Doctor of Healing

Chapter 781 The Surgeon Forgot How to Do the Surgery

Chapter 781 The Surgeon Forgot How to Do the Surgery

Ji Xiang stood in the operating room of the system, staring blankly at the system NPC.

"What's wrong with you?" The system NPC asked puzzled seeing Ji Xiang's confused face.

Since entering the operating room of the system, every time Ji Xiang comes in, he greets the system NPC respectfully, and has never been in such a silly situation.

Moreover, Ji Xiang's face was ugly, and he knew something had happened at a glance.

"Master..." Ji Xiang was a little embarrassed, he stammered, "Suddenly I don't know how to perform surgery, what should I do?"

The NPC of the system was not surprised by Ji Xiang's thoughtless words, he walked up to Ji Xiang with his hands back, and raised his hand to touch Ji Xiang's head.

Ji Xiang is tall, and the system NPC is stooped and a little short.Although Ji Xiang is confused, his instinct is still there.Seeing the gesture of the system NPC, he quickly bent down.

The system NPC touched Ji Xiang's head, and said with a smile, "You are the latest surgeon who can't perform surgery in the empathy system."


Countless question marks rose above Ji Xiang's head.

What does the system NPC mean?The last surgeon who can't operate?
Although the last one, this attributive seems to be a compliment to himself, but he doesn't know how to perform surgery... Ji Xiang has never heard of a doctor having a similar moment.

"Your performance has been very good, exceeding expectations." The system NPC smiled slightly, "Go, accompany me to smoke a cigarette."

Ji Xiang respectfully followed the system NPC to the locker room.

Under the [No Smoking] sign, Ji Xiang saw the NPC of the system take out Bai Lingzhi.

This time the system NPC didn't just smell it, but directly lit the cigarette and took a deep breath.

After a long time, he took a breath.

"Doctor Xiaoji, do you know when your proficient surgical skills will be useless, do you think you can't perform surgery?"

Ji Xiang shook his head.

"Let me tell you a few things." The system NPC said slowly, "The first thing is that he is one of my students. He is very diligent and hardworking, and his level has improved rapidly. Although the talent is not top-notch, it is better to study hard. With hard training and the guidance of my famous teacher, he quickly became a first-line practitioner."

Ji Xiang was not surprised to hear that the system NPC said that he was a famous teacher.

"Once he performed an operation for a high esophageal cancer. At that time, the high esophageal cancer required a three-incision operation, neck anastomosis, and the doctor made a subcutaneous tunnel."

"The operation was considered a success, but the neck incision did not heal after the operation, and a headache-like anastomotic leak occurred.

Anastomotic leakage is relatively common, especially in high esophageal cancer surgery, which is the biggest risk.The patient's family members expressed their understanding, but he had mental problems at this time, so he refused to let the doctors under him change the dressing. "

"Teacher, is it wrong to do this?" Ji Xiang was a little puzzled when he heard the description of the system NPC.

"Yes, yes, but he felt guilty and distrustful of his operation." The system NPC said, "In addition, patients with anastomotic leakage of esophageal cancer will have a rotten smell from the local area. Don't worry." Speaking of wards, even the corridors of the wards smell bad."

"This ubiquitous smell added to his psychological stress."

"When I come to the hospital every day, I can smell the rotten smell before entering the ward. Xiaoji, let me ask you, what would you think if the patient were operated by you." The NPC of the system stared at Jixiang's eyes and asked.

"Uh..." Ji Xiang hesitated for a moment, put himself in his shoes and replied after thinking for a while, "The operation cannot be [-]% successful, and the local blood supply is really bad after the anastomosis of the high-level esophageal cancer. Even if there is a problem, I think as long as the operation It is understandable that there are no major mistakes.”

"Surgery, there is no guarantee of [-]% success. Since it has happened, just face it positively."

The system NPC shook his head.

