Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 214 Persistence - The Beginning of the Fierce Battle

Chapter 214 Persistence - The Beginning of the Fierce Battle

It took a full three days before Calvin and the others found a passage leading to the ground.

But it was at this time that their progress began to speed up.

The underground structure is obviously more complicated than that on the surface, but following the faint smell of the subspace and the traces left by the corrupted rebels, Calvin still found the right path.

They made their way to the edge of the underground furnace, and then became entangled in new problems.

The size of this furnace is too huge, and the explosion-proof armor on the outer layer alone is more than ten meters thick.

The huge furnace body broke through the dome of the underground building, stretched upwards to a height of nearly a hundred meters, and connected with the lower level of the hive capital.

If Calvin and others hadn't personally reached the basic part of the bottom layer, they would have found it hard to believe that the forge they had been looking for was the large building itself.

Then the problem arises, even if a small-scale explosion uses a melta bomb, it may be difficult to penetrate the outer wall of the entire furnace;
As for trying to penetrate the explosion-proof mechanism that must exist in the furnace, and then completely destroy the furnace itself, that is an unrealistic joke.

This furnace has a lot of redundant space for defense, and it is obviously designed for war preparation from the beginning.

Without orbital-level macro artillery strikes or whirlwind bomb-level implosion damage, it is tantamount to dreaming to destroy with the individual weapons in the hands of the Raven Guards.

The external targeted sabotage plan was abandoned.

Instead, they tried to enter the inner structure of the furnace, to find the inner core and vital points to destroy.

While discussing the action plan, they waited until the half of the shadow team withdrew from the battle at Hive City No. [-].

After a little confirmation of the information and plans, the two teams infiltrated into the depths of the furnace again.

The huge underground furnace body is over a hundred meters high. Together with the ancillary buildings, the sturdy furnace body forms a city no less than the size of the Hive Capital itself on the surface.

Facing the ubiquitous hot wind and dry and pungent air in the furnace, Calvin and others, under the guidance of the shadow team, passed through the layers of rebel defense all the way, and went straight to the core forging workshop.

As the team got deeper, Calvin's expression became more and more serious.

The environment here is completely different from before being invaded by Chaos.

The iron-gray walls and floors are now smeared with profane runes, and the pipes and gauges are crawling with unknown twisted creatures.

Under decades of operation, this place has been polluted by countless sacrificial ceremonies;

The corridors in the distance are now not only shrouded in darkness, but also the characteristic murmurs of ghosts and twisted warp creatures have begun to come out.

"Just here."

Having just passed a corridor, Calvin knew that the limit of infiltration and progress was here when he saw the iconic twisted ghosts of subspace corruption appearing around him.

Going forward is the core area of ​​chaos and corruption, and it is impossible to enter by lurking without being detected.

Calvin signaled to the surrounding warriors with psionic power, and then took out the data board containing the standard furnace design drawings to compare with reality.

The light spots marked with key institutions appear densely on the data board in different shades of red according to the difference in importance.

Calvin reached out to point out the filtering conditions on the data board, leaving the most critical twenty or so nodes:

"The purpose of the next battle is simple, find these nodes, and attack from the periphery to the core. I will be responsible for the defense of the core and the pass to buy you time, and you will be responsible for the blasting inside the forge. Is there any problem?"

The surrounding Astartes are still in a state of concealment, and no one answers in itself shows their firm will.

Calvin nodded in satisfaction, then crushed the data pad that was only for reference, and entered the stealth state again.

In the main control room at the top of the forge, there was a sharp siren.

This sound does not sound like a machine, but more like a poor and malicious imitation of a throat made of flesh and blood.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In today's main control room, there are no "dead objects" made of pure steel in the true sense.

Ulysses, the priest of the Black Mechanicism, drove his spider-like lower body, and walked among a group of instruments like living creatures amidst the sharp scraping sound of the sharp knife feet and the rust-colored floor.

The iron-gray instrument has been given life, like a group of snakes with only the upper body, twisting unconsciously in a low neighing.

The steel pipeline is now covered with scales, and the complex instrument panel at the end of the pipeline is like an independent snake head, sparking sparks and attacking each other when they rub against each other.

"Oh, the B****/s/d5-* thing is activated."

He could still barely see the human skull, wearing a half gas mask-like mask, and the electronic sound with reverberation came from the loudspeaker in his abdomen.

"My lord, we have guests here."

