin who committed regicide?"

Can a regicide live openly in this world? "

Cao Chengsi interrupted his words and said coldly: "Do you have any evidence?

What are your intentions in slandering a minister of a country without evidence, especially at a time when the country's survival is at stake?

If I say one more word, I will let you know what the law is like prison! "

As soon as Cao Chengsi made this naked threat, Minister Qingliu immediately retorted again. As soon as he said two words, he was interrupted by the guards and dragged him down. He raised his knife and dropped it, and died outside the palace.

The rest of the people in the palace fell silent instantly. Those who were angry did not dare to speak. They just stared at Cao Chengsi fiercely, staring at this domineering man who had gone to nowhere. He was even more domineering than Cao Shuang back then!

However, Cao Chengsi did not continue to speak harshly, but said gently: "Don't look at me like this, is this what I want?

Today, the country is in a troubled time. Emperor Daxing has just returned to heaven and His Majesty has just ascended the throne. It is a critical moment. What the country needs to do now is to unite as one and guard every city to guard against attacks from other countries and rebellions within the country.

I promise that all the questions you have now will be answered at the ceremony in six months' time. Now I ask all ministers to do their own things well.

Don't do these things that hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy. What do you think, ministers? "

Cao Chengsi's statement was just a procrastination. When everything settles, and there is still time for him to eliminate his dissidents, who else will say something without thinking at that time?

He would never confront all the ministers.

In the minds of many people, the regicide was Cao Lin, not Cao Chengsi. Although Cao Chengsi did protect Cao Lin, they were father and son. This was exactly Cao Chengsi's filial piety towards Cao Lin, and there was no Direct evidence proved that Cao Lin committed regicide, so Cao Chengsi was able to stand in the hall openly, holding the emperor in his arms as an assistant.

The ministers looked at each other, and finally knelt down slowly and saluted the little emperor, "Meng Luo God's grace, the emperor of the Wei Dynasty, long live and prosper." The sun's light was very high, but it couldn't shine. Entering the hall, it is completely dark, with no light for a long time.


Liang Guo, Jianye.

There were many Liang Guo secret works in Wei State, and the news that happened in Wei State was of course spread back as soon as possible. Of course, these news were a mixture of official news and gossip.

Luo Xianzhi looked at these messages carefully and began to think about the logic crazily. First of all, he was sure that the person who killed the king was from Wei. He officially denied the rumors about Cao Lin's regicide. .

But one of the laws of politics is that what the official denies is more likely to be the truth, so there is a high probability that Cao Lin committed regicide, but Luo Xianzhi felt that it was not that simple.

Before he could think more, someone from the palace came to invite him into the palace. The officials of Shangshu Province looked at Luo Xianzhi with envy as he left with the eunuch.

What is power?

Being close to the emperor means having power. The power of their chief official is definitely one of the highest in the Shangshu Ling. He can see the emperor every two days, which makes the official position of Shangshu Ling very valuable. increased.

After Luo Xianzhi entered the palace, Xiao Yan asked directly: "Lingxiu, do you know what happened in Wei State? Wei State suddenly changed its emperor. Is this our opportunity?

Why do you think Wei is like this?

I don't think Cao Mao is like this. He should not suddenly encounter such a misfortune. "

Why is Wei doing this?

Luo Xianzhi muttered: "Your Majesty, there is logic behind many things in this world. For example, if the people cannot survive, they will rebel. If too many people cannot survive, the country will perish. This is logic.

But there are still many illogical things in the world.

Your Majesty, if you look at this world with the understanding that all people in high positions are wise and wise, then there will be countless things in this world that you cannot understand.

In the eyes of ordinary people, those who can achieve high-ranking positions and show their nobility should have their own abilities.

But you must know very well that meat eaters are despicable.

This world is actually a group of brainless people who rule the majority of people.

What happened in the Wei State was probably a sudden coup, and it was probably a group of idiots instigated by someone's few words, and then developed all the way to the point where they could no longer control it.

For example, the former general of Wei State played a very important role in this coup, but he probably didn't know what he was doing until he lost power.

There is no logic to what he did. How can we know what happened?

For things in this world, we should not ask why, but what is possible. Appointing wise people can avoid these things, while appointing unworthy people will encounter these things. "

Luo Xianzhi's words were very simple. He didn't know what happened in Wei State, but he knew the principle. It was simply that there were too many stupid people, which ultimately led to unpredictable results.