"This is the difference between an intern doctor and a bed doctor." The system NPC said, "Doctors are under a lot of pressure. To put it bluntly, if the patient suddenly has a cardiac arrest and the rescue fails, it may be better. Come to the hospital every day , what you smell is the rotten smell of the anastomosis, which is even more difficult for the surgeon to accept."

"What happened later, teacher." Ji Xiang asked.

"Later, he couldn't do surgery anymore. Three operations failed in succession, and I was the one who saved it in the end."

"Until I went to work as his assistant and determined that he would no longer have surgery, I just let him go out on vacation. Stay away from the hospital and he will recover faster."


Ji Xiang could vaguely feel what the system NPC said.

All of a sudden, he won't be able to perform surgery, so that the old director will be his assistant.

But all of this did not create moderators for the practitioners, but became a burden.

"Teacher, what happened next?"

"Later, I found a little doctor to change the medicine twice a day and give me enough protein. After more than 20 days, the patient's anastomotic leak grew."

"Can he not know that it takes time for an esophageal anastomotic fistula to develop? He must know. What should we do in this situation? Use time to grind it, it's a common-sense problem that all interns know."

The system NPC asked and answered questions, and Ji Xiang listened carefully.

"But there is too much pressure, so the technical movements are out of shape. Similar to sports competitions, some people's bodies in key events can withstand a lot of dopamine and adrenaline stimulation, and they will perform supernormally. Some people can't bear it. If you don’t make it to the competition, you will lose the chain.”

Ji Xiang scratched his head when he heard the system NPC say that the chain was broken.

Although he knows that he speaks better than himself, Ji Xiang is still a little embarrassed.

"When he came back later, I told him a lot. To be honest, I know that these little brats said behind their backs that I am willing to instill a worldview and are tired of my long speeches, so I seldom tell them."

"But this time it's different."

"Did he get better later?" Ji Xiang asked a little nervously.

"Of course, can you really forget how to do the surgery?" The system NPC laughed. "There are similar cases. Although I am not a doctor, it is an extremely rare disease, so I won't tell you more."

Seeing that Jixiang was still a little nervous, the system NPC laughed and said, "A famous doctor suffered from amnesia in a car accident. The diagnosis is not good enough, but the muscle memory of the operation is still there. I was stunned to have another month of surgery after the diagnosis of amnesia. .”


Ji Xiang was speechless.

"That's just one of them. I'll tell you about the second thing, which I experienced personally."

Ji Xiang felt that he was not in the first situation. He listened carefully and did not forget the things instilled by the system NPC anytime and anywhere as usual.

"I encountered something when I was young." The system NPC's expression became serious, "I was in the field hospital at that time, and the old squad leader of the cooking squad knew me very well and had a good relationship. At that time, we couldn't find tobacco leaves. Just look for dry leaves to smoke. After dinner every night, if we are not busy, we will smoke leaves together to talk nonsense."

"Later, the old squad leader was injured, and my mind went blank. All the blood I saw was blue, as blue as the sky."


"At that time, let alone surgery, I even forgot the most basic first aid. Looking at the old squad leader, I was completely stunned, and I just rolled a cigarette for him." The system NPC said, sighing deeply. He took a deep breath, "If I don't panic, maybe the old squad leader can still be saved."

Ji Xiang didn't expect that the NPC in the system would tell him such a past that he would never want to remember in his life.

"Do you want to give it a try?" the system NPC suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Ji Xiang was taken aback.

He saw the cloudy eyes of the system NPC suddenly become clear, and nodded subconsciously.

Do you want to go to the smoky battlefield?
Ji Xiang's palms were sweating.

Although he just felt empathy, Jixiang couldn't help but tense up.

The system NPC stubbed out the cigarette, Ji Xiang took the cigarette butt, threw it into the toilet and flushed it away, and followed the system NPC to the outside of the operating room.

The light and shadow flickered, Ji Xiang didn't open his eyes immediately, but sniffed hard.

There was no smell of gunpowder smoke, nor the deafening sound of gunfire, but a faint smell of a hospital.

The smell of disinfectant, sweat and loud human voices mixed together.

