Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 152 1 Death Tamper Lord's Declaration

Chapter 152 Ten Thousand and One Deaths (1) Declaration of the Tampering Lord

Calvin looked at the direction where the demon army appeared in the distance, with serious eyes.

trap?Or is it a coincidence?
But no matter what, the best choice is to quickly solve the enemy in front of you, and then let the troops get rid of the entanglement before the enemy arrives and then enter the church to defend.

As for whether there is danger in that church, whether the demons in front of him are deliberately driving them there, Calvin can't care.

The situation on the battlefield was on the verge of getting out of control from the moment the battle started, which made Calvin, who was leading the army outside, very angry.

He decided to generously reward the reckless Tzeentch demon in front of him with his anger, so that these demons would not be so proud.

The stone slab under his feet was overturned by the steel soles that exerted force instantly, and the upside-down warhammer was picked up with his backhand lightly, and collided violently with the weapon in the hand of the oncoming big demon from bottom to top!

The figure of the demon swooping down was like a fly hitting the glass wall in place, and its charging momentum was instantly stopped.

Against the backdrop of sharp groans from the sharp sword and staff that could not bear the heavy pressure, the demon with crossed arms and struggling to resist escaped by luck.

"Mission" bounced back with the power of the opponent's block, waiting for the next stronger return; the right hand was full of spiritual light, and it was almost grabbed by the lightning claw dyed platinum.

The six eyes on the devil's bird-like head were fully opened. Under the blood and tears, the temporary shield constructed by psionic energy and the frantically flapping wings saved its life again. Taking advantage of Calvin's offensive, he took a step back distance.

But that's about it.

Tzeentch's big demons were not as good at melee combat as Khorne. Most of them, who are known as both magic and martial arts, rely on their own magic power to exert their power in front of mortal things.

When the warhammer "Mission" made a comeback with the momentum of the previous attack and fell from the top of its head, all its resistance collapsed, and it couldn't turn up more waves except for a scream.

The big devil who was smashed into powder together with the devil and the sword has not yet cooled down, and Calvin, who is out of the battle, has already started to support the comrades who are still fighting fiercely.

A huge amount of psionic energy was used like a waste, and under the lightning and teleportation, Calvin in a few seconds was unrivaled on the entire battlefield.

One second he was using psychic lightning to crush the demons in the distance, and the next second the lightning claws that appeared at the other end of the battlefield pierced and smashed the demons in front of him.

Calvin, who is almost everywhere, helped his comrades end the battle and led them to the direction of the church.

More demons came from a distance, and the first to arrive was the torrential bullets of the Chaos Space Marines.

The psychic shields on the gray knights were visibly dimmed to the naked eye. Although the hundreds of bolt bombs per second failed to cause casualties, they also quickly drained the power in these psychic masters.

Calvin and the gray knights fought and retreated, unwilling to entangle with the enemy in the open space.

Calvin's psychic energy is still abundant, but the Gray Knights are different. They are constantly changing players, keeping each other's psychic energy at a dangerous but sustainable level.

300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters.The distance between the team and the church was getting closer and closer. Calvin's energy would inevitably be restrained under the fierce battle, and the casualties of the Gray Knights were inevitable.

Under the enemy's premeditated burst of firepower, the two gray knights who were cut off one after another, their spiritual energy shields were instantly overloaded.

Under the blessing of the tail flame spray, the vicious explosive warheads penetrated into their Terminator breastplates fiercely.

The strength of the double ceramic steel and fine gold skeleton has been tested, and it can block most of the attacks of storm bolts without moving.

However, in the hail of bullets, there were still fish that escaped through the defense of the armor, and two gray knights were shot through at the joint between the neck and the inner thigh.

The metal deformation at the shot site and the blood coughed up from the corners of the gray knights' mouths explained the reason for their massive blood loss in the former and the crushing damage to their organs in the latter.

Under the tall Roman porch, Calvin and the other Gray Knights fought the fire and dragged the two wounded back to the church.

The sacred objects still in effect in the church stopped the demons in their tracks. Occasionally, the demons who accidentally crossed the invisible boundary turned into fly ash in howling.

The relics of the saint still guard the purity here, and the Gray Knights are safe for the time being.

Severe panting sounds echoed from the church, and the gray knights after the fierce battle quickly calmed down their violent breathing while being vigilant.

