Ancestor Bless: I built a thousand-year-old family

Chapter 632 The road I want to go is over

Chapter 632 The road I want to go is over
Emperor Ling!

This is a jaw-dropping result. The princes who fled all over the world, and the officials who watched Luoyang in the prefectures and counties were all silenced.

The ministers are trying to cheer up the Han Dynasty, so why did your Majesty become an only husband?
All of a sudden, the hustle and bustle around Luoyang stopped.

People of insight in the world know that this will definitely cause drastic changes in the hearts of the people in the world.

After Luo Xiao gave posthumous titles to Emperor Ling, he gave posthumous titles to a few officials of the Han Dynasty, but most of them did not. He gave posthumous titles to express his political stance.

Each posthumous title has its own purpose. For example, Lu Zhi and Huangfusong will definitely get a posthumous title. Although they are all dead, they still need to be commended to appease them.

Huangfu Song died on the battlefield, and Lu Zhi committed suicide. As long as the appeasement is in place, the problem will not be big.

Those ministers and relatives who help the spirit to abuse will naturally criticize severely, so that everyone in the world will know that these people deserve what they deserve when they are paraded through the streets.

After the Taiping Army broke Luoyang City, after these things, Jingzhou, mainly Nanyang, and the Taiping Army Qu Shuai from Hongnong and other places basically rushed to Luoyang City.

For a while, the Taiping Army basically disappeared among the states and counties, but at this time the main force in the world was not the Taiping Army, but swarms of bandits.

Now the Taiping Army has washed itself into the Tang-Wu Revolution through a series of campaigns, and the most important thing is that it has been recognized by a considerable number of scholars.

In the short term, this series of political actions is not a big problem, but the political impact it will cause will be extremely far-reaching. What Luo Xiao does is to directly dig the roots of the dynasty.

After finishing all these things one after another, Luo Xiao felt that his fate of being born in this world was coming to an end.

Luoyang Palace.

Luo Xiao lay quite leisurely in front of the main hall door, and the warm sunlight slanted down on his body.

He always wears Taoist robes. Although his appearance is not good, he has a heart-wrenching demeanor. This is probably the reason why his charm can reach 80.

Naturally, there were no maids around to serve him, but there were a few handsome men standing by his side all the time, listening to his teachings from time to time.

Luo Xiao was half asleep and half awake, and asked vaguely: "Those brothers are gone?"

What Luo Xiao was talking about was Commander Qu of the Taiping Army, dozens of commanders of the Taiping Army, and many of them led tens of thousands of Taiping Army to the prefectures and counties of Sili or Kanto.

After all, Luo Xiao's life is not long, and in Luoyang, where all the Taiping troops gather here, accidents are likely to happen.

In fact, this behavior of the Taiping Army has confused many people. They don't know why they left Luoyang. Some people even think that the Taiping Army is now about to start to unify the world.

But the people in Luoyang City don't think so, because the Taiping Army has no idea of ​​proclaiming emperor at all.

It seems that they just wanted to destroy the Han court and then ended their mission. Many scholars and ministers made indirect remarks, but the information they got was the same.

The Taoist will not proclaim himself emperor!

The Taiping Army will gradually leave Luoyang City, and now is the beginning of the realization of these rumors one by one, the Taiping Army has really left.

At this time, there were only five or six people around Luo Xiao. Hearing the Taoist's question, Zhang Yan quickly replied: "They are all gone, with boxes full of goods, brothers are still considered good friends." happy."

Luo Xiao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the blue Gao Tian, ​​"Why don't you leave, you have made great contributions, and the wealth bestowed on you is the most, the soldiers are fine and the food is sufficient, no matter where you go, you can get some merit."

Several people knelt on the ground immediately, and wept directly: "I just hope to be by the Taoist side, and don't want to do anything else, besides...

I just hope that I can accompany you through the last journey. "

Luo Xiao sighed slightly and said, "Where in this world is there a banquet that lasts forever?

Where in this world is there an immortal?Care about what this does.

But since you have this kind of heart, I also have something to say, remember, it may be useful in the future. "

Guan Hai, Zhang Yan, Bu Cai, Liao Hua, Zhou Cang, and Zhao Hong, who were kneeling on the ground, looked at each other a few times, and they were all pleasantly surprised.

