Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 546: The Spirit of Vengeance, the Battle of Revenge

"what is that?"

Things happened so fast that no one had time to react, and no one realized the consequences of this counterattack.

The dazzling silver light was like a shadow. After passing through the steel of the battleship and the countless bodies inside, there was a faint thunder in the distant void.

Abaddon still sat on the throne, showing no reaction.

Kayon's secretive and worried eyes swept across him. He was probably still panting from the previous explosion.

The people who had the closest relationship with him were also the members of Azerkerion, the power organization that replaced the "Council of Four Kings" in the Black Legion. They could only watch the sword light passing through the fleet and disappearing. After the Starry Sky.

Of course, these people do not include Kayon.

This powerful wizard, who was dubbed the "Kingbreaker", was currently sorting out his spells in a panic.

The power of the original body based on the authority of order was too dazzling in his eyes. He had never seen such unscrupulous power. Even his own soul was shaken when he was swept by the sword light.

"Wake up, Ezekiel! My brother!"

Khayon's voice floated in the void, constantly trying to wake up Abaddon like catkins.

The wolf-like body of the accompanying guardian spirit Gaia was wandering near the fulcrum of his soul. Kayon knew that it was using its body and claws to deter any evil spirits who dared to overstep.

But that's all he can do.

The crown of the gods is so dazzling, and the authority it carries is so splendid, that his power cannot get close at all, and can only call to it from a distance like a ghost.

The effect of this call was not significant, and he could only wait for Abaddon to break free from that nightmare.

Yes, nightmare.

The Crown of the Four Gods is a curse to all. While it bestows great power on the chosen ones, it never conceals its naked malice.

Horus, the former Eye of the Empire and the genetic father of all Luna Wolves, fell into madness at the end of the Great Heresy because he could not withstand the pressure of the crown.

Not to mention Abaddon, who was born as a mere mortal and rebuilt the Black Legion on the remains of the defeated rebel legions.

But that is the choice of fate, and it is the will of the gods.Ezekiel had no choice, let alone refusal.

As long as he still wants to uphold Horus's wishes and take revenge on the Empire and the Emperor, he can only pick up the crown that was left behind by his father;
As long as he wants to regroup the former legions and make those Chaos Lords who only believe in power after throwing themselves into Chaos surrender, he cannot refuse the power from the gods.

So he recovered the sleeping Spirit of Vengeance, and also found and put on the lost crown again.

He even passed countless tests under the guidance of the gods, thus gaining the inhuman power in the crown;
After various magical experiences, he finally obtained the legendary regicide sword - Draconion.

With these powers, he fought a long campaign within the Eye of Terror that cannot be described in time, even as the Empire began to forget them after they were ruled by mortals.

He even donned the armor from Horus and resumed his role as Warmaster in defeating all duplicitous Chaos Lords.

Countless Astartes, scattered into Chaos warbands, were impressed by his inhuman force;

The once noble Primarchs also witnessed his position as the spokesperson of the gods in the mortal world after completing their ascension to the devil, and swore an oath of allegiance in front of him.

He witnessed all this indifferently, even though he knew the conspiracy in the hearts of those Chaos Lords;

He watched calmly as the noble demon princes bowed their heads, even though these beings were brothers who fought alongside his father when they were humans.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because he is Ezekiel, the strongest of all Astartes;
But it's too late. Who made them give up the road to championship in the first place and reach the end of their "road" with the permission of the gods?
No matter how powerful the demon prince is, he is still the incarnation and slave of the gods.

No matter how weak the four gods are, they are still the spokespersons appointed by the gods.

The former had already dedicated everything to the gods the moment he completed his ascension to the devil.

Everything in the world has nothing to do with them from now on.

The stage of destiny is also destined to need a new protagonist after their curtain call.

The latter is completely different. He is the embodiment of the will of the gods in the mortal world. He is also a brave warrior with a fearless heart. He is a great soul who embarks on the road to becoming a god while accepting the bet given by the gods.

Abaddon succeeded, but also failed.

