Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 272 Long-term Planning and the Birth of Saint Marduk

Chapter 272 Long-term Planning and the Birth of Saint Marduk

Relying on its weird high speed and powerful artillery fire, the alien fleet had to deal with the large Astartes fleet, which had strength and home court advantage, for several 10 minutes.

But after the world of Korkash Fortress exploded into a huge firework, he finally chose to retreat helplessly.

The alien ruler named the Silent King, the awakening device reserved here for his subordinates, after being accidentally dismantled by Calvin 2000 years in advance, the last remedy that his Praetorian tried to carry out was also announced under the prophecy of the Emperor fail.

The curse that originated from the Necron dynasty and lasted for thousands of years on the ruler of Orpheus has come to an end.

This necromancer dynasty named Menak can only have a chance to be awakened from slumber after waiting for their supreme ruler, the Silent King himself, to return to the Milky Way and take action in person.

A tragedy that originally affected the four major star regions was eliminated thousands of years in advance;

The future of the annihilation of hundreds of billions of people and the death of several Astartes Chapters has also been rewritten.

Orpheus finally regained its long-lost tranquility. Under the intervention of Calvin, the "variable", it escaped the tragic fate of being completely abandoned by the empire in official history.

Calvin didn't have the Emperor's perspective, and he had no idea of ​​the impact of what he was doing here.

He is like a dedicated soldier who only asks where the enemy is, not why he is fighting.

And what this soldier is most concerned about at this time is the life and death of the old man named Marduk.

After doing all he could to keep him alive, Calvin was caught up in the finishing touches on Orpheus.

It was several months after Marduk fully recovered and stepped out of the life support cabin.

During this period, Calvin, who returned to Amara, the capital of Orpheus, sat in the center.

With unprecedented energy, Orpheus's government affairs were accelerated, and the transition from wartime state to peacetime state was re-transformed.

Orpheus Sector (Including the four major star sectors, the empire has not yet certified this, this is the author's special name for the convenience of description.)
The people of the Orpheus sector not only need safety, after obtaining the precious peace, bread and milk are also their basic needs.

Economy is the ultimate embodiment and extension of politics, and politics is the concentrated expression of economy.

Knowing this well, the first thing Calvin has to do is to build a complete and stable ecological structure for the politics of the sector, as well as political rules that can operate in a healthy and stable manner.

The appointment of personnel is the basis of everything, which is different from the materialistic world.

The absolute difference in strength caused by the talents of people and the different rates of return for the same amount of resource investment are naked facts that cannot be denied or ignored by Calvin.

Can the Astral Army built with [-] Throne Coins really be equated with the Star Warriors built with [-] Throne Coins?

If so, what would the Emperor do.

This was not a time of peace, and Calvin had no right to make an entire struggling race consider equality of human rights.

The war between subspace and alien races has never allowed the empire to have long-term peace. Every world is either in war or preparing for war.

Shouting for equality in such an environment?That was too extravagant and too hypocritical.

This was the reality Calvin faced, and he had to adapt to it.The appointment of personnel is also based on this kind of thinking and can be put into action.

The heir of the Ondan family of Orpheus, was affirmed by Calvin;
When the family lost its leader shortly after taking over the star region, it received support from the top of the empire.

As a reward and an inevitable price, the Ondan family's transfer of the governance of the star area has enabled the power of the Tribunal here to be systematically strengthened from top to bottom.

With the establishment of the Great Council, the forces of the three major orders in Orpheus have formed a complete permanent institution;

The penetration of various departments in the entire sector makes the Tribunal look like a cold star, blending into the long-term operation of the entire sector in a silent way.

The candidate for the governor of the Hassan sector has finally been settled, and several forces have failed to compete for this place;

Under Calvin's arbitrariness, Admiral Juan became the candidate beyond everyone's expectations.

The placement of the Astartes was also confirmed during this time:

Under the leadership of Calvin, although the Astartes Chapter was already stationed in the Orpheus Sector, it still sent an invitation to the Angels of the Dead.

Liberas World, the fourth planet of the capital of the star area, was finally selected by the war group to become their exclusive world where they will be stationed in the future.

This warband was highly appreciated by Calvin.

Compared with the Orpheus Consuls who also flowed with the blood of Guilliman, the Revenant Angels had a much higher sense of presence in the Orpheus Battle;
The latter seemed too obsessed with obedience to Ultramar, forgetting their basic duty of guarding the empire's borders.

During the long battle of Orpheus, this battle group had Orpheus in its name, and the main force under its jurisdiction was in the remote extreme star field throughout the entire process, and had never appeared on the battlefield of Orpheus.

The unconditional response to Ultramar made them absent from the star zone defense war where their home planet was located.

The fact that the Astartes Chapter, who neglected their basic responsibilities, could not be trusted by Calvin.

The Scolders Chapter is also on the list to be rewarded. As an Astartes Chapter who once fought side by side with Calvin, Calvin wants to place it in the Hassan sector, as the former generously supported Orpheus. s return.

But this battle group has its own profound cultural background, influenced by some of the culture of its parent group, they are not interested in the defense of a certain star area;

On the contrary, the continuous pursuit of some Chaos Space Marines is the most important mission of this chapter.

Calvin negotiated several times with the leaders of this warband, and after many in-depth conversations, Calvin confirmed their demands.

This son of Corax is obsessed with chasing and killing their old enemies. In order to facilitate their support and replenishment, the Chapter Alliance on the Krieger galaxy opened its arms to them.

They will receive the unconditional support of the Chapter Alliance and its huge industrial system, and continue to patrol the entire empire's territory with a ship-based combat method.

So far, the division of personnel and governance power can be regarded as the basic framework.

The delineation of the economic circle and the layout of industries within it also began to center on Orpheus, and began to expand towards the remaining three star regions.

Under the strong leadership of Calvin, the large sectoral government vigorously promotes the rational planning and adjustment of large-scale industries.

Local aristocrats and vested interest groups are invincible, and most of them embody the precious "risk spirit" and are willing to serve the overall situation of the empire and the sector.

As for the few local forces that continued to resist, under the pervasive and deliberate targeting of the Tribunal, they all withdrew from the political arena of the empire for various reasons in the following decades.

It was against this background that Marduk woke up in the medical layer of the Retribution Angel in the third month after the Battle of Korcash.

And the imperial envoys who reported from the Terra Government Council all the way to the Senate for approval, and then returned to Orpheus through the world of Ophelia VII, also brought the news that Marduk was canonized.

The Orpheus sector initiated a huge celebration ceremony for this, and it lasted for decades.

Singing and dancing processions of tens of millions of pilgrims following St. Marduk paraded throughout the sector.

For their colonization and resettlement, the moistening of things also happened silently here.

More foreign populations came from far away from the entire Storm Star Region and even other territories of the empire.

This group of pilgrims, which lasted for a hundred years, brought a continuous foreign population to the entire Storm Star Field, and at the same time laid a solid foundation for the development of Orpheus.


  One more, ask for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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