Because stupid people do things without considering the consequences, but smart people can think, and by thinking they can avoid many unnecessary things.

Xiao Yan was both satisfied and dissatisfied with this answer. The occurrence of the regicide made him feel uncomfortable all over. After this incident, he had no intention of doing anything else.

He didn't even want to attack Wei. After hesitating, he asked: "Lingxiu, do you think this kind of thing will happen in our Liang Kingdom? Is there any minister who is dissatisfied with me and wants to kill me."

Luo Xianzhi immediately said: "Your Majesty, please don't think like this. Once you start to doubt, the country will go downhill."

Xiao Yan paced in the palace, "I suspect that the regicide is that Cao Lin, but he is a clan member of the Wei State. Eunuchs and relatives cannot be trusted, and the nobles cannot be trusted. Now, even clan clan members cannot be trusted." ?

What else is there to trust?

Do I want to govern the country by myself?

After a hundred years, shouldn’t I be able to entrust the country and society to anyone else? "

Luo Xianzhi raised his voice slightly and said: "Your Majesty.

The reason why what is happening now in Wei State is because the power is too unbalanced. What I am doing now is to avoid this. Besides, I am here and I will be loyal to Your Majesty.

I just feel that eunuchs can be trusted, relatives can be trusted, nobles can be trusted, and clan relatives can be trusted. As long as you maintain a good balance and choose the right person, there will naturally be loyal ministers in the world.

As long as you establish a good system and prevent those with ulterior motives from taking advantage of loopholes, it will be enough to maintain the stability of the throne.

I have some theory on this matter. Would you like to hear it? "

Xiao Yan was in urgent need of someone to comfort him, so he immediately said, "Lingxiu, tell me, I want to hear it."

Luo Xianzhi pondered briefly and said: "Your Majesty, the eunuchs, relatives, nobles, and clansmen you mentioned just now cannot be trusted, so I will use these four to tell you.

The choice of eunuchs is the most critical. Most of these people have some mental problems due to physical disabilities. This is human nature. Therefore, when your majesty chooses eunuchs, you must be cautious and give these eunuchs something. , can make their souls become different.

Gold, silver, jewels, and jade will only make them corrupt, but beyond that, you need to make them feel that they are real people, so that they will die for your orders.

Relatives and clan members must be put together. It is extremely difficult for a relative to usurp the throne. There has been no precedent of a relative usurping the throne since ancient times. However, during the Zhou Dynasty, there were examples of clan usurping the throne.

This is because under the patriarchal system, foreign relatives are not qualified to seize the throne. However, with the success of powerful officials like Cao Cao, it is actually possible for foreign relatives. Therefore, at this time, foreign relatives and clan relatives need to balance each other.

Never use relatives to balance other forces, and not all relatives can use it.

First of all, we must ensure that the future queen mother cannot be biased towards her mother's clan. In this case, it is feasible to reuse a relative, that is, the emperor's uncle, to ensure the emperor's position.

Relatives and relatives are the power of the royal family, and only the balance between the two can be achieved. This is a point that is extremely easy to be ignored.

Finally, there are the gentry.

This is the most powerful faction. Whether they are clan members, relatives, or even eunuchs, the same is true. They will eventually become nobles, so the checks and balances on the nobles are particularly important. All forces must oppose the nobles.

But we must ensure that the nobles will not become disheartened. Once this group of people becomes discouraged, the damage caused will not be comparable to the previous ones. The governance of the country still mainly relies on the nobles.

The restraint of the nobles not only relies on checks and balances, but also mainly relies on moral ideas. Most of these scholars have some ideals. Preserving these people's ideals is the only way.

Live for the Tao, die for the Tao.

This is something deep in the hearts of many readers.

I dare to say two things.

The things of Taoism and Buddhism can only be used as things for fun, and they must not be used to govern the country. Especially, they cannot be used as ideas to integrate the country. They will only cause dispersion, which is detrimental to the country.

The common people of poor families are equal to the nobles. Perhaps the two are the future nobles and can be treated as the same category. "

Xiao Yan felt quite enlightened when he heard this. After pondering for a long time, he said, "Am I too dependent on my clan members?"