His success lies in the fact that he successfully inherited all the property of his genetic father, Horus, and then established a huge army that could threaten the entire human empire;
His failure was that from the moment he put on that crown, he deeply understood all the pain that Horus experienced;
And for the next ten thousand years, he would always feel tortured by the price of this power.

"The road to becoming a god..."

In the darkness of countless eternal nights, Abaddon chewed on this tempting word over and over again.

He thought he still had room, room to appease his subordinates, and slowly dismembered that decadent country in revenge against the empire.

But the never-ending whispers and constant erosion and corruption in his soul made him constantly feel the danger from his soul, and at the same time, he was forced to give up even sleep...

He is becoming more and more silent. Not only the "Azekarion" people know this, but he actually knows it better.

It became increasingly difficult for him to calm down his inner emotions, because sometimes he would wonder in the never-ending tide of hallucinations how many of these emotions belonged to him...

And this also relied on the "blessing" of the gods to prevent him from encountering truly dangerous enemies during the battle.

He only lightly absorbed the outermost power of the crown, and was "lucky" to win victory from several deadly enemies in the past.

He thought he still had time so that he could find the secrets hidden by the gods in the universe.

But the news of Calvin's appearance was like a wake-up call for him, and even in a small voice, it alerted him to the greatest vigilance.

But he still miscalculated, starting from the sudden arrival of the gods' will to the Eye of Terror.

The dark crusade he planned to run on a thousand-year basis was forcibly advanced by the will of the mighty destroyer;
What frightened him even more was the awakening and burning of the crown in his soul after this decree came.

Well, if he still has the right to feel fear now.

He is stronger, but also crazier.

The power of the gods was like a talisman with a death line. After forcibly "gifting" the power, it further burned his remaining sanity.

But under this body sitting on the throne now, even Kayon, who has the closest relationship with him, doesn't know which will is in charge.

"Wake up... Ezekel..." Khayon was still calling, but the shock from behind the fleet was already heard.

He didn't even need to wait for the hatred intelligence report from the Spirit of Vengeance, he could see from his perception how many dead souls belonging to the Legion soldiers were added under the destroyed star gate.

They will never return, and unless the gods descend, they will never find their way out of the Warp.The fleet that the Legion had spent all their money to bring out also lost at least half in this devastating blow.

And that's not the point. The point is Farkus Kaibo, the warrior who has stood by Abaddon's side since the days of the Legion.

His dead soul is using his own death to warn everyone of the danger here;

And the man whose mere existence is enough to make the Chaos Wizards feel frightened is also looking here with his inhuman gaze after penetrating the thick layers of decks.

Yes, inhuman!But it made him feel conflicted.

Although Khayon had already followed Magnus in the era of the Great Crusade and met the Primarchs of various legions, and he even came from the Thousand Sons legion that was most targeted by the "Nikaea Agreement".

But he has never seen a soul with such characteristics, because this kind of soul has a clear non-human part from the very beginning!
No, that shouldn't even belong to life!
"With the power of destruction above, how could such a life exist?"

Kayon was amazed in his heart, but the spells in his hands had already begun to stack up one after another.

Gaia's body looms in reality, which is a sign that the extension of his soul is accelerating simultaneously.

He was preparing for the upcoming battle.

The Black Legion's fleet undoubtedly has an overwhelming advantage in this starry sky, but this does not mean that they are guaranteed to win.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if he were the owner of the Glory Queen opposite, which he had never seen before, he would definitely use a decapitation operation to buy enough time for the imperial fleet that was about to fail!

"He's coming..." Hoarse murmurs sounded behind Khayon. It was Abaddon who was opening his eyes and becoming more powerful than ever before in Khayon's spiritual vision.

"He's coming." This was what Kayon saw in the surrounding space, the dense and abnormal static electricity and cooling, and the psychic phenomenon he noticed.

The hateful intelligence of the Vengeful Spirit could only belatedly launch a piercing scream after the portal forged by storm and lightning appeared.

But everyone in this palace, which was inherited from the Great Crusade era and once had the blood of the Emperor and Sanguinius, was shocked by the other party's terrifying appearance!

"I'll come when I go."