The adrenaline that was automatically injected by the Power Armor had expired at some point, and the instrument attached to the carapace interface collected the latest data. After a simple judgment, the servo injected the stored electrolytes and new adrenaline into the gray knights.

Calvin stood next to the two wounded. The emergency medical treatment temporarily suppressed the injury and prevented it from getting worse, but they would definitely not be able to participate in the next battle.

"Can you still fight? My brother." Calvin looked at the two comrades leaning against the wall.

"Anytime, anywhere!"

The two fighters exchanged glances in tacit agreement, then turned back to Calvin.

In what may be the end of their lives, they are thankful they are not alone.

"Other brothers will lay booby traps for you ahead, and we need you to be responsible for possible disruptions."

"Got it! Castle Master!"

"The task is not over yet, my brothers, you must stay here."


Silent communication sounded in the spiritual channel, and the two champion swordsmen also nodded to him tacitly.

After handing over the extra ammunition in his hand to them, Calvin turned his head and led the team towards the interior of the church.

He is not quite used to such a scene, so he can only use missions and battles to numb his brain.

He kept admonishing himself in his mind: This lonely journey has just begun. In the face of the fate of the entire human race, he and his soldiers are valuable bargaining chips, and no one is special and not for sale.

Passing through the corridor under the dim candlelight of the church, Calvin and others came to the front hall of the central auditorium.

Turning a statue of an unnamed saint, they saw at the far end of the hall the relic that sheltered them, and its guardian.

It was a candle lit with the relics and flesh of a saint, glowing golden at the foot of the Emperor's icon at the far end of the auditorium.

Compared with the darkness in the direction Calvin and others came from, this golden candlelight is precious and rare.

The old state church pastor had been blind for some time, his wrinkled face like orange peel could not be seen when he was young, but relying on the familiarity of living here for many years, he instinctively protected the burning of the candlelight.

But it won't last long, there is not much grease left on the holy candle, and the inside of the gold-encrusted lamp made of white bones has bottomed out.

"In the name of the Emperor! His servant, I need to ask you for help!"

Calvin walked up to the blind priest and said in the most gentle tone.

The old man turned around quietly, and after listening carefully to Calvin's words, he pointed to the candle behind him and said to Calvin.

"The mission of our servants is to take care of his lamb for the emperor like this. Everything we do is holy, and life and death are all holy."

Everyone followed his guidance and looked at the weak candle.A gust of wind blew through the church, and the flame tip of the candle followed the airflow and pointed to the rear of the church.


Calvin looked at the direction the candlelight was pointing at, and murmured according to his own memory...

On the cloudy wilderness, among the dark gray rocks and wild grass, there are equally gray knights walking.

Calvin, who had left the church, was leading his soldiers towards the lair at the foot of the Dismara Mountains following the hints from the holy relic.

The name of this hive capital is Kaidaimon.

The gathering of cloudy clouds finally changed shape after reaching a certain node, and the downpour of rain made Tallinn, whose nest height was almost as high as the mountains in the distance, begin to blur.

The soil on the surface became muddy under the infusion of rainwater, and even the stone slabs on the road became slippery.

The gray knights on the march didn't say a word, except for occasionally returning to the outposts for alternate scouting, the entire advancing formation remained unchanged.

Nest's ancillary facilities were already approaching, but Calvin did not enter rashly.

He wants to reach the main body of the nest as quickly as possible, and then with the help of the trial court and state religion here, find out the conspiracy here and eliminate it.


On Chaodu's main city gate defense fortress, the soldiers on duty shouted to stop those who came in the rain. If it weren't for the strict military order, he would have almost shot the bullets in his hands at these giants.

"Inform your commander that the Exorcist Astartes Chapter has a mission and needs to enter here."

Calvin calmly said the exorcist, the vest that the Gray Knights are used to.

Anyway, these mortals have seen very few Astartes in their lifetime. Anyway, as the true direct descendant of the Inquisition, the Gray Knights have a full set of Exorcist chapter codes in their hands.

The identity of the gray knight is too sensitive, and it is reasonable to wear a vest when it is inconvenient to go out. It's just that the vest of the exorcist is convenient to use, so I use it more.