Sound and taste can be mixed together, which is a particularly weird feeling, but Jixiang thinks it really exists.

The "self" is lying on the bed, from the perspective of a bystander.

Jixiang was fine this time, and read his "own" memory for the first time.

It turned out that my own grandfather had terminal lung cancer and had no possibility of treatment and was waiting to die.

"I" is a doctor, and I take turns taking care of my grandfather with other family members.

But since grandpa was hospitalized, "I" knew very well that he would not live long, so I have been insomnia and anxious recently, and have not slept for several days.

After changing shifts and taking a break, I lay on the bed but didn't feel sleepy at all, I could only think wildly.


Ji Xiang sighed helplessly.

Sadness and joy, this is the normal state of the world, there is no way.

It's just that "my" grandfather is in the terminal stage of lung cancer, so surgery should not be involved.


When Jixiang is searching for memories, he is often disturbed by his "own" memories.

"I" lived with my grandfather when I was young, and my memory is full of childhood warmth.

There is elm money, and there is... silly roe deer.

Grandpa took a shotgun and took "myself" to hunt, and the prey was a silly roe deer.

That thing is really stupid, Ji Xiang is very helpless to the stupidity of the roe deer.

It seems that my silly roe deer is much smarter.

The warmer the memory, the more uncomfortable it is at this time.

People, definitely can't stay, "I" can only stay in the department day and night, spending the last time with the old man.

Although I was exhausted, "I" couldn't feel it at all. I lay silently on the bed, didn't sleep, just looked up at the sky.

"Brother Ji! Our grandpa said he couldn't breathe, so take a look."

The nurse opened the door and came in and said hastily.

"Myself" jumped up immediately.

"Bang" hit his head on the second floor bunk, "I" didn't care about the pain, and trotted to the ward with my slippers on.

The old man has a haggard face and sits up to breathe. Every time he inhales, the supraclavicular fossa, suprasternal fossa, and intercostal space are simultaneously depressed, which is a typical three-concave sign.

"Grandpa." Ji Xiang called out in a low voice.

The old man sat on the bed and waved his hands lightly.

The simple movement made it more difficult for him to breathe, especially the depression in the supraclavicular fossa was deep enough to hold a bowl of water.

Ji Xiang hurriedly took out the stethoscope.

The old man has lung cancer in the right lung with systemic metastasis, and there were a small amount of breath sounds on the right side.

But there was no breath sound on the right side during auscultation!
Ji Xiang immediately performed percussion and confirmed that it was pneumothorax with a large amount of pleural effusion.

And it should have appeared suddenly, because it didn't happen earlier in the morning.

What's next?
"Prepare for closed chest drainage!" "Myself" said loudly.

The nurse went to prepare things right away.

Ji Xiang recalled that when he felt the same way, he was undergoing closed thoracic drainage, and the doctor almost put him on the wall.

What a pain!

However, it was a young man, who suffered local tension after trauma, and caused the muscles and pleura to tighten.

If it is an elderly person, it should not have such a big reaction.


Ji Xiang hoped that the nurses would bring in high-value consumable chest tubes.

As one wishes, the nurse brought in a bunch of things, including chest tubes with high-value consumables.

This kind of chest tube is thinner than ordinary ones, and has a steel core in the middle, which makes it easier to poke into the chest cavity.

Even if the pleura and muscles are tense, there will be no such thing as the patient hitting the wall.

"I" is a thoracic doctor, so there shouldn't be any difficulty in such a small treatment as closed thoracic drainage.

Is it...

Ji Xiang suddenly remembered the content of empathy this time.

Could it be that he couldn't even handle such a small matter?

"Myself" opened the incision bag, and the nurse quickly filled the chest bottle with topical salt and opened a bottle of ropivacaine.

Anesthesia was withdrawn from a 5ml syringe and diluted with saline to prepare for local anesthesia.

Although Ji Xiang is not a thoracic surgeon, he still understands the most basic principles.