Every sentence of the Taoist master's words is very useful. In today's troubled times, no one can see the general trend of the world clearly. Everyone is like a boat in the ocean, and they are afraid that they will capsize at any time.

Luo Xiao thought about what he should say?

"The world is about to become chaotic, and heroes from all walks of life will appear at this time.

My suggestion is that you should not be vassals vying for the world. It is not just a matter of talent, but your personality is relatively weak.

If you have to force yourself to be a prince, the end will definitely not be good.

In fact, if there is anyone among you who can compete for the world, I have already passed the way of peace to him. "

The six people looked at each other when they heard the words, but after examining themselves, they had to admit that the Taoist was right, so they listened more carefully.

"But at the same time, don't arbitrarily recognize the lord. You will be able to allocate a lot of troops in the future, and you can form an alliance with the princes who are more optimistic, and go to war as vassals.

In this way, even if you want to change the court, it is more convenient.

Although the difference between the Lord and Duke Ming is one letter, the gap between them is thousands of miles away.

As for how to choose the boss or the lord, it is nothing more than the four points of population, army, food, and talents, but the most easily overlooked point is the leader.

Temporarily strong is not considered strong, don't be bound by superficial prosperity, just like when we raised our troops, isn't the power of Hanting stronger than us?
But in the end it is us who are sitting here. "

Luo Xiao felt that he was getting more and more sleepy, so he tried to hold on to his drowsiness and said, "In the future, the princes of the world will follow the same model. The warlords from other places and the local gentry support each other, and then use clan relatives and poor families to check and balance the gentry. Use foreign surnames to check and balance clan relatives and poor scholars.

You should be at ease to play the role of generals with foreign surnames, put loyalty first, don't rely on merit to ask for other things, no matter which prince you are under, you can get glory and wealth.

If you really want to make some achievements and become famous in the history of the founding ministers, there is only one place to go, the land of the five states of Jiyan, Yuqing, Xu, where the heroes of the world must be born.

But this must be the main location of the war, and it will be very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces and wiped out. "

Luo Xiao's words shocked the six people. No one had ever told them these life-saving things so clearly, which moved everyone very much.

However, what Luo Xiao said later caused everyone to hesitate, Guan Hai asked aloud: "Master, how can we ensure a relatively safe passage through the troubled times?"

Now everyone's ears are pricked up, and the next words may be the key to survival in this troubled world, and it is something that is hard to change.

Luo Xiao pondered for a while and said: "The saying that there are golden corners and silver borders on the chessboard is actually the same as fighting for the world. Among the worlds, those corners and corners are the appendages of fighting for the world.

Such as Lingnan, such as Liaodong, such as the Western Regions, but these three places have now undergone changes. Conflicts will break out between Jiaozhi County and Lingnan Kingdom. There is Yan Kingdom in Liaodong, Youzhou is under tremendous pressure, and the Western Regions are facing the barbarians. first line.

Among the four seas, only Yizhou and Yangzhou are relatively safe.

But these two places are the most xenophobic, and the local gentry have serious connections with each other. If you enter it peacefully, the gentry of these two places will definitely cooperate with you, and maybe even marry you a daughter.

It doesn't matter even if the princes occupying the state are nervous and dissatisfied with you, you can ask yourself to be a vassal, and the local gentry will naturally let the previous princes agree to your entry. "

Luo Xiao didn't mention more conflicts of interest. For example, the gentry also checks and balances the entrenched local princes in order to highlight their status and importance. These people can't understand what they said, and they are still suspicious, which is harmful and not beneficial.

"If you really want to give it a try and make yourself the world's top heroes, then stay in Luoyang City. There are top leaders in this city who need you very much. They can bring you things you can't imagine, but at the same time they are dangerous. It will also increase dramatically, it is up to you to decide."

As Luo Xiao said that, the commanders of the Taiping Army nodded from time to time, probably never in this life was he more serious than this moment.

The melodious sound of the qin rang in everyone's ears, and it turned out that it was Cai Yong who came holding the qin. All the commanders of the Taiping Army knew that the Taoist master liked to listen to Cai Bojie playing the qin, so they all stood quietly by the side.

"Brother Bojie, I heard that one of your daughters left with Marquis Wushuang?"