In the shadow that cannot be covered by the indoor lighting, a gorgeous power armor decorated with green scales stood up hearing the sound, and the tall figure paced heavily but lightly in the shadow:

"Notify Aduwa and let his people handle it. In addition, let the adults in the forge know about this matter. They have enjoyed the sacrifice for so long, and it is time for them to contribute to the cause of the Warmaster."

Ulysses bowed his head slightly, indicating that he had received the order.

"Follow me, is there anything else? If not, please allow me to say goodbye. The last batch of products from the furnace will be off the assembly line soon, and I need to be on site to host."

"No more, step back." Alpha in the shadows waved to the mechanical priest, indicating that his service would come to an end.

"Supreme Hydra!"

The mechanical priest greeted him in a low voice, and then drove the six sword legs to walk out.

"Supreme Hydra!"

Alpha in the shadow also responded that this is probably the only instinct that can be stimulated in his complex and changeable brain circuits.

Calvin and the others didn't know anything about this place, and they were still groping for the power source of the furnace in the blueprint;

And walking towards them is the main force of the entire Night Lords war gang who has been recharging their energy, and the Khorne lord and his legion who have been lying in the furnace enjoying lava soaking and bloody sacrifices.

The encounter began in the feeding hall of the furnace.

This income and the huge volume of the furnace have been expanded from a room the size of a conveyor belt in an ordinary furnace to the size of a train station.

If we compare this furnace to the stomach of a giant, then the dozen or so heavy rails in the feeding hall and the locomotives above which are waiting for empty cars are its eating tongues.

Calvin immediately noticed the traces of the Chaos War Gang, and turned around and ordered the rest to continue to move forward as planned.

This kind of expected battle did not make him hesitate. It was a surprise to meet the enemy at such a central position in his prediction.

He immediately launched an attack on the midnight lord who came first:
The broadsword with psychic flames waved beside him as he charged.

Several midnight lords were cut off from the shadows before they could make a sound.

The latecomer didn't give up yet, more shadows spread to his movement track, and then he was killed by his dance-like jump and slash.

"Stop Plan One!"

An extraordinarily tall Astartes raised his arms and shouted. The purple and black iron cavalry Terminator he wore was so conspicuous in the crowd that it caught Calvin's attention immediately.

A former member of the Night Lords' honor guard, he is now a servant of Chaos.

Under the watchful eyes of the gods, he, who claimed to be the lord of the Chaos War Gang, completely abandoned the honor of Astartes, and instead swayed the blood and brutality in Nastrom culture to the extreme to please himself and his beliefs gods.

"Abandon the first plan! Push forward! Don't give him room to roam!"

Watching Calvin's easy and freehand slaughter, Aldan Varel, the warband leader of the Night of Blood, cried out loudly.

Following his orders, the subsequent Night Lords began to abandon the failed tactics of sneak attack from the dark, and instead shifted their queues and positions to the standard tactics of the Legion period.

A large number of storm bolt bombs began to gather with the formation of the midnight lords, covering Calvin's left and right rhythmically.

The medium-range and long-range heavy firepower also began to attack Calvin with waves of tactical strikes.

It is the obvious head-to-head tactics.

Calvin pulled back a safe distance with a serious expression, and looked at the battlefield ahead with a complicated expression.

This kind of tactic that gives up sensitivity but is ineffective is especially suitable in an environment where there is not much space (compared to company-level combat units).

The abundant but rhythmic fire attack and cover made him both familiar and unfamiliar, and the neat and powerful heavy fire strike made him retreat temporarily.

He also wants to teleport to the center of the enemy's formation again, and use his mobility to start a sweep.

But not long after the start, the enemy keenly began to march towards the inside of the furnace, and this was precisely an action that he absolutely could not sit idly by.

The brutal defense and attack began. Calvin's original mobility advantage was restrained, and the opponent's heavy firepower finally found a chance to play.

Stormbolt guns shot at him like raindrops, but he couldn't let the passage to the inside of the furnace be opened, so he could only use his spiritual shield to resist.

This emphasis on node anomalies also attracted the attention of the opposing commander.

After realizing the danger of being infiltrated and destroyed, a large number of midnight lords launched an impact on his back with no casualties under heavy firepower.

"For the war!"

"Truth will triumph over lies!"

Dozens of Night Lords yelled their battle cries, and sprinted towards Calvin at a distance of [-] meters.

The lightning claws and power swords with shining positions stood upright beside them, and the roar of storm bolt guns and melta bombs made Calvin retreat step by step under the force of the shield.