Relying on kinship is something that every country in the world is doing today.

Although it is often said that the only lesson one learns from history is that one learns nothing.

But in fact there are still changes. From a historical perspective, the reason why the state of Zhou Dynasty has been able to last for so many years is because of its reliance on clans and relatives. The Han Dynasty can once again obtain the destiny of heaven. It is because of clans that Liu Bei's Han Kingdom is even here now.

Cao Cao's Wei State was able to be established because of the great efforts of the Cao family and Xiahou family.

The Yan family of the Yan Kingdom lost the throne because of the lack of power of the clan. One by one, everyone saw it, so now all countries generally rely on the clan.

As a result, now that the Wei State incident has occurred, who can not be afraid?

Xiao Yan was able to fight on his own, and Luo Xianzhi helped him sort out domestic affairs. He began to wonder if he relied too much on his clan, and the same was naturally true for several other countries.

Facing the emperor's question, Luo Xianzhi found helplessly that he could only say yes.

Because Xiao Yan really relied on the royal relatives. In the Liang Kingdom, it was very normal for the royal relatives to travel to various states and important counties, but now Xiao Yan felt that it was abnormal.

Hearing what Luo Xianzhi said, Xiao Yan became more and more uneasy as he thought about it, "Lingxiu, if I start adjusting the positions of these clan members now, what will be the consequences?

I think you are right. I should put my relatives and relatives together, and give them more power to the noble families and poor families. "

Luo Xian felt bad after hearing this. Such a big personnel change would cause an uproar, especially if it weakened the power of the clan, it would inevitably cause a backlash. The trigger for the Wei State incident was not that the emperor issued a letter to summon the gentry. of the imperial edict.

He immediately said: "Your Majesty, I don't recommend doing this now. We have just attacked the noble clans. If we attack the clan now, it may lead to unpredictable results. In case there are some people who have disloyal intentions." The clan members of the clan and the powerful noble families joined forces to start a rebellion in Jiangdong, and when that happens, it will not be easy to end."

Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with a murderous cold light, and his power of killing countless people on the battlefield was fully displayed. He said in a cold voice: "Then I have to ask whether their necks are stiff or my sword is stiff."

Luo Xianzhi advised: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be like this. If there is a mutiny in Jiangdong, it will be our country, Daliang, that will be harmed in the end. If the war lasts a little longer, won't it give Han a chance?"

Regardless of victory or defeat, my vitality is destined to be seriously injured. This is completely unnecessary.

Give me some time, and I can take back the power from the clan for you without any bloodshed. The situation in Jiangzuo must be stabilized first, and now is a good opportunity for me, Daliang. Your Majesty must seize this opportunity. "


As soon as he mentioned this, Xiao Yan immediately asked: "Lingxiu, is the opportunity you mentioned..."

The two said in unison: "Yizhou!"

Yizhou has always been a pain in the hearts of the Liang people. As long as the thought of Yizhou is in the hands of the Wei state, the Liang state has trouble sleeping and eating. For the current Liang state, among the three northern kingdoms, the only one that can destroy the Liang state is the Wei state.

Although Yan and Han were strong, they had no navy at all and could not train their navy. All the places where Han could train its navy had been taken away by Liang. The most that these two countries could do was on the Huaihe River. On the side, Liang Guo looked helpless.

But Wei is different. Wei has a state, so it can train its navy in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and then attack Liang along the Yangtze River. Back then, Chu was passively beaten by Qin.

Therefore, taking back Yizhou has always been one of Liang's big plans. This big plan even surpasses the acquisition of Qingzhou and other places.

But Yizhou is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Especially when facing Yizhou from Jiangdong, they use the low to attack the high and the low to attack the upper. It is really difficult to conquer, but now the turmoil in the Wei State has given Liang a chance.

Xiao Yan had quite a say in the military affairs. He sighed: "Even if there is turmoil in the Wei State, Yizhou can only be opened by one man and ten thousand men. This opportunity is not easy.

Even if I personally lead the army, I am not sure that I can invade Yizhou. The Chu family was too incompetent to lose Yizhou, which is why we, Daliang, are in such a difficult situation now. "

Luo Xianzhi heard this but said seriously: "Your Majesty, although I am not very proficient in military affairs, looking at the history books, how many siege wars actually led to the capture of the city?