In the case of the elderly, there is no need for B-ultrasound positioning at all, and the chest tube can be directly inserted in the 6th and 7th intercostal space on the midaxillary line.

After taking the anesthetic, "I" behaved normally, and Ji Xiang was observing calmly.

Disinfect the area, lay a drapery, pick up a 5ml syringe, and then push the air out.

The movements are skilled and stable. It is a bit exaggerated to say that the clouds are flowing, but there is absolutely nothing to choose.

Ji Xiang watched the movements of "myself" intently, holding the syringe in sterile gloves, and the moment the needle tip touched the skin, "myself" suddenly stopped.


Ji Xiang could feel that "my" mind was blank, and his hands began to shake, not to mention using a knife, even the simplest anesthesia couldn't do it.

At this time, Jixiang really wanted to seize control of his body and start anesthesia and closed chest drainage.

Such a simple little operation!
But "I" was very hopeless, my hands were shaking so much, even my muscle memory was gone, my body was a little weak, and stars began to appear in front of my eyes.

"I" stabilized my mind and took a deep breath.

As the fresh air was drawn in, "I" seemed to be a little more refreshed.

try again.

When the tip of the needle touched Grandpa's skin, "I" froze again.

The muscle memory mentioned by the system npc has also completely disappeared, and "I" is like a rookie who doesn't know how to perform surgery, holding a syringe in a daze.


The little nurse was a little surprised and asked in a low voice.

Ji Xiang could already feel the cold sweat on "my" back, and the cold sweat instantly wet the white clothes.

Why is it so useless!
Ji Xiang scolded "himself" and even more scolded himself.

I dare not do a simple disposal, is there such a useless thing?

Recalling his strange behavior in the operating room, Ji Xiang understood a little bit, but he was not satisfied.

The situation I am facing is far worse than what I am facing, it is just some accumulation of empathy, and I can't even perform surgery, it is really useless.

But in front of him, he was facing the grandfather who had brought him up since he was a child, and he didn't dare to make a move...

It doesn't seem like it should either.

The old man sat upright and breathed, every second he was in pain.

Solve it early and let the elderly breathe a sigh of relief earlier, this is what should be done.

But "I" just can't do it.

Seeing "myself" trembling, Ji Xiang was anxious and eager to take over.

A few seconds later, "I" put the syringe in the incision bag, took off the sterile gloves, and didn't explain anything to my family. After cursing, I turned around and left the ward.

"Brother Lang, I, Xiaoji."

After going out, "I" started calling.

"Is it convenient for you, my grandfather needs closed drainage, I can't get it... I can't do it."

"Then thank you, Brother Lang."

"I" finished calling Shen Lang, my legs were weak, and I slowly slid on the ground with my back against the wall.

The patients and family members of the patients in the corridor looked at "myself" with strange eyes.

They don't understand, but Ji Xiang understands.

This time it was different than usual.

In the past, I had feelings in the virtual world, and then they acted in reality.

But this time, Ji Xiang "forgot" how to do the surgery in reality, and came to the virtual world to seek answers.

"I" just sat on the ground like this, holding my head in my hands.

Although his eyes were closed, there were stars flying in front of his eyes, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

If the operation is performed earlier, the elderly can suffer less. This is very clear to me, but I can't do it.

Ji Xiang sighed, indeed.

He compared the difference between reality and the system, and seemed to have a clue.

"Xiaoji, I'm here."

Shen Lang appeared in front of his eyes, he didn't smile, but turned around to change his clothes, and then trotted over.

"Have you filmed yet?"

"No, the physical examination is confirmed."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look, let's talk about the tube first."

Shen Lang was also unambiguous, and went directly to start the physical examination.

Everything was ready, Shen Lang applied anesthesia, cut the skin, bluntly separated the subcutaneous tissue, and gradually came to the pleura.

The pleura was opened, and the bloody pleural effusion flowed out directly.

Shen Lang pressed the incision with gauze, took a chest tube with a steel core and sent it in.

