Huayu's I am destiny

Chapter 468 Push Seal and Favor

Chapter 468 Push Seal and Favor

On August 8th, Lin Qingyuan returned to Beijing to finish filming the latest quarterly commercials of Luolai Home Textiles and BESTORE.

The two brands negotiated the contract renewal with Lin Qingyuan very smoothly, and they did not choose to give up because Lin Qingyuan's endorsement fee quotation rose from the original 1700 million and 2000 million to the current 2500 million.

After all, Lin Qingyuan's delivery ability and brand promotion ability are obvious to all. As long as there is no problem with the capital operation, probably no brand will choose to break up with him.

Then on the night of the 7th, Lin Qingyuan took a flight to Wuhan and returned to the terminal of the Chinese restaurant to participate in the recording work for the last two days.

"After the completion of Houtian Chinese Restaurant, we will return to the capital on the morning of the 10th. Lancome's Q3 opening season global advertisement of Lancome Black Bottle is waiting for you to shoot. The time is very fast."

Coming out of Wuhan Tianhe International Airport, on the way to the Chinese restaurant, the two chatted about work.

"Q3 plus global? Co-authoring them is to stimulate the consumption of college students, but do universities in other countries start in September?" Lin Qingyuan asked knowingly.

In fact, Lin Qingyuan's sales overseas in the past two years were at most only [-]% of that in China.

But this is not because Lin Qingyuan's overseas influence is not enough, and there are not many fans, it is simply because Lin Qingyuan's Huaguo Irene is really good at fighting.

Huang Xiaoming's expression changed slightly, a little embarrassed.

Lin Qingyuan hesitated to speak, but remained silent.

Quite unexpectedly, Lin Shuwei stood up without much hesitation, feeling that he attached great importance to this opportunity to complain about others openly.

Otherwise, in order not to offend others and not be scolded by the audience, all of them shrink back and dare not tell the truth in front of the camera, then this rant will be meaningless.

This was different from what he had expected, and he just felt that he was clearly arranged by them.

"Chef Lin always provokes me." Huang Xiaoming first looked at Lin Shuwei who had conflicts with him in the last season and gave birth to the domestic entertainment bible "Ming Xue".

"Then Lin Qingyuan ate the most." Cheng Xiao cue saw her boyfriend sitting next to her, with a silly smile on his face.

This was a meeting gift given by Lin Qingyuan to this partner after Yang Ying joined Ruiyuan, and it was also a way for Ruiyuan to show its strength to the outside world.

"Then, I'm coming!"

"A good rule of the game is that the person who gets complained about can only bear it, stand up and tell everyone that I'm sorry, it's my fault, I was wrong."

Lin Qingyuan also readily accepted her thanks.

If in private, the person who is besieged and complained about is the most stressed, then it is completely reversed in front of the camera. After all, there are probably few people in the circle who are willing to easily offend a big guy like Huang Xiaoming.

"First of all, I have never complained, and I don't know what complaining is, but now I want to speak out what is in my heart." Speaking of this, Lin Shuwei suddenly knocked on the table and everyone, including Huang Xiaoming, Startled, he turned serious and looked at Huang Xiaoming in seconds, "What I want to talk about is you, Brother Xiaoming."

"Hey, you cut the melon the most frequently!" Zhang Liang interrupted Lin Shuwei's rant in an untimely manner.

Lin Shuwei quickly shook his head in denial, "No."

"I think it's almost time for us to have fun. The fourth season of the Chinese Restaurant Tucao Conference is now starting."

"Then let's start with our store manager!"

The store manager Huang Xiaoming began to preside over the situation.

As for why the program group uncharacteristically added positive shots of her working silently after the first episode of the program caused a lot of negative comments against Zhao Liying personally.
Everyone knows it.

After all, as long as Lin Qingyuan's current energy doesn't break the law and enter the game, his basic development will not collapse, so he has long since stopped worrying as much as he did a few years ago.

"I don't eat as much as you anyway."