The heavy rain continued, and it took a full 5 minutes for the chief of the local defense force to appear in Calvin's sight.

He looked seriously at the documents passed by the soldiers around him from Calvin.Then reject it cleanly:
"I haven't received any notice from Shangfeng, so I can't let you go. Offended, noble angels!"

He said in a triumphant tone, behind the mocking expression was a slightly hot black hexagram tattoo on the back of his neck.

Calvin immediately smelled the stench of his old opponent in the air, and followed his psychic perception to lock his eyes on the officer.

The almost undisguised blasphemy runes on the opponent's body instantly angered him, and the evil behind it may even make his heart shatter!
"Evil! Sue to death!"

Calvin raised his hand resolutely, and the psychic lightning bounced towards the officer across a distance of [-] meters, but was easily dodged by the prepared opponent.

He laughed at Calvin in protest, and made fun of his dullness.

In the eyes of the stunned defense forces, this demon who didn't know when the general murdered and possessed him cruelly protruded from the human skin.

Blue and pink skin, huge curved horns, thick but arched lower limbs, soft and gorgeous wings.

When a demon more than three meters tall, who was less than two meters tall, struggled out of the officer's body, stained with his blood, like an insect in the metamorphosis stage of a chrysalis.

The spirits of all mortal soldiers crumbled under Calvin's angry eyes.

Deranged and fragile souls were swept away by the waves of the warp carried by the demons, and the change spirits of Tzeentch broke out of their bodies.

All this happened before the eyes of the Gray Knights!

This is blasphemy!This is provocation!
Calvin, whose blood was surging, instantly appeared on the sentry tower a hundred meters away!
The crackling lightning claws of psionic lightning grabbed the laughing demon!
The devil was also on guard, and the figure that disappeared instantly appeared on the top of the distant building. Before he could open his mouth to laugh, Calvin, who followed him like a shadow, also teleported to him!

The bright blue spells hit Calvin like money, and the platinum-gold psionic lightning also rushed forward head-on with an unstoppable momentum!

Teleport, spell, teleport, melee.

The two figures took the huge portal as the battlefield, and they were engaged in a high-intensity confrontation at a speed and frequency that could hardly be caught by the naked eye!

In the sky, on the sentry tower, and on the porch, there are afterimages of Calvin fighting the devil everywhere!
The gray knights were not idle either, they couldn't get involved in the battle with the big devil, they had their own tasks.

Although these change spirits are only the lowest of the Tzeentch demons, the pollution caused by letting them go is also not to be underestimated.

The steel colonnade on the top floor of the sentry tower was burned by the flames of the devil and collapsed.

The metal gate several meters thick was dented by Calvin's hammer.

Tzeentch's great demon obviously knew his strengths and weaknesses, and he was unwilling to easily engage in close combat with Calvin.But as Calvin's power diffuses in the surrounding space, the space it can transmit becomes smaller and smaller.

In the end, it was captured by Calvin during a teleportation, and the elusive Tzeentch was caught by Calvin's Lightning Claw.

The innate psychic runes on the demon screamed and burned in the resistance, and the steel claws, which worked simultaneously from the psychic and disintegration positions, crushed its protection in an instant, and brutally cut the demon into five sections.

The battle was over, and Calvin panted violently while looking at the big demon that was beginning to dissipate under his feet.

And the latter abnormality did not die immediately, and the last words it left made him feel cold:
"The Lord of Change is watching you! We have a long future! Remember it! This is the first time! And..."

"What else?"

Calvin grabbed the bird's head from the ground, but the other party's blue eyes had already lost their luster, and the remnant body disappeared in his hands.

"Oh shit!"

He spat hard!I hate this kind of thing that keeps half of the words in my life!

The heavy rain was still falling endlessly, and he wiped off the rain on his face. Calvin looked through the dense clouds and looked at the towering spire in the distance.

He had already experienced a nest mission, and now he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

In this nest, how many people are still polluted?
one?two?Or one hundred, two hundred?Or in other words, how many people are still not polluted?

Under the background that even the Defense Force cannot be trusted, who else can be trusted in the upper echelon of Chaodu?

Can the imperial citizens on this planet be saved?
And most importantly, are they coming too late?
 Two-in-one, sorry for the late update.But it still doesn't delay my cheeky begging for votes.Hey!
(End of this chapter)

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