Chapter 547
The show didn't stay in the comment room for too long, the screen was paused, and the camera zoomed in, showing a huge close-up of Ji Xiang's heartbroken expression.

Tears were pouring down like rain, and Ji Xiang was distraught. In the picture, Ji Xiang seemed to have no intention of living at all.

At this time, the picture of Ji Xiang's lips moving slightly is also clear. Even if he is not a lip language expert, the audience and guests can vaguely "read" a sentence or two.

Expert Luo stared at Ji Xiang's mouth intently, and simultaneously interpreted each sentence.

"My girlfriend had dysmenorrhea when she was in school, but it wasn't severe at that time, and it basically ended in one day. But the pain got worse and worse. I thought she was hypocritical and acting like a baby. At first I was concerned, but then I thought she was too much .”

"One day she said that she couldn't get out of bed because of the pain, her eyes were blurry, and she saw double images. I was very helpless at the time. Isn't this a joke? My aunt doesn't know how to attack the brain, so how can I see double images."

Expert Luo translated here, and the camera gave a close-up of the female patient.

The previous wariness and vigilance in her expression completely disappeared, and what followed was a complex emotion that was hard to describe in words.

The female patient understands this feeling, even if it is not exactly the same, but she understands it!

The hostility towards Jixiang gradually dissipated, and the female patient confirmed that Jixiang did not come to "save" her, but met him by chance on the rooftop.

At the same time, expert Luo's simultaneous interpretation did not stop.

She has completely believed in Ji Xiang from the very beginning of being on guard.

"Is she in pain?" the female patient asked tremblingly.

Otherwise, we can only stay on the gossip about jumping off a building, which is very different from the idea of ​​the show.

"Mr. Luo, thank you for your hard work. Please drink some water first." The bald host said with a smile, "Mr. Shen, I heard Dr. Ji Xiang talk about dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. What kind of disease is that?"

The screen was still, and the staff of the program group clicked to pause.


Ji Xiang didn't say anything further, but everyone knew the outcome of the matter.

"I just queued up here to see Director Li of the Intervention Department of the First Affiliated Hospital, and then I received a call..."

If it wasn't for personal experience, no one would have been able to describe it so thoroughly if he hadn't witnessed his girlfriend suffering from dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, or even concurrent depression.

"What happened next?" the female patient asked in a low voice with red eye circles.

Although it is not good-looking, and it is a bit funny to say it alone, everyone in the department who saw this scene can feel Ji Xiang's sadness.

But at this moment, even the barrage is much less, only some bullies are talking nonsense, saying that such a thing is impossible to happen and so on.

Compared with before, the barrage is very deserted.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

Many details are absolutely imperceptible without personal experience.

"After returning home, she continued to retch, her clothes were drenched in cold sweat, her face was pale, it was indescribably frightening."

"I gave her ibuprofen, and after about an hour, she got better. I was also sleepy and fell asleep. But when I heard the sound and woke up, I saw her open the window like crazy, and was about to jump out. "

"I asked her best friend to accompany her, for fear of accidents."

The guests in the comment room, expert Luo, and audiences across the country were all taken aback.

Expert Luo stared blankly at the female patient who was about to speak on the screen without blinking. When he realized that the show was suspended, he glared angrily at the bald host.


The bald-headed host is very experienced, so he naturally knows that this moment is a good break point. Let's chat and let the overactive emotions calm down a bit.

"I registered online and made an appointment with a gynecologist who said he was ranked among the top five in the country. He told me that I could try interventional methods. I don't know what interventional surgery is, but I still want to try it."

Anyone with a little bit of empathy is silent.

Speaking of this, Ji Xiang burst into tears and his eyes were red.

Professor Shen was still in a daze. After a few seconds, he sighed softly.

"One time she suddenly turned pale and felt fluttering when she walked. I felt something was wrong, but I thought she was performing. I went up to help her, and found that her hands and arms were covered in cold sweat."

"I pulled her back, and she cried bitterly in my arms. At that time, I could really feel that she didn't want to live anymore, and just wanted to jump down for relief."

"I took her to many hospitals, most of which said she was fine, just drink plenty of hot water at home and take painkillers when she hurts."

At this time, even the dullest people can guess the truth of the matter——Jixiang sought medical advice, and when he learned that the disease does not require hysterectomy and can be treated in other ways, his girlfriend suffered from long-term pain. Suffering from depression, she committed suicide by jumping off the building in front of her best friend. (Note)
After Jixiang told the story, the last line of psychological defense of the female patient who was about to commit suicide by jumping off the building was defeated.

"She went to the bathroom and hugged the toilet and started retching, but didn't spit out anything, but that time I knew she was really uncomfortable, although I couldn't figure out why."

While talking, Ji Xiang's tears fell like rain again, and the snot from his nose flowed out at the same time.

"I talked to my girlfriend, and I went to the First Affiliated Hospital to ask. I was worried that something might be wrong with her, maybe it was because of the pain. She was very unwell, as if suffering from depression."

"I was already getting impatient at that time, especially impatient. Looking back now..."

Only when the knife falls on oneself will it feel pain.

"She wanted to have a baby, and she didn't want to have her uterus cut at a young age."

"It hurts...well, that time I vomited while holding the toilet, and soon fell into a semi-comatose state. I can't tell, I feel that she is not well. She is very thin, ninety pounds, and it is easy for my princess to hug, but That day, it felt like lead had fallen from her body, and I took a lot of effort to carry her back to the house."

And just now Ji Xiang said a lot of semi-professional words, which need to be digested by the audience.

The vast majority of people are thinking that it is just dysmenorrhea, so they should not jump off the building.

"Afterwards, I contacted many people and visited famous gynecologists across the country, but everyone said the same thing."

"I was diagnosed with endometriosis in a hospital in Modu, but the doctor also said that the only treatment for similar diseases is total hysterectomy. My girlfriend disagrees, and I know she is struggling."

After a pause of about 3 seconds, Ji Xiang continued to speak, and expert Luo continued to interpret simultaneously.

"The concept of endometriosis is just like the name. The original endometrium appears in places where it should not have appeared through various pathways." Professor Shen began to explain, "I met a patient."



Note: The matter of jumping off the building directly is what I heard from my junior high school classmate, that girl is a famous animation producer...Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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