Probably no one would give up the opportunity to shoot a double cover with Lin Qingyuan who stands at the absolute top of the fashion industry.

On the penultimate day before the completion of the Chinese restaurant, Lin Qingyuan was the first to arrive at the restaurant and start working.

Lin Qingyuan said with a smile: "After recording a variety show, I can only rest for two days before I have to join the group. If the news spreads, I'm afraid it will become a real hard work and hard work."

Rumors about Lin Qingyuan and his group of rumored girlfriends being in love have always existed, but under the strong suppression of the top public relations team, this group of people has not caused any decent disturbances.

And these, Yan Jun saw it all.

"Frankly speaking, I don't think I can help her that much. After all, even if I don't help, she will be promoted to ambassador sooner or later after the probationary period is over. I just made this matter earlier. As for the double seal"

It's like saying: You have worked so hard to lick the magazines for several years and have not been able to make it to the top five, but to me it is just a gift that can be given away casually.

"Brother Lin, your attack power still needs to be improved." Lin Qingyuan shook his head in disappointment.

"Effort is a good thing. If you don't work hard, how can you hone your acting skills? If you can't practice your acting skills, how can you win the award and become the best actor? How can you get promoted if you don't win the best actor?"

After all, he has voluntarily left his comfort zone in the past few years, and has put so much energy and effort into acting, so how could it be possible that he really does not ask for anything in return?
Careerists don't do meaningless things.

After all, among the six resident guests, only Lin Qingyuan has the right to review films later, so Zhao Liying also sent a special WeChat message to thank Lin Qingyuan for his help.

Although the number of magazines in Dengfeng is not bad, most of them have covers of second- and third-tier magazines, and none of the top five women's magazines has any, and the gold content is obviously insufficient.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiaoming took the opportunity to throw this hot potato to Lin Shuwei, "It's not as good as this, let's ask Chef Lin to complain first, shall we?"

"You are helping to upgrade her title and push the cover. You are really not afraid of gossip outside."

Yan Jun looked at Lin Qingyuan in astonishment, "Didn't you ask for this? You asked me to call back then."

Although he really wanted to say that even if he was not recognized by authoritative awards, he would still have a higher status than most movie kings and movie kings, and earn more than them, but
Well, he still wants to make a breakthrough on the road of actor and get recognized inside and outside the industry.

Cheng Xiao felt that the Tucao session needed a leader to take the lead to set the tone in order to proceed smoothly.

Although it is true that he has the right to review films, it does not mean that he will help others unconditionally.

Ignoring Lin Qingyuan's Versailles, Yan Jun continued to talk about the work arrangement, "Then the next 11th is Bazaar's Silver Ten filming. The double seal of Glory has been confirmed before, and LV pushed it."

Lin Qingyuan smiled helplessly, "I can't help it, the title upgrade has to be blocked, but LV's push is not generous, so I can't just rely on me to take her?"

But not everyone cheered, for example, Yang Chaoyue didn't laugh.

So after completing the last task of this season's program to deliver "Love Box Lunch" to the defense workers, everyone also ushered in the celebration dinner before the program ended.

"Brother Ming, every time you buy two or three watermelons, the refrigerator in the kitchen is only so small, and then stuffed in, there is no place to put the food. Although I know you are doing it for our own good, but I think, Do business with customers first, right?"

"Don't talk!" Lin Shuwei patted Zhang Liang who was making jokes angrily. Just when everyone thought he was going to intensify his complaints and listened attentively, he suddenly reversed and started to thank Huang Xiaoming.

To make a digression, if the original time and space develop, Reba will unlock eleven magazine covers this year.

"Who will Xiao Ming complain about? I'm curious." Lin Qingyuan rubbed his hands excitedly, full of desire to eat melons.

"Is it a bit of a downgrading of resources for global spokespersons and brand friends to shoot a double cover?"

"You just keep talking hard"

As for the specific situation of his absence for the past few days, the program team had explained it clearly to him yesterday.

Lin Qingyuan put away his flamboyant performance, shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, "A star is not a star if he doesn't speak hard."

