Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 528 1 The fleeting moonlight

Chapter 528 The fleeting moonlight
Farr Galaxy, Hive City Zerita No. 226, Throne District, former Astropath Observation Station No. [-].

The clouds outside the window have already gathered, and inside the window on the tower, two slender and tall figures are silent in the shadow of the lack of illumination.

"Do you feel anything?" Alstin asked softly.

Everything that happened on the battlefield several kilometers away was clearly visible from the height here and their inhuman eyesight.

But this spiritual priest with two identities, light and dark, forcibly suppressed the tribe warriors around him, as if watching a drama, from the beginning of the battle to the end.

"Monkey..." Morphy's lips opened slightly, and he was about to answer but was stopped by Alstin.

This enigmatic Eldar prophet interrupted the warrior leader's contemptuous speech to give his advice:

"Words of contempt are meaningless. Please tell the essence of what you feel."

"Yes..." Morphy took half a step back and quickly organized his words in a symbolic bow.

"Destruction...crisis...hope...betrayal, death...redemption...conspiracy...and the illusion of victory."

"A good show?" Alstin asked in a calm tone.

"A good show!" Morphy replied affirmatively, then licked his lips and added:

"A good show based on their short lives that seems intense but has an empty charm."

"But your language seems to have brought us into this drama..."

Alstin asked with a smile, but no one knew whether it really didn't care.

The warriors of the tribe are obviously not included in this list. The long-term cooperation with the former makes them appear to be at ease and leisurely at this time.

"Of course not." Morphy maintained cautious etiquette, but the answer in his mouth clearly denied the prophet's speculation.

“Of course we are not part of this, but we are above the whole drama!
The conspiracy I am talking about is the intention of those fallen monkeys.

The same is true for the illusion of victory, which is also based on their actions that are about to happen or have already happened. "

"Good." Alstin nodded with satisfaction, while Morphy felt relieved.

However, the prophet did not do what it wanted. Instead, he expressed his opinions to it with a strong symbolic gesture:

"Of course, arrogance is also our sin, so we must always be vigilant!"

"Yes..." The warriors from the surrounding tribes bowed down to receive the instruction, and their uniform movements also came from the time-honored ritual system.

But whether one can truly understand the prophet's will is another matter entirely.

Or, does Alstin really know his own semantics?

Or is it just fulfilling its obligations and using the normative dogma of the "Tao" to read it literally?
This is destined to be a truth that no one knows. Even after this time, even Alstin will no longer deliberately recall his actions.

But in the idealistic universe, everything is bound by something called fate.

This is especially true for the Eldar race. Since its birth, the fate of the entire race has been closely linked to their actions and is full of symbolic meaning.

If everything goes well here, then the sermon Alstin just preached will be meaningless;

But if the situation develops as Alstin said, wouldn't it be even more ironic when he recalls his "admonishment" afterwards?

Destiny is unpredictable, and no one can escape its shackles.

As bystanders, the Eldar had certainly foreseen the greater challenges that the Emperor's Daughters and the Death Watch were about to encounter after their brief victory from a "global perspective" at this time.

But as the foundation of an ancient race that participated in the War in Heaven, they also cannot avoid the arrogance deeply rooted in their souls.

This kind of arrogance not only makes them commit crimes repeatedly in choices related to the fate of the race; but also makes them naively put themselves in a transcendent perspective when looking down at the late-developing race of humans.And this is the cruelty of this universe. Every race and every person is a member of the chessboard. Should the Eldar be left out of it as a matter of course?
The conversation between the Eldar ended here, and on the Silver Dawn, which was deep in the void at that time, the strange movement on Calvin, the Primarch, had just ended.

The battle that took place in the street corner church was over, and a new "living saint" born based on the emperor's will also made her debut in the empire through this battle that took place in the Obscure Star Territory.

Unlike Padilla's "resurrection from the dead", which had many witnesses, few people knew about the changes in Calvin, the "Emperor's Son".

On the Silver Dawn, the original figure who had just walked out of the psychic amplification array room looked serious and walked towards his residence without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the air was extremely solemn, and the honor guards waiting on both sides of the door had already had a premonition.

Two gray knights holding halberds stood neatly outside the tall and heavy door.

When the footsteps of the original body appeared as the portal unfolded, they did not have any words or questions, but followed the burly back of the original body with a high degree of coordination.

But this was just a peaceful appearance. What just happened was far more urgent than what they showed on the outside.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, the Primarch sounded the alarm in his residence with almost no warning.

Before the Gray Knights could react, Calvin had already notified the bridge to forcibly clear the psychic amplification array room, and then directly entered the room locked from the inside using the extremely dangerous subspace teleportation method. cabin.

It should be noted that the Silver Dawn at this time is already in a state of deep navigation in subspace.

Calvin's actions were nothing more than breaking through Geller's position, which was already under pressure, on this battleship carrying hundreds of thousands of people, and then distorting the space in the chaotic subspace turbulence from the outside. dimension, and then penetrated Geller's position and returned again.

However, this high-risk behavior, which is prohibited by any human warship, not only did not allow the original body to explain.

Even when Calvin urgently entered the psychic amplification room, based on his powerful psychic power and the subsequent mobilization of the legion's will, he conducted a spiritual battle that could not be recorded in any written form, but was enough to be called "grand". After the ceremony.

The original body left the psychic amplification room, but still had no explanation or intention for the entire battleship or even the entire fleet.

This is undoubtedly inappropriate behavior, even if his status is as the "Emperor's Son".

But no one questioned him, not even Lord Sutherland, who was previously known for his stubbornness.

Faced with the urgent contact from the Imperial Navy and the questions hidden with concern, Tabers and Sir Sutherland spoke in the same voice.

They all expressed their gratitude to Lieutenant General Cobb for his concern, but they had no intention of explaining the primarch's actions and the possible meaning behind them.

Is this arrogance?In a sense, yes.

But the style of the Inquisition has always been like this, and this was not the first time he saw such politeness and implicit arrogance.

But Lieutenant General Cobb's anxiety did not come from here, but at a certain moment, he suddenly found that when he was communicating with the astropath attached to the battleship, he heard the changes in the command authority of the battleship hidden in the other party's words. .

Oh, this shouldn't actually make him anxious. Anyway, the Inquisition's penetration of the Imperial Navy is equally serious.

But when did this happen?And why?

Cobb had an instinctive anxiety, and this anxiety stemmed from a sense of danger of being left out.

But this is actually meaningless, because the Silver Dawn has never issued such an order, and there is no conspiracy to deprive him of his command.

The reason for the change in the position of the Astropaths is actually very simple, so simple that even if you tell Cobb, he can't believe it.

And if this simple reason could be described in one sentence, it would be that at a certain moment just now, these people who had been fortunate enough to go to the depths of the Throne Court to see the Emperor when they first became Astropaths.

In this perspective far away from Terra's psychic energy, he saw a sun...and a fleeting silver moon at the same time.

 Second update is here!Shamelessly asking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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