Doctor of Healing

Chapter 539 Passionate Sense of Distance

Chapter 539 Passionate Sense of Distance
The operation went very smoothly. After a clear diagnosis, cholecystectomy is only a basic operation for a tertiary hospital at the level of the First Affiliated Hospital.

As for postoperative anti-infection and symptomatic treatment, there is a high probability that there will be no problem, so the operation becomes easier and easier.

Director Kong left, but Ji Xiang did not follow. He quietly watched Director Yang and Zhai Yuhan perform the operation.I haven't improved my surgical skills in hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal surgery yet, so it's good to see more and accumulate more experience.

Especially when Director Fan was waiting outside, Ji Xiang also had a headache about this, and didn't want to face Director Fan and the camera lens.

He has no interest in being famous, he just wants to be a quiet doctor.

"Director Yang, why did you come up here?" Seeing that the operation was finishing work, the equipment nurse also started chatting.

"Come and see Dr. Xiaoji's diagnosis." Director Yang narrowed his eyes unconsciously as he looked at the images on the TV.

"Xiaoji, Jixiang!" The equipment nurse was a little excited, "You are so handsome in the show, call me after changing your clothes, and I will go to the door to see you in real life."

"Harm..." Ji Xiang was helpless.

"Leave me an autograph, no, I have to leave a dozen or so. Some classmates have already asked me about this program and you, one is definitely not enough."

At this time, Ji Xiang was really embarrassed.

More embarrassing than being diagnosed wrong.

It is even more embarrassing than when the anesthesia was light during surgery.

Fame, sometimes it may not be a good thing, at least Jixiang doesn't like to be recognized everywhere he goes.

"Xiao Lin, don't make trouble." Director Yang blocked Ji Xiang from those who wanted to sign, and then said, "A test for you young people."

Ji Xiang saw that Di Yuhan's sterile cap seemed to move, as if her ears perked up with muscle memory after hearing the word "kao".

"What question? Let Dr. Xiaoji answer the medical questions, we can't do it." The equipment nurse said with a smile without restraint.

"Life problems."

Generally, it is time to drive to the final stage of surgery, but since Jixiang is considered a guest, he still has to restrain himself in front of Jixiang.

Secondly, driving is an old routine, and it has long been meaningless, so everyone is interested in chatting about it, and generally chatting about homework.

"My son said a few days ago that there was something wrong with his newly bought bracelet. At nine o'clock in the evening, the Beidou positioning was automatically disconnected, and his night running distance recording was interrupted. Tell me, what's going on?"

"The power saving mode is on." Ji Xiang replied immediately.

"Huh?!" Director Yang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ji Xiang to give the answer without even thinking about it. He looked back at Ji Xiang suspiciously, "How do you know?"

"What's the matter? I didn't understand it?" The equipment nurse didn't understand it at all. This life question seemed to be more difficult than a professional question.

"The power-saving mode will disconnect itself from Beidou when the time comes. I encountered a similar problem 5 years ago." Ji Xiang replied with a smile, "At that time, I found a manufacturer and a salesperson. My mother said that she wanted to find a technical solution. It was all resolved, but I did not agree. It was too troublesome, so I changed the night run into a morning run."



What kind of answer is this?
Didn't expect Jixiang to be Ma Baonan? !
"It's all about running anyway. After I changed it to a morning run, I found out the benefits of running in the morning - I don't need to stay up late, and my work and rest are much more regular. So I knew that I set the power saving mode and disconnected the electronic system from the Beidou, so I didn't change it."

Director Yang turned his head and continued the operation, but Ji Xiang's words seemed to have affected his operation rhythm, and he recovered after a few seconds of calmness.

"Ha, it's so weird! I thought there was a bug!" The equipment nurse laughed, "I also encountered a bug this year."

"During that time, I worked overtime for surgery. I was very busy and couldn't sleep well. Soon, I discovered a very strange thing."

"What's wrong?" Zhai Yuhan asked, trying to feel a sense of participation.

"I'm going to have a black mark on my chin."


"Yes, at first I didn't pay attention to it. I thought it was bumped into something, or it was accidentally dirty. But it happened every day, and there were two extra surgeries. It was the patrolling sister who reminded me that I noticed."

"At that time, the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. I happened to be watching a Thai thriller at that time, and when I saw a black mark appearing inexplicably, my mind was messed up."

"Ha, how could it be?" Zhai Yuhan said with a smile.

"Of course, no." The equipment nurse handed over the warm salt water and continued, "Then I observed carefully one day, and it turned out to be a number! Sister Zhai, do you know that I was thinking about three-body problems at the time. But I am a little Little equipment nurse, how can He De let Trisolaran give me a series of death countdowns alone."

"Tsk tsk, your imagination. But Xiao Lin, you are self-aware, and you know that aliens have nothing to do with you." Zhai Yuhan said, "What's going on?"

"During that time, in order to ensure sleep, I had to drink a glass of milk at eight o'clock every night. While watching dramas and drinking, my chin was pressed against the box of fresh milk, and the production date was printed on my chin. I found it as a countdown to death."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Doctor Xiaoji, they say that you people from the Northeast are tough, right? You shouldn't be afraid when you encounter such a thing." The equipment nurse asked.

"No way, there are many places in the country with strong folk customs, and we in the Northeast are not counted." Ji Xiang said, "However, a few years ago, an Internet anchor immigrated to the United States. He was about 40 years old at the time, and his name was Three Monkeys."

"One day a thief came to her house. Her husband and... might be regarded as robbers. They fought fiercely. The eldest sister, the three monkeys, went downstairs with a newly bought revolver, and shot all the bullets in the house at the robber."



"Just in self-defense, the eldest sister is fine. But what's interesting is that the first murder in the United States usually requires psychological counseling. The eldest sister is fine, she just thinks it's a very ordinary thing."

Director Yang finished washing the abdominal cavity, confirmed that the excised gallbladder was in good position and there was no bleeding, and he and Director Feng took another look at the appendix.

While doing the operation, he listened to the lively chat between Ji Xiang and the equipment nurse, and his affection for Ji Xiang grew stronger and stronger.

He has a high level of technology, is humble but has a bottom line, not as humble as Director Li Mingli faced Qin Chu.

Moreover, Ji Xiang didn't drive with a yellow accent when he was undergoing surgery. He was able to pick up and talk about any topic, and he was enthusiastic but had a sense of distance that was not easy to detect.

This kid is really nice.

It's a pity I can't stay.

Director Yang has a deep understanding of Ji Xiang, and the more profound he is, the more he knows that the First Affiliated Court will definitely not be the end point for people like Ji Xiang.

It's such a pity, Director Yang didn't realize at all that in his cognition, the First Affiliated Academy was no longer worthy of Jixiang.

(End of this chapter)

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