Doctor of Healing

Chapter 756 Lost 40kg

Chapter 756 Lost 40kg

His pants are soggy, he can't make it to class, and Jixiang isn't sure if there are more untrusted "farts" to come.

I can only ask for leave and go home.

Ji Xiang came here to empathize, and his mentality is better than rectifying the mentality of 00 in the workplace.

It's polite to make a phone call, but Ji Xiang doesn't care if the other party agrees or not.

When he got home, Jixiang washed his underwear by hand, and experienced in detail the feeling of taking orlistat.

The rumbling stomach seems to have nothing to do with orlistat, it should be hungry.

The oily thing...

Ji Xiang knows the description of filthy rich.

But when you're really oily, you don't find it so interesting.

After changing his underwear, Ji Xiang no longer believed any fart.

While he was exercising, he carefully guarded against every fart with malicious intentions.


No use at all.

At the end of the day, when Ji Xiang took a shower at night, he saw that there were still a lot of oil stains on his underwear.

It's really distressing, Ji Xiang sighed, but there was a smile on his face.

At least it proves that orlistat capsules are useful, and the effect of fat removal is still very good.He has not forgotten his original intention. He wants to lose weight and fat, control his fatty liver well, and then transplant a liver to his daughter.

The long-term goal is the long-term goal, what to do now?

I wash my underwear three times a day?

Suddenly Ji Xiang had an idea and put a sanitary napkin on himself.

Clean, comfortable and super absorbent.

Those slogans appeared in Jixiang's mind.

True to his word, Jixiang immediately put on a sanitary napkin.Although a bit awkward, Jixiang finally settled down.

This is the first time Ji Xiang has experienced such a situation of oily flow, and he is a little apprehensive.But under the effect of the sanitary napkin, Jixiang still had a good night's sleep.

I used to hear the teacher say that there are many blood-stained sanitary napkins in the men's bathroom of the anorectal department. At that time, I took it as a joke. I didn't expect that I would use sanitary napkins to this day.

It's easy to use.

The next day, Jixiang got up for exercise in the morning and went to work with sanitary napkins in his bag.

Ji Xiang finally didn't have to worry when he was squeezing the subway.

The side effects of orlistat capsules are obvious, but the effects are equally obvious.

Perhaps it is not suitable for people who seldom eat meat and mainly eat carbohydrates, but now Jixiang needs this thing very much.

One month later, Ji Xiang lost another 15 catties on the basis of maintaining the previous weight loss effect.

The whole person became thinner and more energetic. Jixiang tried his best to ensure that he was in the best condition to receive the liver transplant.

But the next weight loss Ji Xiang encountered difficulties.

It's always easy at the beginning, but gets harder as you go.

Ninety-ninety people travel a hundred miles, the ancients are right.

Jixiang was not depressed, but worked tirelessly.

After another three months, Ji Xiang received a message from the doctor.

After three courses of interventional surgery, his father's tumor shrunk significantly, and he was ready for liver splitting surgery after consultation with doctors from Modu. (Note)
Ji Xiang also told the doctor about his weight loss process.

Maybe tell the doctor about his own experience, and he will tell the next person who needs it at the right time and place.

After experiencing the world of empathy, Ji Xiang has some understanding of the cultivation of this special model.

But the feeling is more complicated, Jixiang didn't think too much, but continued to lose weight.

More than a month later, Ji Xiang saw the doctor begging for blood in Moments, and the designated blood donation in Shanghai, presumably his old man was going to undergo surgery.

Jixiang can't donate blood now, so he didn't ask much, but silently wished that the doctor's father would get well soon.

After another period of time, Ji Xiang lost a full 40 catties, and his whole body became much more symmetrical, and even his ninety-nine-nine-to-one abdominal muscles came out.

When he went to the specialist who did the transplant, he surprised the specialist too.

Losing 40 pounds in a short period of time is too frightening.

"Do you have a tendency to be depressed?" After reading the test sheet, the expert thought that surgery was possible, but asked a strange question.

"No, everything is fine."

"That's fine." The expert heaved a sigh of relief, seemingly relieved.

"Teacher, is weight loss related to depression?" Ji Xiang asked.

"There are people around me who lose weight very fast. According to my observation, some of them have a tendency to depression. There is no theoretical basis, just a random question."

Ji Xiang raised his arms and made a very strong posture for himself.

"It's fine, I'm in good physical and mental condition!"

The operation was arranged, and Jixiang was holding the child the night before the operation, feeling complicated.

He didn't know what he was thinking about. He had suffered countless hardships in the past few months, but it was all worth it.

Regardless of whether the operation will be successful or not, at least my own efforts will give the child a chance.

Ji Xiang didn't think about such things as pity for the world's parents, he just felt peaceful in his heart, even if he had to cut his liver tomorrow, Ji Xiang was not afraid, anxious or apprehensive.

The next day Ji Xiang carried the baby to the operating room.

The nurses and doctors in the operating room all knew about this, and they showed great kindness to Ji Xiang, and spoke softly.

However, Ji Xiang refused to be interviewed by the news media. The key point is that they came to join in the fun without giving money.

Putting the child on her operating table, Ji Xiang bowed to the surgeon, anesthesiologist, itinerant nurse, and equipment nurse one by one.

it is more than words.

He didn't say anything else, a deep bow was enough to express his emotions.

And Jixiang knew that although he didn't give any red envelopes, both doctors and nurses would do their best to complete the operation.

Lying on the operating table, Ji Xiang saw the smile of the anesthesiologist.

Everyone tried to give the greatest warmth and respect to this father who lost 40 pounds in a few months.

Ji Xiang smiled back and put on his mask.

Immediately, Ji Xiang "slept" in the past.

The light flickered, and Ji Xiang opened his eyes again and returned to the operating room of the system.

"Teacher, the operation must have been successful." Ji Xiang asked impatiently after returning.

"Of course." The system npc said with a smile, "It's not a big surgery."

"Liver transplantation for infants is a huge operation." Ji Xiang retorted the system NPC for the first time.

Concern is chaos.

With empathy in the past few months, Jixiang has changed a lot, so that when he first came back, he began to deny the system npc in a hurry.

"You did a good job." The system npc looked at Ji Xiang and said.

"Are you a parent?" Ji Xiang smiled.

"Really?" the system npc asked back.

Ji Xiang suddenly thought of Zhao Zhe's ex-wife's family.

It seems that not all parents will do this. The world is still very complicated, and there are everyone.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiang felt relieved.


Note: A 17-year-old patient had a tumor with a diameter of about 12cm when he was first admitted to the hospital.After 6 surgical treatments, the patient went to Pigan in Modu for surgery.

Postoperative return visit, the old man is in good health, regular review.

Up to now, people are still there, which is a relatively happy ending.

By the way, the doctor who asked to do a liver transplant for the old man is my friend, and his father also underwent an interventional operation. He is still alive and healthy for about 11 years.

(End of this chapter)

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