Luo Xiao's sudden question made Cai Yong's hand playing the piano tremble a little, as if he didn't expect Luo Xiao to ask such a question, and replied: "Yes, Taoist, I had some misunderstandings about your army at that time, and I was worried I will burn Dongguan's collection of books, and the little girl almost memorized the Dongguan collection of books, so I sent the little girl away so that the books can be restored later."

Cai Yong didn't lie, if he knew that Zhang Jiao and the Taiping Army were such benevolent and righteous teachers, he would never send his daughter away and follow the army. He was really worried about whether Wen Ji could bear the fatigue.

Luo Xiao nodded knowingly, with a look of sudden realization on his face, "So that's it, it's really a world of great controversy, even strange women appear in groups.

Can Bo Jie play another song for Jiao? "

Cai Yong stroked the piano lightly and asked, "What does Taoist Master want to hear?"

"Let's play a Luoyang dance!"

Luo Xiao lay quietly, the sun was gradually shifting towards the west, but there were many footsteps from the palace gate, and most of the people who appeared when giving the Han Lingdi the posthumous title that day appeared.

The convening this time made most people confused. They looked at the invincible Tiandao Lord on the high steps, and they lay there quietly, but there was a stern look on their bodies. momentum.

Many people here are well-informed, and they have seen all kinds of heroes, but I have never seen someone like Zhang Jiao. He is very powerful in armor, but he is still most suitable to wear a Taoist robe, because when wearing a Taoist robe , would match his eyes very well.

That free and unrestrained feeling, the feeling of not paying attention to the so-called fame and wealth, or even the rules of the world, can be thrown away even if the throne is in front of him.

"What is the purpose of calling you here today? Presumably this is what you think in your heart."

Luo Xiao's voice spread far and far away, everyone looked up at him, Luo Xiao said leisurely: "Some of you still remember the Han Dynasty in your heart, I don't care, because the hearts of people can't be shattered .

Some people have ambition in their hearts, but I don't care, because ambition is shared by all people.

Some people follow the crowd and don't know whether they should follow the path of peace, and I don't care, because there are too many such people in the world. "

Following Luo Xiao's words, there was a little commotion under the palace walls, but no one said anything. It was really normal for these words to come from the mouth of the person in front of him.

"You are absorbed in the things of the world, this is the difference between us, but in the future you can use it to your heart's content."

Luo Xiao's words made everyone a little puzzled, why did they feel something was wrong?

It felt like he was going to tell his funeral, only a few handsome men were weeping inwardly.

Luo Xiao's voice became more and more ethereal, "I obeyed the order of the heavens and came to the world to abolish the fate of the big man. Today, it is considered a success. The fate of the big man has fallen, and there are only a few left in the hearts of some people. In, but no serious problem.

I have done everything I want to do, and I have walked the path I want to walk, so what is there in this world that is worth my nostalgia?

Only for thousands of years, the long river flows, the people's hearts are against each other, and Zhaozhao Qingshi keeps the traces of the way and the crown of justice for me. "

Are you really explaining the funeral?

Confessing the funeral in front of so many people is really something that only Zhang Jiao can do.

"it's dark!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, it can't be said that it was dark, it should be said that it was a small piece of black, and a piece of starlight fell on Zhang Jiao's body.

This process is extremely short, so short that even most people think it is their own illusion, but it cannot be an illusion in front of so many people.


Qu Shuai directly knelt on the ground, weeping loudly, Cai Yong was shocked, he rushed over quickly, breathed out, and suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Now everyone knows it's wrong!
Zhang Jiao is dead!

After that rather miraculous scene just now, Zhang Jiao actually died!

To shoulder the great cause and inherit the emperor's heaven is to unite Li Shu with peace and prosperity, to fight in Hebei and better than Heluo, and to write to the emperor of Han Dynasty to offer sacrifices to the emperor's heaven. His spirit is full of energy, his ambition is magnificent, and he can be called strong!

However, the principle of rise and fall lies not only in human affairs, but also in the destiny, the great energy of horns, and the extreme of human beings.

At that time, Yuan Cao ran to his life, Sun Liu escaped, Gongsun Lu Dong, and even Wushuang's five surnames, all of whom were exiled to states and counties.

Jiao is holding his hands behind his back, sitting on the common people, to watch the heroes bow their heads, Li and the common people use their lives, and the destiny turns, it seems to be in peace, but the emperor's career is about to be accomplished, and he dies violently, what a pity! ——"Historical Records of the Later Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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