"You didn't eat less, did you?"

In the second episode of the program broadcast last night, it was basically all of Zhao Liying's fan-attracting scenes, which forced her to usher in a 180-degree reversal of her reputation.

"That's it. Sometimes, after I read it in my heart, it really messed up my cooking plan, and it also affected the taste of cooking."

Although more than half of the people sitting here were flying guests who came to help this issue, in order to at least look like a group, they still laughed along with Haitao.

"Then on the 12th is Marie Claire's silver ten, which was also filmed in Beijing, and the two of them named their partner Yang Ying."

"Yes, let's ask Brother Xiaoming to choose someone to complain about in public." Zhang Liang also thinks this is the case.

So it is obvious that Di Lieba's fashion resources have always been abusive, and the fashion path of top women is not as easy as the outside world imagines.

"Okay, let's start by complaining about me." Huang Xiaoming readily accepted.

"No, let's start with you."

Huang Xiaoming smiled, "Do you want me to complain about you?"

"No, no, I. I'm thinking about it." Lin Shuwei was very guilty, because he felt that he still had a lot of problems in this season.

And since her debut, she has only been on the Top [-] once, that is, last year's Fashion COSMO Silver Ten.

Not to mention anything else, this is far worse than the "Flowers and Boys" and "Dear Inn" he participated in.

Originally, Huashao's horse-catching show was popular for a while at that time, and the continuity of public opinion would not last long.

The reason is also very simple, because he used all his rest time to accompany Cheng Xiao on variety shows.

Very supportive.

"But, seeing that watermelon when I was thirsty, wow, it's really like a drop of water in the desert"

"Don't be embarrassing, Brother Lin, after all, not everyone has had sex with Hua'er and Boy like you!" Wang Junkai couldn't help but began to play with Hua Shaogeng.

Under the leadership of Du Haitao, everyone started booing and trying to ease the tense and embarrassing situation, but Huang Xiaoming's face still became serious.

Lin Qingyuan looked at Yan Jun suspiciously, and said in a very awkward tone, "Isn't this the after-sales service of Glory arranged by the Goose Factory? What does it matter to me? Can I still directly arrange the top five silver ten? So I'm so awesome! "

At the same time, it is not so urgent.

Therefore, after the first episode of the program is broadcast, and then use the privilege to negotiate with the program group, Zhao Liying can successfully make Zhao Liying owe her a favor and maximize her benefits.

Yan Jun nodded, "Since you already know, then I won't talk nonsense. After the busy days, go home and relax, and then continue to prepare for the next play."

Without even thinking about it, Lin Qingyuan knew that he would not have a few days to rest in the next few days.

The gold content of a double cover is definitely much lower than that of a single cover, but after all, it is one of the top five magazines of Harper's Bazaar, and its partner is Lin Qingyuan, who is at the top of the fashion circle, and it is also the silver ten of the important month, so for the current stage For every female artist in Neiyu, including Sidan Shuangbing, this is still a very high-quality resource.

You say you are not angry.
"And then? Two days off on the 13th and 14th, and then fly to Ningxia on the 15th to join "Mountain and Sea Love", right?"

She looked at Lin Qingyuan and Cheng Xiao who were "flirting", and she didn't know what it was like.

Therefore, Lin Qingyuan, who had already gained a firm foothold in the fashion industry, needed to help her along.

The bad thing is that one of the show's regular guests became a top-flight a few years after the show aired.

This can only be forced to let the group of old hags who are fighting each other be turned out and whipped to death over and over again.
"Did the program crew hear that?" Lin Qingyuan found the director of the Chinese restaurant outside the screen, "Why don't you help convey this sentence to Mango TV, just say that Wang Junkai wants to revisit Huashao 2, and you strive to get the original crew Please come back and give him Jing Bao's place."

"I think it is possible." Cheng Xiao smiled.

Wang Junkai couldn't hold back his smile at all, and frantically waved his hands to refuse, "No, then I can't stand this kind of ordeal."

(End of this chapter)

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