But that was the end of it. Once the charging footsteps blocked the follow-up firepower, Calvin's massacre would unstoppably happen among the frontline crowd.

The crackling Lightning Claw was grasped casually by the palm condensed with psychic energy, and the twisted wrist joint was pulled out with great force with white bone stubble and pink tendons;
The laurel wreath raised high on the helmet was as light as a feather on the power sword, and was instantly cut by the great sword containing spiritual energy, bending and shattering in the ear-piercing twisting sound.

"Death to the devil!" A red-eyed midnight lord rushed towards Calvin with a melta bomb, wanting to die together.

"Did you lose your head? Who is the devil?"

Calvin, who couldn't help but laugh, used his psionic power to strangle him by the throat ten meters away, and then lifted it on the spot.

Under the gaze of the bloodshot eyes of the comrades around him, he was pinched and exploded together with the bomb in his arms.

Huge shock waves and heat waves were released to the surroundings, and Calvin's figure took the opportunity to disappear in place again, appearing on the other side of the battle line to create new deaths in the sight of everyone looking around.


A night lord wearing a purple-black iron cavalry Terminator, was broken through the protection of the shield by Calvin's palm condensed with psychic energy. Under the tearing force and psionic energy, the welding seam on the power shield behind him was pulled apart with a groan, and it was torn off together with the main body below!
The steel giant who suddenly lost its source of power had not yet felt the pressure of staggering, but was picked up by Calvin in the next second, and then slammed on the ground.

The joint between his helmet and neck armor was deformed by this huge force, and the pale face under the fallen batwing helmet didn't even have time to put away the surprised expression, and was crushed by Calvin in the next second.


The Astartes within a few meters of him stretched out their weapons to Calvin, but the huge white figure turned around like a ghost.

The broadsword from the Shadow Moon Wolf was held upside down, swung with great force like a fan of light, cutting off their breastplates before everyone else.


Beside the corpse in the distance, an Astartes wearing a white visor was waving his staff, and the huge psionic energy turned into black lightning with profane power, attacking his body that had nowhere to hide.

But how could this long-planned blow affect Calvin's rhythm?

The confrontation of psykers is a confrontation between soul and heart, and the outcome can only be determined in an instant.

When the lightning was about to reach Calvin's side, the glaring white-gold light in his eyes exploded, and a deep voice came out of his mouth like a declaration:

"You are guilty!"

"You are guilty! God says, you are a fallen man!"

"You are guilty! God says, you are a betrayer!"

"You are guilty! God said, you have nothing to believe in in life, and you will have nothing to rely on in death!"

Countless voices instantly echoed in the brain of the midnight lord's think tank!
Countless words of negation, with condemnation of real power, are negating his corrupted soul!

The collapse of the soul defense only happened in an instant.

He didn't even have time to say an excuse, and the corrupted soul spontaneously ignited on the spot under the huge spiritual pressure, turning into a pale torch wrapped in black armor.


This is not the result Calvin wanted. There are still hidden enemies in this corrupted land that have not yet appeared.

But the destruction of the furnace by the team behind cannot be disturbed, so he can only turn into a solid gate here, and firmly block these servants of chaos from the door.

Ten, twenty, thirty; one hundred, two hundred, three hundred.

The bloody close combat and the roar of storm bolt bombs resounded through the hall the size of this station; psionic energy and heavy artillery filled the huge but narrow space.

The Night Lords finally retreated. After the charge led by the Warband Lord was stifled by him, the traitors who joined Chaos finally showed their weakness.

They no longer had the brave and resolute quality under the emperor's command. After losing the oppression of the lord, they finally revealed their true side and fell into the fear and weakness hidden behind the tyranny.

Those who dare to fight privately, but are afraid of public battles, are just a bunch of good-for-nothings.

This was Calvin's conclusion, standing on a hill piled up with hundreds of dead Astartes corpses, holding a big sword in one hand and panting heavily.

The bitter fruit of traveling long distances without rest has been manifested:

He still has a surplus of spiritual energy, but his seemingly endless physical energy has been faintly lacking.

If the impact just now had been more violent and sustained, he might have turned out his last hole card.

He took a big gulp of the scorching air, trying to fight for the oxygen needed for his body to recover.

And in the darkness in the distance, there were more deep and profane laughter...

 A late update, let everyone wait for a long time.Two-in-one 4300 words, sent directly.

(End of this chapter)

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