The upper armies attack and plan, the middle armies attack and make friends.

The last resort is to really attack the city. Now there is unrest in Wei State. Yizhou was originally the food and grass land of Wei State. Cao Mao's cronies are guarding here, and there are also local nobles in Yizhou.

Now that Cao Mao died in Chang'an without any explanation, and the court has not yet found the emperor's murderer, what do Cao Mao's cronies think? It is said that many nobles died in Chang'an, so what do these nobles think?

Will the people guarding Yizhou worry about revenge from Cao Chengsi, who now dominates Chang'an?

I think that with these things, we can completely counterattack Yizhou, instead of being unable to successfully capture Yizhou despite countless casualties and casualties. "

Xiao Yan nodded when he heard the words and said: "Lingxiu, what you said makes sense. If we can really take back Yizhou in this way, I will definitely give you a great merit. After that, I will give you an official position and no one can say it." What happened?"

Luo of Jiangdong is already a duke, so he definitely cannot add to his title, but he can add to his title, and Luo Xianzhi's current official position is not high. If he can achieve great success in recovering Yizhou, it will not only be Xiao Yan who can directly The influence of appointing him as Shangshu Ling will all disappear, and even adding a few more officials will be acceptable.

Luo Xianzhi doesn't care about these things. For him, these things are destined to be obtained, so there is nothing worth paying attention to.

All he thought about was the establishment of his own achievements and the prosperity of Liang State, as well as what he could leave to future generations.

Luo Xianzhi knelt on the ground under Xiao Yan's surprised gaze.

Such a gift was rarely given to Luo Xianzhi. In this era, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers was not so different, especially between the Luo family and the Xiao family.

Luo Xianzhi said loudly: "Your Majesty, I deeply hate the affairs of the Wei State, and the regicide is extremely evil.

I come from the Luo clan and have been taught by my clan since I was a child. Such a major event will cause great moral damage in the world.

Whoever created the figurines has no descendants?

I am sure that the current little emperor of Wei will never be able to sit in this position for a long time. The turmoil in Wei will start from now on.

I am very worried that Daliang will become like that. Most people in this world are superstitious about the power of the army and the power of the nobles, but they do not know the essence of mastering these things.

I don’t have any special abilities. I just hope that Your Majesty can maintain his original intention. The world is not that bad, and there are not that few loyal ministers in the world.

Starting from now on, Daliang's ideological ethos can become a clean slate among other countries. Only civilization can make a country prosperous, and only morality can make a regime stable.

I am very worried that your Majesty will fall into a situation where you have to use power in everything. It is up to you to use this kind of thing. Your Majesty only needs to unite everyone in the country. "

Xiao Yan has never seen Luo Xianzhi look so serious, and has never seen Luo Xianzhi say such corrupt words. In his impression, Luo Xianzhi is a ruler with very sharp methods and extraordinary talents. He is Luo You. The best heir.

But now Luo Xianzhi, whom he had never seen before, appeared in front of him like this. Xiao Yan suddenly knew what "my heart is bright" meant. This word was probably used for people like Luo Xianzhi.

His methods were so sharp that they could even be called ruthless. When faced with political opponents, he basically pushed them through like chopping melons and vegetables, and without hesitation, countless people either died or were exiled.

But his heart is so bright, as he just said, there are ideals in it.

Xiao Yan said with emotion: "I once had a minister like Qingyun, and now I have a minister like you, Lingxiu. I am probably the luckiest person.

I hope you and I, the monarch and my ministers, can always join hands, that's it. "

that's it.


During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it was generally believed that Cao Lin, the general of Wei State, killed Emperor Cao Mao of Wei Dynasty. We know that this is not the case, but Cao Lin was not punished as a regicide, and his son even took the throne. This is a very bad example. Everyone has to admit that a new round of moral collapse has begun.

The point that the author is interested in is a passage recorded by an eyewitness in a classic at that time, "At that time, Cao Chengsi said: 'The Luo family has no more to do to cheer up, and the history of Qing Dynasty has changed, and that's it.'" I lamented. Unable to speak."

Such emotion proves that the occurrence of this vicious incident is inextricably related to Luo's disappearance. Awe has been lost and morals have collapsed! ——"The Fission of Zhuxia: After the Disappearance of the Luo Family"

(End of this chapter)

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