These were the last words Calvin said to Tybos before leaving the Argent Dawn.

Both Tybus and the other Gray Knights knew that this was a last resort choice made by the original body when faced with a huge military disadvantage.

Gang-hopping is not unfamiliar to the Gray Knights, and even with their unique psychic qualities, short-term subspace travel is simply a piece of cake.

But no matter who you are, you can see from the size of the Spirit of Vengeance and the terrifying fleet behind it:
The master of this fleet is definitely the number one enemy that the entire empire has encountered in the past thousands of years!
"Take us!" the sons of Calvin, who were left behind on the Argent Dawn, begged their father.

But what responded to them was the calm command in the Legion's will:

"Guard the Silver Dawn and pick up the sacred objects transferred from the ground."

"As you wish!" Many Gray Knights bowed their heads in response, but the shame of not being able to accompany the original body made them unforgettable.

Still too weak, still too little!
Tybos swore that if he could return to Terra alive, he would definitely propose to the Grand Master Council in person to once again increase the frequency of recruitment for the Black Ship Alliance.

Even in some extreme cases, the more he refuses to recruit the legion, the more he will further decentralize it to various specific empire worlds!

The Emperor is above!What are they doing?
They want their Primarch to fight, but they have to stand behind him!
They want to watch the original body fight with the pitifully small Honor Guard in order to protect them!
This is a great shame for any Astartes who has the blood of the original body!

"Please take care!" Tabos looked at Calvin with red eyes.

On the land of Faer, the Gray Knights, who were already making rapid progress, were acting like crazy!

The roaring thunder is swaying in their hands like no money!

And the heavy halberd with the azure blade was waved endlessly by these giants in silver armor!
"Are they crazy?" said two messengers of despair in the shadows on the towering tower on the edge of the hive.

The black Gastalin terminators reflected a dim light on their bodies;
And under those ferocious spikes and long horns that are integrated with the body, there are doubtful eyes that cannot be blocked through the T-shaped eyepiece.

Looking at these unfamiliar Astartes, in just a dozen breaths, they rushed from the end of the field of vision to the corpse wave to their feet.

The two elite Chaos Astartes felt a huge threat, but had not yet waited for them to send a communication to the main force.

In a burst of dazzling silver lightning, those "strange compatriots" far away in the horizon appeared in front of them with a roar, waving lightning that could melt steel!

"For the Emperor!"

Violating the laws of physics, liquid-like thunder was thrown towards him.

"For the Titans!"

In the thunder that was enough to burn souls and melt through steel even after death, the gray knights' halberds did not forget to chop off the fallen bodies of the messengers of despair!


The two desperate messengers, who encountered the enemy, then engaged the enemy, and then were beheaded in front of them, did not feel the belated pain until their heads were cut off;
Not far from the hive, several fallen Astartes gathered together were alerted by the sound of war cries.

In the open space in front of and behind them, new storms and thunder were gathering again...

At the end of the starry sky in Zerita's hive, Calvin in orbit had a panoramic view of it all.

In his eyes, the Gray Knights were quickly shrinking towards the center of the hive under the leadership of little Calvin.

The vital signs of the scattered clusters of fallen Astartes were suddenly dimmed in front of these ten-man squads;
Large-scale war gangs, swayed by powerful traitors, were surrounded and strangled with the support of several squads assembled and the Thunder Eagles descending from the sky...

The Death Watch team had been there since half an hour ago and had not moved anywhere.

The two guards belonging only to Sutherland were marching in a straight line, rapidly shortening the distance between them.

But under a broader global perspective, the dimensions of this world and the color of the soul are conveying an ominous meaning to Calvin in a subtle way...

"I can't delay it any longer. I'll come as soon as I go!"

Calvin said to everyone in the will of the legion, and beside him, the members of the Imperial Guard and the Honor Guard had assembled.

On the huge psychic transmission array, the power bound by steel and crystal is rapidly condensing;

And as the Argent Dawn's auspicious array issued a "locking completed" notification, the original body and his guards disappeared in a dazzling light in the next moment!

Update, the old rules are combined into one. By the way, please vote at the end of the month.

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