"I" was still in a daze, the nurse was quick-eyed, and before Shen Lang could speak, he clamped off the chest tube and began to connect it to the tube of the chest bottle.

Then the nurse squatted on the ground and opened the clamped chest tube, and bloody pleural effusion and gas were drawn out.

"Brother Lang, how much?" the nurse asked.

"500 first, and then 400 after half an hour. The old man is weak, so come here a little bit." Shen Lang said, "Your brother Ji is already dead, you can help me watch."

"Okay." The nurse responded quickly.

The atmosphere in the department is so good, Ji Xiang felt emotional.

Shen Lang's operation took about 1 minute from beginning to end, but "I" couldn't do it at all with such a simple operation.

"Keep an eye on it, and take a look every few minutes." Shen Lang said something long-winded again, then pulled "myself" away.

"Xiaoji, smoke a cigarette and take it easy. Look at your back, it's full of sweat." Shen Lang didn't laugh at "myself", but comforted, "It's okay, I can't do anything."

"Brother Lang, I...are really useless."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Lang lit a cigarette, stuffed it into "myself" mouth, and then he lit another one and smoked.

"You think everyone looks like the director! He's a beast."


Ji Xiang was taken aback when Shen Lang described Professor Zhou in this way.

Livestock!Shen Lang actually described Professor Zhou like this.

"The boss had aortic dissection back then, and he had already signed a waiver. The elder brother came back from abroad to take a look at the boss. No one dared to say no. But just after pushing the milk, the boss fell asleep, and Congwen turned off the insulin pump. Drop it, and push the boss directly to the surgery."

Ji Xiang listened to Shen Lang's description of the past, and yearned for it.

He can probably perceive the relationship between Professor Zhou and the boss, who is also a teacher and a father, not the alienation in the current situation.

But Professor Zhou did it swiftly and decisively.

"The senior brother and the second senior brother were so dumbfounded, no one dared to go up, and they were soft-handed. In the end, I followed the stage of Wendu, and used the intervention method to get off the big shelf and go in. The 3D printed big shelf is the first attempt in China."

"I thought later, the kind of senior brother and second senior brother are normal people. But Congwen... You see, the boss is still in good health, how many years have he lived?"

Shen Lang was still rambling, Ji Xiang was fascinated by it.

"So Congwen is a fucking animal!"

"Brother Lang, don't talk about the director like that."

"I praised him." Shen Lang curled his lips and laughed, "The man who dares to attack in that kind of situation is the man."


"Let me ask you, what is a person with a strong heart like?" Shen Lang asked.

Ji Xiang pondered, "I" didn't answer, but looked at Shen Lang, waiting for him to give an answer.

"There was a psychiatrist reply on Twitter that made sense-people who don't empathize with others are strong inside."

Ji Xiang was taken aback suddenly.

Shen Lang seems to have given the ultimate answer, but his answer is contrary to the empathy system.

What exactly is going on?

Originally, Ji Xiang thought that what he was going through was just a "trial", but he never expected that Shen Lang would give an answer that exceeded his expectations.

Even this answer completely overturned the empathy in the operating room of the system.

"Is that so, Brother Lang?"

"Of course, if you look at the gynecologist Lao Zhao, he can always empathize, so he can't even be a doctor. But he is very good, and now he is the director of the medical record room."

"From the text, it would be fine if Lao Zhao's empathy ability is low."

"He has a high level, is as careful as a hair, and the operation is superb."


Shen Lang bit his cigarette and said vaguely like a bum.

Ji Xiang was lost in thought.

Although this time it was observed from the perspective of a bystander, and he had no chance to chat with Shen Lang at all, it did not affect Ji Xiang's thinking.

What Shen Lang said made sense.

But is it necessary to empathize, or not to need empathy?Ji Xiang thought about this question for a long time.

Empathy allows you to think about problems from the patient's point of view.

But at some point, empathy makes itself so vulnerable that it "forgets" the surgical skills.

Because he couldn't ask questions, Ji Xiang wrote down the matter and was going to go back and ask the system npc.

(End of this chapter)

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